Mysterious journey

Chapter 493 Battle 3

Purifying the source on a non-thunderstorm day is inherently insufficient, but when the evil god king takes the initiative, it is a different matter.

Under the interweaving white light and blue light, Garen showed no signs of taking action. Instead, he just stood there and turned back to look at the source at the center of the spell array.

Baker, Stone Eyes, and the others paid close attention to Garen with high vigilance, and did not dare to get too close to him. Instead, they walked close to the wall and walked to Hannett's side.

The room was eerily silent, with only the clicking sound of blue arcs coming from time to time.

The blue light shone on Garen's face, seeming to reflect a hint of eerie coldness.

The strange aura in the origin of the evil god is getting stronger and stronger, and traces of white air flow slowly float out, but they seem to have no entity, looming.


Garen's hand suddenly shook, and all the remaining evil god origins were thrown out, accurately falling into the center of the spell array.

Click! !

A thunder suddenly flashed across the sky outside the house.

People in the whole village raised their heads in confusion. The originally clear sky was suddenly gathering large clouds.

"What is that!!?" someone shouted.

The villagers were all stunned and dropped the things they were holding. Everyone who was still in the house ran out, some even holding their children.

Everyone looked up at the sky blankly.

The originally cloudless sky was now gathering more and more clouds.

"No! That's not cloud gas!" The village chief muttered, leaning on his cane and raising his head.

The large white clouds in the sky, at this moment, instantly turned into patches of blood red, like being infected by red ink.

inside the house

A fanatical smile appeared on Garen's face. He raised one hand and looked at the sky to grab it.

The entire roof was corroded and melted silently, as if candles were melting and ice and snow were melting. Within seconds, a huge round hole opened up.

laugh! ! !

In the center of the spell formation, a blood-red light pillar suddenly rose into the sky. The piercing screams continued. The entire hut completely disintegrated in an instant, and the surrounding walls melted and disappeared silently like a roof.

Hannett and others had no choice but to flee from the house one after another. Baker's stone eyes protected everyone and held up a hemisphere of golden totem light. Everyone looked at the beam of light in the distance in shock.

The blood-colored light pillar broke through the blood clouds in the sky, and countless air currents and clouds revolved around it at high speed.

Garen stood in front of the light pillar, looking up at the sky, as if the huge screams and vibrations were completely unaware of him.

In the sky, countless blood clouds quickly gathered and condensed, forming the shape of a huge human face.

The blood-colored face looked like a thin mask. On the left side of the pupil, stood a silver-faced man in blood-robed robes.

The man in blood robe was high up, looking down, and his eyes met Garen's gaze upwards.

The wind was howling, the blood clouds were rolling, the entire sky was dark, and the sunlight was completely covered by countless blood clouds. Only the huge bloody face and the silver-faced man in red robe standing with the left pupil were left.

"You shouldn't have led me out." The evil god king's voice sounded like a man or a woman, and it was impossible to tell the gender.

"Fight with me." Garen licked his lips, with a hint of excitement in his eyes. "I tried my best to use the will in the source as a guide to draw out your true body, not just to chat with you here."

The two eyes under the Evil God King's mask seemed to glow red, and he glanced at Garen lightly.

"You are no match for me. Enough strong men have died in my hands."

Before he finished speaking, he raised his hand and pressed it down.

A red beam of light suddenly fell from the sky, like thunder.

Boom! !

The beam of light fell, pressing hard towards Garen's position.

Bang! !

Garen raised his hand to block it, and countless red rays of light passed through his sides like water. His whole body was pressed hard, almost pressed into the earth, and the light of the black totem around him was compressed and deformed.

"It's really vulnerable." The Evil God King's contemptuous voice came from the sky. Suddenly the red light in his eyes dimmed slightly. "Huh? I'll let you go this time. Next time, you won't be so lucky."

Before he finished speaking, the human faces in the sky suddenly dispersed, turning into countless red clouds and disappearing at once, along with the Evil God King himself.

The huge red light slowly dissipated after a few seconds.

Garen's whole body was completely pressed into the ground for most of his body. Even the light of the totem could not completely offset the terrifying suppression of this blow.

The huge beam of light directly suppressed him and rendered him speechless.

The red light completely dissipated. Garen stood there with an angry face. The Evil God King's explosive power was beyond his imagination, but it did not mean that he was unable to resist. It was just that he did not get used to it for a while. Just when he was about to fight back, he didn't expect the Evil God. The king actually ran away!

The explosive power of the evil god king's secret martial arts far exceeds that of Black Water's real skill, and its power is terrifying and abnormal, but it is not as highly condensed as Black Water's, but it far exceeds it in terms of strength. But when it happened, he was knocked speechless by a casual blow from the Evil God King, which seriously challenged the ancient nine-headed dragon's self-esteem.

There was silence all around, and no one dared to speak out, for fear of irritating Garen and taking his anger out on himself. The villagers, led by the knowledgeable village chief, had already exited the village and looked far away in the surrounding woods.

Hannity, Baker, Stone Eyes and others were protected by a hemispherical golden light shield, and they looked at this side with some fear. The five-type power confrontation, even the aftermath, left the golden shield of Baker's stone eye covered with dense cracks. As long as the strength is increased a little more, it will be completely broken.

Garen suppressed the anger in his heart and looked at Shi Yan and others from a distance. He raised his hand suddenly.


A black dragon's poisonous mist rushed over and hit the golden shield.

After smashing the light shield with a click, it hit Baker's stone eye hard.


As if someone had punched them in the face, Baker Shiyan and the others were knocked away and flew up and hit the wall behind them.

