Mysterious journey

Chapter 429 Change 2

Uh-huh! !

A circle of moon-white light emerged rapidly around Ai Ding, forming a huge white ring.

The blood mist is just covered by the ring belt. There was a loud sound inside, the friction sounds of countless sword blades cutting and piercing.

It seemed as if countless sword blades were constantly cutting and piercing the blood mist in the light belt every second.

"In my Silver Flower halo, every second, there are a thousand sword blades equivalent to my full attack cutting and piercing." Ai Ding murmured, watching the blood mist gradually being cut thinner.

"Goodbye Nine-headed Dragon Kanlon."

laugh! !

A bloody arm suddenly pierced out of his chest.

Ai Ding's pupils dilated instantly.

The air seemed to be still.

Everything around him seemed to be still.

Ai Ding lowered his head in confusion and looked at the arm that was pierced through his chest. The blood on it still retained his own body temperature.

The giant sword in his hand suddenly relaxed.


"Ai Ding!!!" The female figure behind him suddenly exclaimed, reaching out to grab his body, but had to quickly disappear.

A bloody figure was standing behind Ai Ding, with three red marks shining between his brows, and the entire armor was covered with a thick layer of plasma.


Garen's arm slowly pulled out from Ai Ding's chest, bringing out a large amount of blood. The friction between armor and flesh made a terrifying squeaking sound.

Silently, the two giant swords together with the moon-white halo exploded automatically and turned into countless white rose petals, which were blown up by the wind and kept spinning and flying around Ai Ding and Garen.

The entire ruins seemed to be bathed in a rain of flowers for a while.

Aydin's vision began to blur, but he could still see the color of the blood flowing out of the hollow in his chest.

It was a scarlet color filled with black threads. He could smell a strange smell coming from the blood, not a fishy smell, but a strange smell like rot.

"It turns out that I was poisoned from the beginning." Ai Ding had a wry smile on his face.

"Five lives!" Garen behind him said solemnly, "You have ruined my life five times. Even during the battle at Xuefeng, Shenyun did not kill me so many times."

He paused and spoke in a solemn tone.

"It's a pity that you only noticed my nine-life body and forgot that the nine-headed dragon is actually a terrifying ancient creature that is mainly poisonous."

"I didn't expect that I, Ephesus, would die in a place like this after spending my whole life." Ai Ding raised his head with difficulty and looked at the sickle moon in the sky, feeling suddenly at a loss.

"Death?" A strange look appeared on Garen's face. "For a strong man like you, I went to great lengths to seriously injure you, not just to kill you."

Ai Ding was slightly startled and was about to speak.

Suddenly he felt a cold and evil foreign object pouring into his chest.

This foreign object was like a liquid, and as soon as it came into contact with his flesh and blood, it quickly melted and seeped into his internal organs.

He felt that his life was being absorbed crazily by this foreign object, his mind was getting weaker and weaker, and his consciousness was getting blurry.


Ai Ding fell to his knees, his whole body no longer alive.

Garen stood in black armor, looking at the messy palace around him. The originally magnificent palace had completely turned into a garbage dump of rubble and debris.

The night wind blew, and the fragrance of flowers still lingered in the air.

"Ephesus. I should have thought that this guy is actually the White Rose Sword Master Ephesus.

In fact, what he said to Ephesus at the end was not true.

The poison of Nine-headed Dragon is not the main reason for killing the opponent. The real reason is actually the secret weapon.

The moment he saw Aydin's powerful sword style, Garen truly understood what he had not figured out all this time.

Secret martial arts can help the totem evolve and discover the power of blood in the body, and the evolution of the totem will in turn form the natural secret martial arts route.

However, this is only one of the functions of secret weapons.

In this world, as in the previous world, there are more secret martial arts that not only discover bloodlines, but secret martial arts that transform and evolve life!

Ephisis showed unprecedented sword skills that were almost out of touch with the rose totem. The combination of sword skills and totem abilities actually reached a new level of sword skills that was extremely powerful and almost qualitatively changed.

"If it hadn't been for a breakthrough on the battlefield, maybe this battle would have turned into a delaying war." Garen sighed, "You think so, right? Ephesus."

The body of Ephesus blinked its eyelids strangely. There was a faint hint of black on the skin of his body, and he actually stood up again.

"No matter what the reason is, victory is victory and defeat is defeat." He shook his head with a wry smile. "I lost. I thought I would die in your hands, but I didn't expect that I would lose my freedom."

“It’s better to have hope than nothing.”

"Yes." Ephesus nodded seriously.

Garen circled around Ephesus.

This is his only dragon demon quota.

Since the nine-headed demon dragon he evolved is not a complete body, but only the residual blood veins of the ancient nine-headed dragon, the dragon demon can only create one.

The dragon demon is actually a kind of parasitic life. After killing the opponent, it saves most of the opponent's body and sends the parasitic seeds into the opponent's flesh and blood within fifteen minutes, so that it can be resurrected and turn into a nine-headed demon dragon. tools of war.

