Mysterious journey

Chapter 540 World 4 (two chapters to thank Longjiantianxiaxing for the 50,000 reward)

Kurosawa Palace

Countless disciple guards had already walked out of the palace, looking up at the scene in the water mirror in the sky.

Lala crossed her arms tightly and looked at the terrifying battle in the sky. She only felt cold all over. The only prayer in my heart was that Garen would not die.

Groups of disciples from Kurosawa Palace looked at the world war in the sky with enthusiastic expressions. It was a battle that would determine the survival of the entire world. The figure of the palace owner appeared in it, as if a spiritual storm swept through the entire palace.

Unlike other high-ranking people, what surges in the hearts of these disciples is an unparalleled sense of pride. They gathered in groups of twos and threes in different places, on the steps, in front of the palace gate, in front of the residence, in the garden, by the square and other places. At this moment, everyone looked up at the sky and the water mirror.

Some prayed devoutly, some shouted loudly, and some roared madly. All the disciples were shouting for the final battle in Kurosawa Palace in different ways.

Ephesus, Demon Phoenix and other elders stood side by side.

No one spoke, except for Effie and Mohuang, everyone's face turned pale, and they were so oppressed by the terrifying and brutal battle in the picture that they were breathless.

Some people unknowingly brought themselves into it, and the result they got made them feel cold all over, and a mouthful of reverse blood almost spurted out from their mouths.

People who don't understand the battle at this level are fine, but those who can understand it but can't bear the pressure of its strength are the most troublesome. They can feel the horror and the huge pressure of complex horror, and that pressure seems to be transmitted to their own spirits across long distances.

The battle in the picture has exceeded the limit that everyone can imagine. It was no longer a mortal battle, but a mythical war!

The black rain in the sky became more dense.

I don’t know when there was an extra voice in the faint chanting.

"Death! Death!!"

"Eternal Death!!"

It seemed like the howling of the wind and the impact of the rain.

The absolute protective barrier above Kuwaitan seemed to be trembling, with circles of transparent ripples constantly rippling, as if some terrifying force was striking the barrier again and again.


Jessica held Goth tightly and looked up at the battle group in the sky.

Those four crazy figures have gone completely crazy, and they are like collisions and explosions between comets. Waves of terrifying shocks caused the earth to crack and the sky to tremble.

Goethe clenched his fists so tightly that his nails almost dug into his palms. He could feel Jessica's eyes on him.

There was a muffled roar, the sky became clear, and countless arm pillars broke.

Three balls of blood, centered on the Ghost Gate, turned the three people surrounding them into three bloody arms and pressed down hard.

One of them flew towards the two of them fiercely.

It's Garen's figure!

Goethe saw clearly that Guimen had obviously sent Galen here on purpose.

Garen was severely suppressed by the huge black and red arms and crashed to the ground.

The ground shook violently, and countless dust flew up.

He coughed violently several times. He took out a small silver bottle from his body, unscrewed it and drank it hard.

The body was too broken to look like, but an inexplicable sense of excitement surged from his heart.

Garen took a deep breath and laughed softly.

He could feel that the power in his body was sublimating with each fight. The battle with Guimen was almost like walking on a tightrope, wandering between life and death. If he was not careful, he would be seriously injured and on the verge of death.

At this moment, the blood sea arm in Panshi City finally couldn't bear it anymore.


An arm suddenly broke and fell heavily.

Then another one broke.

The second root, the third root, the tenth root.

More and more arms finally couldn't support the terrifying force that held the door of heaven for a long time.

Even if the terrifying strength of Yongye Palace combined with the Ghost Sect can be maintained for such a long time, it is already the end.

Pulling out the gate of heaven itself is caused by a terrifying force that violates the rules, and now, this force has been supporting it for so long and can no longer support it.

"Hehehehe" Garen couldn't help but laugh.

He didn't know what was going on with the other two, but now, everything was about to succeed.

