Mysterious journey

Chapter 539 World 3 (two chapters to thank Longjiantianxiaxing for the 50,000 reward)

"Someone once said that the sky was not originally blue, but dark and blood-red."

"Pitch black with red? Do you think it's possible?"

"Maybe, some things won't exist unless we believe in them."

Nova sat on a wooden chair, gently placing a brass pocket watch in her hand, with a faint smile on her face.

There was silence in the hut, except for the faint chirping of insects and birds outside. The dark drizzle fell one after another in a continuous stream.

"Everything on the stage has been arranged." He looked out the window at the sky in the distance, but his body became more and more transparent and became less and less contoured.

"Senana really hopes to see you one last time."

A breeze blew by, leaving only an empty set of robes on the chair. A generation of great teleporters finally died in a corner of the world that no one knew about.

At the same time, over the entire Dongzhou,

Three silver meteors shot towards Rock City at high speed. From three directions, like a three-point meteorite comet, a long star tail is pulled out. A violent rumbling sound passed through the ground, a huge noise that broke the sound barrier.

Countless black clouds rolled in the sky, making it dark and dark, regardless of day or night.

In the middle of the black clouds, the huge white door bloomed with dazzling holy light. The light pierced the clouds, like the only door to heaven in the abyss of hell.

The three meteors spanned a long distance, like three sharp arrows falling heavily, hitting three directions of Rock City respectively, forming a standard triangle.

The silver light shone, and the dull explosion rumbled, instantly sweeping away a group of surrounding silver totems of the Black Sky Society.

"Ten Heavenly Jedi!!" In a ray of silver light, a huge green blade suddenly slashed out, and the huge blade light split a huge gap in the black clouds above in an instant.

The tip of the sharp blade was like a green lightning, slashing towards the ghost gate in mid-air.

clang! !

Guimen raised his left hand, bringing out an afterimage to block the front of the giant sword.

The arm and the blade collided hard, sparking countless green flames that surrounded him from all sides like moths. In an instant, countless green flame moths fixed him in place.

Tsk tsk tsk tsk! ! !

In an instant, a series of green giant sword slashes burst out from the silver light, one on top of another, one on top of the other, and they struck towards the ghost gate with precision.

Nine huge blades struck Guimen like lightning.

clang! clang! clang! Dang, Dang, Dang!

Amidst the intensive collisions, the figure rising from the Ghost Gate and rushing towards the Gate of Heaven was finally completely dragged to a stop.

"Sun God King" He suddenly turned his head and looked in the direction where the green blade was slashing.

The silver light dimmed, revealing the green cloak of the Master of the Heavenly God Palace. He was holding a green and exquisite huge long bow in his hand. The bow was more than ten meters long, far longer than his body. Both ends of the long bow were With its sharp blade, it is a terrifying weapon capable of both long-range and close combat.


The silver light on the other two sides dimmed, revealing two figures suspended in mid-air.

The Evil God King and Garen floated quietly in the air. He formed a triangular formation with the Sun God King, the master of Tianshen Palace, and surrounded the Ghost Gate in the center.

"The Sun God King, the Evil God King, Palace Master Kurosawa, and the great teleporter from the Earth Flower Club use the Flower of the Earth to teleport and bless instantly. It seems that this is the strongest collection of power on the earth now." Ghost. Men didn't look nervous at all, as if they were just chatting after dinner, watching the three of them talking casually.

"Is this the last battle of Senai?"

The Evil God King had a heavy face and was dressed in red robes. He held a dark magic mirror tightly in his hand, and pale human faces were constantly twisting and floating in the mirror.

He flicked the magic mirror.


A black beam of light instantly rose into the sky from below, completely engulfing him. The beam of light rushed high into the sky, quickly began to twist and deform, and then turned into a huge black horned human figure. It was a huge human shape formed by the twisted combination of countless shadows. The upper body was a human, the lower body was a fish tail, and it held a black fork more than ten meters long in its hand.

The tail of the bull-horned humanoid swung slightly.

Guimen's body sank suddenly, as if there was a huge gravity pressing on him instantly.

The fish's tail wiggles again.

The ghost gate's eyes suddenly blurred, as if everything was blurred, surrounded by faint shadows, and the weight of the body doubled.

The fish's tail swung for the third time.

The shadow under Guimen twisted slightly, tsk!

The shadow suddenly opened a hole on his left shoulder. At the same time, a bloody opening suddenly opened on the left shoulder of Guimen's body.


Gui Men suddenly grinned and his body shook slightly.


A circle of black light was directly shaken away from his body and flew away from the sky in all directions.

"Sun God King, you have finally created your own secret weapon of life." His eyes passed over the other two people and landed directly on the Heavenly God Palace Master, as if the other two were not worth mentioning at all, and he was the only one who was the Heavenly God Palace Master. The only opponent.

Garen stepped back slightly, with a mysterious smile on his face. In the void behind him, a pitch-black cross sword slowly appeared in his hand. The blade of the cross sword slowly deformed and became longer and longer. From over one meter in length, it quickly extended to nearly three meters. The whole body was pitch black and emitted thick smoke. , silently, more and more like a huge halberd. The top of the halberd faintly lit up with a bit of icy blue cold flames.

