Mysterious journey

Chapter 454 Disciple 1

Outside the Kuwaitan Palace area, in a square at a road intersection.

Several tall circular arenas stood quietly, forming a triangular formation.

The three arenas are all white, surrounded by a dense crowd. From time to time, loud cheers can be heard, some people raise their hands to cheer, and some people look worried and talk quietly. But more people were staring intently at the ring.

"Ice stabbing sword!"

A cold female voice came faintly from the ring. With a clang, a ray of silver-white sword light turned into a bunch of white thorns, rushed forward, and shot hard at a black-haired man on the opposite side of the ring.

The man's expression changed slightly and he hit the ground with his right hand.

A puff of black smoke rose up, hiding him in it.

It was difficult to see clearly in the black smoke. After the white thorn sword light shot into it, it disappeared silently.

A moment later, a woman in white quickly stepped back, covering her left shoulder with a pale face.

As soon as she exited, she couldn't hold on anymore. She fell down and sat in the ring, and the white rapier in her hand broke into two pieces with a click.

"Blackbird wins!"

A nobleman in red with a white wig sat on the edge of the ring and loudly announced the verdict.

"Next person!"

An attendant beside the noble shouted loudly.

"I really don't know what your lord is thinking. If you want to recruit peripheral forces, what's the use of such a mortal fighter?" Several noble men and women sitting in the high stands beside the ring whispered to each other.

The men are chic and elegant, dressed in red, and the women are charming and charming, wearing lace white skirts. He is not very old, and there is a faint arrogance between his eyebrows.

"Don't make random guesses about your intentions, sir. We just need to execute the order. If this supervisory job were to be replaced by someone else, they would probably lose their head." A beautiful woman wearing a white round hat said calmly.

She held a small white parasol in her hand that was more decorated than used. She wore pearl earrings on her crystal round ears. Her slender and round legs were tightly closed together and slightly tilted. The white lace waist skirt on her body made her The slender and beautiful waist is undoubtedly highlighted.

"Madam, do you think your Excellency did this after receiving instructions from His Majesty the Palace Master?" A male noble asked in a low voice.

"Who knows? Well, don't make random guesses. My words are for your own good." The woman replied calmly. "This time the Black Fire Palace has recruited many disciples, and the treatment is extremely high. If we let some more trash into the palace, and something happens then, it will be our trouble."

"That's what I say, but aren't the people in these arenas all private soldiers of various nobles? When they see an opportunity, they all come over to build relationships." A girl next to her pouted and said unhappily.

"We are all mortal fighters, so why can't ordinary people use our noble ones? Doesn't it all depend on your ability when you get on stage?" The male noble crossed his arms and looked at the ring, "Look, again Come down a civilian."

Several people looked together.

Sure enough, another man in plain clothes was carried down from one of the arenas. He was unconscious with blood bleeding from the corner of his mouth. He was obviously seriously injured.

Standing on the stage was a man in green tights. He was holding a thin sword with blood dripping from the tip, and he was looking down with a proud look on his face.

"Okay, the winner wins fifteen games in a row and enters the divisional round!" the referee announced loudly.

The man in green nodded lightly, with a hint of joy finally flashing in his eyes, and walked towards the back of the ring.

There were rows of white seats, and some overcomers were already sitting on them. These are the winners after winning fifteen games in a row.

Most of them are dressed as nobles, with gorgeous and exquisite clothes without losing their heroic spirit.

There were only a few people in civilian attire, and all of them looked silent and did not say a word. Unlike the nobles, they valued this audition competition much more.

Scenes like this are everywhere in the entire imperial capital.

The Black Fire Palace announced to the world yesterday that it would conduct an audition to select its disciples. Use the recently popular radio as a channel and distribute notices and leaflets everywhere.

Anyone who can successfully be selected into the top three in the overall ranking will be personally accepted as a disciple by the Black Fire Palace Master, who will be given the real secret method to break through the mortal level and become a truly powerful person who can be on par with the totem master.