"No!!" Gui Men covered his waist wound, and the sea of ​​blood behind him suddenly swelled for the last time, pushing him to the top of the wave and flying towards the gate of heaven.


The figure of the Lord of the Heavenly God Palace drew a line of green light and stabbed the back of the ghost gate fiercely from behind.

The Evil God King was no longer able to get up. The magic mirror in his hand was dim, and his whole person showed a sense of weakness and defeat. He lay in the pit, unable to move, and could only look up at the final battle in the sky.

Garen struggled to his feet, and the black halberd in his hand roared into a black moon. The secret martial arts of life were on the verge of a breakthrough in the sublimation of fighting.

With the performance of having broken through the ghost gate, Garen's terrifying intellectual attributes were spinning at high speed like a storm at this moment, and countless sparks of inspiration were blowing through his mind like a fragmented hurricane.

The thousands of potential points that had been accumulated in the ruins for a long time began to fall crazily at this time. It seems that the sublimation of the Secret Martial Arts of Life will also consume countless potential points.

Garen vaguely understood in his heart that what potential points can replace is the accumulation time of secret martial arts practice, and the power needed to accumulate can be replaced by potential points. And if you encounter a real threshold, a level that cannot be reached through accumulation, the potential points will be useless.

At this moment, the countless fusion powers in his body were compressed crazily. The Ice Secret Martial Arts and the Metal Secret Martial Arts were constantly fused and intertwined, condensing into an extremely tiny seed at a crazy speed.

A seed that seemed to be implanted in the deepest part of his soul. Vaguely, he felt as if his soul was flying, and a sense of freedom and comfort surged out from the deepest part of his heart like never before.

"That's it. That's it hahahaha!!!" Garen couldn't help laughing wildly. The laughter shook so much that the whole sky and earth trembled slightly.

Goethe and Jessica stood behind Garen, and he consciously controlled his momentum so as not to hurt them.

Jessica held Goth's hand tightly and pulled him closer to Garen.

Goth's eyes were complicated and incomprehensible. He looked at Garen's back and opened his mouth to say something. Jessica has fallen, and he is unwilling to lose his best friend because of the tragedy of the past.

"Garen, be careful!! Goethe is going to kill you!!" Jessica next to her suddenly screamed and rushed over, blocking behind Garen and facing Goethe head-on.

Goethe was stunned for a moment and his mind went blank.

Garen, who had some sense of it, was at the critical moment of promotion and was about to turn around.


A black dagger that looked like a living thing was stabbed into Garen's lower back by Jessica. The dagger instantly twisted like a snake and penetrated into Garen's waist wound.

Goethe's mind went blank, and Jessica's twisted and proud smile reflected in his pupils.

Garen was also stunned, holding his waist with one hand.

Bang! !

A large hole suddenly exploded in his lower abdomen, and scarlet blood splashed everywhere with the explosion. A hollow that penetrated the flesh and blood of his abdomen appeared in the middle of his abdomen. A black snake flew out with a sneer and flew towards the ghost gate in the sky. But in mid-air, Garen grabbed it with one hand and snapped it into two pieces.

Garen staggered a few steps forward, looking down at his abdomen blankly.

The most critical moment of promotion was interrupted. In an instant, the power of aura fusion emanating from the secret martial arts seeds in his body was running wildly. The original bloodline of the righteous path was seriously damaged under the impact of the moment.

Uh. Ah.! ! !

He threw his head back and roared to the sky.

A circle of terrifying shock waves centered on him and rushed in all directions.

Jessica was the first to be hit hard. Together with Goethe, the two of them flew up in the air and shot backwards, as if they were hit head-on by a huge giant.

Goethe's vision blurred, and his body fell steadily involuntarily. He stretched out his hand to catch Jessica who was flying, but he finally slowly put it down in mid-air.

He could hear the pain in Garen's roar. That kind of anger after being betrayed, disbelief, madness!

"Hehehe, die!! Die, die, die, die! Die!! Hahahaha!!" Jessica laughed crazily in mid-air. Her face was filled with despair and resentment, but she didn't realize that she had already burst into tears.


