Mysterious journey

Chapter 52 Rainy Night 1

Bai Ying held the pistol and stood up slowly, leaning his back against the wall. He glanced at the other two people.

The two men understood immediately, stood up, took out the pistols from their waists, and turned on the safety.


Another bolt of thunder and lightning flashed across, illuminating the room brightly.

Bai Ying put his ear against the wall, seeming to be listening to something.

"There's someone out there," he whispered. "More than one person!"

His ears left the wall, and large pieces of white dust suddenly fell on the wall, making a swishing sound.

"Who is that person?!" Bai Ying roared and rolled violently. Two bullet holes appeared on the wall where he was originally standing. It turned out that someone was shooting from the next wall with a gun.

Bai Ying stood up and rushed to the door, opened it suddenly and rushed out.

Garen and Tali Mercury stayed in the room vigilantly and did not move.

Gallon held the pistol in his hand, leaning against the window and staring at the door warily. Suddenly he felt his back collar being pulled.

Looking back, the window was opened at some point. There was no one outside, and the pouring raindrops kept falling, making it almost impossible to see the scenery a few meters away.

"What's wrong Kelly?"

"It seems like someone is pulling on my collar." Garen wondered, "But maybe I was too nervous and the collar got caught."

Tali leaned over and looked out the window. "This is the second floor. It's very high from the ground. It should be caught. Be careful and don't stand at the window. It's still dangerous even if you can't see anything clearly in this weather."

"I know." Garen nodded.

boom! !

Suddenly there was a gunshot from next door.

"Let's go!" Tali was the first to rush out, followed closely by Garen.

The two quickly came to the next room, which was the room where Garen was pushed down before. The room was empty.

"White Eagle!" Tali shouted loudly.

No one responded. Only the door behind me creaked.

He turned around and found that Kelly, who had been following him, was gone.

"Kelly!?" he yelled, slowly clenching the pistol in his hand and looking nervous.

"White Eagle! Kelly! Are you there?"

The half-open door was suddenly blown by the wind, and slowly opened completely.


The sound was extremely harsh in the quiet corridor with only the sound of rain. It was dark outside the door and nothing could be seen.

Tali felt that his hand holding the gun was shaking a little, and suddenly he realized something was wrong.

His eyes quickly darted around the room.

The whole room seemed unusually tidy. The cobwebs on the big bed were gone and replaced with a pure white bed. The floor was also made of polygonal red bricks, without any dust.

The big box at the end of the bed has also become extremely tidy, with no dust at all.

"There is indeed something strange here." The expression in the tower darkened, and he slowly opened the safety of the pistol.


boom! !

Garen followed behind and saw Tali rushing into the next room with a gun. The door automatically bounced back due to the wind. He also opened the door and rushed in.


Something strange happened. The detective in the tower, who was just one step ahead of him, could not see anyone at all.

"Tali!?" Garen slowly opened the safety on his pistol and walked into the room.

The room was full of dust, and a large area of ​​the floor outside the window was wet. A person was standing in front of the window with his back to him.

Garen looked carefully and saw that the man's clothes were vaguely similar to those of Bai Ying.

"Tali?" he asked in a low voice.


Suddenly there were sounds of footsteps behind him.

Garen turned around and saw Bai Ying running into the room.

"Where's the tower?" Bai Ying asked breathlessly, "There was someone next door just now, and I didn't catch up with him and lost him."

"Isn't the tower by the window?" Garen turned back and pointed to the window, and was shocked to find that there was no one in the window. The person who had his back turned to him just now suddenly disappeared.

"What's going on? Just now I saw a man standing at the window with his back to me!" He said in a deep voice.

"Did you see it wrong?" Bai Ying frowned and walked over, squatting on the ground outside the window to check. "There are no footprints here. There was no way anyone could have been standing here just now."

"Impossible!" Garen said firmly, "I clearly saw someone standing at the window, right! Where is the tower?"

"Isn't he with you?" Bai Ying was stunned.

"I followed him into this room just now, and then he disappeared! My line of sight was blocked by the door. In less than two seconds, I couldn't see him when I came in!" Garen said solemnly.


A flash of lightning flashed, making the two of them look pale and bright.

"I'm sorry." Bai Ying's face became solemn, and he took out a match and lit a small torch he carried with him. The bright yellow light slowly ignited, immediately illuminating a small area of ​​the room.

Gallon suddenly thought of something, his expression changed, he rushed to the window and looked down. There was nothing on the black lawn below, and he took a long breath.

"Tali obviously came one step ahead of me!!"

"Are you sure?" Bai Ying looked calm and looked at Garen with a sharp look. "In such a short period of time, there is no way he could come in and have no one there."

"I'm sure!" Garen replied affirmatively.

Bai Ying stared at him closely, slowly clenching the pistol in his hand. Suddenly, he seemed to remember something, and slowly retreated facing Garen. He retreated to the door of the room and squatted down, using his free hand on the ground. Touched it gently. Suddenly, his body slowly relaxed.

"You're right. There are indeed three people's footprints here! But the footprints of one of them disappeared just as he entered the room!"

