Mysterious journey

Chapter 430 Chase 1

If the excavation type of secret martial arts ends with the peak of bloodline, then the evolutionary type of secret martial arts is based on the general bloodline to further improve oneself and reach a new level of life.

There is no doubt that the Ten Thousand Waters and Blue King Art is such an evolved secret weapon.

Swallowing absorbs the ability of the totem to achieve the purpose of evolving itself. Such ancient martial arts, even in such a world, only needs one step.

Garen carefully felt the technique of Ten Thousand Waters Blue King Kung Fu.

This set of secret weapons also has matching martial arts, but it is obviously not practical in the world of silver lantern masters. Garen only uses the Cloud-Calling Technique and uses his own all-encompassing fighting skills as a martial art. It's just that the Wanxiang Fighting Technique is a martial art with the Divine Statue Kung Fu as its core, so there's something wrong with using it in conjunction with the Wanshui Biwang Kung Fu, and the power can't be fully unleashed.

"If I can practice my Crescent Sword Technique to the highest level, I will definitely be able to break through the fifth form." At this time, Ephesus, who was standing aside, said in a deep voice.

"Crescent Sword Technique?" Garen was slightly startled.

"This is the name I gave him myself." Ephesus nodded, "I got this set of swordsmanship from a ruins, but it was used for physical training before, but later I didn't expect it to be used in the four After the totems are combined into one, they have a strong strengthening effect."

"Can you show me?" Garen's heart moved.

"I have already destroyed it, but I can dictate it to you." Ephesus nodded. For Garen, he instinctively would not refuse from the bottom of his heart. Although he was a little surprised, he immediately knew that this should be the sequelae of the dragon's transformation.

The two of them drove away all the black fire guards and began to chase the traces where Baker Stone Eyes and others had left. At the same time, Ephesus dictated his swordsmanship training instructions.

The more Garen listened, the more frightened he became.

If the mortals in this world practice ordinary secret martial arts without courage, then the sword technique obtained by Ephesus is obviously a technique that is very similar to the top secret martial arts.

It's just that he doesn't have the ability to absorb totems and strengthen the original secret martial arts effects like himself.

In other words, this fusion improvement was originally just the effect brought about by Galleung's ability.

Garen suddenly realized that just like the previous world, this kind of superimposed strengthening could quickly elevate him from a very low starting point to a higher level.

Comparing the Ten Thousand Waters Blue King Technique with Ephesus' Crescent Sword Technique, Garen was surprised to find that the former was actually not as complex as the Crescent Moon Sword Technique.

No matter from the perspective of the power described in the secret weapon or the difficulty of training, the Crescent Sword Technique is far superior to the former. Obviously, the most likely possibility is that the Crescent Sword Technique is higher than the Ten Thousand Waters Blue King Technique.

"It seems that this world also has a higher level of secret martial arts." Garen was feeling a little hopeful.

"Have you taught this swordsmanship to anyone else?" He looked at Ephesus.

"There is only one former disciple." Ephesus shook his head, "It's a pity that he has disappeared now. But it's not just me, many top five-type experts have their own similar martial arts. Five-type level It is the level where the totem body is combined into one. The totem master himself will be affected by the totem to a certain extent. Some are to eliminate and suppress this influence, and some are to strengthen this influence. Therefore, this ancient martial art found in the ruins has become more and more popular. stand up."

"You're saying that there might be someone in the fifth type who has such a secret weapon?"

"Secret martial arts? This is a good adjective. Indeed, as far as I know, there are several people in the fifth type who have such secret martial arts." Ephesus nodded. "Military warfare is indeed the best way to utilize our abilities."

The two of them walked quickly through the palace while chatting.

In the Black Palace, a faint scent of blood lingered all the way out of the ruined area, and the three of them, Baker Stone Eyes, remained.

Covered by the huge phantom formation of the palace, they obviously did not fly out of the palace area.

After leaving the ruins caused by the fierce battle, Garen and Ephisis led the Black Fire Guards to pursue the blood.

