Mysterious journey

Chapter 449 Seed 2


Gallon gently placed the tweezers back into the glass bottle.

Looking at the silver oval shoulder armor in front of him, he let out a breath.

Pick up a piece of white cloth on the side and carefully wipe off any stains on the surface of the shoulder armor.

"It is indeed defective." He frowned and murmured softly. "The foundation of the green vine ball can only support it to split fifty-three pieces of Sba'an's power. It can only create fifty-three sets of weapons or armors for totemization. No wonder. No wonder the Black Fire Guards only have two hundred people. This is still Aiweike. The best results obtained through careful combination of cutting-edge technology. Nearly four times the magnification is amazing enough.”

"Two hundred Black Fire Guards, by giving up their control, can obtain two hundred sets of Black Fire Armor. It gives ordinary people the nature of totem power. This is the basis. Only those with strong will and strong body can truly activate the Black Fire Armor."

Garen picked up the shoulder armor in front of him and carefully looked at the surface at an angle. The dense silver dots that appeared slightly on it were the characteristics of the activation of Sbaan's power.

"The power of Sibaan requires a strong will to activate. The stronger the will, the more power it can control, the stronger the activity of Sibaan, and the stronger the contagion. In this way, a virtuous cycle, like a seed, can absorb the outside world More matter makes the body and armor more and more powerful."

He lowered his pauldrons.

"Avic gave up this potential in exchange for the absolute loyalty of the corpse-like Black Fire Guards. But this kind of courage is too small after all." He shook his head. "If someone who is not strong-willed enough gets the armor, the final result will be that he is swallowed by the power of Sbaan and turns into a living dead. He loses all personality. This thing seems to be very dangerous."

He began to think about how to solve this high risk again. After thinking about it, he conceived more than ten plans, but he had no clue. Vindman has been studying this level for so many years, but there is no result. There are so many people in the royal alliance, and there is no result. Naturally, he alone can't even touch the edge.

"Forget it, since you want power, you must be willing to pay the price." Garen breathed a sigh of relief.

With two hundred sets of black fire heavy armor, two hundred people can be selected as the carriers of the black fire heavy armor and embark on the road to becoming stronger.

Perhaps in this way, Garen cannot give absolute orders to these people. He only has the right to take back the power of Sbaan. However, if they are strengthened to a very high level, even after they are taken back, the power that was later strengthened will still exist. The properties of the body after being changed by Sba'an will not change.

It means that most of the power has been recovered and still remains.

In this way, the control over subordinates is not as strict as before.

But Garen didn't care.

All he wants is strength, enough strength. Whether he can control it depends on his own ability.

Bang bang bang.

Suddenly, a rhythmic knock on the door interrupted his thoughts.

"What's up?"

he asked slightly impatiently.

"Palace Master, a group of people came to you carrying a seriously injured woman, saying that she is your old friend." The maid replied loudly with a trembling voice.

"Old friend?" Garen closed his eyes and gathered his thoughts. Pull the curtain from the right side with a swipe.

He walked to the door and opened it. Standing outside the door was a little maid with trembling legs. She was dressed in plain white and did not dare to raise her head. Apparently he was a little guy who had just entered the palace, only eleven or twelve years old.

After opening the door, Garen took a closer look at the little guy. Just about to speak.

"No, don't eat me!!" The little guy was so frightened that he sat down on the ground, "Palace Master, please, I was wrong! I know I was wrong!! I won't dare to do it again!!"

Garen had a dark look on his face. He was just surprised that it was rare for a new maid to come to the Black Fire Palace. He looked at her for a little longer and was frightened like this. I guess this guy took his appraising look as a way to pick out a place with more meat.

This guy seemed to be used to being bullied, and he hurriedly admitted his mistake without even understanding the situation.

"Damn it, rumors kill people!" He cursed in a low voice.

"Take me there!" he shouted sternly at the little maid.

The little guy quickly got up from the ground, trembling all over and ran towards the outside of the inner hall with Garen.

Garen caught up behind him speechlessly.

In the side hall of the Black Fire Palace, after the little guy brought Galen, he disappeared in a hurry.

Not only Jianlong was speechless, but also a group of people in the side hall were speechless.

This is a group of men and women dressed all in black, with a white leopard head engraved on their arms and clothes.

Led by two young men and a woman, a simple stretcher was placed on the ground beside them, with an unconscious woman with a sallow complexion lying on it.

Garen glanced over and was slightly startled.


He recognized that the woman on the stretcher was Angel, the fugitive woman he had met in Titan City.

In the imperial capital, it still provided raw materials for the Terry Jones family for a while.

"How did she become like this?!" Garen hurriedly walked over, squatted down beside the stretcher, and began to carefully check Angel's condition.

This made the group of people on the side breathe a sigh of relief, and their originally frightened faces looked much better.

