Mysterious journey

Chapter 528 The Secret of the Ruins 4

The Evil God King was on the side. Except for his head, his whole body was almost beaten into a sieve. His body was densely covered with transparent holes. His legs and hands were broken and fell to the side. There were two bloody holes in the cheeks on both sides of the face, the ears were torn off and flew to unknown places, and a large piece of flesh was missing on the right side of the neck, exposing the white trachea and red arteries.

Although he was not knocked unconscious, he was even more unlucky than Garen. Although he was conscious, he was completely unable to move. Like a broken doll, lying on the ground, almost touching the spreading magma. Seeing the golden lava slowly approaching, he could not move at all.

The Lord of the Heavenly God Palace was currently stringing the black vase with his sword arm.

The huge black tree man fell to the ground and turned into countless black vine roots. These vine roots quickly withered and turned yellow, slowly melted, and disappeared into the ground with thick black smoke.

Apart from being in a mess, the entire church was no longer able to find any traces left by the Black Tree Man.

The Lord of Tianshen Palace slammed the black vase on the ground.


The vase suddenly shattered into countless pieces.

ah! ! !

The high-pitched scream sounded again and stopped suddenly. The vase fragments immediately melted and turned into the same black smoke, which faded and disappeared.

The eyes of the Lord of the Heavenly God Palace were dark, and his blade arms and legs all returned to normal human hands and feet. As soon as he recovered, he staggered and almost lost his balance. Apparently it has reached the point where it has almost run out of fuel.


At this moment, a triangular black stone platform suddenly fell from above the church and hit the church ground hard.

Carved on the stone platform is a stone statue of an angel kneeling down and praying with his eyes closed. He is holding a cross sword in both hands and has a pious expression. There are countless vine roots wrapped around him.

Directly in front of the angel stone statue, a cluster of vines rose up to form a black arm, with three ancient items like black badges placed in the palm of the hand.

"Secret martial arts certificate." The Lord of the Heavenly God Palace recognized what was on his palm at a glance. He took a deep breath and tore off half of the tattered cloak to avoid tripping himself. He glanced at the two people not far away.

The Evil God King was almost in a dying state and could not move, while Hydra was slightly better, but was also seriously injured and fell into a coma.

The Lord of the Heavenly God Palace staggered towards the Angel Stone Platform.


Suddenly, a big hole was opened in the church ground on the left side, and a black hand stretched out from the hole, grabbing the edge.

A black shadow jumped out of the big hole and landed gently on the edge of the black hole. It was a human figure made of pure black energy. It scanned the situation on the field.

"Sure enough. Just as expected hahahahahaha!!!" Black Shadow raised his head and couldn't help laughing.

"Who are you?" Hearing the familiar Shaniya language, the Lord of the Heavenly God Palace felt his heart sink and looked at the black shadow intently. The pace that was originally heading towards the stone platform also slowly accelerated.

"Although the location has changed slightly, the final result is still very satisfying to me." A black oval silver-rimmed mirror condensed in the black shadow's hand, and the black air lingered on the mirror, as if it had no entity.

"Light God?!" The Evil God King on the side suddenly spoke out, his voice hoarse, with almost no real sound, just the sound of airflow.

"God King, you didn't expect it to be me, did you?" The God of Light chuckled, and his body suddenly condensed into reality, returning to the original appearance of the God of Light, still the handsome man with white clothes and white eyes.

It's just that at this time, his expression was already complacent to a certain extent.

"Forget it, the three of you are the most powerful people in the world. It would be bad if something unexpected happens again. I'd better send you on your way first." The God of Light held up the magic mirror and took a sharp look at the Lord of the Heavenly God Palace.

Bang! !

The Master of the Heavenly God Palace was about to touch the Angel Stone Platform, but at this moment, as if he was hit by an invisible fist, he rolled backwards and lay on his back on the ground. He tried to get up again, but he had no strength left.

"The Shadow Mirror can transform living beings into powerful shadows in it, and even the soul obeys its orders. Hey, there can be three such powerful shadows." The God of Light couldn't help laughing.

Once the three people are turned into demon shadows, all the wealth, power, influence, and secrets they control will become his. At that time, he will truly be the most powerful force in the world. Even if he unifies the two states, the east and west, and the world will be achieved. King, it is not impossible!

When he thought of this, the burning heat in Guangshen's heart almost burst out. He didn't expect that the situation would get so good. The three peak experts and the guardian were both injured, and in the end they were unable to fight back. This is simply the best opportunity God's destiny has given him.

Thoughts flashed through his mind, he picked up the magic mirror again and pointed it at the Lord of the Palace of Gods.


The palace owner was knocked out again, but he stood up again tenaciously, his eyes firm and unwavering.

The God of Light suddenly frowned. The power of the magic mirror would change with the distance. The closer the distance, the stronger the power.

The Master of the Heavenly God Palace obviously knew this principle because of the Evil God King, and he himself did not dare to approach easily. Who knows what other trump cards these peak experts might have that would be useless, and it would be troublesome if the ship capsizes.

He glanced at the other two people. The shadow of the magic mirror was best to choose a person whose consciousness completely surrendered, and it was easiest to succeed. Although the Evil God King was seriously injured, in order to completely turn him into a shadow, he needed to subdue his will. This was obviously difficult, and he was unwilling to get close to the Evil God King who was still conscious. The Evil God King was now much more powerful. He still has suppression on his soul. This is a restraint method that was buried in his soul from the beginning.