Baker Shiyan and others were obviously seriously injured, and some palace guards who were killed could be seen from time to time along the way, but even so, every time they took action, the blood on the three of them became heavier and heavier.

Fortunately, Avic had activated most of the palace's defensive spells on the eve of the attack. Each palace had a fixed defensive spell. Although it was not very strong, it was still effective in resisting the aftermath of the fierce battle. Therefore, most of the royal family hid in the deep palaces.

The entire palace area was deserted. All those who should have been hiding were hiding, and very few were still outside.

Garen and Ephisis chased them all the way, and saw fewer and fewer corpses of the guards and maids.

The palace area is located behind the palace, connected to the last cliff. There is a large slope leading to the nest of the yellow-eyed black crow.

As the surrounding terrain became more and more inclined upward, Garon suddenly became aware of their intentions.

"They want to leave in the Yellow-Eyed Crow!"

On the edge of a palace wall, Garen squatted down, stretched out his hand and lightly touched a little blood on the ground.

Put it under your nose and smell it.

"It's right in front." He stood up and looked at the black palace ahead on the right. "This is the residential area for female officers. They can't leave for more than two minutes."

"What do you want to do?" Ephesus asked in a low voice. "Kill them?"

"Blatantly kidnapping His Highness Eleven and kidnapping members of the royal family, no matter who he is, he is dead." Garen said calmly.

He looked around, and in the distance ahead was the gray-white cliff nest of the yellow-eyed black crow.

"Let's go. The phantom formation has not been touched. Obviously they haven't found a way to leave yet. As long as they are still within the phantom formation, everything will be easy."

The two of them walked slowly up the stone streets between the palaces, one behind the other. Each step may seem slow, but in fact it covers a large distance at an astonishing speed.

At every moment, Garen was paying attention to the movements around him in case the three of them were hiding in the surrounding palaces.

Suddenly, a ray of silver light burst out from the ground on the right side, shooting out from the blind corner of Garen's perspective, as if it was going to pierce the back of his head.

Tsk! Dang! !

Garen raised his fingers and clamped the silver light firmly. It was a slender and sharp silver needle.

Two fingers exerted force, and with a snap, the silver needle broke immediately. Dropped to the ground.

Garen suddenly felt a huge black shadow appear directly in front of him.

The black shadow completely enveloped him, and the last trace of moonlight at night was completely covered up.

Not far in front of him, a huge gray-white stone man protruded from the ground.

The stone man is covered in gray, and his body is made up of huge rocks, as if they are connected together with gray stone balls. The huge body is more than ten meters tall.

Roar! ! !

The stone man roared fiercely towards Garen. There was no sound, but a fierce wind blew out from his big black mouth.

"Stonehenge? It seems that the person next to Baker Stone Eyes is a master of magic formations." Ephesus sighed from behind.

"Stonehenge?" Garen sneered.

The stone man suddenly raised his right fist, and the huge stone fist with a diameter of five to six meters slammed down towards Garen, as if it was going to crush him into a pulp.

At the same time, Garen also raised his right fist and swung it out brazenly.

Bang! ! ! !

There was a huge earthquake on the ground, and the floor under Garen's feet shattered, spreading large irregular cracks.

Roar! !

The stone man roared in pain, and his entire right arm suddenly shattered.

With two bangs, it took two steps back, its whole body shaking violently, as if something was constantly shaking it.

With a crash, the stone man collapsed directly. A large number of boulders crashed down, hitting the ground and throwing up a lot of gravel and dust.

Garen snorted coldly and took back his right hand. Most of the black heavy armor on his body had completely broken. His whole body was shaken, and all the armors flew away with a sneer, scattering to the surrounding ground.

Wearing only a layer of black tight-fitting inner armor, Garen passed by the stone man and rushed towards the yellow-eyed black crow cliff again.

Ephesus followed closely and glanced at the stone man on the ground. Although it was not the first time he saw it, he still marveled at Garen's terrifying power.

