Mysterious journey

Chapter 413 Buffer 2

"We in Kuwaitan are currently seriously lacking all kinds of ore deposits, and food stocks are also seriously insufficient. The recent disasters have been relatively serious, and His Highness the Black Prince has brought the friendship of the Black Domain. They have all kinds of materials we urgently need. The Dragon Domain is similar The basin structure has a plain area inside, where many crops are planted and the mineral deposits are also very rich. When the turmoil comes, because of the effective defense, the losses are not big, and all kinds of materials are extremely rich. However, they do not have enough top experts, and only the Black Prince is Type 4 masters are simply not enough to support the entire Dragon Domain."

"But I heard that the Black Prince is extremely talented," Garen interjected.

"It takes time for potential to turn into strength. No matter how strong your talent is, it will still be weak when you are weak." Yawei shook his head. "So both His Majesty and His Highness the Black Prince attach great importance to this meeting. If the two sides can unite, it will be of great benefit to both parties."

"So so many powerful people came back to support, not only because of the importance of the trust ceremony, but also because of the key to the union of Kuwaitan and Dragon Territory." Marquis Yawei concluded.

"Understood, no wonder I feel like it's just a trust ceremony, but it requires so many forces to protect it. It turns out that this interview is the key." Garen nodded.

"It's good that you understand. In fact, Garen, you are now known as a Type 4 master, and you have a certain influence even in the royal capital. I don't need to tell you these things. Someone will take the initiative to approach you soon. As a colleague, As someone who has experienced this, my suggestion is that you’d better choose some people who can be helpful to you as friends. Don’t always associate with people who are lower than you. That won’t do you much good and will only make you complacent. Among them." Marquis Yawei said meaningfully.

As the leader of the purple team, he is also a Type 4 master. What he said was obviously his intention to get closer to Garen and show a friendly attitude.

"Thank you, Director, for reminding me. I also have this plan, but I have no way to do it." Garen shrugged and expressed his helplessness.

"That's easy to handle." Yawei showed a smile, "Just in time, a friend from my headquarters will come to ask for our Kuwaitan, and there are also a few friends together. We plan to get together. Everyone is on the same level. , we can also have a lot to communicate with each other.”

"People from the headquarters?" Garen narrowed his eyes.

"Yes, the structure of the headquarters is different from that of our general bureau. It mainly manages and coordinates the relations between the general bureaus of various countries. Most of the people in it are promoted from the general bureaus of various countries. This guy was also the general director of our Cowaitan before, and he has a close relationship with me. Very good. By the way, he is now stuck on the threshold of being promoted to Type Five, and is preparing and accumulating for this promotion."

Garen's heart suddenly moved slightly. He was worried that he could not understand the existence of the fifth type. His own nine-headed dragon was already at the limit of the animal system. What exactly did the top existences of the fifth type use as their core? Not even the Nine-headed Dragon can match their totem potential.

Shenyun's evaluation of Nine-Headed Dragon is that it has exhausted its potential. I just don’t know what the core totems of their level are.

"Then I wonder if I have the honor to participate?" Garen asked directly.

"That's natural. My friend didn't like Shen Yun back then. They were from the same academy. Shen Yun was arrogant in the academy and didn't take anyone seriously. This time you can make him eat it up. Being so depressed makes those of us who are unhappy with him feel even better. Because of this, our circle has always wanted to have direct contact with you. Otherwise, do you think I would take the initiative to mention this matter if I were someone else?" Marquis Yawei laugh it out.

"That's such an honor." Garen smiled back, with a hint of expectation in his eyes.

"Actually, there are five types of masters, and all the elder councils of all the major forces in the entire Eastern Continent add up to a dozen people. It is too difficult to reach this level." Marquis Yawei sighed, "I also stumbled at the beginning. We reached the peak of type four, and then stopped for sixty years. More than sixty years have passed, and we are still treading water.”

There was a look of memory in his eyes. The voice also became slower and deeper.

"My daughter has grown up, my granddaughter has grown up, and even my granddaughter's son has been born and grown up. A few days ago, I went to attend my daughter's funeral. Isn't it ridiculous? She was just an ordinary person who lived for eighty years. He is so old, but he is still one step ahead of me, an old man."

Garen could hear an indelible sadness in his words.

It was rare for the two of them to talk to each other. After chatting for more than an hour, Gallon took his leave and came out of the office.

They made an appointment for a gathering later, and from Yawei's mouth, Garen also got a lot of information that he had been unable to access before.

He had just come out and within a few steps, he saw people from the red team waiting outside the passage. They all looked at him eagerly, as if they were expecting something.