Garen was also feeling a little scared at this time. He walked over a few steps and squatted down to check. There were indeed three pairs of footprints on the ground. One pair disappeared after entering the room. The other two pairs were still visible in the room because of the heavy humidity. visible.


Suddenly, a strong gust of wind blew out of the window of the room, slamming the door shut and almost hitting Garen's nose.

"The wind is too strong." Bai Ying stood up, "I'm sorry I blamed you wrongly." He apologized, stretched out his hand and pushed the door, but did not push it open.

"It's okay. The door is automatically locked. Just take the key and open it." Garen reminded, his face was solemn and he was always alert to all the movements around him. "We must find Tali quickly, he may be in danger now!"

"I'll do it!" Bai Ying nodded, with a gloomy look on his face. He took out a bunch of keys, looked at the numbers on them, picked one out and inserted it into the keyhole of the door.

Blah blah blah

The key turned in the lock a few times, but the door did not move. Bai Ying pushed it again, but it couldn't be pushed open at all.

"Huh?" Bai Ying was stunned for a moment, "Something's wrong!"

"Bump it away!" Garen also saw that something was wrong.

Bai Ying nodded, took a step back, and kicked his foot violently.


The door didn't move at all, but a lot of white dust fell around it.

"There's something weird in this room!" Garen took a step back to make some distance.

"You go back and get your things. I'll open the door first. Once we find the tower, we'll leave!" Bai Ying also felt something was wrong and said loudly.


Garen quickly rushed back to the room where the three of them had stayed, packed up all the luggage, food and other sundries, and bundled them up tightly. Just about to lift it up and go out.


Suddenly there was a gunshot in the corridor, and then the sound of the door board cracking and shattering.

He rushed out quickly with his bag in hand. The corridor was empty, and there was no movement at all.

The door to the next room was still locked and intact.

"Then where did the sound I heard earlier come from?" His scalp tightened. Just now he clearly heard the sound of gunfire and the door breaking, but now even Bai Ying was missing.

"Is... is it because of the medal?" He vaguely guessed the reason.

Looking at the locked door in front of him, Garen knew in his heart that if no measures were taken, Tali might die directly inside.

"Although I have returned your favor," he took out his pistol and pointed it at the door lock.

Bang bang bang!

Three gunshots were fired. The keyhole was completely smashed.

Garen gave a hard knock and immediately opened the door.

There was no one in the room. The big bed in the room had been moved away, and a sloping exit appeared on the floor under the bed, leading to the stairs on the first floor.

Garen took a deep breath, walked to the secret exit and looked down. Looking down from this angle, on the ground directly facing the first floor, Mercury in the Tower was lying motionless on the ground.

"Tali!" Garen jumped down from the exit without thinking about anything, grabbed a few stair railings as a buffer, and landed firmly next to Tali.

"Tali!! How are you?" He helped the detective up and checked to see if he was still breathing.

The detective slowly opened his eyes and muttered something vaguely.

"My bottom. My bottom."

Only then did Garon notice that the Bronze Cross was still pressed where the detective was lying. There was actually a clear white scratch on the edge of the medal, which seemed to have been scratched on by the detective just now.

Only then did Tali wake up a little, sitting up independently and breathing heavily.

".It's so dangerous! In the blink of an eye, you couldn't see anyone anymore! I discovered a big secret in the room alone!"

"Don't worry about it for now, Bai Ying is gone!" Garen said solemnly, "I heard him break into the door just now, but when I went over, I saw that the door was still intact!"

"White Eagle is missing?" Tali looked calm. "Don't worry too much. White Eagle is stronger than the two of us. If we are fine, he should be fine too."

"What should we do now? Us?" Garen helped the detective stand up, but neither of them picked up the medal.

"The antique of misfortune is indeed the antique of misfortune. I have seen it this time." Tali Mercury looked at the medal on the ground with a complicated expression, "Now we just need to stand where we are and wait."

He drew his gun and pointed it in the air.

Bang bang bang! !

Three shots were fired.

The sound of gunfire was extremely harsh, temporarily suppressing the sound of rain outside.

Soon, a white shadow rushed down from the stairs on the second floor and landed in front of the two of them.

"Are you okay!?"

Bai Ying asked loudly after standing still.

"It's okay!" Tali nodded, "I just saw the people from Jinhuan! They were indeed up to something!"

"Me too! When I saw a figure jumping from the window, I immediately chased him out." Bai Ying said solemnly, "But unfortunately I didn't catch him. You follow me."

Bai Ying led the two of them out of the gate on the first floor and walked to a small pavilion sheltered from the rain on the left side of the castle entrance.

There was a body of a man in black lying in the pavilion. A large area of ​​red blood dripped from his chest. When it flowed onto the lawn, it was diluted by the heavy rain.

Bai Ying grabbed the man's left ear and pulled off a golden earring.

"Golden Ring No. 114."

He threw the golden ring to the tower.

"The hundreds of members of the Golden Circle are indeed causing trouble!" He walked to the body and began to examine it carefully. Then he asked Bai Ying for some specific details, and began to slowly analyze based on his reasoning.

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