Mysterious journey

Chapter 494 Battle 4

Concentrating his mind, Garen put away the totem's light wave, and took out a crystal ball containing the origin of the evil god from his waist bag.

The three origins inside rotate with each other, forming a beautiful circle.

The origin of the God of Light, the origin of the God of Time, and the origin of the God of War.

The three haloes of white, black and red are constantly rotating and endless. The will of the Evil God King has been completely eliminated, and all of them have been actively sucked out by the Evil God King as coordinates.

Now these three groups of evil gods have become powerful treasures that can be absorbed.

It's just that Galleon doesn't know how to absorb it to get the original effect. If different resources are absorbed in different ways, the tonic may even turn into poison.

Just like taking an external ointment internally, you may not get the benefits, but it may be dangerous.

"The only one who knows how to really use it is the unknown commander of the Black Sky Society in history." Garen recalled everything in the Land of the Ancestral Gods and quickly set his target on the masked female commander of the Black Sky Society.

"Go to the Evil God Cult first, and if that doesn't work, go to the female leader of the Black Sky Society!" He made an arrangement in his mind.

The figure instantly turned into a column of black smoke, which silently shot towards the blood-colored wooden fortress of the Evil God Cult.

boom! !

The gate of the wooden fortress suddenly shattered into pieces and flew towards the inside, severely knocking down several of the guarding believers.

"Enemy attack!!"

Loud roars came from inside the fort.

Garen stood in front of the gate of the wooden fortress, watching the evil cultists in red attire swarming out of the wooden fortress, each holding a red-light spear and spear and rushing towards him. Several totem masters quickly carved spells with their hands behind them, and layers of white light slowly lit up around them. There were also totem beasts surrounding him from all directions.

A sly smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. He didn't use any moves at all, and the Black Water True Skill was only slightly activated.

Garen stepped forward.

A black poisonous mist suddenly dispersed and spread in all directions.

A large number of screams suddenly sounded one after another, mixed with the wails of a large number of totem beasts.

With Garen as the center, all the surrounding evil god believers fell to their knees, rolling and screaming. Their flesh and blood melted quickly, like candles, and soon only the skeleton remained.

After a while, there were only white skeletons left in the entire fortress.

The highest-ranking totem master of the Evil God Cult is only Type Three, and has not even been transformed into a spiritual light. It's just a matter of holding on in the poisonous mist for a little longer.

Looking at the entire Bloody Fortress from a distance, a black cloud and poisonous mist tightly enveloped it, with a faint dragon shape swimming within it.

"Isn't there anyone with weight? Where is the evil god?" Garen frowned and glanced around. In just two minutes, the entire fortress completely turned into a dead city.

The hundreds of people inside all became nutrients for the Black Water True Skill and were merged into the poisonous mist.

"This place is completely far away from the land of the ancestral gods. Perhaps the evil gods have returned to their respective bases." He frowned and guessed, "But as long as we kill a few more evil god cult strongholds, we should encounter evil gods appearing."


Half a month later

Dongzhou Ennit

Somewhere along the long coastline, waves of blue and white waves washed up on the beach, and then quickly receded, leaving behind dark water traces that quickly disappeared.

Two slender figures were walking slowly side by side on the beach. The afterglow of the setting sun shone on the two of them, coating them with a layer of light golden red, while also drawing out two long and narrow shadows.

"Have you really decided?" One of the figures was a young man. He was wearing a black robe with dark gold lace, his chest was open, and his naked upper body was wrapped with circles of white bandages, with faint traces of blood leaking from them.

"How many years have we been working hard and enduring for this goal? Just when we are about to succeed, are you going to quit seclusion?"

The other person was a woman. She stretched out her hand to straighten her hair that was blown by the sea breeze. Like the man, she wore a dark gold lace robe, a white tight T-shirt underneath, and a black ring hanging from her chest.

The woman turned sideways and looked at the endless sea and sky scenery, her fair and not very beautiful face showing a trace of confusion.

"You don't understand. This is not the life I want." The moon-white crescent moon earrings hanging on her earlobes swayed slightly, adding a bit of beauty.

"Then what kind of life do you want?" the man asked calmly, "When you and I entered the black sky together, we agreed to advance and retreat together. This time, as soon as I came out of seclusion, I learned that you wanted to retire, or that someone in Xizhou dared to bully you? "

"In your eyes, will I always be the little girl who was bullied?" The woman couldn't help but smile. She kicked pebbles on the beach and lowered her head. "I'm just tired, my heart is tired."

The woman's voice dropped.

"This kind of life of always chasing something is so tiring."

"You promised me"

"Don't force me, okay?" the woman interrupted the man. "Haven't you noticed that we are becoming less and less like ourselves?"

The man fell silent for a moment.

