Mysterious journey

Chapter 412 Buffer 1

The entrance to the secret passage slowly rises.

Garen strode in, and there were some members passing by in the passage. Seeing the cold look on his face, they all stayed away from him slightly to avoid causing unnecessary trouble.

Above the passage, transparent crystals project light blue water at regular intervals. This is an underground facility built under water.

Not far away, Garen saw the fat man who contacted him last time running toward him with his body shaking.

"Oh! My dear nine-headed leader! You are finally back!!" The fat man opened his arms exaggeratedly and wanted to give him a hug.

Garen didn't bother to pay attention to him and passed by him.

"What's the matter with you?"

"Uh." A trace of embarrassment flashed across Fat Bai Dela's face. He folded his arms and said, "It's Marquis Yawei, deputy director. Your immediate superior wants to see you. It's about the completion of the Red Team's mission."

He paused and said, "Team Leader Jiutou, you did a great job on this mission. Coupled with Xuefeng's special mission, maybe the red team will be promoted."

"Promotion? What does promotion mean to me?" Garen asked casually as he walked.

"Of course! The benefits are huge!" The fat man trotted quickly after Garen, barely keeping up with his speed. "If the red team is promoted to a high-level team, the benefits and benefits it will receive will also increase. The support it will receive from the General Administration will also increase a lot."

"What are the specific benefits?" Galleon is the type who won't let go until he sees concrete benefits.

"Well, this is mainly improved from two aspects. Wealth and power." Fatty Badla took out a white handkerchief and kept wiping the sweat on his face. "Wealth is completely up to you. This is redeemed with mission points. It can be secret treasures, territories, and you can enjoy top-level resources. Potions, poisons, equipment, weapons, etc. are all available. Rights, on the other hand, may be Promotion of positions, control of power, support from other branches and even the headquarters, etc.”

"It's quite rich." Garen nodded. Only then did he completely suppress the heat in his heart.

After the two of them turned a few corners, the number of people in the passage increased significantly. Many of them were waiters and staff in gray clothes, obviously serving the members here. They came and went pushing carts filled with boxes of food, drinks or clothing and supplies.

Some staff came out of some rooms with beeping sounds, hurriedly holding rolls of information-like information in their hands. There were also some who were holding large uniform boxes and following the waiters through the aisles, not knowing what to do.

Others stood at the crossroads and argued quietly.

The entire headquarters was obviously much more lively than the last time Gallon came.

As if he noticed Garen's doubts, the fat Baidela explained while leading the way.

"Usually, many people go out on missions, and those dedicated group service teams naturally rest. Now many groups have returned, so the corresponding service teams are also busy. Repairing equipment, repairing instruments, reviewing tasks, issuing notices, etc. Things pile up all at once, and this is the busiest time every time.”

Garen nodded, expressing understanding.

Baidra continued: "Now our General Administration is mainly supported by funding from Kuwaitan. Of course, we also have some industries of our own. But not many, so we mainly serve Kuwaitan. The trust ceremony is about to begin recently, so naturally we also It’s getting busy. Five of the nine teams are back to maintain the secret security affairs of the Imperial Capital.”

Garen understood.

The two of them turned a fork again and walked into a closed passage. At the end was a gate with white and silver patterns. There was a guard in heavy white armor guarding the door.

Baidela walked over and showed a white card to the guard.

The latter immediately lowered his head to salute and turned sideways to open the door.

The door opened automatically and silently.

Garen followed Baidra into the room.

Inside is a conference hall-like layout, all white, with silver lines everywhere on the walls, as if they were engraved patterns. There are four white stone Pegasus statues placed in the four corners. They are as tall as a person and look lifelike.

In the middle is a circle of round black sofas, with two people sitting on it.

A bearded man, wearing black-rimmed glasses and a neat, slim-fitting black dress, looked like an artist.

The other person has a fair face and no beard, and his short dark blond hair is combed into a slicked back, neatly forming lines on his back. This is a middle-aged man with a smile and a somewhat gloomy temperament.

The two of them looked at the two Garen who came in through the door.

"Badra, have you brought the Nine-headed leader? It's rare. We are both from Kuwaitan. This is the first time that the Nine-headed leader and I have met. I'm really ashamed." The white-faced man stood up with a smile on his face. Keju came forward and shook hands with Garen heavily.

"I am Senda Tunguska. Your Majesty has already mentioned me to you, right?"

Garon suddenly recalled that Aiweike had indeed said that among the secret organizations, there was only one Count Senda from Kuwaitan who had some influence, and the rest of the powerful people were foreigners.

After taking a closer look at the man in front of him, he saw that his eyes were swollen and his complexion was pale. He seemed to be lacking in energy and blood. There is also a white mark on the chest, which seems to be a white flame.

"Hello. My name is Garen. I think you should know it, right?" Since the other party had already announced his name, Garen didn't hide much.

"I've heard it for a long time!" Senda shook Garen's hand heavily.