Jessica's body hit a raised stone pillar hard, her head was pierced by a raised stone spike, and she lost any sound.


Goethe finally couldn't help but fell to his knees, covered his face with his hands and cried bitterly.

A green ring of fire suddenly lit up in the sky.

The whole world was illuminated for a moment.

The Tianshen Palace Master's chest was completely collapsed, and he was slammed into the sea of ​​​​blood below, stirring up a column of blood that reached the sky.

Ghost Gate took a deep breath, moved his gaze, and landed on Garen below.

I don’t know when Garen stopped roaring,

The whole person seemed to be completely calm, standing quietly in place.

The blood hole in his lower abdomen was as big as a fist, and through the hole the black ground behind him could be clearly seen. But at this time, the blood hole is being filled with countless red ice crystals.

The ability attribute bar below his vision was undergoing crazy changes at this time.

In the skill column, the Black Water True Skill column originally had the words "Unnamed Secret Martial Arts of Life", but at this time, with the promotion of "Secret Martial Arts of Life", even if it is only incompletely promoted, countless amounts of terrifying information are still flowing out.

Countless information is like a stream of ice-blue liquid, converging on the skill bar, forming a dark blue vortex.

A clear name emerged from Garen's mind.

That is the name automatically derived from the fused secret martial arts.

He parted his lips.

The ice blue vortex stopped rotating at this moment and condensed into an extremely complex and powerful rune.

A handful of blue ice crystal halberds appeared out of thin air behind him, with the tip of the halberd facing the ghost gate in the sky.


Garen's eyes were burning with ice-blue flames. The flames completely covered the pupils of his eyes, and only two groups of ice-blue smoke could be seen that were constantly escaping.

Northern Halberd Soldier Hanyan True Water Evil Technique! !

Garen murmured in a low voice.

The name of Miwu Sheng seemed to have some inexplicable magic power. Just by whispering it silently, a huge dark blue vortex slowly emerged behind Garen.

It was a huge whirlpool composed of countless emerging ice-blue halberds.

The halberds were like precision gears, blending into the vortex and turning slowly.

Garen suddenly raised his head and met Guimen's eyes head on.

Chirp! ! !

The next moment, a piercing bird song rose into the sky.

The countless terrifying blue ice halberds behind Garen merged into a huge torrent that was thousands of meters long, rushing towards the sky crazily. The piercing chirping of birds was the whistling of countless halberds cutting through the air.

"This is my dream. It's my only dream!!" Gui Men murmured, his expression becoming more determined, and his eyes filled with the madness of a martyr.

He suddenly raised his arms.

The endless ice-blue halberd rushed in front of him. In the torrent of halberds, Garen's figure slowly emerged. He held the halberd in his hand and stabbed forward silently.


Guimen laughed wildly and opened his arms as if to welcome something.

boom! ! !

The violent sea of ​​blood suddenly exploded in the sky, and countless black and red arms were completely broken and melted into the sea of ​​blood.

Everything in the sky was completely covered in blood red.

Surrounded by blood, Guimen looked at Garen with hope, looking at the newly promoted Six Type who finally failed him.

This is the top of the world, the height of everything. No one can see everything between the two of them through the sea of ​​blood.

"Can you agree to my request?" Gui Men showed a gentle smile. His body was pierced by the halberd in Garen's hand, and starting from his legs, it was rapidly decomposing into strands of bright red blood.

Garen was silent for a moment.

"you say."

The smile on Guimen's face was faintly bright.

"Enter the gate of heaven for me and see what is there."

Garen was stunned.

"That's my only dream."

Guimen smiled brilliantly, his body suddenly decomposed, and a bit of red light flew in front of Garen.

That was the purest secret martial memory, and it was the last treasure he left to the opponent in front of him.

The lingering sound of the word "dream" was still echoing in his ears. Garen stared blankly at the last gift left by the ghost gate.

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