Mysterious journey

Chapter 448 Seed 1

Gently take down a large black book from the end of the bookshelf.

He's probably pretty much done with research notes and the like. This book is a collection of atlases about rare mutant totems, which is somewhat similar to the atlas that Aining gave him.

That book is still in the underground library of Blue Bay Manor.

Open the cover of the book, skip the preface and preface, and go directly to the table of contents.

Suddenly, rows of tiny characters appeared in front of Garen's eyes. Like a tree diagram, the entire directory branches into many small branches.

‘Variation totem – idealized totem – coincidence totem – sacrificial totem – atavistic totem’

Under the four major categories, there are countless small branch types.

The books that can be treasured here are naturally not general research contents, but have a depth of research that can never be found outside.

Garen read it carefully.

Soon, under the column of ancestral totems, I found very small branch characters.

‘Swamp Hydra—8882’

The following numbers are page numbers.

Above the hydra is the moth-winged monitor lizard, below is the rainbow bird. These two animals are species that only existed in ancient times.

Just flip the pages of Hydra. The above record suddenly appeared in front of Garen's eyes.

‘Swamp Hydra—one of the overlords of the swamp areas in ancient times. It has extremely powerful vitality. It uses huge sound waves to attack creatures in the sky, and uses dragon monsters to confuse passing creatures. Trapped deep in the swamp, it creates endless poisonous gas. He is the main producer of poisonous fog in places like poisonous swamps.’

Garen checked it carefully and found that the things recorded above were similar to what he knew. It felt like it had been added recently. Perhaps he had obtained this information by studying his totems.

Speechless, he recalled the plant flower totem of Ephesus. After searching in the book for a while, I quickly found the white rose totem.

‘White Rose Totem: Plant-based totem, exists in the theoretical system. Flower-based totems require extremely harsh cultivation conditions, require the blood of immediate relatives as raw materials, and will entrust part of the totem power of their relatives. Before reaching the aura, it was an extremely weak existence. After it became aura, its power increased dramatically. Rumor has it that once a flower totem is successfully cultivated, it can entrust the soul of a loved one to it. Not verified to be true or false. ’ There is another large classification of flowers at the back, and there are many types of white rose family totems, each of which is roughly introduced. There are also all kinds of strange abilities, but the most common ones are poison and illusion.

Garen started looking for Vesga's totem that looked like a whirlpool in the sea.

But this time it was a little harder to find. There are four different types of totems that resemble the image of a maelstrom.

Siren Totem: A theoretically cultivated mutant creature, the result of an accidental experiment by a small family. This Siren Totem destroyed the entire family with its song as soon as it was born, and then disappeared mysteriously.

Beluga Totem: Beluga, the overlord of the ocean, can stir up huge whirlpools and make himself invisible.

Elemental Totem Ocean: A pure ocean totem, successfully evolved from the theoretically existing elemental totem water elf. Extremely good at controlling large-scale attacks. The power of the single target is not very strong, but the range is the largest among all categories. The master, Minister Vesga, can even attack creatures thousands of meters away. It is one of the most powerful totems that controls war.

Although the information about Vesga's totem experiment was recorded above, it was completely blank on Garen's most important ability item.

The same elemental totem is the earth element, a pure combination of earth creatures, humanoid, which can control terrain changes.

The Ghost of Wind is a strange, incorporeal totem with very little information. It is immune to any dynamic attacks, and only static abilities can damage it.

Lava Golem, a humanoid made of high-temperature magma, with unknown abilities.

Garen glanced down one by one and even saw the item totem on it.

Weapon totem, chains like Shenyun, sword light like Qinglong Swordsman.

The armor totem is like the triangular shield of the Imperial Strong Wall General who just died.

There are also sacrificial totems. Through some mysterious means, after successfully cultivating countless totems, they are put together and used to make them devour themselves. Finally, the strongest totem king is obtained, and then the power of this totem king is borrowed through sacrificial means.

The most successful person in the Totem King system is Shannia.