"Captain Jiutou, you came just in time." Another person stood up, "Count Senda came here to ask for help from me, but everyone knows the situation in the imperial capital now. There is no manpower to spare, and there is not enough manpower to even maintain basic security. .”

Garen glanced at the purple mark on the man's chest and immediately guessed that this man was Marquis Yawei, the deputy director of the entire bureau and the nominal manager of the Nine Color Group. He is also the leader of the purple group.

"Ask for help?" Garen asked doubtfully.

"Yes, now our Kuwaitan General Administration mainly assists the empire in cleaning up monster nests and restoring territory. At the same time, we eliminate the rebellion of the Black Sky Society. But this time the count's cyan team is in trouble." Marquis Yawei nodded, "You Before he came back, the director-general had held a meeting of team leaders, but due to a serious shortage of manpower, the people in the cyan team could only hold on for the time being."

"What's going on?" Garen frowned.

"We'll talk about this later. I'll give out the rewards to your red team first." Marquis Yawei waved his hand, stood up, walked to a Pegasus statue in the corner of the room, pulled out a drawer from the base of the statue, and took the A small white crystal ball came out.

Holding the crystal ball, he returned to sit next to a few people.

"This is the reward this time, as it corresponds to the high difficulty of this mission, so the reward this time is also the white level ordered by the Director-General."

He tapped the white crystal ball.


The crystal ball suddenly looked like an open flower bud, with a crack opening from the top, and then countless white petals opened up layer by layer, revealing a white diamond-shaped gem in the core.

This white gemstone is suspended, constantly rotating automatically, and emitting a faint white shimmer.

Baidra explained in a low voice next to Garen.

"The rewards are actually arranged according to nine colors, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, and silver. White is the highest reward after silver! This is judged according to the difficulty of the task. A white gem can be exchanged for a full 1,000 Mission point!”

Garen didn't know what 1000 mission points could do, but he knew it was a benefit anyway, so he solemnly accepted the white gem handed over by Yawei. Carefully tuck it into your fanny pack.

"In addition, your red team has overfulfilled this mission. Based on the overall strength assessment, do you want to apply for promotion to the team?" Yawei continued to ask.

"Applying for promotion should be more troublesome, right?" Gallon asked.

"Well, we need to compete against the group at the upper level. This is a test of overall strength."

"Then don't worry for now." Garen shook his head.

"What about me...?" Earl Senda interjected. He looked like he was losing energy and blood. It was obviously possible that he was recovering from a serious injury.

"This problem is indeed very troublesome. Now is a critical period, and we really can't spare any manpower." Yawei answered with some embarrassment. "Why don't you ask Team Leader Nine?"

Senda shook his head, a trace of helplessness flashed across his face.

"It's too late to transfer people from here. Even if Team Leader Nine is willing, we don't have that much time. Forget it, I'll go back and inform the others that this mission has failed."

"I can't help it if you say that." Yawei smiled bitterly, "The manpower over there has been transferred in advance."

Senda scratched his hair in distress, showing no aristocratic demeanor at all. He reluctantly apologized to Garen and Yawei and left the office.

Garen carefully understood the current situation with Marquis Yawei and Baidela.

Now a large number of forces from the entire Cowaitan are sent out to clear out various monster nests and continuously regain the original territory. However, both sides had their own victories and defeats with the monsters, and it was a stalemate for a while. If most of the masters of the secret agency hadn't needed to return for this trust ceremony, they would probably have continued to go out to cooperate with the empire in exterminating those mutated monsters.

The state agencies, secret agencies, and academic agencies are each responsible for one direction, and the remaining most troublesome party is Kuwaitan itself. The recovery operation has been ongoing, and now it has pushed the Xinongfa defense line approximately one-third outward, barely recovering about half of the original land.

But now facing a shortage of resources, the totem masters can no longer sustain the resources and ores they need to repair their totems. But the monsters outside are still endless, as if there is no end.

Not only Cowaitan, but now Chania is also in the same situation. Only Ennit is slightly better. They have a giant stone statue. However, it is said that Ennit lost two giant stone statues a few days ago, both of which were caused by a kind of Destroyed by a huge flying dragon monster with three pairs of transparent cicada wings. Now the whole country of Ennit is back on defense, anxious for all external strong men to resist the attack of this monster's army.

The poisonous woman from before was originally planning to return to Ennit, and it was also for this reason.

"Generally speaking, our royal family alliance is now in a stalemate. The three major domains, dragon domain, rainbow domain, and black domain, have also had a tendency to unite in recent times. Obviously, they have also encountered counterattacks from powerful monsters. If the situation cannot be broken, Your Majesty, your Majesty’s plan now is to revitalize all walks of life internally and restore the country’s comprehensive system. Otherwise, without the support of industry, no matter how powerful the army is, it will not be able to continue fighting.”

Marquis Yawei obviously holds a high position and understands the situation much more clearly.

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