Mysterious journey

Chapter 526 The Secret of the Ruins 2

In an instant, a blazing red light suddenly lit up from the ground of the fork.

boom! ! !

The strong smell of gunpowder smoke permeated everywhere. The white-yellow smoke completely covered the entire branch of the passage.

The Lord of Tianshen Palace gently slapped his left hand deep inside.


A whirlwind emerged, and his left hand brought up an afterimage in an instant, as if it divided into more than ten palms, fanned forward at the same time, and then merged into one in an instant.

The strong wind blew the thick smoke directly into the three passages, and soon the underground appearance of the center was revealed.

I saw a large irregular black pit on the ground on the left side of the forked road, and subtle black cracks could be vaguely seen in the pit. It was obviously the hole created by the explosives just now.

In this environment where extraordinary power cannot be used, it is most labor-saving to use a large amount of special explosives to find the entrance. Of course, three people can find and get out of the entrance, but it is not as fast and direct as explosives.

The huge shock caused by the explosion can reveal the hidden entrance without having to search for the specific location.

"There is also an entrance here." The master of the Tianshen Palace frowned slightly at this time and pressed his hand on the right wall, where a small cracked hole was actually shaken.

"Which of the two cave entrances is it?" the Evil God King asked in a deep voice.

"Let's go in separately and take a look?" Although Garen said so, he had already reached the entrance of the underground cave and paused with his right foot.


Large pieces of gravel on the ground were trampled down, revealing a deep, dark passage below, like a dark well that led to nowhere.

The master of the Tianshen Palace over there has also silently enlarged the hole in the wall, revealing an oval entrance large enough for one person to enter and exit, with a faint blue mist emerging inside.

The Evil God King narrowed his eyes and followed Garen to the deep well. The two exchanged glances. Garen jumped and fell directly into the mouth of the well. The Evil God King also jumped in. Soon the road branched and only the Master of the Heavenly God Palace was left. He looked at the hole on the ground and turned directly towards the hole on the wall. Entrance.


Bang! !

Garen fell hard to the ground, creating a small crater of more than one meter in size. The ground is burnt black stone.

This is a huge charred cave, with dark red and charred stones everywhere on the walls, and a black stone cliff in the center of the cave. It was like a black iron rod piercing a large oval hole.

The cliff extends back and is connected to a dark metal gate on the cave wall.

Garen was half-crouching on the cliff at this time. He looked up and saw that there was a narrow opening directly above the cave, which was the entrance where he fell.


Another red shadow fell down, turned slightly in the air, and hit the cliff stone ground behind Garen hard, making a small crater with the same bang.

"Here we are, the Hall of Glory." The Evil God King stood up and straightened his robe. His expression was slightly complicated. "This is where the Heavenly God Palace Master's secret flame weapon is located. It's not ours."

"Is this where the secret weapon is located?" Garen was slightly curious and looked around, but did not find any special place to hide the secret weapon.

He walked to the edge of the cliff and looked down. Below him was an endless dark abyss, no one knew how deep it was.

He picked up a stone the size of his head and threw it down. After waiting for several minutes, there was no response.

"So deep." Garen frowned.

"Be careful not to fall. There is the Abyss of the Dead below. If you fall, you will fall forever without any end. You will have no food or drink and will keep falling until you die." The Evil God King reminded. "It's not the time for the secret weapon to appear yet. We must first go to the secret room to deal with the last guardian, and then enter the secret room to obtain the magic mirror and secret weapon certificates before we can obtain our own secret weapon seeds separately."

"Where is the secret room?" Garen looked at the Evil God King. Obviously he knew more about the inside story, and now he could only rely on his guidance.

"There." The Evil God King pointed at the black metal gate behind the cliff.

The two of them walked directly to the metal gate without any hesitation.


Suddenly, the metal door gradually made a subtle clicking sound from the inside to the outside. In the middle of the door, a bit of black suddenly appeared, and then like a piece of paper lit by fire, the black burned from the center to the surroundings, and black flames danced, and the entire Gundam Several meters of metal gates were burned silently. revealing a bright hall at the back.

The two walked in one after the other.

The hall is like a huge empty church, with stained glass windows on the surrounding walls and a spire ceiling dozens of meters high above.

The ground was paved with worn-out black and white stone tiles, and most of the rows of black benches used for prayer were in tatters. Right in front, there was a dirty silver-black prayer podium with a clean black narrow-necked vase inside. with a withered black rose.

Garon looked towards both sides of the church. There were some khaki barrels on the ground, and there were reliefs of flowers and angels on the walls between the windows. Some colorful window cracks cast tiny beams of sunlight through.

"Are you sure we're not back on the ground?" Garen narrowed his eyes and looked at the Evil God King in front of him.

"We are still in an unknown depth underground. Do you think it is possible to unknowingly send us back to the surface instantly without teleportation?" The Evil God King said in a deep voice without turning his head. answer. "If you look carefully, it's not sunlight. It's golden magma."

