Mysterious journey

Chapter 492 Battle 2

The black water power inside Garen's body was running wildly. In the dark space, the nine-headed dragon looked up to the sky and roared. The tyrannical energy in his body was like plasma, constantly flying around and rolling like boiling magma.

At this moment, Garen's mind seemed to be completely integrated with the ancient nine-headed dragon's soul, and they were indistinguishable from each other. The nine-headed dragon in the darkness roared with joy, and actually actively cooperated with the Black Water True Skill for the first time, accelerating the fusion.

The sixth dragon head quickly merged into Garen's body, and the strong dragon heart stirred up a large amount of blood to nourish the fused flesh and bones.

Nine-headed Dragon had no intention of resisting at all, as if Garen was his relative at this time, an aura of surrender and reverence emanated from Nine-headed Dragon. It seemed as if Garen at this time was the real swamp overlord in ancient times.

With the active cooperation of the Nine-Headed Dragon, the fusion is getting faster and faster, without the need for Galleons at all. The core of the Nine-Headed Dragon is like a fanatical religious worshiper, actively decomposing its own flesh and blood, and merging into the cycle of the Black Water True Skill. With the fusion The power was digested over and over again and quickly transformed into Garen's own strength.

Garen stood quietly under the shade of the tree, feeling calm in his heart, but there was a hint of overbearing and domineering spirit lingering in his heart.

He understood that this was the overlord's will contained in the bloodline genes of the ancient nine-headed dragon. It was precisely because he truly matched this trace of will that the core totem Nine-Headed Dragon bowed his head and surrendered, completely willing to integrate himself into his body.

In ancient times, even the birds in the sky would be shaken down by the roar of the swamp overlord. This tyrannical and fearless will swept everything, and was the pride of one of the strongest creatures in ancient times.

The incomplete core totem is just a false nine-headed dragon after all. Facing the true will of our ancestors, we can only choose to surrender.

The villagers in the distant village seemed to have heard the noise here, and there were already footsteps coming towards this direction.

Garen smiled slightly and turned into a streak of black smoke, disappearing into the woods at the edge.

Now that he has the active cooperation of the Nine-headed Dragon, fusing the Dragon Head is no longer a big problem, and the time it takes is greatly shortened. It is estimated that it will take less than two days to completely fuse the Nine-headed Dragon and enter the fifth type. After all, the fusion and transformation of Black Water's true power also takes time and cannot be accomplished overnight.

And that trace of the ancient nine-headed dragon overlord's will unexpectedly matched his, and actually had the intention of merging into his spirit.

But these are not problems. The key is that he finally sees the peak level of type five.

Feros, the Evil God King, these two people have reached the peak of type five, and their accumulation over the years is extremely rich. But Garen could feel that Feros' aura seemed to be stronger than that of the Evil God King.

The will and spirit of this most powerful Zenian king in history has already reached the level that Garen has just entered.

The Evil God King, on the other hand, could barely compete with Feros just by relying on countless years of accumulation of strength.

Garen didn't know how to describe this level. If we use the vocabulary of the earth, it means to understand one's mind and see one's nature, to discover one's deepest nature, to have a clear and crystal clear mind, and not to be burdened by external things.

In this state, one can always exert one's greatest strength without letting any external objects affect one's state. Even with the mobilization of will, unprecedented strength may explode. Will not be threatened or dragged down. Fight or retreat without any delay.

At this level, the inner mind is like a bright pearl, which can be divided into several layers. Nothing on the outer layer can affect the inner layer.

"I didn't expect that there are people in this world who can surpass the realm of the King of the Century." Garen sighed in his heart. Feros is already so powerful, so what about the more powerful ghost gate?

He suddenly felt lucky that he came to this great era and could compete head-on with the strongest in this era for everything he wanted.


three days later

In the dim light of the cabin.

Hannett was lying on the ground little by little, finishing the final lines of the spell formation.

On the ground of the hut, an extremely complex circular magic array was clearly revealed in front of another person in the house.

This spell array seems to be formed by overlapping more than ten spell arrays. It is only four meters in diameter, but the number of symbols contained in it actually reaches thousands, and they are densely packed like countless small white insects crawling together.

The candlelight flickered, shining on Hannett's slightly sweaty forehead, reflecting a trace of oil stains.

"It's finally done." Hannett slowly finished carving the last knife and got up from the ground. "As long as I wait until the thunderstorm, connect the electromagnetic field in the sky, and cooperate with my physique, I can purify the source and draw out the will of the evil god king inside."

"What happens after we are involved? None of us can stop the will of the Evil God King. Even just a thought is enough to defeat all of us!" The middle-aged man next to him said in a low voice.

"It's up to that person at that time." Hannett shook his head, "We are only responsible for drawing out the will of the Evil God King, and the rest is none of our business."

"Then go and notify that person now?" the middle-aged man asked.

Hannity nodded and sat down on the ground, looking haggard and exhausted. His eyes were bloodshot, obviously due to a serious lack of rest.

The middle-aged man stood up and came to help him up.

"Too bad I can't help."

"It's okay. Are Shi Yan and the others here?" Hannett closed his eyes and rubbed his temples.

"I stepped up to notify them. I should be able to barely make it today."

"That's good."

"Now that everything is ready, can we get started?" Suddenly there was a voice in the room.

