Mysterious journey

Chapter 525 The Secret of the Ruins 1

Garen stood in front of the end of a dark passage. In front of him was a sealed and blocked passage wall, and there were no other branching roads around.

He carefully checked his surroundings and found that there was no way in or out.

"Is it a dead end?"

Garen narrowed his eyes, walked to the passage on the right, stretched out his hand and lightly knocked on the hard stone wall.

Then he walked around the entire dead passage wall and kept tapping the stone wall of the passage with his hands, making a thumping sound.

Finally, he stopped in front of a stone wall in the passage and slammed his elbow.


A big hole was easily smashed into the originally hard stone wall.

The crashing gravel fell, and Garen expanded the area around the big hole a few times, making it bigger. Only when it was big enough for one person to bend down and go in did he stop.

There was a slight light in the cave, which was completely different from the passage shrouded in blue mist outside.

Garen got into the hole, and there was another small hall inside.

More than a dozen stone tables and chairs were placed upright. The walls were carved with stone carvings of wolf and animal heads. The ceiling above was also inlaid with more than a dozen round luminous gems, forming a ring shape and casting a faint yellowish light.

In ordinary people's eyes, this light is just a little glimmer, and they can't even see things one meter away. But under Garen's eyes, the entire small hall is as bright as day.

The small hall is cylindrical in shape, about ten meters in diameter. There are more than ten white bones lying on the ground. The bones are covered with a white film that looks like a spider web. It is obvious that the flesh and blood of the deceased have been exhausted. It has been weathered and dried up like this over time. .

Garen walked to these bones and inspected them carefully. More than ten bones were all of normal human height and shape. There were scattered fragments of clothes around them. They turned to dust with a light step.

There is also a small round arch door connected to the right side of the entire small hall. Garen could not find any benefit from the bones, so he could only get up and walk into the small door. Behind the small door was a long and narrow passage, with openings every ten meters above. Set with a bright yellow luminous gemstone.

Garen walked a few hundred meters forward when he heard faint footsteps in front of him. He originally thought it was the echo of his own footsteps, but when he listened carefully, he found that the rhythm was wrong and he suddenly stopped.

The other party obviously heard the movement here and stopped almost at the same time.

"Hydra?" A low voice asked from the front. The voice was clear and cold, and it was the voice of the Lord of the Heavenly God Palace. The leader of the lair master slowly walked out of a three-way intersection in front of the passage and faced Garen head-on.

He was still wearing the green cloak, but the hem of the cloak became tattered, obviously due to the battle along the way. However, there didn't seem to be any injuries on his body.

"It turns out that the Lord of the Heavenly God Palace has arrived." Garen responded with a smile. "I wonder how long it took the palace master to arrive?"

"About four days." The Lord of the Heavenly God Palace answered casually without any attempt to hide it.

Garen felt a shiver in his heart. He was able to arrive here four days in advance. Obviously, this guy's strength is definitely not as good as that of him who has now mastered the dual skills. This made him even more wary.

After all, the Lord of the Heavenly God Palace is not a human being. If he really has any alien intentions, it would be really difficult to deal with him in this closed ruins.

Garen glanced at the fork in the fork. There were three forks in the entire fork. He was standing in one of them. The Lord of the Heavenly God Palace was standing in the fork opposite him. There was no one in the middle one. It was obviously the passage where the Evil God King entered. .

Garen stared at the Lord of the Heavenly God Palace and hesitated for a while. The two of them stopped talking. The other party was obviously a little surprised that he came out first instead of the Evil God King who took the lead in exploring the ruins.

"I'll go see how the Evil God King is doing." Garen whispered and walked directly towards the middle branch, secretly guarding against the movements of the Lord of the Heavenly God Palace.

It wasn't until he had completely walked a long way into the middle fork in the road and could no longer see the figure of the Lord of the Heavenly God Palace that Garen slowly relaxed.

I quickly walked forward along the passage, and after running for about an hour, there was a faint sound of metal weapons colliding in front of me.

Soon, the blue mist in the passage ahead gradually disappeared, replaced by a vast expanse of complete darkness.

In the darkness, the evil god king in red robes was chased by a black electric light and ran away in a somewhat embarrassed manner, looking extremely embarrassed.

"Help me!" Seeing Garen arriving, the Evil God King suddenly beamed with joy.

Garen glanced around and saw a large fragment of a tower shield lying on the ground. It was sharp in shape, like a three-pointed cone. He lifted his foot and grabbed the fragment in his hand.

"Leap Slash!"

The whole body's strength quickly gathered, twisted, and formed a spring-like structure, and then suddenly released with Garen's breathing.

Boom! !

A bolt of lightning instantly flashed from the fragments in the hand. Just at the moment when the female swordsman leader struck half of the shield in the Evil God King's hand, it hit the female swordsman precisely at the waist.

With a tearing sound, the female swordsman was torn in half and cut off at the waist.

The corpse quickly turned into a black shadow and merged into the darkness, and the blue mist filled the surroundings of the passage again. Everything became calm again.

The Evil God King was panting heavily, with a few drops of sweat dripping from his masked chin from time to time. The robe on his body was also slightly damp with sweat and clung to his body.

"Thank you." He leaned against the wall, took out the water bottle and took a deep drink, then closed his eyes and began to rest.

Garen didn't take it seriously and waited quietly.