As for the appearance that the dragon demon will automatically beautify, that is just a side effect. And this kind of beautification is adjusted slowly over time, not overnight.

Of course, Garen didn't expect this kind of beautification to have any good effects. He would never have any expectations for the aesthetics of the nine-headed demon dragon in ancient times, and he would be satisfied if he could maintain the status quo.

Looking at Ephesus in front of him, Garen felt that he and he were connected by flesh and blood, as if they were the closest brothers, and he could control the other person's body just like he controlled the silver totem.

"Do you feel anything?"

Ephesus shook his head.

"It seems that this is your first time using this ability."

"Of course. The nine-headed demon dragon has the ability to parasitize dragon demons in ancient times." Garen looked at the other party with a look of pity, "I have two pieces of news to tell you here, one is good and the other is bad. You Which one do you want to hear first?”

Ephesus intuitively felt something was wrong.

"Let's talk about the good news first. It's good to be happy without the burden."

Garen shook his head.

"The good news is that your physical strength is much stronger now than before, especially the recovery ability. As a nine-headed demon dragon, I have a special ability, life devouring, which you can share."

"I understand, the energy you get from the flesh and blood you eat can also be used to reply to me?"

Garen nodded in affirmation.

"The bad news is that your body will be transformed by the dragon demon, and it is said that it will become more beautiful. Of course, this is the beauty in the eyes of the nine-headed demon dragon. Don't look at me, I don't know the aesthetics in the heart of the nine-headed dragon. What’s the standard?”

Ephesus's face twitched, and the beauty in Nine-headed Dragon's eyes was clear.

In that kind of ancient times, who knows what the standard of beauty in Nine-headed Dragon's mind is. What if I have a big butt and hairy chest?

Ephesus' powerful association ability came into play at this time, and he felt a chill all over his body.

"If that day comes, I will kill you first and then commit suicide!!" He said through gritted teeth.

For him who loves beauty even more than life, this is simply more uncomfortable than death.

Garen was speechless.

"You better be honest." He picked up Ephesus, "You still want to resist when I get it? It seems that you are still not awake enough. Now your totem is seriously injured and your body is seriously injured. You are no better than Little Chicken. How many."

"Let me go!!"

"If you don't argue, maybe I will help you find a solution in the future. If you argue again, I won't bother to care about you!"

Ephesus suddenly became honest.

At this time, the garden on the side was also in a mess.

When Garen carried Ephesus over, the entire garden was filled with ruins that had been charred by the fire.

More than twenty corpses of the Blackfire Guards lay on the ground, and the three Baker Stone Eyes were nowhere to be seen. Only a few pools of dried blood remained on the ground.

"Come here!!" Garen shouted while looking at the deserted ruins of the garden.

After waiting for several minutes, the sound of rapid footsteps was faintly heard in the distance.

A small group of Blackfire heavy guards quickly ran in from the edge of the ruins and knelt down respectfully in front of Garen.

There were originally nearly two hundred people in the heavy guard, but now there were only about forty people left in front of them.

Garen immediately understood that the fighting situation here was just as brutal as that of him and Ephesus.

Each of these elite heavy guards is at the pinnacle of type two. Their most terrifying ability is self-destruction, and self-destruction can be superimposed. Under the leadership of type three heavy guards, they can actually make the three of Baker Stone Eyes pay a certain price. It is indeed very powerful.

"You should be proud enough." Ephesus suddenly interjected. "Beck Shiyan and the others have two type four masters. Although they have to protect an eleventh princess, being able to hurt them is already a very good record."

"Two Type Fours? So Baker Stone Eyes finally entered Type Four?" Garen asked in a low voice.

"Yes. Although I am not familiar with them and have been lurking in the palace, I have heard about this genius that the club has cultivated in recent years. It's just that in order to break through to the fifth type, I have never had the intention to go back. It's just this time Someone came to me and asked me to stop you, for the sake of my colleagues, I reluctantly agreed."

"Is the person looking for you a woman?" Garen interrupted.

Ephesus turned red and stopped talking.

"Breakthrough Type Five? Have you found any opportunity?"

"It may take at least a year before I can fight you. But after this battle, I have already felt that the threshold is starting to loosen." Ephesus said proudly.

"Type Five. Perhaps, I also see a glimmer of hope." Garen unconsciously moved his gaze to the attribute bar.

On the property bar below the field of vision, there have been earth-shaking changes.

A clear blood-red symbol appears at the very back of the property bar. The chameleon butterfly totem that was almost forgotten has completely disappeared. The totem that evolved from the fluorescent butterfly that I got from my teacher Aining is now completely missing.

However, Garen's own attribute column has undergone abnormal changes.

‘Power 14. Agility 10. Physique 10. Intelligence 10. Potential 22117%. Possess the qualification of silver lantern technician. ’


Ten Thousand Waters and Blue King Skill: Illusion Toxin Strengthened Level 1 (derived from the Color-Changing Butterfly Totem)’

"Sure enough, it's just as I guessed." A flash of realization flashed in Garen's eyes.

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