Mysterious journey

Chapter 53 Rainy Night 2

Garen did not listen to their analysis. He stood slightly back and paid careful attention to the surrounding situation.

Not far away, the two people were talking vaguely, and Garen was paying attention to the area behind him. Standing at the back, he watched the two people standing and squatting in the pavilion in front through the rain. The voice of analysis and reasoning came intermittently with the wind. Garen looked up and looked at the room where they came down before.

There was a person standing vaguely at the window there, and it was so dark that it was difficult to see his face clearly. The room was also pitch black, and even the figure could not be distinguished.

Garen looked at the figure quietly without making a sound.

"Let's go! I found the key to the problem!" Tali Mercury and two others came over at this time and patted Gallon on the shoulder. Take the lead and walk towards the castle gate.

Garen hurriedly followed and looked at the second-floor window. Sure enough, it was empty.

The three of them walked into the hall on the first floor one after another and came to the place where the mercury fell from the tower before.

The great detective squatted on the ground to check something, and then looked at the Bronze Cross Medal still on the ground, seeming to be calculating something.

After a while, he stood up again.

"follow me."

Garen knew he must have grasped something. Following the detective with Bai Ying, the three of them walked to the back of the stairs on the first floor.

Tali groped on the ground in the corner for a while, and suddenly pulled up a black wooden door. Suddenly there was an entrance similar to a cellar on the ground.

The dark square entrance was opened, and a strong smell of blood suddenly overflowed from inside.

The three people's expressions froze and they exchanged glances. Bai Ying took out a match and lit it lightly.


Under the subtle light of the match, the three of them could clearly see the scene inside the entrance.

This small indoor cellar was actually filled with corpses.

The corpses were all dressed in black and had gold earrings on their ears.

Even though they were mentally prepared, the three of them were still frightened by so many corpses, and they all gasped. For a moment, he didn't even recover.

After a while, Bai Ying was the first to react.

"Sure enough, they are from Jin Huan! What's going on?" He took out the top human body from inside, "So many people died here! No. 89, the two-digit Jin Huan is not easy to kill. !”

Tali frowned and said: "I also accidentally discovered a clue. I didn't expect that if I followed it, I would get this result. It seems that this castle is more mysterious than we imagined."

"He has only been dead for less than a day." Bai Ying checked the body and said solemnly. "What now Tali?"

"I still have some questions that I haven't thought about clearly! Let's leave here first!" Tali Mercury looked around, as if he was wary of any enemies around him. "It is no longer safe here. Staying here is not an option. We will go back and report to the police station immediately and mobilize police forces."

"Where's the medal?" Garen joked in a low voice. "You're not going to go back to that room by yourself again, are you?" He forced a smile, the atmosphere was really heavy.

When Fu Tali Mercury heard these words, he was suddenly shocked and stood there in a daze, as if he remembered something.

"That's right!! The location of the medal! I actually ignored this key point! I didn't think of it just now!" He murmured to himself,

"Follow me!" He suddenly turned around and started running, looking sideways at the reliefs on the wall.

Garen and Bai Ying ran behind him inexplicably, running directly from the back of the stairs to a study-like room.

Tali moved an empty bookshelf and patted it on the ground. He quickly found another pull ring and lifted it up with all his strength.

With a crash, a large piece of wood was lifted up. Revealing the wide, dark entrance below.

Tali took the match struck by the white eagle and shined it inside. At the entrance is a metal staircase. The black stairs that go all the way down.

Garen leaned over to take a look. The entrance was very wide. In front of the three of them was a black metal staircase that extended downwards.

Tali Mercury didn't say much, just let go of the board and leaned to the side, keeping it open, tucked his shirt into his pants, and walked straight away.

Bai Ying followed closely behind, and Garen changed his position and looked down from the entrance.

Circles of spiral staircases went all the way down, spreading into the dark depths with no end in sight. Like a spiral funnel.

"Let's go down and take a look first. Please stay on top and shoot if anything happens." Tali turned around and whispered.

Garen nodded. Looking at the circles of counter-clockwise spiral stairs inside, extending to such depths that there is no end in sight, I felt a little chill in my heart.

The two people who entered earlier lit a short torch in their hands, and the light they held seemed extremely weak in the spiral staircase.

Garen thought for a moment, picked up a piece of rotten bookshelf wood from beside him, weighed it, it was a little heavy, and threw it directly into the middle of the stairs.

The black wood rolled and fell, and then there was no sound at all.

The two people who had just gone down and not gone far also stopped. They didn't know what they were looking for in the tower. After lighting it, they also threw it into the center.

The red and flaming small pieces rolled and fell downwards, illuminating the surrounding scene along the way.

There are dense circles of stairs all around, and the red light is getting smaller and smaller, getting further and further away. Soon it turned into a small dot, and then completely submerged into darkness, and nothing could be seen.

When Tali and Baiying saw this result, they immediately turned around decisively and walked up. He quickly returned to the entrance and got out.

