Mysterious journey

Chapter 408 Princess 2

Imperial Capital of Kuwaitan

The black city stretches across a large area at the top of the mountains, with red and yellow lights shining in it.

At night, the winding mountain road in the imperial capital winds down in circles, passing through the sea of ​​white clouds on the mountainside, all the way to the foot of the mountain.

At the foot of the mountain, among the mountains and forests, civilian houses with black roofs and white walls are like fine white stones, of different sizes, with ant-like civilians interspersed among them.

Some ox-carts and horse-drawn carriages pulled heavy goods up the winding mountain road.

The faint moonlight at night shines on the surface of the mountains, coating the earth with a layer of silver gray.

Garen and his team were dressed in black skirts and armor, and appeared in front of the entrance of the winding mountain road at the end of the civilian housing area, covered in dust.

At the entrance, two black stone towers were built, with sentries guarding them and a totem master on one side.

This totem master was wearing a white robe. When he saw Garen and his group of six people dressed up from a distance, he immediately looked solemn. He quickly came down from the sentry tower and walked out from the bottom exit, followed by several silver-armored guards.

After taking the initiative to greet Garen and others, the totem master lowered his head and saluted.

"I am An Lin, the guard totem master. Please show me your passes."

As he spoke, he was also looking at the group of people in front of him. These six people were not dressed like ordinary totem masters or warriors. The golden fleur-de-lis patterns engraved on the high collars of their black clothes showed their noble status.

Judging from their dusty appearance, it was obvious that they had traveled a long distance. In this era, those who can travel long distances through the gathering places of monster lairs are either powerful and have reached the level of type three, or they are powerful and have the support of secret treasures.

This group of people is sparse, with only six people, so the former is obviously the most likely.

An Lin received a lot of experts, but the group of people in this group were similar to those who had higher ambitions than the experts from state agencies. The fishy smell was obviously leftover from killing too many animals.

Garen simply nodded at him. The old man beside him quickly stepped forward and handed him a black and gold pass.

On weekdays, they fly in and out, and rarely have the opportunity to enter or leave the inner city of the imperial capital head-on. But fortunately, he was well prepared and everything was in order.

After the inspection, An Lin volunteered and led them up to the second sentry tower.

Along the way, Garen casually chatted with this man.

"I heard that His Royal Highness the Black Prince is coming to the imperial capital and is preparing to meet with His Majesty. I wonder if he has already arrived in the inner city?"

"My lord, His Highness the Prince arrived last night. Now I heard that he has entered the Yuquan Pool. After washing his body, he should formally meet with His Majesty tomorrow." An Lin quickly and respectfully replied.

"His Royal Highness the Black Prince is indeed doing something extraordinary this time. There are more than a hundred totem masters accompanying him. It is said that there are three types of totem masters among them, tsk tsk."

Garen didn't care about the so-called Type Three. In the eyes of this totem master who was only at the second-level level, a third-level totem master was already a very powerful person, and he couldn't find out much about higher levels of strength.

"When His Royal Highness the Black Prince arrived, which big shot came to receive him for the first time?" he asked again.

An Lin hesitated.

"I don't know very well, but if nothing unexpected happens, it is usually the first time that the Minister of Foreign Affairs receives him. His Majesty the Emperor should wait for the other party to take a bath and cleanse his body before officially receiving him. However, the Black Prince is said to be the crown prince of his country, but there is no such thing. It’s just a name change, I’ll probably meet you today.”

Garen nodded and popped out a golden wheel cloth.

"If there are any other major events that have happened in the past ten days or so, please tell us about them."

During the war years, the value of wheel cloth as a currency has greatly depreciated, but even so, a gold wheel cloth is not an amount that can be ignored for a second-type totem master.

After receiving a little reward, An Lin felt much better and continued.

"There is another piece of news that may be more important. His Majesty the Emperor has decided to give the eldest princess an asylum ceremony, but I don't know what this asylum ceremony is. His Majesty decided to take advantage of the fact that His Royal Highness the Black Prince is here and announced that it will be officially held next Monday."

"Asylum ceremony?" The old man suddenly shouted from the side with a surprised look on his face. "It should be a trust ceremony, granting the right to protect the secret treasure," he explained quietly in the black box.

The rest of the people also quickly understood, and suddenly showed a look of yearning. That is the legendary top secret treasure! Being able to obtain the protection of such a level of secret treasure is a great event for any totem master.

Galen naturally knew what was going on. This means that the conspiracy of the Princess or the Black Sky Society is getting closer.

He casually asked An Lin about other trivial matters, but Jia Long remained silent until he found nothing.

The group of people stopped talking and quickly climbed to the second sentry tower.

But this time, there was actually someone waiting outside the guard tower. It was obviously An Lin who informed the news in advance.

"Then I'll take my leave first." An Lin bowed respectfully and left.

"Thanks for your hard work."

"It is an honor to serve your lordships."

When Garen and others took a closer look, they were surprised to find that the person who came to greet them was actually richly dressed and wearing a thick cloak for hiding, and their faces could not be seen clearly.

"Your Excellency Gallon Terry Jones, I wonder if Liv would be honored to invite you to have dinner with me?"

The leader in a black cloak slightly lifted his mask, revealing his face underneath.

It was a pure and pitiful face of a beautiful girl.

