Mysterious journey

Chapter 453 Secret Martial Arts 2

Two strengthening effects in succession made Garen fall into thinking.

This is obviously a self-fusion totem, refined in a secret martial way. With his high level in secret martial arts, it is not difficult to see that even if he does not modify the Ten Thousand Waters Blue King Technique, it already feels like it has changed beyond recognition.

"What if I fuse not the nine-headed demon dragon, but other totems? Will the additional strengthening effect be different?" He thought in his mind, "This fusion method is likely to be a self-evolving ability. Method to adapt to the changes in the practitioner's body. To reach the point that is most suitable for the practitioner."

To put it simply, a copy of Ten Thousand Waters Jade King Kung Fu is only the most basic foundation. After different totem masters reach the fifth type, the fused totems are different, and the strengthening effects of the kung fu are also different.

Garen had a deep intuition at this time. If he passed on his current skills to ordinary people and practiced them to the extreme, they might have the same effect as him. Even if the power would be smaller, it would just be a matter of physical fitness. .

And if he continues to fuse the Nine-Headed Dragon, perhaps even he himself cannot tell to what extent the subsequent techniques will mutate and strengthen.

This effect is like Miwu evolving itself to a higher level by fusing totems.

If ten thousand people practice the Ten Thousand Waters Blue King Kung Fu, there may be ten thousand different techniques.

"Is secret martial arts the ultimate foundation?"

Sitting cross-legged in the garden, doubts kept rising in Garen's mind.

The secret weapon, the totem, and the three themselves seem to have some kind of secret connection. They seem independent, but actually they seem to be integrated into one.

Garen thought deeply and made a decision.

In this world, among the totem masters, only those at the peak of Type 4 or even Type 5 are qualified to practice secret martial arts. As for ordinary people, they are not qualified to practice at all, and they are not high enough, so practicing it will have no effect. . At most it's just to keep fit.

Among ordinary people, the master-level mortal masters here also have their own secret cultivation methods, which are similar to secret martial arts. It's just far less developed than the previous world.

At the same time, because of the existence of the totem master, the mortal secret martial arts here cannot be promoted at all.

But Garen now saw a glimmer of hope for ordinary people.

Originally, although the qualification requirements for practicing the Ten Thousand Waters and Blue King Kung Fu were relatively abnormal, they were much simpler than the qualification requirements for a totem master. At least the proportion among ordinary people will be much larger. At least one person in a hundred people can practice this secret martial art.

But now, the mutated technique has faintly broken through the level of secret martial arts.

After evolutionary mutation, Miwu has the ability to completely transform the human body and achieve the effect of evolving itself.

While Garen was thinking, he began to practice and run the next level according to the skills he received from Celine.

Surprisingly, after merging the first dragon head, the Ten Thousand Waters and Blue King Technique was no longer difficult for him. It only took more than ten minutes to enter the second floor.

Originally, he had thoroughly understood the entire skill, and with the height of the realm of the King of the Century, this effect should have appeared long ago, but now it suddenly appeared. It had not come earlier, it would not come later, and it actually came now.

This made Garen feel a little stunned.

He has practiced the God Statue Technique and has already completely opened up most of the blood channels in his body. With 10 points of attribute enhancement and the addition of the Nine-Headed Dragon Heart, his body has reached an incredible level.

This effect is natural and natural.

But Garen now feels a little weird.

The second level was quickly broken through. As a mortal-level secret martial art, the Ten Thousand Waters Blue King Kung Fu was not difficult to practice in the realm of Gallon's secret martial arts. Then came the third level.

The third level took an hour to penetrate all the secret blood vessels, including even the sophisticated brain blood vessels.

If it were an ordinary secret martial artist, he would not have the foundation of Galen God Statue Kung Fu, the peak control of secret martial arts energy and blood, and a deep understanding of secret martial arts in a realm. It is estimated that it will take at least more than ten years to achieve.

Then came the fourth level, which was overwhelming. Several of the main bloodlines overlapped with Garen's God Statue Skill, and they were quickly completed.

The final fifth layer, this layer operates almost entirely in the brain. Countless delicate blood vessels and nerves are involved.

To sum up, this fifth level is to stimulate certain areas of the brain through special Miwu methods to achieve a kind of superpower-like water control ability.

This is actually the true truth of Ten Thousand Waters and Blue King Kung Fu.

Rushing to the top of the fifth floor in one breath, Garen finally opened his eyes again. At this time, the surroundings were silent and quiet.

It was already midnight and early morning.

It was freezing cold all around, and the flowers and plants in the garden made a rhythmic rustling sound in the wind.

Two oil lamps hanging from the eaves gave off a dim light.

The Ten Thousand Waters and Blue King Kung Fu has broken through to the highest level, and naturally has a set of fighting skills to match it.

Garen stretched out his hand and gently grabbed it. Countless wetness silently gathered into his hand from all directions, and quickly condensed into a tiny drop of water.

The water droplets took on a perfect spherical shape and floated quietly on the palm of Galleon's hand. The surface reflected clear reflections of the surrounding areas, making it crystal clear.

Garen waved with one hand.

Wow! !

A stream of clear water gathered in front of him out of thin air, turning into a water dragon that continuously revolved around him. Round and round, like a clock.

Garen showed a hint of disappointment.

Such a skill, if it were in the world of secret martial arts, would indeed be considered astonishing and unparalleled. It is almost beyond the scope of human power and can be called a superpower.

