Mysterious journey

Chapter 529 The Secret of the Ruins 5

The black tree man fell, and three round arched black doors slowly appeared on the wall of the church hall, as if black flames burned through the paper, and the edges of the black doors were filled with ashes intertwined with black and sparks.

Garen glanced at the voucher in his hand and strode towards one of the doors without looking at the other two.

Pass through the Black Gate and enter the same cliff, surrounded by an endless black abyss.

The cliff is in a huge dark blue cave, and the wind is howling in the air, which is extremely cold.

Standing on the edge of the cliff, Garen looked down and saw darkness below, with a vague black mist rolling in. He was the only one around, and there was a thick layer of transparent ice on the stone wall.

He took a deep breath, stabilized his seriously injured body, took the ancient badge in his hand, stretched it out flatly, and then gave it a firm grip.

The palm was suddenly cut slightly by the badge certificate, and the blood flowed along the palm of the hand, dripping directly into the black abyss below.

The scarlet blood beads collided and rolled, falling into the bottomless abyss, and soon disappeared completely.

As the blood dripped, Garen gently let go of the badge, letting the blood-stained badge slip from his hand, and then fell into the abyss.


At this moment, a little blue suddenly lit up in the depths of the abyss.

The blue was only the size of a sesame dot at first, but in an instant, it expanded to the size of a fist. In another moment, the blue suddenly rushed into the abyss, and it was like a wave of countless ice-blue cold air.

A giant ice-blue bird tens of meters tall fluttered out of the abyss, and instantly hovered in front of Garen. Its huge blue eyes stared calmly at Garen on the cliff.

The giant bird has slender tail feathers, like the legendary divine bird Phoenix, but it carries an unparalleled terrifying cold air instead of flames.

Thicker and thicker layers of blue ice continued to condense on the surrounding cave walls, and the entire cave completely turned into a huge ice cave in just ten seconds.

Wisps of substantial white cold wind surrounded the giant bird and Garen, singing softly as if they were alive. It didn't sound like the sound of wind, but rather like some kind of rhythm and rhythm.

There is also a large amount of blue cold air rolling and spreading, and there are countless blue cold air similar to sea water lingering in the air.

Garen raised his head and looked at the giant bird in front of him. The huge blue wings spread gently, protecting him from left to right like a sculpture.

The giant bird slowly lowered its head, its long beak close to Gallon and slightly opened.

A ball of blue light rolled out of its mouth and floated just in front of Garen.

The light spot contained a trace of extremely pure chill. Garen could feel it, not that his body actually felt cold, but just by looking at this light spot, he felt a slight chill in his heart.

He stretched out his right hand and gently held the blue light spot.

Feeling that the light point suddenly wanted to penetrate into his body, Garen did not resist at all. He relaxed his mind and saw the light point sneer from his palm and penetrated under the skin, disappearing completely.

The giant bird in front of him slowly faded away at the moment when the light spot disappeared, and slowly disappeared like a bubble. Only the ice layer left on the cave wall on the ground showed that everything just now was not an illusion.

Garen took a deep breath and carefully checked the movement on his side, but found nothing.

He knew that he probably wouldn't feel anything for a while, and considering what the Evil God King had warned him before, he simply turned around and walked towards the previous secret chamber church.

Quickly returning to the church, he glanced at the other two black doors and walked directly towards one of them, where the scent of the Evil God King remained.

After passing through the Black Gate, I saw the Evil God King struggling to stand on the edge of the cliff, obviously waiting for him.

Garen casually threw the head of the God of Light that he had been holding in the direction of the Evil God King. The head rolled and landed at the Evil God King's feet, but the Evil God King didn't even look at it.

How could the three men, who were such powerful figures in the world, take such an overestimating character in their eyes? In the final analysis, Light God's final self-righteous plan and conspiracy would have had no hope of success even if it had not been against Garen but someone else.

Just because there is no threat, there is no attention, let alone respect and hatred.

"I'm just waiting for you." The Evil God King's appearance was even more miserable than Garen's. Although the blood stopped flowing all over his body, the wounds and holes of different sizes were still clearly visible. If he glanced over, there were more than ten wounds. In addition, his face was pale, obviously caused by excessive blood loss, but now he was still able to stand up with his own strength and perseverance. Being able to succeed as the Evil God King was not an easy role.

Garen nodded at it, strode over, took off the tied magic mirror, and threw it directly.

The Evil God King also directly threw his certificate over. The two objects passed by each other in mid-air and fell into the hands of two people respectively.

Grabbing the certificate with a snap, Garen strode to the edge of the cliff and looked back at the Evil God King. The latter smiled and consciously stepped back a long distance.

Garen then held the certificate again and exerted slight force, and drops of blood immediately fell into the abyss. Then let go of the voucher and let it fall.

After a while, the abyss once again lit up with a red dot.

The red dots made a violent whirring sound, like the noise of a fire blown by strong winds. The entire abyss suddenly lit up, and a large dazzling red light became brighter and brighter, getting closer and closer.

In an instant, countless red flames spurted out from the abyss like a sea of ​​flames, and the entire cave was completely illuminated in fiery red.

In the middle of the flames, a huge humanoid figure over fifty meters fluttered towards him.

