Mysterious journey

Chapter 410 Poison 1

The next day.

Aiweike's edict has indeed arrived.

Gallon dressed neatly and followed the herald directly to the palace to meet with His Majesty the Emperor.

It was the same study room as last time. Avic sat quietly on the bench with a leisurely expression. When he saw Galen coming in, a look of satisfaction appeared on his face.

Standing up, he came forward and held Garen's hand affectionately.

"Sir Terry Jones, you are finally back. This time you have greatly improved our Kuwaitan royal family's reputation." The joy on Avic's face was obviously not fake. Even the title has been upgraded to a higher level.

"Your Majesty is serious, this is what I should do." Garen replied humbly.

The two sat down together on the two golden chairs in front of the window.

"It just so happens that I will hold a trust ceremony in a few days. You can also participate in it when you come back. I didn't expect you to become a Type 4 strongman, which is rare in our country. It just so happens that I will know about your return. We have also notified several other totem masters of the same level. Compared to ordinary people like me, you advanced totem masters must have a lot more topics in common." The smile on Aivik's face was very gentle, maybe He knew that one of his princesses was killed by Garen. Maybe he didn't know, but he didn't seem to care.

Garen just smiled politely and listened as he continued.

"The Shenyun of Black Sky Society, I have heard of his reputation. He is indeed very famous. It is somewhat similar to your experience. Our Minister of Defense of Kuwaitan, Vesga, also fought against Shenyun. He also called here, so you can communicate with each other." Avic said gently, "You are all great talents in the country, and Cowaitan needs your full support to stand firmer, gain a deeper foothold, and develop and grow in the long run. "

"Your Majesty, thank you very much." Garen lowered his head to express his humility.

Avic shook his head slightly, seeming a little helpless at Garen's humility.

"Forget it, I'm calling you here this time mainly for two things. I hope I can get your help."

"Your Majesty, please speak." Garen nodded.

"First, Sir Terry Jones, you have risen to the level of type 4. According to national standards, every type 4 will be awarded the title of earl and a new hereditary territory. This is the first thing.

Second, this is my personal request. I hope you can observe the ceremony when I perform it. "

"Of course, I will be there." Garen nodded. "Besides, the first thing was originally a reward for me, how can it be regarded as help?"

Avic smiled and was about to explain when suddenly there was a loud shouting sound from outside.

‘The Minister of Defense has arrived~~~’

The two of them looked at the study door at the same time.

The door was knocked slowly twice and then pushed open. A serious old man with white hair walked in.

The old man was wearing a light golden robe that looked a little loose, with a golden pocket watch hanging on his chest and a black wooden cane in his hand.

As soon as he entered, he saw Garen sitting humbly in front of Avic.

"Your Majesty, it seems that this person is the newly promoted Type 4 Garen?" His voice was very steady and rich, sounding with an undoubted aura.

Garen stood up and looked at the old man carefully.

The other party is like one of those old academics in the academy. He is meticulous, his body is not messy at all, and even the smallest details are not missed. It can be seen that this is a very serious and old-fashioned old man.

But what stands out most is not his appearance. It was the white shimmer that was constantly lingering around the old man.

That is the almost liquefied totem light! Just by looking at it with the naked eye, you can feel that the aura that fills this old man's body is like an abyss and a sea.

Garen faintly smelled the smell of sea water from the other party. Obviously, the opponent's core totem should be the water type.

"I've met Mr. Vesga." Garen bowed politely to him.

Vesga returned the favor.

At this moment, a blue light flashed on the back of Vesga's right hand.

An invisible force field crashed into Garen. The force field was invisible and colorless, and there was no air current in the air. It seemed to appear in front of Garen in an instant and hit him.

This force is not very powerful, but it has an unstoppable and indestructible flavor.

For an instant, Garen seemed to hear the sound of sea water coming from his ears, and a large blue water wave seemed to appear in front of him, overwhelmingly rushing towards him.

He suddenly saw the blue-black vortex rippling slightly behind Vesga.

It was an extremely deep whirlpool, like an invisible vortex rotating slowly in the depths of the ocean. Slow and huge, it seems like everything will be swallowed up by it.

Garen smiled slightly, and the red shadow of the nine-headed demonic dragon suddenly appeared behind him.

Roar! ! !

An invisible force field also rushed towards the opponent.

boom! !

There was no real collision sound, but the collision of the two force fields made a loud noise in everyone's hearts.

This is a pure confrontation of totem power. Without totem transformation, the power of totem is just the power of nothingness and will not have any impact on matter. Only by converting it into the light of a totem, or using it to drive a totem, can it affect the material world, which is a bit like the spiritual power Gallon mentioned in his previous life.

Garen's totem power is not strong, but after the nine-headed demon dragon's totem light transformation and feedback, it is now not something that ordinary totem masters can resist.

At this point the two forces collided.

The light between the two became slightly distorted. It was as if there was an extra layer of colorless and invisible crystal wall.

The light was only distorted for a moment, and then quickly returned to normal.

A blush flashed across Garen's face. It was a momentary discomfort caused by an excessive shock to the spirit.

Vesga remained expressionless. But there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"It is indeed the fourth type! And it is the highest level." Vesga nodded, "I now believe that you are qualified to escape from Shenyun."

"The empire is indeed full of strong men." Garen remained calm and adjusted his body.