"How many years have we not walked on the beach like this? You and I command a continent. No matter how high we stand and how strong we are, what's the use? People will eventually get tired."

"So you went to Channia this time just to get the origin of the God of Love? Then merge and retreat? Have you ever considered my feelings?" The man became a little excited. "I work hard to become stronger and take domination of a continent as my only goal. What is my purpose?"

He paused, "At first you said that when I entered the spiritual light, you would consider marrying me. Then I entered the spiritual light. Then you said that for the sake of my brother, you can't be so selfish. As long as I reach the fourth type, I can help my brother. , we got married. Then I entered type four."

The woman lowered her head without any retort.

"Finally, you said that for the sake of my brother, you must go to Xizhou and take charge of the Yizhou Military Headquarters." The man took a deep breath, "In order to be worthy of you, I also worked hard to cultivate, at any cost, and now I have finally become a Yizhou Army. Chief of the Department. And now you tell me that you are going to retire?!"

"I'm sorry for you." The woman lowered her head.

"Hehehe" the man chuckled, "How many years have passed, do you think this is what I have been waiting for?" He suddenly stopped smiling. Staring deeply at the woman in front of him.

"Ashe, can you let me hug you for real once?"

The woman did not answer, but moved slightly closer to the man.

The man suddenly hugged the woman tightly in his arms, as if he was holding the most precious treasure in the world. A trace of greed and desire emerged from his face without concealment, from an angle that the woman could not see.

"Let me hold you just a little longer, okay?" he begged.

Perhaps because of guilt, the woman's body stiffened for a moment, but finally softened and allowed the man to hug her tightly.

But she didn't see that the man was holding her right hand, and the back of his hand was dimly lit with countless dense black runes. Countless black runes flowed out from the back of his right hand like ants, and silently climbed up the woman's back. .

"Ashe. You will always be mine, forever."

The man murmured quietly.

The woman suddenly realized something was wrong.

"Shenyun, let me go!" She struggled, but to no avail. Her whole body was soft and she couldn't exert any strength. The skin on her back felt vaguely hot.

"Shenyun! What are you doing?!"

"It's so pitiful." Suddenly a pitiful male voice came from not far away from the two of them.

"Who!" Shen Yun suddenly raised his head.

With a crash, a black chain suddenly shot out from the feet of the person who made the sound, but it was in vain. The chains quickly faded and disappeared, turning into shadows.

Not far away from the two of them, stood a slender and well-proportioned blond man. His long, splendid fringe-like hair was slightly raised in the wind. His handsome face looked at the two people embracing each other with a hint of sarcasm and ridicule.

"I didn't expect that I would see such a disgusting scene as soon as I arrived. Tsk tsk. The two military commanders of the Black Sky Society actually have such secrets."

"Kurosawa Miya Karon?" Shen Yun gently let go of Ai Xi, put one hand around her slim waist, and leaned her against her side. "What are you doing here? If you want to take revenge after the breakthrough, I will accompany you at any time."

A trace of artificial surprise flashed across Garen's face.

"I always thought you only liked men, but I didn't expect that you would also like women."

"court death!"

Shen Yun's face suddenly twisted.

Countless black chains pierced out of the ground, wrapped around Gallon, and in the blink of an eye, they were wrapped into a ball of iron.

But the strange thing is that all the chains were tied up empty. Garen did not know when he appeared in another position, and with a light palm, he imprinted on the surface of the chain ball.

Silently, the chain ball melted quickly, turning into black slime and dripping on the beach.

"Having stayed in Kuwaitan as a princess for so long, Shenyun, have you forgotten His Majesty Avic's love for you day and night? Tsk, tsk, it's so heartless." Garen said with a sad look on his face.

The expression on Shen Yun's face became more and more distorted, and the violent power seemed like a volcano about to erupt, possibly erupting at any time.

But it is a pity that even he is unable to deal with the new peak type five in front of him while protecting one person. Moreover, the Orb of Distortion is no longer on his body at this time. In order to control Ai Xi, he has used up most of his own totem light. Now is the time when he is the weakest in his history.

Shenyun's eyes began to flicker, and black chains were faintly arranged in the surrounding air to arrange teleportation spells. The chains seemed to be scattered randomly, but in fact they concealed orderly movements.

Garen sneered and snapped his fingers.


A circle of black mist spread out in a circle. He directly scattered the black chains and melted them into black liquid, dripping to the ground.

Within a few hundred meters around the three people, all living things were dissolved by the poisonous mist, and even the sea water was faintly turning black.

"Want to run away? I specifically chose this moment, how could I let you escape easily?" Garen chuckled. "You chose this position specifically to control your lover, and you also arranged your subordinates in advance. With such a good opportunity, do you think I will let it go so easily? Well, tell me about the method of integrating the origin of the evil god."

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