Mysterious journey

Chapter 409 Countermeasures 2

Chapter 409 Countermeasures 2

"There are now twenty-three people in the Terry Jones family who are officially subordinate. The eleven-man guard is divided into two teams, each led by two knight captains, Marceline and Adni. The remaining twelve are all old people. Handymen, maids, chefs and cart drivers. Including me." Lala knew all her treasures and reported all the information immediately.

"Among them are three manors, twelve farms, thirteen shops, and one auction house." Lara said briefly. "The ones left now are all the old people the family raised since childhood. They live in the other two buildings respectively. In the manor.”

"Isn't there still a farm? How is the profit situation?"

"It seems like a lot, but the output of these farms has plummeted recently because they have not found an effective way to defend against mutated flies." Lala shook her head, "The food output in them is only enough to support themselves, let alone provide it to the family."

"How is the situation of the family's totem master?" Garen asked again.

"Not very good. Half of the ten type one totem masters have left, and the remaining five are all people who have deep feelings for the family. After all, you haven't come back for so long. At that time, there was a rumor in the imperial capital that you had already left. He was killed by people from the Black Sky Society, and those people left at that time.”

"It's really bleak..." Garen shook his head. He himself was stronger, but the entire Terry Jones family was about to be defeated. All the properties left by his father were lost and in decline. If His Majesty hadn't seen it anymore and donated some properties to support it, it is estimated that the entire Terry Jones family would have almost ceased to exist in name only.

Even the old totem masters trained by the family were disheartened, and there were only five die-hard totem masters left. If it weren't for the support of the two old men, Marcelan and Edney, the family guard would have completely collapsed.

Garen thought for a moment. Avic's assassination is about to happen. Should he choose to help or watch. This is a big problem.

Black Sky Society and him are in the same situation, so logically speaking, they should help. But Garon wasn't sure what Aivik's attitude was towards him.

Moreover, the most critical point is that the most powerful old monster in the Cowaitan Empire is in the palace, and the top masters of the Council of Elders are no joke. Unlike someone like him who is not Type 5 but has achieved the strength of an ordinary Type 5 through special means.

The old guy in the palace is definitely a true totem master of type five or above, and may even be the top among them.

How did Black Sky Society rely on to resist this old guy and successfully evacuate the imperial capital?

Historically, after the Black Sky Society assassination was successful, everyone quickly evacuated the royal capital. For some unknown reason, the old monster did not leave the palace to pursue him, and did not even appear in the scene that Garen saw. Then the whole of Cowaitan fell into a situation of division, and then quickly internalized and declined. The Black Prince was suspected of being one of the conspirators of the Black Sky Society and left the capital injured.

"Wait a few more days. After the trust ceremony, I will come to arrange the family affairs." Garen thought for a moment and whispered.

He has to wait until something unexpected happens and then respond based on the situation.

"The family resources can only provide support for two months at most." Lala reminded him coldly and resentfully.


"Okay, prepare some delicious food and go to bed early after dinner. There are still things to do tomorrow."


Lara is now willing to follow Garen. Although she is free without the control of the deducer, it is obvious that she has nowhere to go. She has become accustomed to taking care of the Terry Jones family, so she Don't even think about other ideas.

Garen knew that he was actually in this camp and had no choice but to help.

Rather than being hunted down by people from the Black Sky Society and the Earthly Flower Society in the future, it is better to preserve the strength of the royal alliance now.

After dinner, he went to the secret room first.

In the underground space, the female thornhead who caused trouble was the female prisoner he successfully reformed in the end. She had a strong body, and now she has grown to more than two meters tall. Her whole body was covered in muscles, and she could not tell that she was a woman.

When Garen entered the underground hall, the woman was punching two strong men fiercely, and the body collided with the flesh, making a dull banging sound.

The three of them fought in a melee, and their noses were bleeding, and they looked like barbarians.

The other two men stood aside and watched the show with their fists clasped. Their bodies were extremely strong and could be compared with those strongmen who specialize in muscle training. They only wore two pairs of black briefs, and their heads were shaved clean. Including the female thornhead.

Garen walked in wearing a white nightgown and glanced at these people coldly.

When the two big men onlookers saw Garen, they were like mice seeing a cat. The hairs on their bodies stood up. They quickly put down their hands and lowered their heads, shrinking and looking like I was a good boy.

"Sir." The two greeted each other in a low voice.

Garen walked up to the two of them. He was also a little over 1.8 meters tall, but he was obviously a head shorter than the two of them. His body was originally considered strong, but compared to them, it couldn't be improved to the next level.

The bodies of these people are actually comparable to the swollen state of Garen's body when he practiced the God Statue Kung Fu. The muscles in his body seemed to be exploding at any moment, extremely tight.

The three people over there were so dizzy from the fight that they didn't notice Garen walking in at all.

