Mysterious journey

Chapter 447 Stability 2

Of course, this is when the green vine ball gives it the nature of totem light.

However, the skill has been created. Although it is only a small skill in the world of secret martial arts and is very rough, when combined with the light of the totem, it can be called a rare and powerful skill.

It’s just that the skills are skills. There are so many people who practice secret martial arts, such as the Nantian Holy Fist Sect, Sea King Fist, Red Sand Sword, Star Ring Sect, etc., so many secret martial arts organizations can really reach the pinnacle of Gallon. , how many are there at the top of Xianflan?

Qualification, perseverance, character, luck. They are all essential elements on the road to peak achievement.

So the technique has been created, but it still needs to select suitable disciples to pass it on.

The technology of the green vine ball will be cracked sooner or later, it is just a matter of time, but the imprint left by the technique will never be eliminated.

As long as a sect is established based on this, the disciples will have a sense of belonging to the sect, and everyone will spontaneously recognize themselves as a big group. In this way, centripetal force can truly be generated. No matter whether the green vine ball technology appears elsewhere, it will not have much impact.

Of course, the green vine ball must also be prepared.

Garen narrowed his eyes slightly and left the garden. After washing up, he dressed neatly and walked directly out of the Black Fire Palace and towards the palace library.

Only he and Ephesus live in the palace now. Because many of the palaces have been completely destroyed, the eldest princess and other royal family members have all moved into the branch palace on the opposite side of the abyss.

The entire imperial capital is divided into three hilltop areas. There is a grand canyon with rolling clouds in the middle, connected by stone bridges.

The Royal Palace District and Yunguang District are together, on the largest and highest cluster of hills. Looking from a distance, the black palace has undulating layers, towering spiers, and high walls like scales.

The other two hills are slightly smaller and are both trade zone areas. A separate palace was built on one of the hilltops.

Along the way, Galen saw many of Ephesus' men supervising the laborers cleaning up the debris of the ruined palace.

When they saw him, everyone was respectful and lowered their heads in awe.

Soon we arrived at the library hall, and there was only one black fire heavy guard guarding the door.

Walking into the hall, on both sides of the dark golden hall are densely packed red copper bookshelves.

There are three floors on both sides, and the three rows of bookshelves are filled with densely packed red hard-cover books, neatly arranged in an orderly manner.

The hall was empty, with only a dozen or so people browsing in front of the bookshelves.

As long as the nobles pay the reading fee in the library hall, they can come in to check the information and learn what they want to learn. Of course, books are also divided into levels, and books of different levels require different fees. And you can’t loan it out and take it back to see.

Garen walked in quietly without attracting anyone's attention. He glanced at the bronze notice standing at the door, which marked the contents of different bookshelf areas.

Garen, who had already been here once yesterday, walked directly towards the bookshelf area he wanted to find. After turning around a few bookshelves, he took out a black copper key, opened a small door on the wall, and walked in.

Inside are two large bookshelves filled with books. Different from the outside, the books here are all black leather, and the words top secret are engraved on the sides of the bookshelves.

This is a record of the research results of Aiweike’s scholars and researchers over the years. There are research notes, some rare documents that are almost out of print, and some of the most top-notch subject books.

Most people, even totem masters of Type 2 and Type 3, probably wouldn’t be able to understand the main content if it was placed in front of him. Perhaps workshop masters and silver lantern masters who are proficient in research may be able to understand it, but without decades of painstaking study, it is equivalent to reading a book from heaven.

But Galleons are different.

Although attribute points cannot improve the secret weapon, it is still very useful to learn new knowledge.

Originally, Galleon's foundation was very good, with Aining's teachings and book collection, and later Lei Lan, and then Wind Chime, as well as Vindman's underground book collection and research notes. After the influence and exchange of these top technical talents, he added Terrible photographic memory.

Here, the advantage of ten points of full intelligence is finally reflected.

This attribute makes logical thinking more rigorous and faster. Memory and understanding abilities are stronger. In other words, the brain becomes more and more developed and its potential becomes more terrifying.

But for Garen, this thing is only useful for learning knowledge here.

It's like giving you a pistol and it's of no use if you don't use it to shoot. No matter how developed his brain is, Garen doesn't like to use tricks to solve problems. He has always used his upright strength to crush his opponents.

If you can't beat him, run away, go back and strengthen yourself, and try to fight again! Until you can beat it!

This habit makes him basically not plan anything.

So even if he has a powerful brain, if he doesn't use it, it will naturally have no effect.

Galleon has always turned everything that can be his motivation to move forward into the motivation to make himself stronger. In this way, you will become stronger and more perverted step by step.

With enough power, it will continue to accelerate and become stronger, and this acceleration will reach a terrifying level.


