Mysterious journey

Chapter 543 Change 3

The new royal capital of Kuwaitan, Esseklavid.

The sky was blue, and several flocks of birds lined up in a human shape and flew slowly over the royal capital.

"Sister, have you taken your medicine today?"

In a little old but still gorgeous and neat white building.

An old woman with gray hair went up to the small building carrying a vegetable basket, took out the key, opened the door, and walked into the spacious living room.

"Mrs. Dany." A maid in a white dress stood at the door and knelt down to salute the old woman.

"Thank you for your hard work, Xiaoni." Dani smiled kindly at the maid.

"It's another quiet day." A hoarse old man's voice came from the study at the end of the living room.

Dany smiled when she heard this, put down the basket and handed it to the maid, and walked directly into the innermost study.

In front of the floor-to-ceiling window of the study, a graceful white-haired old woman was sitting on a red rocking chair.

Her face is full of wrinkles, but her eyes are still clear and tranquil, without any of the depression and pessimism of those aging elderly people.

"Sister, I bought your favorite slot fish today. I saw someone on the street who had just gotten it from the wild. It was very fresh, so I packed it all for him." Dani walked to the side and opened the curtains wider. .

"Aren't you going to attend the palace celebration today? Why did you suddenly come to me when you were free?" the lady sitting on the chair asked softly.

"Aren't I worried?" Dani smiled, "I saw that sister you forgot yesterday's medicine at my place, so I hurriedly sent it over."

She took a chair and sat next to her sister Hathaway. The two sisters looked side by side at the blue sky outside, which was clear and relaxed.

"Speaking of which, it's been more than fifty years. Time flies so fast." Hathaway sighed. "I wonder how he is doing now? There has been no news from the palace."

"It is said that she is still recovering from the sequelae of that battle." Dany nodded, her eyes a little heavy. What kind of injury requires more than fifty years of repair and is not good? I'm afraid there are only those injuries that are almost called terminal illnesses. She has never dared to say this sentence, just for fear of hurting her sister's last hope.

More than fifty years have passed. The once large and powerful Kurosawa Palace has now become the second-ranked new royal capital comprehensive university in the world.

Since the power of the totem has been weakened and almost extinct, Kurosawa Palace has quickly transformed from the original totem master power into a comprehensive government-run university for the purpose of running schools. With the help of the huge reputation whose core is fighting skills, it has completely stabilized its foothold.

Over the years, a large number of talented trainees have emerged among them. Among them, Ansepero, the top genius at the time, became one of the world's greatest martial arts masters. After a series of struggles, he was finally hired as Kuwait's coach. Director of the General Directorate of the Tanzanian Military Department. He also created a new top-level fighting school called Heart Saint Fist, with many disciples distributed all over the world.

There is also a girl named Pefaria. After walking out of school, she has now created the Black Bird Gate two-handed weapon fighting school, which has spread throughout the world.

In fact, there are many talented students who graduated from Kurosawa Palace, and each of them has started his own career. They are scattered in various walks of life, and almost most of them have achieved considerable achievements, and are at least industry elites.

Therefore, the annual Kurosawa Class Reunion is considered a moderate event in the entire New King City.

"Has Ansepero been here recently?" Dany suddenly asked.

"What's wrong? That kid came to visit me a few days ago." Hathaway also had a good impression of the genius who always respected her very much. Ever since Garen disappeared, during the darkest and bleakest period of Kurosawa Palace, that kid still had great respect for him. Even though he had graduated at the time, he still used his own strength to help his classmates and teachers as much as possible. He was a superficial person. Arrogant, but actually a good boy who is very responsible at heart.

"The issues raised by that boy in the Grand Chamber recently are somewhat radical. In the past few years, the country's strength has increased. It seems that the boy has become a little ambitious again." Dany frowned.

"What do Effie and Kongqin mean?"

"It's okay, I don't object or support it." Dani shook her head.

"Then it's hard for me to express my opinion. National affairs are not something we can see clearly based on our personal wishes. Depending on where you stand, you will see different things." Hathaway shook his head and said, "By the way, that boy of yours how are things?"

"It's not the same as before. He took his son and his family to travel to Xizhou, leaving me alone as an old woman." Dani suddenly complained with dissatisfaction. She looked up at her sister's face, which had lost its age, and her heart still trembled.

"Sister, you have been waiting for that person for so many years. Is it really worth it?"

"Nothing is worth it. Over the years, waiting has become a habit. And I am not lonely at all. Lala, Effie, Angel, and Sylvia all come to see me often. ? Is it worth it to have so many friends together often?" Hathaway is still alone now. When he was young, he was pursued by many men, but he declined them all. Instead, his sister Dani found a good man. After getting married, they are now considered to be the most elite official family in Cowaitan. With two sons and five or six grandchildren, the family is always lively at every gathering.

In these years, the eldest princess succeeded the queen, and the royal family became a nominal symbol of honor and spirituality. The real management of national affairs was the Grand Chamber composed of the four giants. Among them, Kurosawa Palace occupies two seats and is considered the strongest force in Kuwaitan. The other two parties are the former Grand Duke of Whitenock, who represents the eldest princess who is also the current queen, and the other is a representative of the civil society guild. As for the Grand Duke of Cody, he was completely eliminated at a very early stage and disappeared.