Garen smiled slightly and took out the white diamond-shaped gem from his waist bag.

"White!!" The kitten was the first to yell, and then immediately covered its mouth. He hugged the fox next to him and almost jumped up.

The old man and Hong San both laughed out loud with joy.

The child also showed a faint smile.

Garen handed the diamond-shaped gem to the fox and went to the red team's room. There was an input device there that could input the information on the white gem into the red team's mission point storage file.

The system above will automatically allocate task points based on performance in the task.

This is comparable to high-performance scientific research technology and is very advanced.

"Next, everyone will have a month's public vacation. If there are no tasks, you can continue to rest. You can move freely." Garron announced the arrangement with a smile.

"Long live the team leader!" the kitten cried loudly.

The others laughed in good faith.

"Kid, if you have nowhere to go, just follow me." Garen looked at the smiling child on one side and whispered.

"Okay." The child is an outlier in the red group. He cannot be promoted because he is not strong, but because he has a certain specialness, he is highly valued by the previous team leader.

In fact, Garen understands that there are some mysterious guys in every group, but the differences are different.

After leaving Wellsburg with his children, Garron found a small restaurant outside, and the two went in to have lunch.

Different from the last time when I was still in the imperial capital, there are now many restaurants and shops run by civilians in the capital now. Residents are not as crowded shopping for things as before, and the normal social order is gradually returning to some extent.

Guards in white armor patrolled the streets from time to time, and there were far fewer homeless people in ragged clothes. Some of Avic's policies are quite effective.

Garen and the child walked through the streets. Instead of riding in a carriage, they walked directly through a block and soon arrived at the branch of the Royal Capital War Union.

The branch is built at the corner of an intersection. It has a gray-white stone facade and is part of a chain building.

There is a brass nameplate with the words ‘Tide of the Kite’ hanging outside.

From time to time, people in black cloaks came in and out.

Garen put on his mask as a child, pushed the door open and walked into the Tide of Kites.

It was very quiet and dark inside, with a faint violin-like sound floating in the air. Tactful and gentle, it gives people a sense of peace.

Kite Tide is an unusually peaceful bar.

The seats inside are divided into double sofa units, and every two double sofas form a group, which are individually isolated by frosted glass walls to form small semi-open single rooms.

The light was a bit dim, with only the candles lit on the walls emitting a soft yellow glow.

In each single room, you can see people entering and others getting up and leaving.

To the left of the main entrance is a rectangular bar, with a bartender standing inside, mixing drinks for a woman in red. His hands are turning over so fast that only a white shadow can be seen.

Garen walked inside with the curious child, and immediately a male waiter in black came up to ask.

"Sir, do you have an appointment?"

"No, I'm looking for the workshop master here." Garen said lightly, and was about to show his badge. Suddenly his hand froze, and he suddenly remembered that his badge was chained by Shen Yun when he was at Xuefeng. Totally ruined.

"Please show your guild badge and we will arrange it for you according to your level." The waiter said respectfully.

"Well, I accidentally lost my badge." Garen said helplessly.

"Use mine." A child's voice came over, and at the same time, the thin little hand handed over a black badge with circles of thread-like lines engraved on it.

When the waiter saw this badge, his expression suddenly changed slightly.

"Dear guest, please come with me." Obviously the level of this badge is not low.

Garen rubbed the child's head and expressed his gratitude.

The two followed the waiter into the depths of the bar and sat down in a private room with a black and silver-patterned sofa.

"Please wait." The waiter left with the badge. After a while, an old man with a white beard hurried over and entered the single room on crutches.

"I am the guild workshop master here. What kind of services do you need? Except for the most advanced ones, the cost of all other services can be reduced by half."

"I want to upgrade my war shackles." Garen rolled up his sleeves and showed the diamond mark on his arm.

"War Shackles?" The old man glanced at the mark on Garen's hand. "What level do you want to upgrade to? According to your badge authority, we can provide an upgrade up to five levels. Each level will have an additional solidification spell. Technique positions. By level five, you will get a total of eight technique positions."

"What is the cost of upgrading each level?" Garen asked in a low voice.

"Each level up requires 20,000 gold wheel cloths. In addition, we also have some solidification techniques for guests to choose from." The old man's attitude was very gentle, obviously because of the black badge.

A piece of golden wheel cloth is equivalent to the purchasing power of about one thousand Titan City currency. Twenty thousand golden wheel cloth is 20 million, which is almost the same price that Galleon paid for the war shackles.

However, if the war shackles are cultivated and strengthened, they will play a very good role and can firmly form a strong small group.

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