Their hearts skipped a beat. Although they were mentally prepared, they were still startled by the sudden sound that appeared next to them.

"Palace Master Garon, are you sure you want to start now?"

Hannett quickly calmed down and spoke out.

"Of course, how are you preparing for the Origin of the Evil God?" Garen was still dressed as he was two days ago, wearing gray linen clothes, smiling, and looking very gentle.

"The preparations have been completed." Hannett lowered his head, not looking into the other party's unfathomable red eyes. It had only been a few days since they had seen each other, and the aura on the other person's body had become much stronger.

"Then let's get started." Garen nodded.

Hearing this, Hannett walked into the spell formation, placed the bottle of Light God and Evil God's Origin in the center of the formation, sat cross-legged in the formation, touched the ground with his palms, and pressed them on the only two empty spaces in the formation.


A burst of blue fluorescence emanated from the entire magic array, and all the lines within the array glowed blue. A trace of electricity flowed out of Hannitt's body and injected into the array below.

The evil god's origin was placed in the center. At this moment, there was a click, and a crack suddenly opened in the crystal ball. The white mucus origin inside slowly flowed out, emitting white fluorescence.

Blue light and white light mix together, and the blue slowly rotates around the white.

As time passed, with the white light as the center, the blue halo arc gradually formed a vortex with a diameter of two meters.

Click! !

Suddenly a bolt of lightning flashed across the whirlpool, and the lightning flashed. In the center of the vortex, a bird-shaped shadow with a dark blue head and entire body actually rose.

The blue bird is shaped like a peacock, with nine long electric tail feathers trailing from its tail. The tail feathers and the blue light are mixed together, making it indistinguishable.


Another moving lightning flashed across the formation, and the shadow of a creature with a human face and a bird's body rose again within the formation. The human-faced bird is covered in blue, with no expression on its face, facing the nine-tailed bird from a distance.

The nine-tailed bird and the human-faced bird just sandwich the origin of the white evil god. Two phantoms no bigger than a palm floated in the blue and white light, faintly stimulating the arcs in the blue light to become more and more dense.

The white liquid in the center also showed signs of becoming clear.

The buzzing sound became louder and louder, and the whole house seemed to start to shake.

"Successful!!" Hannett's face showed a hint of joy. "When the origin begins to become clear, it is a sign that the purification has begun to be successful!" he said loudly.

A smile appeared on Garen's lips as he stood outside the formation.

Suddenly, there was a faint sound of hurried footsteps outside the house. The footsteps were getting closer and closer, becoming more and more urgent.


The door of the house was violently knocked open, and a tall young man with silver eyes rushed in.

"Wait a minute, Stone Eyes!!" The girl's urgent cry came from behind him.

Hannett and the two felt happy, as if a heavy burden had been lifted off their bodies, and they felt much more relaxed.

With the fourth type of Baker's Stone Eyes, the genius of the Earth Flower Club can definitely make the master of Kurosawa Palace a little afraid.

Being able to enter the fourth type before the age of thirty, and with the powerful Jihua Club behind him, no matter how arrogant and domineering Kurosawa Palace is, he will not make enemies at will. Ignore the behemoth of Dihuashe.

He and Shi Yan met at the totem exchange meeting. At that time, he, Tina, Shi Yan and another companion stood up to testify at the same time because of a group of bullying totem masters, and they got to know each other. stand up.

Later, they discovered that each other's totem abilities were somewhat compatible, and they could form a team. So a few people teamed up to complete many tasks of the Silver Lantern Master Guild, and also formed a small mercenary group.

Later, in times of shared adversity, the friendship became deeper and deeper. They sacrificed their lives to save each other many times, which can be regarded as a life-long friendship.

This time Hannett heard that Shiyan was coming. Although he said he didn't want to rely on any external force, in fact he felt warm in his heart. Now Baker Stone Eyes is no longer the ordinary person he was before, but a big shot who represents the Earth Flower Society in every word and deed. He is the new generation's closest genius to the Three Heroes level.

In fact, if the greatest reputation of the three heroes was not for establishing the three major domains, with their own natural huge power to protect a large number of civilian nobles, and truly fighting for their personal strength, Hannett believed that they might not be as powerful as Stone Eyes.

Just when the two looked up at Shiyan and Tina, they found that the expressions on the faces of Shiyan and Tina were extremely strange.

"Gajalon!!" Shiyan said in a low voice, slowly calling out the name of the person in front of him.

The smiles that had not yet appeared on the faces of Hannett and Hannet gradually turned gloomy in the deep voice of Shi Yan. They clearly saw that Baker's stone-eyed face began to turn pale, and his eyes looked extremely nervous. Including Tina behind them, the two of them seemed to be afraid.

Hannett's heart sank suddenly.

"My teacher, are you okay?" Garen looked back at the two of them and asked with a smile.

"Mr. Aining is doing well." Baker Stone Eyes bowed slightly and stood up. A trace of golden totem light was flowing around him at high speed, and the huge four-type aura could burst out at any time.

He has not forgotten the previous two near-humiliating results. The man in front of him has completely become his nightmare. He has been trying his best to improve himself, but every time he recalls the tragic defeat, his heart feels cold.

The white light in the room became brighter and brighter, and a strange and inexplicable aura slowly flowed out from the white source. .

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