Her skin, as white as milk, was delicate and smooth, with a faint layer of fluorescence under the moonlight. Her light blond hair was combed into a one-sided ponytail, winding down from her shoulders. Her lips were pink and extremely delicate.

The most eye-catching thing is her clear purple gem-like eyes.

It was clear that this girl had no intention of pleading, but it still made Garen feel a sense of pity.

It's as if the other person's eyes are unintentionally exuding the illusion of pity and pity.

"Princess" the old man respectfully called out the name of the person beside him, obviously deliberately pointing out the identity of the person.

"Your Highness the Princess?" Garen narrowed his eyes and looked at the legendary Princess attentively.

"I wonder if you can agree to Liv's willful request?" The eldest princess is petite, and her height is just as high as Garen's chin. But standing face to face, when the breeze blew, a faint fragrance suddenly came. It was not like any known spice, but more like a natural girl's body fragrance.

"Since His Highness has invited you, how dare you refuse?" Garen smiled and looked at His Highness, who had been rumored for a long time.

As Avic's favorite princess, Her Highness Liv has amazing beauty, superhuman strategy, and extraordinary courage. Unknowingly, a large number of forces have been recruited under Avic.


But as the eldest daughter of Avic, the eldest princess Liv has definitely reached a certain age. But the woman he saw now made Garen feel a little suspicious.

This woman is only sixteen years old at most! It can’t be the princess who is over thirty years old as rumored!

"Are you confused?" The eldest princess smiled slightly. "Actually, it doesn't matter if I tell you directly. This is my own physical talent."

"Physical talent?"

"Yes, my body will never grow old until the end of my life. This is my natural constitution." The eldest princess said with a smile. "But now is not the time to talk about that."

She suddenly looked serious.

"Your Excellency Garen, you must also know about the upcoming trust ceremony, right?"


"Please move over and let's talk in detail over dinner."

Garen nodded and looked back at the others.

"You go back to the headquarters first, I will come over later."

"Good team leader." The old man and others have gained a certain degree of cohesion with Garen in the past few days. After all, in troubled times, only those with strength can maximize their own safety and interests.

Following the eldest princess, Garen and the group quickly followed the mountainside and came to a hidden villa.

After filing into the villa, the lights were brightly lit and a sumptuous dinner had been prepared in the hall.

Golden roasted chicken, fragrant beef stew and vegetable soup, fragrant black caviar, red fruit platter, and large chunks of black sauce steak. There are also carefully made egg rolls with unknown contents, etc.

The eldest princess shooed everyone away, even the waiters, pretending to be discussing a secret.

Soon, she and Garen were the only two people left in the entire hall.

Picking up the emerald green wine bottle and pouring a glass of fruit wine for each of them, the eldest princess had a pure smile on her face.

"Perhaps you also know that the eldest princess Di Lusi is probably from the Black Sky Society, right?"

Garen frowned slightly, but nodded without saying anything.

The eldest princess glanced at him and continued: "But you don't know yet, her other identity."

"Oh? What's your identity?"

"Originally I didn't plan to tell you this secret, but I didn't expect be honest, part of the reason why I came to pick you up in person this time was because of my father." The eldest princess said calmly.

"My father asked me to wait at the guard tower for your return to the imperial capital. My father asked me to tell you this secret. He wants you not to worry."

"Is this what His Majesty Avic meant?" Garen became more and more confused.

"The secret is very simple." The eldest princess smiled, "The eldest princess Di Lusi is actually the spy planted by the father in the Black Sky Society early in the morning."

"Oh?!" Garen's heart was slightly shaken. At this moment, he finally figured out why Heitianshe ignored her even though he knew that he might know the identity of Princess Di Lusi. It turns out that the problem lies in this link.

Di Lusi was not from the Black Sky Society in the first place, but was a secret agent placed by Avic in the Black Sky Society. But if he didn't know the history in advance, Garen wouldn't have thought that Di Lusi actually left the princess alone and finally chose to betray Aiweike completely.

"Why did you tell me such a big secret?" Garen asked with a calm face. He now knows how complicated the assassination of Avic is.

"Tomorrow, my father will meet you in person, and maybe he will express his views then." The eldest princess shook her head.

Garen looked at the beautiful girl-like pure woman in front of him.

She looks innocent, but in fact she has hidden ambitions in the mainland. The true nature of such a person cannot be revealed just by looking at their appearance.

"Okay, this is my father's order, and I have done it. Now, it's our time." She pouted her mouth and said dissatisfiedly.

"Originally, I thought that my father would alienate you, and then I would have the opportunity to get closer to you. I didn't expect that it would be like this in the end. It's really disappointing."

She picked up the fruit wine and took a long sip, then put the glass down, her cheeks suddenly turning pink.

"You don't know, when I heard in the palace that you Xuefeng escaped from countless ambushes in the battle, my heart was so excited." There was a hint of excitement in her eyes, "I have been in poor health since I was a child. Well, without the qualifications of a totem master, my constitution is weak, and without royal medicinal materials, I would not be able to live to this age. My biggest dream is to be like those heroes in ancient times, walking through thousands of armies and doing nothing. Stop it!! That’s so exciting!!” She couldn’t find the words to describe it, so she punched me hard and made a gesture of excitement.

"So, at that time, I was thinking, if I could see with my own eyes the person who could entrust my dreams to me."

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