"What are you doing!!" Tina was not harmed much, and most of the power was blocked by the stone eye. "Are you going to vent your anger on us if you can't defeat the Evil God King!? It turns out that you, Palace Master Kurosawa, are such a villain. I used to think you were a powerful top master! I guess I was wrong about you!" She got up directly. Screaming.

"Stop talking about Tina!" Shiyan held Tina down, and stood in front of her with blood flowing from his mouth.

Hannett also got up with a pale complexion and helped up his uncle whose head was covered with blood, with uncontrollable anger on his face.

Garen had a strange look of shame on his face, and the ferocious anger on his face suddenly disappeared without a trace, as if his face had changed, and his face quickly calmed down.

"I'm sorry, I was impulsive. Hannit led the Evil God King to me and helped me so much, but I actually hurt you. It's my fault."

There was no pretense on his expression at this time. Tina had a hunch that her intuition was strong and she could easily tell whether the other party was being hypocritical. But at this moment, she actually felt that Garen was really sincerely apologizing.

"This time, it's my fault. I should have killed you today, Baker Stone Eyes, but it's a pity." Garen sighed with regret, and his figure suddenly turned into a black cloud and disappeared from the place.

The surroundings were quiet, there was no other sound, only the wind whistling past the village.

Behind Baker Stone Eyes is a wooden house.

The two men and women in white looked at each other and smiled, and the shining green seeds in their hands slowly dimmed at the same time.

"He noticed us." The man said calmly.

"So what? With the Seed of Instant Light, we can take away the stone eye with just a thought. Even if he takes action, he won't get any better." The woman said with a smile. "Thank you for your hard work this time."

"Why are we still talking about this?" The man shook his head, "Sisley, what are you going to do next?"

"Time is running out. The nine-headed demon dragon should have entered the separation stage, which is a bit tricky. This level is the same as Feros, which is very troublesome. Integrate the blood will of the totem into itself to achieve complete soul fusion. It is not just people who affect the totem. , and the totem will also affect people in turn. But he can use the totem state separately and independently. Fight with the power of the most perfect totem fusion. In terms of actual strength, there are few people who can surpass him."

"This guy is so young, he actually entered this level," the man sighed. "Don't worry about him. He will be one of our biggest helpers when he comes out of the ghost gate. Let's think about how to deal with the school dispute."

"I have contacted the Lord of the Three Realms. I can't get through this time, maybe..." the woman whispered, but her hand was held tightly by the man, and a warm force passed from the man's palm.

"Don't worry, I will always be with you."

The woman raised her face, revealing a delicate and gentle young face. She gently leaned her body into the man's arms.

The two people turned around and suddenly turned into green light, exploded, faded and dissipated.


Garen's figure moved at high speed in the sea of ​​trees, like an ink line between the dark green carpet, extremely clear.

The blazing sunlight shone down, leaving no trace of his shadow.

He didn't know how long he had been running, but he suddenly stopped. He closed his eyes and sensed movement in the distance. The large-scale gathering point of the Evil God Cult was not far ahead.

After being tricked by the Evil God King, the ancient Nine-Headed Dragon's will was suffocated. Garen decided to simply go directly to the evil gods who were easiest to find in the Evil God Cult.

After all, in a head-on confrontation, the Evil God King and the Eighteen Evil Gods join forces. Not to mention him, even the stronger Feros is unlikely to be able to deal with it head-on. Immortality is the most terrifying thing about the evil god, and even grinding it down can kill most powerful people.

I sensed the aura and sound of the Evil God Cult’s stronghold from afar.

Garen lightly jumped onto a big tree branch and slowly squatted down.

"It's getting more and more lively." He murmured, looking at the red barrel-like stronghold of the Evil God Cult in the distance.

Just when he was about to attack Baker Stone Eyes, he suddenly felt an inexplicable teleportation force surrounding Baker Stone Eyes and others. This power is looming and difficult to detect. Moreover, there are two extremely harmonious and tyrannical auras lingering nearby.

The intense vitality contained in the aura made him immediately think of Dihua Society. That is the aura that only plant totems have.

The Dihua Club has always been extremely low-key, but Garen is familiar with history and has not forgotten at all that after the birth of the Ghost Gate, Sisley, the president of the Dihua Club, and the top master in the entire East Continent who can fight against the Ghost Gate will also be born. The shocking battle between the two has a strong record even in the history of the planet.

The elders have always been in charge of the Dihua Club, and the president has disappeared without a trace. But the ghost gate was born, forcing them to appear in order to prevent the Dihua Society from being completely destroyed.

Sisley is actually a woman, and her strength also includes her husband. In other words, the actual strongest person in the Dihua Club is actually the couple, two people working together. The core totem of the two of them is a plant totem called the double love flower. This plant itself is a pair for life and is connected to each other, just like a lover and a couple are dependent on each other for life and death. The two of them worked together and were able to fight against the ghost gate. Of course, there were other reasons, but they still managed to hold the ghost gate back for a while.

Garen compiled the original history. He was already aware of the upcoming situation. After he was promoted, the core totem changed into a special state. It was a state dominated by the will of the ancestors of the Nine-Headed Dragon bloodline, which could unleash the strongest combat power.

Blackwater's true power is firmly on the thirteenth level. This is done by rushing forward one by one.

Garen recorded the changes in the operation route of each floor for the students of Kurosawa Palace to learn and control. Although the nine-headed dragon bloodline that does not match it will never be stronger than Garen, if you reach this peak, you will at least have strength that far exceeds the average four types. If you are lucky and find a core totem that is extremely suitable for Blackwater's true skill, you might even have a chance to enter the fifth type.

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