On the other side, countless green jellyfish-like creatures appeared behind the fish-tailed humanoid transformed by the Evil God King.

Countless green jellyfish stirred their bodies and emitted a faint green fluorescent light, and their number increased. In an instant, as if contagious, most of the sky was densely packed with countless jellyfish, forming a sea of ​​jellyfish.

"Do it!!"

In an instant, the three figures disappeared at the same time.

The jellyfish, black halberd, and green knife all shone brightly at almost the same time.

With a loud shout, a pair of huge red butterfly wings suddenly opened behind the Lord of the Heavenly God Palace. There was a black pattern with a pair of eyes in the middle. The wings suddenly flapped, creating huge wind pressure and swooping towards the ghost gate. He swung the giant bow in his hand and cut out a huge solid green blade, which cut through the air and pulled out a bright green line.

The fish-tailed humanoid transformed by the Evil God King rushed towards the ghost gate first, followed closely by countless jellyfish, and suddenly accelerated like green meteors.

Garen drew out his halberd with his backhand and waved his arms.

The black halberd grew longer and longer out of thin air, spanning tens of meters in an instant. The tip of the halberd was extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, he and the other two people blasted towards the ghost gate at the same time.

The three attacks arrived at the location almost at the same time.

Stabs were accurately stabbed at the location of the Ghost Gate from three directions, and countless black and red giant hands were smashed in midway.

Bang bang bang!

With three consecutive sounds, the jellyfish was melted by the splash of countless blood and water. The green knife was forcefully grasped in the hand and pinched hard by the ghost gate. It shattered into countless green fragments with a bang. The fragments burned with green flames and fell into the sea of ​​blood, still the same. It cannot be extinguished for a long time.

Garen's halberd was also blocked by Ghost Gate with one hand, exploding with large sparks, but the moment the tip of the halberd touched Ghost Gate's arm, the tip of the halberd spurted out countless black metal spikes, bypassing Ghost Gate's arm. , drilling towards his eyes and ear holes like lightning.


Gui Men snorted coldly, flicked his other palm, and a transparent crystal wall suddenly stood up in front of his face, blocking all the spikes.

Black metal spikes were nailed to the crystal wall.

But at this moment, the green knife stabbed him under the arm again, and the black harpoon hit his head hard from above.

The Lord of the Heavenly God Palace, the Evil God King, and Garen had already taken the opportunity to approach him. The green sword, long bow, black harpoon, and black halberd were striking at the ghost gate in the center from three angles.

The huge five-type peak fusion power formed an inexplicable cyclonic vortex, centered on the four people, and countless black clouds and smoke gathered around it, forming an extremely huge and terrifying vortex.

Buzz! !

The ghost gate seemed to give birth to three heads and six arms in an instant, and the afterimages of countless arms swayed around him, and at the same time they violently clashed with the terrifying weapons of the three people.

In an instant, the sound of metal clashing sounded hundreds of times, overlapping into a single vibration.

The terrifying air vibrations spread wildly among the four people, and spread along the void to the earth.

Cracks opened one after another on the ground, and the earth was shaking, fear!

Groups of transparent air shock waves fell from the sky and slammed into the ground, hitting the Totem Master team before they could completely evacuate.

Screaming, crying, wailing. Explosion, madness, despair.

A jumble of countless emotional voices.

The clusters of moving totem master formations were vulnerable to the shock and aftermath of the landing. They were like an army of dolls made of building blocks, falling to pieces at the slightest touch. Some totem masters and totem beasts who were trying to avoid were thrown high into the air by the shock wave. They could not withstand the shock while still in the air and exploded into clouds of blood mist.

"Then that's Galleons?!"

In a moving team, Goth raised his head and looked at the terrifying figure in the sky waving his halberd crazily.

"King Ennit divided his last wealth into three parts and gave them to these three people, the last hope of the world." Anis was supported by the Azure Dragon Swordsman beside her, and she barely whispered.

Raising her head, she stared blankly at the terrifying battle group in the sky. "The three of them are the last resistance in this world"


The Lord of the Heavenly God Palace drew his long bow, and two burning lines of red fire suddenly appeared at both ends of the bow, forming two arcs.

The fish-tailed human form of the Evil God King is getting smaller and smaller, becoming more solid, as if it has really turned into an ancient fish-tailed monster, and the outlines of the naked and strong black muscles on its body can be clearly seen.

The halberd in Garen's hand turned into a long sword for a while, and a dagger for a while. Countless weapon forms were constantly changing in his hands, and the changes became more and more natural and smooth.

The three men's terrifying attacks were as pervasive as a torrential rain. Under the afterimages of countless arms formed by the ghost gate, they formed a vaguely evenly matched situation.

The sky is rippling and the earth is wailing.

The entire Rock City's huge walls finally couldn't bear it anymore and began to collapse and break.