As long as he is close to himself, the blood in the enemy's whole body will be controlled, separated from the body, and completely extracted. In the world of secret martial arts, it can be called the most powerful assassination technique!

The Wanshui Biwang Gong is said to be the most suitable secret weapon for sneak attacks, and it is indeed no joke.

But although this kind of power is strong, it also depends on the environment.

This is the world of totem masters. No totem master will be afraid of such secret martial arts. Because this kind of power is just a pure superpower and cannot break through the light of the totem, everything is in vain.

The process of practicing the Ten Thousand Waters and Blue King Kung Fu is actually a process that allows the human body to break through its limits and produce superpowers.

The captured water can also form a defense around itself. The fighting skills included in the skills include methods to create high-pressure water cannons, secret methods to suffocate the enemy, and methods to silently cut off certain blood lines of the opponent.

Different bloodline truncation will produce different effects. These are in-depth studies on the human body. Unfortunately, the main opponent here is no longer ordinary humans.

So these methods are worthless.

If it were placed in the previous life, perhaps each of them would be a top-notch skill that would shock the world.

However, Garen vaguely felt that he seemed to be able to break through the limits of this technique by fusing the nine-headed demon dragon.

There were only eight of the nine-headed demonic dragons left at this time, and they seemed a little sluggish. If they wanted to continue to fuse the dragon heads, there was a faint instinctive resistance.

Since he could not fuse the dragon head again in a short time, Garen did not force it and began to study the secrets of secret martial arts.

He discovered that although the current Bi Wang Gong had reached the pinnacle of the technique, it was different from the original technique. The secret weapon he modified through the Nine-Headed Demonic Dragon actually still has some room for further deduction.

Just do what comes to mind, and Garen doesn't care about the problem of sleep. He has amazing stamina and an inhuman physique. If he doesn't rest during this time, there will be no negative effects.

Step by step, he began to proceed forward based on the current peak of Biwang Palace. He has nine lives, so he is not afraid of being seriously injured or something goes wrong.

After dozens of misfires in a row, I was seriously injured several times and almost lost my life. However, with its strong regenerative power, I didn't lose a single life. It really pushed Bi Wang Gong to a new level!

Garen successfully connected it with the power of totem.

The source of totem power lies in the brain.

Garen slightly modified the stimulation route of Biwang Gong, changing it to gradually stimulate the part of the brain where the power of the totem is generated.

So under his constant testing, similar to the green vine ball, for ordinary people, the dawn of becoming a strong person finally appeared.

Unlike the green vine ball, which is a bit evil and extreme. As long as anyone reaches the sixth level successfully derived from the Ten Thousand Waters and Blue King Kung Fu, he or she can successfully activate the power of the totem and become a qualified true totem master.

However, although this new technique is powerful, it is still unsatisfactory in frontal combat.

Garen thought for a moment and then added the part of the God Statue Skill that he was most familiar with. His Divine Statue Skill combines the essence of Baiyun Sect and Golden Statue Skill, and has reached the point where it is unpredictable to mortals.

After the addition, the Biwang Kung Fu has changed beyond recognition and completely turned into a new secret martial art.

Garen carefully considered the next layer, but did not integrate more dragon heads. What he deduced did not have a stronger reference line, which felt not very ideal. Had to give up.

The new Ten Thousand Waters Blue King Skill incorporates most of Galen's secret martial arts essence, giving ordinary people hope to reach the top.

But the road is also extremely difficult.

First of all, you must cultivate the modified version of the Biwang Kung Fu of foundation building to its peak, and then you can be qualified to face the most critical level - breaking through the power of the totem.

Although Garen made many revisions and improvements, he finally shortened and streamlined the Biwang Kung Fu to four levels.

You must first complete these four levels before you have a chance to activate the power of the totem.

As a result, Garen created the technique based on himself. The final effect of this new secret weapon is basically the same as described in the superpower.

Water control ability, poison ability, and extremely powerful regeneration power.

In other words, Garen's current state of secret martial arts is the peak of this secret martial arts at this time.

Garen had a hunch that when this skill is completely created, it is estimated that all practitioners who will eventually reach the peak will become weakened versions of the Nine-Headed Dragon. If the dragon core is transplanted again, and with enough mental state, there will be another one. With the same supernatural talent, he looks like another 'Little Galleon'.

However, it is also very difficult to complete the first four levels of this technique, but it is slightly simpler than the original Ten Thousand Waters and Blue King Technique.

The original Biwang Kung Fu was already difficult enough. Only during the peak period of the Sea King Fist did anyone reach the peak.

It's just a little simpler now. If you want to successfully cultivate it, without extremely suitable talents, strong perseverance, and hard work, it is impossible to reach the peak.

The only thing Galen could do in the end was to relax the qualifications allowed for practice. Relax the conditions and increase the number of people, and there will always be geniuses with extraordinary talent and perseverance.

Feeling that the secret martial arts in his body had been modified beyond recognition, this secret martial art was no longer suitable to be called the Ten Thousand Waters and Blue King Kung Fu. There are too many things from him mixed in it.

Stretch out your index finger, and a stream of crystal water winds up like a snake, beautiful and pure.

"I am the Lord of the Black Fire Palace. My body totem is the nine-headed demon dragon. I belong to the swamp overlord and have a water-based totem. This secret martial art can be called the Black Water Kung Fu."

He hesitated.

"The world is vast, and only this secret martial arts can truly lead a person to the path of becoming strong. To activate the power of the totem, one should add the word "true"."

"From today on, this secret martial art is called Black Water True Kung Fu!"


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