While many people are still devising strategies to defeat powerful enemies, he has unknowingly surpassed the enemy and become stronger than the opponent.

He was able to become the King of the Century. On the one hand, it was driven by supernatural powers, and on the other hand, there was actually this reason.

So this is a truth common to any world.

Geniuses with quick minds often do not necessarily live as successfully as fools with strong personalities.

There is only one thing to do, get rid of distracting thoughts, find the right direction and move forward bravely. is the key factor to success.

Geniuses tend to think quickly, and many problems are not problems in their hands. Many troubles are no longer troubles in their hands.

This way, they have less chance of encountering difficulties. The strong desire for oneself is not enough. If you lack motivation, you will naturally become slack. So I stopped and stopped moving forward.

This is the reason why the tortoise and the hare race, but in real life, the tortoise is often not as slow as expected, and the hare is not as fast as expected.

Many times, transcendence is not as difficult as imagined.

Therefore, Garen's way of thinking also means that he will not choose to fight like those geniuses who are as resourceful as demons. Although resourcefulness is also a kind of strength, it is not the direction he wants to pursue.

A large amount of knowledge about biochemical research and totem research was stuffed into Garen's head.

He stood in front of the bookshelf, flipping through the books in his hands under the pale yellow sunlight refracted overhead.

The ceiling of the library hall is not thick and is made of a layer of frosted citrine stone. When the sunlight shines down and is weakened by refraction, a certain amount of light can penetrate, which does not harm the books and can expel the moisture in the library hall.

Garen quickly flipped through the knowledge notes in the record book one by one. After experiencing the experimental data through my own practice in my mind, I constantly corrected some errors and omissions, and some unclear ambiguities were temporarily marked out. Waiting for future experimental verification.

A large amount of knowledge and data are constantly being refined, improved, and deepened in his mind.

Garen is a master who has personally performed core organ transplant surgery on himself. In terms of transforming the human body, it is because of the experience of practicing esoteric martial arts for so many years, and the absorption of so much knowledge from the Black Sky Society, plus the deepening of these notes in the palace. It is estimated that no one in this world can be stronger than him.

President Heitian specializes in the transformation of biological totems. Dihua Club specializes in plant cultivation and research.

The Royal Alliance is a hodgepodge. It has all kinds of information, all of which are cutting-edge, but none of them are the strongest.

What Gallon is most concerned about is human body modification technology. He himself is a living and successful experimenter of human body modification. Although it was at the expense of the sacrifice of a large number of death row prisoners, it is undeniable that through this path, he successfully broke through the limitation of the lack of qualifications of the silver lantern master.

If there is still one person who can have the control accuracy and secret martial arts level of the King of the Century, coupled with this technology, there will be a silver totem suitable for organ transplantation. If he could survive the rejection and sequelae, he might be able to achieve Garen's current status.

Apart from human body modification, what Gallon has seen the most are research reports and records involving green vine ball technology.

The research on the Green Philodendron Ball is in Vindman's underground library. Garen has already learned a lot about it, and now combines it with the royal research notes and knowledge system.

He became more and more confident, and after thoroughly mastering it, he further perfected the green vine ball.

Only after truly coming into contact with the core technology of the green vine ball did Galen realize how powerful a coincidence Vindman needed to create this thing.

It is unlikely that there will be another green vine ball in the entire world.

Because it is an endangered plant that should have been completely extinct decades ago.

After this plant was transplanted home by Vindman, due to climate and environmental problems, no attempt could be made to prevent it from withering.

Unexpectedly, by coincidence, Vindman made a mistake while practicing the totem technique, which affected this plant.

Large swaths of plants died, and only one barely survived. This is the original form of the green vine ball.

Unexpectedly, even the light of the totem could not destroy this plant, so Vindman began a long road of research. After countless searches, we tried to find more of this plant, but unfortunately, this plant was unable to adapt to the gradually changing climate environment and soon became completely extinct.

So Garen is not very worried that someone will crack the mystery of the green vine ball in a short time. Even a large number of cutting-edge scholars from the royal family have only scratched the surface. Unlike him, he has Vindman's research notes.

The main reason he came to the library hall this time was to combine the two technologies of resonance stone and green vine ball to form a more complete green vine ball encryption function. If possible, I hope to break through the current bottleneck.

In addition, I also want to see how the other totem masters obtained the core totems that are more powerful than the Nine-Headed Dragon.

Although the nine-headed demon dragon is not a true ancient perfect body, its power cannot be underestimated. It actually ranks over 100 on the entire totem list.

This made Garen want to know how the other top totem masters got their totem masters. What kind of totem can be stronger than my nine-headed dragon! .

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