More than half an hour later, the Evil God King finally opened his eyes.

"Thank you very much this time."

"Don't hide anything from me." Garen was a little dissatisfied with the secret treasure of the Shadow Mirror popping up behind him. This news should be made clear first, rather than after entering. If the Evil God King hadn't been unable to deal with the Shadow Swordsman, he would probably have swallowed the magic mirror himself.

"It's my fault, but the Lord of the Heavenly God Palace doesn't know about this either." After being helped by Garen this time, the Evil God King's attitude became much gentler, and he truly put Garen on an equal footing with himself. The grievances caused by the last thousand-mile chase have also eased a bit.

"The Shadow Mirror is the control center of the entire ruins. This place was not originally an underground residential city at all, but a military fortress. The remaining shadow creatures inside are actually leftover after countless years. The original shadows The number and strength of the shadow troops controlled by the magic mirror are far greater than they are now, but problems have arisen over a long period of time."

"I don't care about the Shadow Mirror, don't forget the conditions you promised before."

"Of course." The Evil God King nodded, "There are three parts of the secret weapon of life, one is of ice nature, one has strong vitality, and the other one is a metal weapon that I originally planned."

"Metal weapons are fine, too." Garen agreed after thinking for a moment.

"Garen, you haven't come into contact with the Secret Martial Arts of Life before, right?" The Evil God King called Garen by his first name with a hint of affection. This small detail seemed to show that he wanted to ease the relationship between the two.


"I have some relevant news here. I wonder if you are interested in hearing it." The Evil God King extended an olive branch, trying to repair the relationship with Garen.

"Let's talk as we walk back." Garen was worried that he didn't know the news about Shengzhi Miwu, so naturally he didn't refuse at all.

There is no relevant information about the secret martial arts in Cowaitan in the royal library of Cowaitan. This kind of thing is a secret that only top experts are qualified to know, and it is impossible to store it in the so-called secret library.

On the way forward, the Evil God King carefully told Garen the specific information about the Secret Martial Arts of Life.

The Secret Martial Arts of Life itself has a certain degree of evolution. Generally, if the Secret Martial Arts of Life is successfully practiced, it will blend all the strength, energy, and blood in the practitioner's body, and even the source of the power will be completely absorbed, merged and shrunk. , refined into a seed of power. This seed will follow the most suitable direction of esoteric martial arts tempering, discard the impurities in it, and then reabsorb the practitioner's spirit and will, gradually growing into a esoteric martial arts form that is completely suitable for the practitioner himself.

At this time, the secret martial arts ability actually does not need to be practiced once it is successfully cultivated and grown. Instead, it forms an instinct that is close to a natural talent. The so-called secret martial arts effect actually becomes the instinct of the body itself.

The entire secret martial arts of life is like a living creature. It uses the spiritual will, fighting skills, and power source of the practitioner as nourishment. When it matures, it gradually grows into a more unified and powerful secret martial arts instinct.

It will form a natural mysterious system rooted in the body of the practitioner, and truly embed the refined secret martial arts ability into the practitioner's body, forming a terrifying ability similar to instinct.

Along the way, Garen continued to learn more about all the information about the Secret Martial Arts of Life mentioned by the Evil God King. The more he understood, the more incredible he felt.

This secret weapon is no longer just a secret weapon, but an indescribable mysterious seed.

"Then can one person practice the secret martial arts of two kinds of life?" Garen asked again after digesting the information from the Evil God King.

"I'm afraid not, but you can absorb the advantages and disadvantages of the two secret martial arts of life, eliminate the power secret martial arts system, re-instill your own spiritual will, peel off the power seed of the secret martial arts of life, and turn it into your own The seed of strength." The Evil God King explained, "This is what the Master of the Heavenly God Palace intends to do. Otherwise, the Master of the Nest would never have his own Secret Martial Arts of Life."

"Is this still possible?" Garen was slightly surprised.

"Of course you can, but you must have a very good understanding of this student's secret martial arts, and at the same time, you must be able to avoid being rejected by your own secret martial arts system before you can try it. If you fail, the consequences will be very serious. The root of your own spiritual will and strength will be instilled in you." , will completely disappear, and the indoctrinator’s years of hard work will be completely in vain. This is a root loss in memory and body, which cannot be undone. Once it fails, the power of years of indoctrination will be lost instantly." The Evil God King Somewhat emotional. "It will be very, very difficult for the Lord of the Heavenly God Palace to walk the path of being the Lord of the Nest."

Garen nodded involuntarily.

The two walked forward for a while, and finally returned to the intersection of the three passages.

The Lord of the Heavenly God Palace was still leaning against the stone wall, closing his eyes and concentrating.

"Finally here." Hearing the footsteps, he opened his eyes and looked at the two of them.

"You can enter the third level." The Evil God King nodded at him. He took out a small yellow paper bag from his arms.

"If you want to open the entrance to the third floor as quickly as possible, it is most convenient to use this. I didn't expect it to be used in the Burning Man level, but it is used here."

Garen also took out his share of the explosive packets, and the three of them put the explosive packets together at the same time, exactly at the center of the fork in the road. After the three of them retreated,

The Evil God King took out the match from his arms, lit it with a bang, and threw it towards a fuse connected to the explosive pack.


A subtle sound of burning fuses was heard.

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