Even if you don't get into the top three or the top 100, you are still qualified to join the Black Fire Palace and have the opportunity to become the new Black Fire Guards.

Before the arena began, the Lord of Gallon Palace appeared in person to speak.

"No matter you are high or low, no matter you are old or young, no matter you are male or female, as long as you can meet the requirements, I will give you the power of hope."

So for a time, twenty arenas were opened in the entire imperial capital at the same time, constantly selecting the top fighters among ordinary people.

In the past, such selections were actually carried out in other departments, but they were always selected totem masters, while ordinary guards did not have much requirements at all. They were directly selected from the lower-level nobles and knights.

There is basically no problem for common people. This way to reach the sky is actually monopolized by the nobles.

The only hope for commoners is to become a member of the aristocratic class through great achievements, great contributions, illustrious military exploits, etc.

And now, the Black Fire Palace is the first to break this taboo blockade.

It also aroused the dissatisfaction of many great nobles.

Fortunately, the Black Fire Palace only recruits a hundred people. And it is said that the palace owner personally taught him a fighting technique called secret martial arts.

No one knows what secret martial arts is. What kind of fighting skills are worthy of being taught by the Lord of Black Fire Palace himself? No matter what kind of fighting skills, if there are no gadgets matched by the workshop masters, it is estimated that even the first-type totem master can easily crush the fighters without any pressure.

But after the second update of the notice, the entire imperial capital suddenly boiled.

Countless people flocked to the ring, and more and more people were waiting to take the stage. Some were locals from the imperial capital, some were legionnaires, and some were children of nobles. There are also mercenaries, outsiders outside the imperial capital, etc.

There are very old men, young boys and girls who are still childish, and most of them are fighters who originally had no hope.

All of this comes from Garen's second official declaration.

‘Black Fire Palace recruits disciples without looking at the qualifications of totem masters, and totem masters are not allowed to participate. ’

Some people even got confirmation from the internal guards of the Silver Palace that the Lord of the Black Fire Palace had indeed mastered a key technology that allowed ordinary people to break through the barrier of totem power.

Someone has confirmed this from the Terry Jones family. Everyone originally thought that the cost of this technology must not be huge, but they did not expect that the master of the Black Fire Palace was willing to open it directly and let everyone participate in the audition.

Time passed day by day.

The news in the Black Fire Palace gradually became confirmed step by step.

The Lord of the Black Fire Palace created a secret martial arts fighting skill called Black Water True Skill. Once practiced to a certain level, one can break through the limits and truly activate the power of the totem!

For a time, Blackwater's true power became the hottest topic in the entire imperial capital.

The top totem masters went to the Black Fire Palace to see Garen. Even the other giants set out to visit the Black Fire Palace and had a long talk with Garen before leaving.

The totem masters at the bottom were a little panicked, but after asking their elders, they learned that this fighting skill has many limitations. If you want to practice to a breakthrough level, you don't have to choose totem master qualifications.

The rarity is even greater than that of totem masters. In this way, the fear of being replaced by low-level totem masters is slightly alleviated.

They are the biggest foundation in the totem world. The material processing by the workshop masters and the infusion of various totem powers from the magic array are tasks that ordinary people cannot do and that elite totem masters look down upon. The first-type totem masters with the largest base are all responsible.

Even if there are so many people running away in the entire imperial capital, there are still thousands of Type 1 Totem Masters.

Not to mention the influx of the three major legions and the gradual return of some of the departing nobles.


A week later, early morning.

Inside the Palace of Blackfire

In the main hall, which is black with dark red patterns, sitting on two rows of black stone seats on both sides, there is a man, woman, and child with extraordinary reputation and temperament. Most of these people seem to be in high positions, and they have a sense of overlooking everything from a high position.

Teenagers and girls in black clothes were passing through the crowd, constantly offering them fresh fruits, drinks, and drinks.