This thousand-year-old city finally slowly collapsed under the terrifying collision of these four people.

Suddenly a green light fell.


Immediately afterwards, two more black rays of light suddenly struck down, violently shaking dust and gravel into the sky.

The Guimen's arms were covered with fine blood gashes, but he didn't seem to feel it at all. He raised his head, and the sea of ​​blood behind him shook violently, and continued to surge towards the sky, pushing him to continue flying towards the Gate of Heaven. .

Garen struggled to get up from the huge pit on the ground, and a faint blue light rippled around his body.


He looked at his own embarrassment and suddenly laughed nervously. Isn't this exactly the life he wants to pursue?

See a stronger peak, risk everything, and enjoy the battle and sublimation between life and death.

Wasn't the reason why he started practicing martial arts just to see the scenery at the top?

"That's it. That's it!!" He murmured in a low voice, feeling that his whole body and the blood in his body were on fire.

A more powerful fusion power surged out from the secret martial arts seeds in his body, and the ice-blue cold air that seemed to be substantial centered on him and spread crazily around him, condensing hundreds of meters around him into one piece in a moment. Blue ice.

After the fusion of the two secret martial arts of life, ice and metal, what was brought about was not a more powerful secret martial arts system of life, but a practice system that was simply more suitable for him.

Relying on his previous realm and accumulation, as well as King Ennit's final gift, Garen finally rebuilt to the last moment of the fusion of secret martial arts.

But this was also the last moment that countless Type Five peak totem masters failed to break through.

Suddenly he raised his head and looked at the ghost gate in the sky.

Garen's figure suddenly disappeared from the spot.

As if making an appointment, the other two shadows flew towards the ghost gate at the same time.

Boom! !

The four people collided suddenly, and with them as the center, a circle of transparent spherical vibrations suddenly shook around them.

The shock this time caused countless towering arms around him to break, and countless pieces of flesh and blood splattered like rain.

At this moment, the robes of the three besieging people were shattered, and their figures were completely unobstructed, completely displayed in the eyes of countless totem masters who were watching from afar.

The Tianshen Palace Master's left arm was completely broken, and a section of his right leg below the knee was missing, leaving only a bloody cut.

There was a crack in the middle of the Evil God King's head, and he could actually see the sky behind him through it. He almost had his whole head split in half.

One of Garen's eyes was blown out, leaving only a scarlet blood hole. The body was densely covered with tiny holes, but they were all frozen by ice blue crystals to prevent the wounds from bleeding heavily.

In that moment of full-force collision, the three of them all unleashed their maximum fusion power at all costs.

Two clouds of blood mist exploded on both sides of Guimen's waist, and his complexion instantly turned pale.


In the distant royal capital of Kuwaitan

Hathaway suddenly covered her mouth, trying not to scream. She could feel Dany's hands tightening around her arms beside her.

"That's Brother Garen." Dany's voice sounded beside her.

Hathaway had previously thought that he had admitted the wrong person. In everyone's eyes, Garen was only a Type 4 Cowaitan giant, far from reaching the peak level of Type 5 combat.

But now when the black robe was completely broken, she no longer had any luck.

That was indeed Garen, and before he knew it, he had reached a terrifying height that would move the whole world.

But now, she would rather Galleon was still the original Type 4. Such a battle, such a cruel war, should not be something that a young man in his twenties can bear.

A proud and complicated ache kept surging in her heart.

Hathaway stared closely at the picture in the sky mirror. The man with only one eye was smiling. He was actually smiling!

He actually showed the slightest enjoyment in such a cruel fight.

It's true emotion that comes from the heart, from the deepest part.


Another part of the royal capital

The eldest princess gathered together with the other giants and top totem masters in the entire royal capital.

No one spoke. There was an oval water mirror suspended on the long table, and the terrifying battle scenes of Ennit were vaguely transmitted back inside.

The eldest princess clenched the handle of the fan in her hand, her palms already covered with sweat but she didn't know it at all. Her eyes were fixed on the water mirror, not daring to leave for a second.

Looking at the crazy young face that flashed across her face from time to time, she felt an inexplicable fear in her heart. That young man who had always thought she had seen through everything turned out to have such terrifying and powerful power in his heart.

Reminiscing about the scenes she had with Garen in the past, she felt a conflicting impulse that she didn't know how to explain.

Waves of complex emotions of fear and awe kept growing in my heart.

She glanced at the other two giants, among whom Grand Duke Cody looked particularly ugly.

When they were fighting for the power of the entire imperial capital, unknowingly, the young man had far surpassed their level and reached the unprecedented level of terror now.

He can even fight side by side with the Lord of the Nest, the Heavenly God Palace, and the strongest Evil God King of the Evil God Cult.

Possessing terrifying power that can crush everything.

The Grand Duke of Whitenock looked calm, but his palms unconsciously clenched the armrests of the chair, almost leaving marks on the metal armrests.

Everyone has extremely complicated emotions in their hearts. No one can imagine that the young genius who was once equal to them has reached such terrifying heights in just a short period of time.

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