The most powerful totem of Shannia is not the core totem of the King of Shannia, but an evil god totem that evolved from the Totem King.

It devoured the ninety-nine totem kings cultivated across the country and became the evil god. Only designated special family bloodlines can borrow its power.

The Evil God Totem possesses unfathomable power, and no one knows how strong it is. No one knows to what extent it has evolved.

Shannia has this evil god, which is the most powerful guarantee. Just like Kuwaitan has the absolute protection of the extremely powerful Sisi Ting. Ennit has the oldest and mysterious group of giant stone statues. Each of the three major kingdoms has its own trump card, which is the result of the painstaking efforts of the emperors of the three major kingdoms.

The elemental totem is successfully called the core totem from the beginning, which can make the totem master become a spiritual being. However, although the starting point is high, the evolution is also extremely difficult.

This book records many cases where elemental totems failed to evolve successfully.

Unlike the external information, which regards elemental totems as something that only exists in legends, here it is actually pointed out that elemental totems exist. Black Sky Society is one of the successful representatives.

By the time Garen finished reading these books on totems, more than two hours had passed.

My understanding of totems is also much deeper than before.

Calculated carefully, the Nine-Headed Dragon is indeed not as powerful as those extremely powerful totems.

Even the entire mutant biological totem system is inferior to other systems.

Let’s not talk about the elemental totems. Among them, you can easily find totems that are more powerful than the nine-headed dragon. For example, the Storm Elemental Totem is a powerful and terrifying black storm. This is only the primary form. After evolving once, it becomes the Hurricane Totem. In history, two people have mastered this totem and are known as the King of Hurricanes.

They alone can dominate a war. Normal totem masters of the same level would die in front of them as many as they came.

‘Human sea tactics are ineffective. ’

This evaluation is a bloody lesson learned by an ancient country with its life.

There is also the King of the Mountain Totem, an elemental totem composed entirely of huge rocks. After evolution, it is called the Lord of the Mountains. After the entire totem and the totem master merged, it turned into a huge mountain range stretching for tens of thousands of kilometers, annexing alive the invaders of his homeland at that time. The three thousand elite Type III totem masters were destroyed together with the thunderstorm spell array they assembled.

Top totem records kept flashing before Garen's eyes. He was still a little unconvinced at first, but now that he saw these terrifying totems that were comparable to myths, he realized that his power was indeed inferior to these perverts. Being able to rank over a hundred places is already very powerful.

However, although these totem masters are powerful, they all have one typical characteristic in common.

That's short-lived.

After using the peak of great power, what followed was their rapid aging and death.

No one has studied the reason, but one of the most popular conjectures is that they use a power far beyond their own, but do not have the same powerful soul control. Finally, he was influenced and assimilated by this force.

In addition to the elemental totems, there are also the nineteen evil gods of Xenia. In addition to the most powerful evil god king, the other eighteen evil god totems are distributed all over the place and occupy one area. They not only provide protection for the local totem masters, but also accept their sacrifices. .

So Sannia is different from the other two countries. They are a religious country.

Xenia actually has two rulers, one is the King of Xenia, and the other is the Evil God King.

The Royal Alliance and the Evil God Church are wary of each other and are in a state of balance. Because the previous generations of kings of Shannia all died inexplicably, anyone with a discerning eye could see that it was probably at the hands of the evil god king. Only this generation of emperors can sit firmly on the throne, work hard to govern, and strengthen the country.

Among the three major countries, perhaps only Sannia suffered the least losses.

The Church of Evil God took the opportunity to save the people in the great chaos, and gained the trust and admiration of countless people. The result was that the power of the Evil God King became stronger and stronger day by day, and his power expanded.

Garen roughly understood the current situation from these secret information.

If the Black Sky Society wants to overthrow Shannia, the most likely possibility is to join forces with the Evil God Cult. The Black Sky Society's philosophy is survival of the fittest and the elimination of the weak, which coincides with the ideas of the Evil God Cult. It’s just that the purpose of the Evil God Cult is that the weak are food for the strong, providing everything for the strong and satisfying everything. If you don't want to become a weakling, you must strengthen yourself as quickly as possible, and the fastest way is to sign a sacrificial contract with the evil god. As long as he is suitable, an ordinary totem master can become the most powerful second-type totem master overnight.