The Minister of Defense is one of the three most powerful people in Cowaitan. Apart from the two grand dukes, he is his most powerful and loyal royalist. Garen originally thought that his nine-headed demon dragon would have no big problem when targeting the other four types of peaks.

There does seem to be some trouble now. No wonder Shenyun would give such an evaluation.

In the confrontation just now, the opponent was actually slightly inferior. The totem of the Minister of Defense is actually a huge ocean whirlpool. I really don’t know how he made it. Even the nine-headed demon dragon is much worse.

However, the totem can't win, but Garen is not very worried. His strongest thing is his body, not the totem. On the contrary, the totem is just an auxiliary to cooperate with his body.

The ceremony for being promoted to earl was very simple. It only required Avic to handwrite an edict and then hand over the prepared seal and documents to Garen.

The situation in the imperial capital is complicated now, and Avic is obviously not in the mood to hold a formal award ceremony. That kind of thing is dispensable. Really getting the benefits is the most important thing.

Then comes the division of territory.

What Avic gave Garen was a territory in the rear far away from the royal capital, with an area about the size of a province. It was a vast grassland highland called Patos, which means the place of birth. It was originally a farm for grazing by the empire, but now a large number of livestock have died and mutated, the number of livestock that can be grazed has been greatly reduced, and a large area of ​​​​Patos has been left vacant and uninhabited. It happened that all of them were given Galleons by Avic.

After coming out of the palace, Garen carefully considered Aiweike's intentions.

Calling the Minister of Defense over and trying it out with him was obviously a warning, asking him to restrain himself in the future. It was not that there were no people in the imperial capital who could control him, it was just that he turned a blind eye. But it’s bad if it goes too far.

The fertile Patos prairie is obviously the sweet dates after beating.

Carefully recalling the strength of Defense Minister Vesga, Garen made a rough estimate in his mind. Although he didn't know how much strength the other party contributed, if he only relied on the aura just now, he could deduce it.

The opponent's totem is indeed stronger than the Nine-Headed Dragon. If you simply fight with totems, you will definitely be at a disadvantage.

Moreover, the opponent definitely has a secret treasure in his hand. The three strong pillars of the empire all have a top-notch secret treasure in their hands.

If you really want to confront the opponent.

Garen estimated that he was definitely no match if he didn't use his true body. And the opponent also has an obviously strong trump card. It's really a life and death showdown, the outcome is unknown.

After leaving the palace, he went directly to the Secret Agency Headquarters.

Along the way, the streets near the Imperial Palace became much cleaner, and many civilian businessmen decorated the streets with lights and colors, seeming to be celebrating something.

A newlywed couple stood on a tall wooden carriage. Two giant white eagles pulled two reins in front, flapping their wings and dragging the carriage forward.

Surrounded by two rows of protective guards, there were many children carrying flower baskets and scattering rose petals.

The wooden carriage passed by Gallon's left side, and Gallon could even see the happy smiles on the faces of the newlyweds.

"Is it a wedding?" Garen suddenly thought.

"Yes, sir." Coachman Josephine immediately replied, "Those two are the son and wife of Viscount Lelia. Viscount Lelia often helps civilians and small businessmen, and has a good reputation in this neighborhood, so everyone is sincere Bless them.”

"Viscount Lelia?" Garen recalled carefully, but he had never heard of this name. He was obviously just a small figure in the imperial capital.

The noise from the crowd outside the carriage was endless, getting louder and louder.

Garen lowered the curtains.

"The wedding is so pitiful. This will be your last happiness." He closed his eyes. Soon, the entire empire will be in turmoil, and all peace and stability will be quietly gone.

The biggest key to stopping this assassination lies in Princess Di Lusi. How to expose her conspiracy and convince Aiweike is a difficult problem.

Because of the princess' status as a double agent, it becomes extremely difficult to convince Avic that the princess is rebellious.

Black Sky Society's plan was almost seamless.

Garen also had too little information. After thinking about it all the time, he didn't even have a clue.

Di Lusi is extremely low-key now. Judging from the rumors, she has no contact with the outside world at all, but only stays in the palace to prepare for the trust ceremony.

But this time when he entered the palace, Garen was still hesitating in his heart whether to save Aiweike.

The key to the collapse of Cowaitan was not the death of Avic, but the fact that no one could concentrate power and control the overall situation after his death.

It was too difficult to prevent the assassination, but after the Black Sky Society withdrew, it became much easier to help the empire centralize power.

To be honest, Garen didn't want to get involved in this turmoil. The sensory impression Ivic gave him was not a good one, at least not to the point of risking his life for him.

Besides, the three major organs are the foundation of the royal family. If the three major organs are not in chaos, everything will gradually return to order.

As long as the original secret treasure is not taken away, the empire will eventually return to peace.

If his guess is correct, the Black Sky Society's real purpose should be to seize the original secret treasure, the Xisirting. That is the legendary absolute asylum.

After thinking all the way, the carriage arrived at the secret agency headquarters, Wellsburg without realizing it.

The stone gray castle still stands quietly among the green grass.

When Garen got out of the car, several men and women in black skirts and armor were walking out of the castle, with blue marks hanging on their chests.

"Blue team?" Garen recognized the meaning of their marks at a glance.

From bottom to top, the groups of the secret agency are divided into nine colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, and silver. The higher they go, the more powerful they become. Blue is the fourth most popular color. It is also the top strong group in the general administration.

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