In the middle of the black palace area, two people, one black and one white, quickly walked between the palaces like two small dots, crossing the square, forest garden, and statue forest, without stopping at all, and rushed directly towards the cliff of the yellow-eyed black crow's nest.

Huge stone men kept appearing, and each time they were smashed to pieces by Garen's punch. It can only play a little role in delaying time.


on the cliff

The three of them, Baker Stone Eyes, were surrounding the largest yellow-eyed black crow. The surface of the black crow is covered with a thin layer of golden halo, like a protective film.

The bearded man's eyelids twitched wildly as he listened to the dull crashing sounds coming from below. Every time the sound came, it meant that one of his Stonehenges was violently destroyed.

"Here they are! They're here! They must have discovered our intentions! We must solve the phantom barrier as soon as possible!!" He hurriedly turned to look at Baker's stone eyes.

The young genius's complexion was also pale at this time, and his chest kept rising and falling violently.

"Don't be in a hurry. Don't be in a hurry! Don't be in a hurry!!" He seemed to be muttering to himself, taking deep breaths. "There must be a way. This golden barrier is also covered by the phantom formation. I remember seeing it somewhere. I remember...!"

Bearded Man could hear the explosions below getting closer and closer. Not only him, but also the Eleven Princess next to him was so frightened that his face turned pale.

"You guys get on the back of the Black Crow King first!!" Baker Stone Eyes shouted loudly.

"Brother Shiyan!" The Eleventh Princess shouted in a tearful voice. Immediately, he was hugged by Beard and jumped up, flying steadily into the empty slot on the back of the Black Crow King.

Baker's stone eyes didn't seem to hear anything. His eyes kept flashing with silvery light, as if countless information was rapidly calculating and flowing.

From the very beginning, White Bird was blocked and unable to fly away from the palace, so he began to quickly calculate and decipher the huge illusion formation above the entire palace. Until now, he still hasn't been able to figure out which area is the weakest.

Hearing the closer and closer explosions below, Shiyan's heart became more and more impatient.

"Don't be impatient! We can definitely figure it out, definitely!!"

"Your Highness Eleven, don't be deceived by those two treacherous villains. Their purpose is to catch you to blackmail Your Majesty and use it as a bargaining chip for the Dihua Society! In this world, Your Majesty is your only relative. Someone who is really good to you." An unusually sincere man's voice came from far away. Although his tone was sincere, for some reason, it gave people a cold, snake-like feeling of fear.

"Come back, you have a protective magical aura on your body. As long as it is activated, I will come to protect you right away!"

Hearing the sound, Tina opened her eyes wide and felt cold all over, locked in the bearded arms.

"Such a genius would actually join the Royal Alliance!" Bearded's face was livid, and he punched the Black Crow King's feathers, but was firmly blocked by the golden halo. "He wants to rely on aura to locate our location!"

Although Tina has met Garen many times, he always greets him with a smile, and behaves very politely and gently. He has a handsome appearance, a gentle attitude and tone, and a strong strength. Everything is enough to make ordinary girls yearn for it. But for some reason, every time Tina saw Garen, she could feel a suffocating feeling of cold fear from him.

She knew that this was a warning of her premonition talent as a member of the royal family.

"He can't find us now! There are four yellow-eyed black crow kings in total, and they are located in four places on the cliff. They are the fastest birds. If he wants to find this place as quickly as possible, it will take at least five minutes!" Beard Say quickly, "Stone Eyes!"

Baker's Stone Eyes stood beside the Black Crow King, with more and more silver in his eyes, almost becoming one.


A trace of blood shot out from his eyes.


He covered his eyes tightly and staggered.


"I thought of it!!" There was a hint of joy on his face and he couldn't help shouting.


At the bottom of the mountain, Garen suddenly raised his head and looked at a cave on the far left side of the cliff. The bright red eyes are as terrifying and penetrating as dragon eyes.

"I found you, hehe."

With a scoff, he instantly turned into a black shadow and shot towards the cave.

Ephesus stood there and did not follow. He covered his mouth and showed a wry smile.

"What a terrible President of the Five Senses. I really can't help you this time."

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