The human form is covered in red bone armor, with bat wings on its back. Every time it spreads its wings, it brings out countless fire streams.

In just a few seconds, the red-armored figure rushed out of the abyss and floated in front of Garen, looking down slightly.

This humanoid shape is astonishingly like a legendary demon, with a human-like body, black bat wings, and a long spiked black tail circling slightly behind it. It was covered in bone armor that was as hot as a red-hot iron, and had a pair of curly black horns on its head.

What impressed Garen most was the countless fine and delicate runes engraved on its body armor, as well as the black relief of a suffering figure in the middle of its chest. The humanoid's arms were spread out and tied to the demon's chest like a cross. There was endless black smoke in his eyes, and he was still wailing in a low voice.

At this moment, the demon's long tail covered with spikes swung slightly, winding around Garen like a snake.

"Be careful! This is the backlash of the power of the Secret Martial Arts of Life!!" The Evil God King's expression changed behind him and he shouted quickly.

"Backlash? It seems that this secret martial art should be a type like the Gate Demon Kung Fu!" Garen's expression remained unchanged. Let the long tail wrap around you.

The countless scale-like spikes on the long tail are stacked on top of each other to form a large number of barbs, which can remove large areas of flesh and blood with just a single swipe.

The thick long tail almost completely submerged Garen into it, and no one could be seen.

Garen's eyes suddenly turned pitch black. Standing surrounded by giant tails, he suddenly opened his arms.

Chirp! ! !

A shrill scream of a giant bird sounded out of thin air. Countless air currents gathered and flowed behind him, forming a pair of huge transparent wings tens of meters long, which flapped gently.


Plop! !

Waves of strong and huge vibrations continued to center on Gallon, spreading and beating in all directions, like the pulse and heartbeat of the earth.

The ice-born secret weapon that had just been absorbed quickly took root in Garen's body. From his lower abdomen, dense blue roots of light sprouted, spreading to every corner of Garen's body.

The most eye-catching thing among them is the dragon heart on Garen's chest. Countless blue silk threads wrap around the heart. Blue and red are intertwined to form a blue cocoon that is constantly beating.

The huge red demon stepped back a distance, put his right hand on his chest, retracted his giant tail, and bowed slightly towards Garen. He actually lowered his head and smiled in salute like a noble.

boom! ! !

The demon suddenly dispersed and turned into countless streams of dark red flames, spraying and swimming in all directions, filling the entire cave in an instant. The Evil God King was also forced to retreat into the Black Gate, looking far away at Galen in the center of the flame flow, which was the only empty space in the cave without flames.

Garen stood on the edge of the cliff, with a black and red cross sword thrust upside down in front of him.

In the middle of the sword, there is a relief sculpture in the shape of a suffering human being, which is exactly the same as the relief on the devil just now. The eyes of the relief are constantly exuding black air, flowing down the black and red sword body, spreading from the ground, like an icy cold air, Falling heavily.

Garen suddenly reached out his hand and gently grasped the hilt of the cross sword.


The sword guard suddenly opened a pair of black metal wings, and the wings reflected a faint black light, layered on top of each other, as if they were made of countless metal wings intertwined.

As Galleon tightened his grip, countless fine regular lines suddenly appeared on the sword hilt. The countless lines were like entangled black snakes, densely packed, forming strange non-slip lines.

The moment he grasped the hilt of the sword, Garen's originally pitch-black eyes slowly emitted two streaks of black energy just like the suffering figure.

Clang! !

The black and red cross sword was suddenly pulled out and stood in front of Garen. The smooth mirror-like part of the sword clearly reflected his face at this time. The eyes with black smoke gushing out were like the suffering figure on the demon's chest just now.

Garen sneered. Hold the cross sword tightly and raise it upward.


Countless red fire streams in the cave instantly formed a huge flame vortex, as if all streams had returned to their origin, and quickly converged towards the sword body.

Streams of fire and fire snakes rushed into the sword one after another.

Within ten seconds, the entire cave was completely cleared, leaving no trace of fire.

The black and red cross sword also disappeared silently, slowly fading into transparency, and finally completely disappeared from Garen's hands.

Garen's dark eyes slowly returned to their original state at this time.

The cave suddenly fell into complete silence, as if the scene of surging flames just now was just an illusion.

"Congratulations to Palace Master Jialong, for getting two copies of the Secret Martial Arts of Life." The Evil God King said loudly with a smile behind him. This man is quite capable of bending and stretching, and he has the courage to do whatever it takes to achieve his goals. From the arrogance at the beginning, to the rage and helplessness later, he finally corrected his attitude after facing it, and even ignored the past grievances for the greater benefit and invited Garen to join, so as to prevent the Lord of the Heavenly Palace from gaining too much momentum and occupying the majority.

Garen turned around, with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

"I remember you said that when the secret weapon of life is obtained, it will often form various strange illusions. To a certain extent, these illusions are phantoms formed by the breath of the unconscious secret weapon. But what happened to that just now? ?”

The Evil God King also saw the huge demon take the initiative to let go of the backlash just now, but instead bowed to Garen and retreated with a smile. His eyes flickered, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Perhaps. Perhaps there is something powerful in your body that even the secret weapon of life cannot resist."

He lowered his voice slightly and answered in a low voice.

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