They will get the son of the evil god as their totem. The higher the number of sacrifices, the faster the son of the evil god will improve.

If the sacrifice is strong enough, it is possible for the evil god himself to become your totem.

Among the sacrificial totems, the evil god has a higher level than the elemental totem. The evil god is at least the fourth type and is the backbone of Xeniya. The eighteen evil gods plus the other evil gods of Shannia that have appeared in history, and these different types of evil god totems add up, and the number of totems that are more powerful than the nine-headed dragon is naturally increasing. It's natural to be squeezed into more than a hundred people.

Fortunately, Garen learned that Cowaitan's final sanctuary, Sisirting, actually had a name, called the Wheel of Purification. It happens to be in conflict with the attributes of the evil god of Shannia.

The power attribute of the Evil God Religion was restrained by Sisi Ting, so it was natural that the King of Sannia and Cowaitan would form an alliance and have close contacts.

These secrets are actually known to only a few people.

Ordinary people, or most of the totem masters in Sannia, don't know that the evil god they believe in is actually a totem in origin.

But it’s also possible that Cowaitan looks at the problem from a different perspective. Just like scientists on Earth. Whenever we look at any problem, we will bring it into a scientific framework to explain it.

Many things may just be looked at from different angles.

After staying in the Library Hall and the Black Fire Palace for several days, Garen devoted himself to research every day, forgetting sleep and food. The existence of attribute points allowed him to completely skip the accumulation process.

Soon it entered the practical experiment stage.

Green Mango Ball began to implement encryption measures.

The principle of green vine balls is actually to use parasitism to implant some tiny invisible spores inside non-living things. These active bacteria will gradually transform the structure of non-living things, and they will simultaneously release a species called Sibaan. A special active substance, which itself is extremely contagious and survivable. And it is smaller than fungi. Almost comparable to a virus.

The most amazing thing about this substance is that it can be arranged into a combined spherical structure after special technical deployment. Like wireless receivers, it can receive nerve signals and neurotransmission media of specified properties. Infection and penetration are carried out according to the command of nerve signals.

To put it simply, the green vine ball can turn into a totem, and it is still under the command of the owner.

People who wear green vine ball totem equipment actually need to be connected with the equipment through flesh and blood. The power they used seemed to be the light of the totem, but in fact it was just the pollution power of an active substance with a power similar to the light of the totem. This power was named Sbaan's power by Vindman.

Therefore, they can freely totemize the materials around them within a certain period of time, but this totemization time is very short. The infection of Sibaan's power takes time, and it is also very difficult to control the mind. Without mental control, This kind of power is not actively contagious.

But that's it, Garen is already very satisfied.

The green vine ball gives ordinary people a chance to become stronger.

As long as you are mentally and physically strong enough, even if you don't have the qualifications of a totem master, you can still reach an extremely strong level with the green vine ball.

This is simply a brand new power system, just like the power of totem!

No wonder the Black Sky Society, the Royal Alliance, and the Earth Flower Society all want to seize this technology.

In the green vine ball system, the spirit determines the level and strength of Sibaan's power. After offsetting the difference in nature, the physical strength determines the gap in the duel between them.

After Gallon carefully sorted it out, he got the result.

"In other words, after obtaining the power of the green vine ball Siba'an, the spiritual will determines the big hierarchy, just like the totem's one type, two types and three types.

And physical strength determines the strength among peers. "

While encrypting the green vine ball, Garen also completely implanted it on his right shoulder.

However, this technology cannot be announced directly because it will have a huge impact on the entire totem master system. Although the activation of Sibaan's power also requires certain will and mental strength. It requires an extremely strong spirit to activate.

But this is ultimately an impact on the totem master's system. The totem system is the basis for the aristocracy to rule the world. If it is discovered, it will definitely become the target of public criticism. .

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