"Not bad, I actually knew there was trouble." Garen licked his lips, his eyes becoming slightly bloodthirsty. I don't know why, but recently he always felt a little angry. Only when you kill do you get some relief. This made him a little wary.

After a few weeks of refraining from killing, he felt as if something was stuck in his heart and he became increasingly uncomfortable.

Two big men stood in front of him, staring at him with cold eyes.

"It's not us who are causing trouble, it's that one! That bitch!!" One person quickly raised his hand and pointed at the fighting girl. "It's all her! She's getting stronger and stronger recently. Since we were transformed, her skin has become harder and harder, and she doesn't feel anything when she's beaten. That bitch is especially powerful!"

Garen's eyes became colder and colder.

He turned his head and looked at the three people fighting.

His gaze swept over the three people as if they were real.

Suddenly, the three big guys trembled and immediately spotted Garen standing here.

At this moment, a strong man standing behind Garen silently raised his arms. The two iron pillar-like arm muscles were twisted, as hard as steel, and he slammed Garen's head. .

"Die!!" A hint of ferocity appeared on the strong man's face.

A proud smile appeared on the face of the female assassin in the distance.

They have tried that with their own strength, they can punch the wall and leave deep holes. Except for the bodies of their companions, everything else was vulnerable to their hands.

The last time Marceline and Edney came in, they only used one-third of their strength, pretending to be defeated by the two. Just to hide his strength and wait for this moment.

They want to completely kill this guy who makes them miserable!

This was a plan hatched by three of the five.

At this time, the other two people were completely stunned.

One of them was Komodo, who trusted Garen the most at the beginning. At this time, he looked frightened and quickly jumped towards Garen, trying to save him.

But he was immediately hugged by the female assassin and another giant man.

Bang! !

Finally, the giant man's two fists hit Garen's temples hard.

Not even the light of the totem was stimulated.

Garen turned around, not even a single red mark on his temples.

"Are you tickling me?" He suddenly smiled.

The giant man was covered in cold sweat. He stared down at Garen, feeling as if he had done something extremely stupid.

"Hehehe, sir, I didn't mean it"

Click! !

A red shadow flashed.

The giant man stood frozen on the spot, and his entire upper body disappeared, as if he had been bitten in two by something. Only his lower body was left standing there, and he fell back with a snap.

"I thought I was kind enough. I didn't expect this would happen."

When the other people saw this scene, their faces showed fear. Especially Komodo, he saw with his own eyes how Garen sucked a huge and terrifying beast into dried meat. I didn't expect these fools to actually dare to resist adults!

Looking at Garen's red eyes, he suddenly felt as if the sky was falling.

Click! !

There was another crisp sound, and the female thornhead and the other giant man suddenly fell to the ground with only their lower bodies left.

Komodo and another giant man were left trembling all over, with cold sweat dripping down their bodies and dripping on the ground. Their faces were twisted, and they fell to their knees with a thud.

"Sir! It's none of our business! It's that bitch! It's her! We have no idea at all!!" Komodo cried loudly.

The other man just howled, kowtowed, and begged for mercy.

The anger in Garen's heart eased slightly at this time, and he glanced at the three corpses.

"I know who is intentional and who is unintentional. You two really don't know. Go and clean up this place. Follow me out tomorrow."

"Yes! Yes! Sir!!" Komodo suddenly started kowtowing like crazy.

When Garen's figure left the hall, the two of them suddenly became weak and fell to the ground. When they look at each other, they feel like they are reborn after a disaster.

"Hurry! Sort it out quickly!" Komodo reminded quickly.

"Okay!" The other person also started to move immediately.


After Garen left the hall and dealt with the thorn in the secret room, he had a little understanding of these transformed guys.

Although it was originally an experiment to perfect the dragon's heart's own surgery. But the actual product obtained is not weak.

These transformed people clearly have the power and speed of a totem. Silver totems that are basically human-shaped are extremely rare.

In this way, this can be used to create a new force for the family. However, this needs to be thoroughly completed before the operation can begin.

And it requires enduring an extremely painful rejection process. The mortality rate is also too high.

Only five people out of hundreds of people succeeded in the end.

Of course, this is a matter for the future, but now these two people can be pulled out and join the guard team as a member of the family's strength.

After leaving the secret room, Garen thought about all aspects of the information while returning to the bedroom, washed up under Lala's service, and went to bed to rest.

He needs to recuperate. Tomorrow is probably when Avic summons him to see him. It is crucial to judge Avic's attitude at this time. After all, Avic cannot represent the royal alliance.

Even if you want to help, you must consider countermeasures.

The eldest princess is the person Aivik trusts the most. It is obviously impossible for Aivik to doubt her with just a few words from Garen. On the contrary, it may even cause him to get angry.

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