The palace lord's throne at the top in the middle of the hall is still empty. On both sides of the throne, not far away, are six slightly shorter black stone seats with high backs. The high degree of consistency indicates that the status of the people who are about to sit in these seats should be similar.

The six seats are divided into two sides, three on each side.

Below, there are the people on the black stone chairs who have already taken their seats. These people are all celebrities in the imperial capital and representatives of some powerful forces, including representatives of war guilds, representatives of assassins guilds, spokespersons of higher-level nobles, spokespersons of large chambers of commerce, etc.

No one thinks that the six vacant seats above are unreasonable. Since the Lord of the Black Fire Palace has placed these positions, which are only a little lower than him, it is obvious that the people who sit in these positions definitely have identities that match this position. strength.

Finally, after an unknown amount of time, the white morning light slanted in from the skylights on both sides of the hall and converged on the aisle in the center of the hall.

A figure finally walked out of the entrance and exit on the right side of the palace.

Three men and women of different shapes and wearing white costumes walked into the hall, and under the guidance of the waiter, they took the three seats on the right side of the main seat.

The nobles and spokespersons below suddenly became in an uproar. They whispered and communicated with each other, but found that no one knew the three men and women in white.

These three people are not young. The oldest is white-haired and is estimated to be seventy or eighty years old. The youngest is also in his fifties. They all have something in common in their clothing, that is, they all have more or less white plush on their bodies. Fox fur is used as decoration. Moreover, they all have a dark crescent mark on the left side of their faces. The only woman was wearing large and small bells all over her body, and the bells kept ringing as she walked. It gives people a touch of exotic style.

"The palace master is here!"

There was a soft whooshing sound, and a black figure suddenly appeared on the highest throne. He was dressed in black robes and his eyes were like lightning. It was the Lord of the Black Fire Palace, Gallon Terry Jones, who was notorious in the imperial capital and even the entire Kuwaitan.

Garen's figure is slender and well-proportioned, but when he sits on the high seat, he has a majestic and majestic feeling, like a dragon or a tiger.

The moment he appeared on his seat, the whole hall shook slightly, as if making an overwhelming sound.

When a strong person managed to break free, he found that the palace was intact. The shock just now was actually just an illusion in his mind!

For a moment, everyone was shocked beyond words, and their awe for the Black Fire Palace Master deepened several levels. Only then did they remember that one of the four giants of the empire was still young at this time and might be making progress every moment.

"The Master of Silver Palace has arrived!"

Silently, the handsome figure of Ephesus appeared in the first seat on Garen's right hand. He held a white long sword and looked at the three people opposite him with slightly wrinkled eyes.

Only then did everyone notice that the three mysterious people sitting on Garen's left side did not move at all under the powerful shock just now, but the expressions on their faces became more solemn. It turns out that they were a little careless, and even seemed a little dissatisfied with their seats. Now I am really completely calm.

There was a faint white halo around the three of them, and at some point, young men and women appeared behind each of them.

The three boys and girls are also dressed in white as snow, with tight-fitting clothing, and a small piece of crescent-shaped white fur sewn on their shoulders. Their expressions are respectful, and they are obviously the descendants of the three people sitting in the seats.

At this time, three people came out from behind Ephesus. They were the three disciples of Yue Ji. They were standing behind him with rapiers in their hands, looking equally respectful.

Garen glanced at the entire audience and sat upright. His eyes finally fell on the three people on the left.

"This election is an important event that lays the foundation for my Black Fire Palace. I would like to thank the three masters of the Seven Nights Tower of the Snow Mountain for traveling thousands of miles to come here in person. It is a great honor for me, the master of this palace."

"Palace Master, you're welcome. Our Daxue Mountain Seven Nights Tower has been adjacent to Kuwaitan for a long time, and we have also heard of the Palace Master's name. It is an even greater honor for my Seven Nights Tower to be invited to watch the ceremony this time."

The white-haired old man who took the lead quickly bowed his head and responded politely.

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