"I have estimated that the depth of this staircase is at least five hundred meters! It may even be deeper!" Tali Mercury said solemnly. "The fundamental secret of Yinsha Castle may be here, or this may be the ultimate destination of the Golden Ring."

The two of them had only been down for a while, but there was a strong musty smell on their bodies, their whole bodies were cold, and their faces were slightly pale. Just by leaning next to the two of them, Garen could feel the chill coming from their bodies.

"Let's find someone to come over and investigate carefully tomorrow during the day! I'm sure even the people here in Jinhuan won't be able to figure it out for a while." Bai Ying suggested.

"By the way, I just found this in the room. Kelly, what do you think it is?" Tali Mercury handed over a small black gemstone ring. The ring was silver, but there was a faint red rust stain.

Garen took it and inspected it carefully.

"It's nothing, it's not an antique of bad luck, it's just an ordinary iron ring. I don't know what the black gem in the middle is made of. I guess it's black crystal." During this period, he gained a lot of knowledge on the appraisal of antique jewelry doors, and he was able to Identify the rough material.

"Things from fifty or sixty years ago," he added.

"Really? But I feel like this thing may have a very important role." Tali muttered as he took back the ring.

"That's right." Bai Ying suddenly said, "I was still a little angry when I found the Jin Huan man just now. What's strange is that he actually said that we killed the Jin Huan man, and we killed a lot of them." He frowned. , "But we didn't meet those people he mentioned at all. What happened to those corpses in the cellar?"

"It seems that this castle is not an ordinary place. Apart from us, there are still people who can cause heavy damage to the Golden Ring." Tali Mercury closed his eyes and seemed to be thinking.

"Let's get out of here first. We have to carefully check the information here." He opened his eyes and said calmly.

"Although I really want Jin Huan's group to disappear completely, it still feels very uncomfortable to be framed and unjustly accused like this." Bai Ying shrugged.

"That's all we can do. We can't stay here tonight." Garen nodded in agreement.

The three of them restored the original furnishings in the study, quietly left the castle, and trotted away in the direction of Konu Town in the rain.

In the dark night, under the heavy rain, the three figures quickly disappeared into the darkness.

The heavy raindrops still hit the surface of the castle intensively, making a crashing sound.

More than two hours later, the night deepened and the rain eased slightly.

A figure quickly ran back from the direction where the three people left. It was Garen in a black suit.

With calm eyes, he changed his clothes and covered his face with a black mask. He jogged back along the same route and walked around to a French window on the right side of the castle. The window had no glass and was empty. He held it up with both hands and flipped in easily.

He quietly left the small room and walked directly to the lobby on the first floor.

Just as he entered the hall, a black figure suddenly stood on the edge of the stairs, his back turned to him motionless, facing the direction of the cellar where the body was found.

Garen's expression was stern, but he still inevitably made footsteps.


The figure suddenly turned around and looked over.


A flash of lightning flashed, illuminating the golden ring on his left ear. That's a big number 10.

Garen's eyes turned cold and he walked out slowly.

"Since you are from Jinhuan, hand over your things. I can let you leave alive." His voice was hoarse and he deliberately spoke in a falsetto.

The person who turned around was a tall woman with long hair tied into a ponytail high behind her head. Her eyes were light purple, her face was cold, and she was dressed in tight black clothes, giving her a cool and simple temperament. "

"Let me leave alive? I don't know." The woman said coldly, "You came here for that thing too?"

"What do you think?" Garen sneered and raised his right hand back violently.

boom! !

A man in black behind him was knocked away, fell to the ground and rolled several times, hitting the wall and making no movement.

"I told you, hand over your things and I can let you leave here alive." Without even looking at the attacker behind him, he walked slowly towards the purple-eyed woman. The closer he got, the more he felt the aura of potential permeating the other person's body.

The purple-eyed woman sneered.

"Very good, you are qualified to let me take action seriously."

She bowed slightly.


The sound of continuous breathing slowly sounded. The woman reached out and grabbed her collar.

"I want to take your head to pay homage to my dead brother!"

The woman's purple eyes became darker and darker. Her hands made an up-and-down grasping motion, as if she were holding something on her chest, leaving an oval space between her palms.

"Tiangang...Ba Lie!!!"

The woman suddenly inhaled again, and her whole body expanded rapidly. Thick muscles wrapped with veins covered her body.

The sound of her breathing between her mouth and nose was like a huge air bag sucking air.

In just a few seconds, the woman changed from a slim and cold-eyed woman to a powerful woman with strong muscles, no less than a galleon.

The muscles all over her body were tangled, like steel ropes bouncing under her skin. A huge air flow slowly spread around her, and a huge and scorching body temperature heat made the surrounding area slightly warm.

"Is it a secret weapon?" Garen's eyes narrowed. The muscles all over the body slowly tightened,


He took a deep breath and slowly moved into the starting position of the Giant Elephant Gate.

No matter which way you look at it, it's going to be a tough battle to get the doomed antique that was unexpectedly discovered today.

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