"It turns out that the palace master really knows the teacher!" The masculine man, or rather boy, who took the lead, took a step forward and said proactively. "We are members of the Black Panther Mercenary Group, and Captain Angel is our teacher. My name is Gracie, and her name is Hill."

He also has a soft light cyan beard on his lips and short brown hair. He is no more than eighteen years old, but his face is resolute and pale. There seemed to be some excessive blood loss. At this time, the boy was looking at Garen anxiously.

"Please, please save the teacher!" The girl on the side had red hair in a ponytail and cried so hard that she couldn't help but plead to Garen. "We have tried every method and every medicine! All the hospitals said it was hopeless."

"Why are you crying! How can I save you if you don't tell me the specific situation?!" Garen looked at the much calmer boy Gracie, "You tell me!"

The boy nodded vigorously.

"The teacher went out last month. It was said that he had an appointment with some old friends to do something. Unexpectedly, after he came back the day before yesterday, he fell down and fell into a coma. We thought it was poisoning at first, but what hospital? Neither the teacher nor the silver lantern master could detect that the teacher was poisoned. Then we thought it was some kind of brain damage, but we invited the silver lantern master who is best at treating brain diseases, but it still didn't work. We couldn't find any scars."

"What did Angel say before he fainted? Did she ask you to come to me?" Garen asked in a deep voice.

"The teacher didn't say anything, he just looked very tired, as if he hadn't had a good rest for many days." The boy shook his head, "As for coming to see you, the palace master, the teacher didn't mention it at all. It's better for us to come from the group. I learned from an old senior that the teacher and the palace master were friends. I really couldn’t find a way, so I suggested coming over to beg you.”

"Well done." Garen patted the boy on the shoulder. "It's good to stay calm in times of crisis!"

He lowered his head to check Angel's condition again.

Angel, who was originally plump, has become as thin as skin and bones. There is no abnormality in the flow of qi and blood, there are no signs of toxins in the body, and the brain is just like an ordinary person sleeping, completely normal.

"Oh, this person is going to die." A child's voice suddenly came from behind Garen.

"Do you know what the problem is?" Garen was used to the elusiveness of children, so he asked without looking back.

On the other hand, the others were so frightened that they got out of the way. Some timid members swallowed their saliva and stared at the child with frightened expressions.

The child had a lollipop in his mouth, squatting beside the stretcher like Garen, shaking his hands back and forth.

He frowned and touched Angel's forehead.

"She's having a nightmare." After a while, he said firmly.

"Having a nightmare? Are you saying that she was pulled into a nightmare and couldn't wake up?" Garen asked.

"Maybe, someone planted a nightmare seed in her. She didn't realize it, and then she fell into it." The child shrugged, looking like a little adult.

"How to solve it?" Garen asked directly.

"It's very simple. You need to get rid of that nightmare seed, but this kind of seed will usually hide in her most secret place." The child curled his lips, "It depends on which of you can find it."

"Kill the nightmare seeds?" Garen stood up and thought for a moment. "Let me do it."

"What are you going to do?" The child looked at Garen curiously. "If her seed gets into the most private place, you will be responsible."

"No need to go to such trouble." Garen said calmly.

With a flick of his toes, Angel on the stretcher was instantly lifted up and rolled in mid-air amidst everyone's exclamations.

It seemed as if he was floating in front of Garen.

Huhuhu. The human body rolled violently, causing gusts of wind.


Garen suddenly slapped Angel on the shoulder. He instantly froze it and caught it in mid-air.

Bang bang bang! !

Continuous applause continued to spread from between the two people.

Garen struck an insignificant part of Angel's body with a palm.

Every palm shook Angel's whole body, and some tiny and fragmentary items fell directly from her body and flew everywhere.

This is a high-level skill in secret martial arts, Zhen.

Used in this place, with a little cleverness, it can just shake out all the hidden things.

In the world of secret martial arts, this is a method used to remove the hidden weapons and poisonous needles hidden on the dead soldiers. It is suitable for Garen to use it here.

Soon, less and less things were shaken out, and even the clothes outside were a little loose and about to fall off,


A small purple dot suddenly fell out from the hem of Angel's shirt.


Garen held up his palms and gently put Angel back on the stretcher, his strength was extremely gentle. Shows an extremely superb level of strength control.

"This is it."

The child picked up the purple dot, and it turned out to be an oval plant seed, just like a soybean, but with a different color.

Garen and the others looked at Angel again, and sure enough her face looked much better. Not as haggard as before.

The child took the seed, wiped it on his clothes, and threw it directly into his mouth.


"It seems like something strange came out, but it doesn't matter. It's the same even if it's chewed up." He chewed it a few times, then swallowed it with a grunt.

A group of people, including Garen, looked at him speechlessly.

"Are you okay??!" The red-haired girl stared at the child in fear.

"Are you okay?" The child dug into his pocket and pulled out a handful of purple seeds. "I still have it, do you want it? It tastes good."

A group of people were dumbfounded. .

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