Garen was stunned for a moment, and immediately looked carefully at the cracks in the window. Sure enough, the golden color projected from those cracks was indeed flowing slightly, and it turned out to be golden magma.

These beams of light are actually beams of light projected from the dazzling magma.

The entire cathedral is actually surrounded by countless golden magma.

The gaps exposed by the surrounding windows were filled with golden magma, projecting golden beams of light, illuminating the entire cathedral as if it were daytime.

While the two were observing their surroundings, a small door on the left side of the church was slowly opened, and a green figure walked out, who was the Lord of the Heavenly God Palace who had separated earlier. When he saw the two of them there, he was slightly startled, and then began to look at his surroundings. When he saw the golden lava, his eyes froze slightly, showing a solemn look.

"Everyone is here now." The Evil God King nodded at him.

The moment the Lord of Tianshen Palace entered the church, the entrance where the three people came in, whether it was the main door or the small door, all quickly faded and disappeared. It turned into a bare black relief wall, as if there was no entrance gate from the beginning.

The three people's hearts jumped slightly, and they immediately came together.

At this moment, the withered rose in the black vase on the prayer platform moved slightly.

ah! ! !

Suddenly there was a scream, like a woman's crazy hysterical scream.

The three of them were caught off guard and their brains suddenly stopped. They saw that the withered rose in the vase was like a living vine, quickly growing a large number of small and dense black roots. From a distance, it seemed as if black mucus was flowing out of the vase, flowing down the podium, and flowing down the stage. When it reaches the ground, it is a black 'liquid' composed of countless vines and roots.

After a large number of vine roots flowed down, they quickly condensed and grew taller, becoming taller and stronger.

Soon, in less than ten seconds, a huge black tree man more than ten meters high appeared in front of the three people.

Roar! !

The black tree man leaned down, opened his mouth, and let out a violent roar.

"I will promiseseyt ma sela!!" The tree man actually roared in some unknown language.

Countless black vines suddenly stretched out from its two black eyes, and quickly weaved into its hands into a huge war hammer that was more than ten meters long and five or six meters thick.

call! !

The huge warhammer crashed down towards the three of them.


With a loud noise, Garen and the three men suddenly dispersed, nimbly avoiding the giant hammer bombardment.

But then, the tree man suddenly pulled out a vine and struck behind the three of them accurately, like a whip. There were loud bangs one after another, and the three of them were hit hard, hitting the corner of the church like cannonballs.

Bang! !

Garen felt his whole body was dizzy, and in front of his eyes was chaos. The world turned upside down, and he flew directly out of the air, slamming into the large pile of wooden barrels on the ground. Amidst a sudden crashing sound, he shook his head and slowly Stand up from the barrel fragments.

Just in time to see the giant tree man swing his giant hammer and hit the Lord of the God Palace who stood up again.

Before the giant hammer hit it completely, the huge force sent out a clear ripple of air, pushing away the fragments of tables, chairs and dust on the ground.

The Heavenly God Palace Master's ears suddenly turned black and pointed, and his arms suddenly raised to face the giant tree man's giant hammer.

ah! ! ! !

The piercing female scream suddenly sounded again, and the movements of the Lord of the God Palace suddenly froze.


He was directly smashed into the ground by the giant hammer. He could only see a big pit on the ground. Countless dust and gravel were raised, making it difficult to see what was inside the pit. .

"It's been a long time since I've enjoyed such one-sided suppression." Garen let out a low laugh and wiped away the blood flowing from his forehead.

In another part of the church, the Evil God King was spinning at high speed, with his arms wide open, and his whole body was like a red wheel, making a slight piercing sound.

In an instant, his entire movement suddenly stopped, from extreme movement to extreme stillness.

laugh! !

A bolt of red lightning shot out from his body. Almost immediately, it appeared between the eyebrows of several people's heads. It was a red flying knife.

With a bang, the giant tree man's head raised slightly, and a huge black hole appeared, but it was quickly filled with black vines.

It suddenly raised the giant hammer and swept towards the direction of the Evil God King with a roar. However, he was avoided by the Evil God King who was already prepared.

There was a loud crash, and the benches and several gray-white angel stone statues on the other side of the church were directly smashed. After sweeping the giant hammer in a circle, it was swung into a circle and smashed again towards the Evil God King who had just stood firm.

However, Garen's figure did not know when it appeared at the right foot of the tree man. He drew a circle with his arms, forming a palm on his chest, and at the same time, his chest took a deep breath and sank. The whole person seemed to have shrunk in size.

"Wanxiang Tianluo!!!"

With a loud roar, accompanied by violent sound waves, Garen's palms exploded forward, stamping on the right legs of several people.

The all-out explosion of dual techniques, the second stage release formed by the superposition of the Vientiane Heavenly Law. A powerful move equivalent to twice the Galleons, accompanied by a huge sound wave roar, hit the giant tree man's right leg hard.

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