It's the other Hydra.

Although the comatose Hydra is not in surrender consciousness, it should be much easier for him to become conscious than the other two.

Although the God of Light managed to reach the peak of his strength by swallowing the shadows, he still did not dare to confront the three peak powerhouses due to his previous impressions and psychological shadows. Even if he holds the magic mirror, he subconsciously thinks that he is still no match for the opponent. This feeling of fear in the heart is the absolute impression formed by the Evil God King over many years. It cannot be eliminated in a short while.

The God of Light hesitated for a moment, then walked towards the Angel Stone Statue. Standing in front of the stone platform, he reached out and grabbed all three black ancient badges into his hands. Without looking carefully, he just put it into his clothes. Then he made several leaps and landed next to the unconscious Garen.

"This is the first one, hehe!"

The God of Light turned over his hand and took out the magic mirror. The Shadow Magic Mirror was a black mirror the size of a washbasin. It was oval in shape with fine silver lace on the edge. Every once in a while, a subtle complex symbol was engraved on it, like some kind of The words are like some kind of pattern. There is a slightly purple round orb on the top of the mirror, with three diamond-shaped borders on the side.

The strangest thing is that in the center of the mirror, in the middle of the mirror, which is as calm as a lake, there is a blurry human face. The face is only the size of a palm, with black eyes, mouth, and nostrils, as if it is crying or fearful.

The God of Light raised the magic mirror and looked at Garen on the ground. The face in the center of the mirror suddenly distorted, and invisible mysterious power instantly radiated from the facial features. The invisible light shined out, but where it fell, there was no trace of Galleon.

Bang! !

A big hand stained with blood grabbed his hand holding the magic mirror from behind.

Guangshen's expression froze, and Garon's ferocious face covered in blood appeared next to him.

At this moment, his mind went blank, and a huge force tightly jammed his arm. This force was so powerful that it could not be used by a seriously injured person.

Chirp! ! !

At this moment, he seemed to hear the scream of a giant bird. Instinctively, Guangshen punched Garen in the abdomen and kicked the opponent's injured knee joint with one leg.

Garen flicked his right hand, shaking the God of Light to pieces, easily neutralizing all his attacks. The other left arm has already brought up a powerful wind, forming invisible airflow wings that stabbed into the abdomen of the God of Light.


The God of Light suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his whole person began to turn into a ghost. His lower abdomen was directly pierced by Garen's left arm. The body is like a dying fish, hanging on a sharp harpoon and struggling.

"Is this the kind of thing that's picking up bargains behind our backs?" Garen's right hand with the God of Light suddenly hit the ground.


A pit several meters wide was created on the ground by the terrifying dual force of Xifeng Fist, which happened to be connected with a large pit on the side.

The light god who was pierced through Garen's right hand could no longer be transformed into a ghost, and was restored to his body again by the huge shock. In this place without extraordinary power, he does not have the terrifying physical fitness of the three of them. He only has the same level of strength and speed. Although he is the original shadow of power, he has one more shadow than the three of them and his power is enhanced after being transformed. He had the advantage, but because using the magic mirror he could not use his shadow body, he was caught by Garen who was pretending to be stunned. He was severely injured in an instant and fell into a dying state.

"Trash with no power, realm or skill, even a hundred more will be trash." Garen sneered, pulled out his right hand from the Light God's abdomen, scratched it with his nails, and suddenly pulled out a large piece of bright red flesh, which he Throw it aside.

The Evil God King on the side also slowly hid a red needle in his mouth under his tongue.

The green bloodshot eyes that spread slightly in the eyes of the Heavenly God Palace Master also slowly faded away.

With a crisp click, Garen tore off the head of the God of Light with one hand and held it upside down in his hand. With his left hand, he put the magic mirror into his robe. However, after searching for a while, he could not find the intact pocket, so he could only use The hem of the robe is tied up and hung around the waist.

Finally, he bent down and searched the body of the God of Light. He found the three certificates just now. After distinguishing them for a while, he ejected the other two.

With two hisses, two vouchers fell on the ground beside the other two people.

"The magic mirror was brought to my mouth by itself. According to the agreement, it should belong to me, right?" Garen chuckled.

"Don't forget our agreement." The Evil God King suddenly said from the side.

Garen nodded.

"Exchange later."


The Lord of the Heavenly God Palace took a deep look at Garen. Although he was the master of the lair and not a human being, he could not tell at this time that the two people must have been aware of the light god's following before they acted. A good show.

"Sure enough, human beings are all cunning." He reaffirmed this understanding in his mind. He was the only one among the three who was kept in the dark and foolishly fought with the black tree man. This time he was seriously injured and fell to the same level as the two of them.

There is also the God of Light. Although he is indeed not strong, he still belongs to the fifth type. He has powerful secret martial arts and skills, but in the hands of Hydra, he is like a baby with no resistance. Obviously, the realm between the two is different. It's so big that one galleon can resist the twelve powers of the God of Light, which is simply crushing!

The Lord of Tianshen Palace picked up the secret martial arts certificate and stood up without saying a word. In any case, it is finally safe now. Although the magic mirror can control the shadows, all the shadows have been killed at this time, and there is no more force to be deployed. All that is left now is to take out the agreed-upon suits. The secret martial arts of one's own life.

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