After the decline of the Totem Master, the radios developed back then still played a huge role. The core of the radio relied on resonance technology rather than the power of the totem, so it could still be used without being affected.

This has played an indelible role in accelerating the exchange of information around the world. In the high-speed exchange of large amounts of information technology, the development of science and technology is accelerating like an explosion. Countless workshop researchers in the totem world have switched careers to study science, and have built on their original foundations. Achievements and theories have been achieved that have shocked the world.

In just over fifty years, technology has developed from the original level of muskets and steam trains to the current level of biplanes slowly taking off. Various artillery tanks and private technology came into being amidst the turmoil.

Huge ships travel between the two continents, and countless sea areas are covered with human footprints.

After more than fifty years of recuperation and under the policy of vigorously promoting more children and more children in various countries, the number of human beings has increased significantly.

While various technologies continue to develop, medical standards have also made tremendous progress. The microscopes, incubators, culture equipment and other tools originally used by totem masters have been converted into medical services. People's fertility survival rate is getting higher and higher, and everything is developing in an unprecedented direction.


In the dark abyss of the arctic sea

An extremely huge blue iceberg has completely filled the entire abyss.

There is a hollow space at the bottom of the iceberg, where there is a man-made undersea tunnel and square. The square that was originally isolated from the sea water has now been completely occupied by the water flow mixed with broken ice.

The square was dim and blue, and groups of fluorescent jellyfish slowly swam by. Their bodies stretched and shrank, and their pale blue shimmering bodies looked peaceful and quiet.

The strange thing is that these jellyfish are different from jellyfish in the outside world. The tips of their tentacles have a faint blue-purple fluorescence.

Soon, a small group of small spindle-shaped whitebait swam around the square. They also had blue-purple glossy fangs in their mouths and were extremely ferocious.

This is a world-famous highly toxic sea area. It does not mean that the sea water is highly toxic, but the species in this sea area. I don’t know why, no matter what species, they carry extremely strong toxins.

The highly toxic waters are world-famous in the Arctic waters. A certain number of tourists come to visit every year. Although the seafood caught here is not edible, the unique species ecology also makes tourists linger here.

Deep in the ocean abyss, at the bottom of an iceberg.

No one has been in for decades.

Since the death of the totem power, no human being has been able to set foot in such a deep ocean bottom.

This is the deepest place in the entire Arctic sea, with a depth of tens of thousands of meters. After continuous measurement and comparison in recent years, people have found that this is one of the deepest abyss in the entire world, ranking second.

In the deepest part of the iceberg, in the quiet and peaceful darkness, the strange blue interior of the iceberg suddenly moved slightly, and a subtle clicking sound came out.

“How long has it been”

Garen slowly woke up from his slumber.

Opening his eyes, he was surrounded by the same blue ice as before. These ice layers condensed and extended from his body to form a self-protective dormant layer.

Outside the ice, the migrating group of poisonous jellyfish swam by once again, and Garon's eyes suddenly became clear.

"Already another ten years have passed?" He murmured to himself. The group of poisonous jellyfish would swim here every ten years. So far, this is the fifth time.

"Has it been fifty years?" Garen recalled with a somewhat sluggish mind. I haven't woken up for a full ten years and have been in a state of repair and recovery. When I woke up suddenly, I couldn't completely regain my consciousness for a while.

Since Effie, Kong Qin and the other elders last came here thirty years ago, no one has been here again, this abyss.

The huge protective water-proof square that was once supported by the power of totems has completely collapsed at this time, becoming a home paradise for countless deep-sea species.

Thirty years ago, there were already signs of the totem's power declining. Ephesus, who could only rely on his own strength to get in, had to rely on the joint strength of all the elders to get here.

That was the last time Garen saw humans outside.

In the following years, he relied on a special radio brought in from outside to communicate with the outside world. Later, even the radio lost energy support and was completely disconnected. After that, he was alone all the time.

The power of the totem has declined, but the power of the totem is no longer in Garen's body, replaced by the new power of the secret weapon of life. This power is not affected by the Gate of Heaven and is still huge and terrifying.

This is a qualitative change that breaks through to Type Six, and is no longer the category of totem master.

Garen carefully felt the state of his whole body.

The secret martial arts on his body have completely settled down. The northern halberd soldier Han Yan Zhen Shui Xie Gong, the power of this fused secret martial arts may be similar to the ordinary secret martial arts. However, because the final promotion was interrupted by the backhand of the ghost sect, resulting in The deflection of the skill was abnormal and became an evil skill. Coupled with the severe injuries and sequelae of that battle, Miwu fell into a state of deep sleep to repair his body, and he slept for decades.

Use the huge sea pressure and extreme cold in the Arctic abyss as food and energy to slowly repair the body's wounds.

A person stayed in the endless deep sea for decades.

Even a strong and determined totem master like Garen had to fall into an abnormal state of mind.

He checked the condition of his body. After killing Guimen in the last battle, he did not get any potential points. But for the first time in history, attribute talents have undergone new changes.

Real changes in the property bar.

‘Power 18. Agile14. Physique 14. Intelligence 12. Potential 0%. Soul limit 20. ’

Garen focused his attention on his current attribute bar and did not look at the many extremely complex and cumbersome skill bars behind it.

The property bar has been completely changed.

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