Mysterious journey

Chapter 544 Change 4

Before being promoted to type six, his strength was originally 16 points, but it increased by two points.

Agility was originally 12, but it was increased by two points.

Constitution is 12, which is also improved by two points.

Intelligence remains the same, no change.

The potential has completely turned to 0 without knowing it. This galleon is quite clear. After killing the ghost gate, because no potential points were obtained, it did not increase. Since the latent cultivation, the potential points have been slowly declining as the body is repaired. Over the years, it is obvious that the most fundamental reason for the repair of the body and the repair of the secret weapon is still due to the consumption of potential points.

Although Miwu absorbs external pressure and extreme cold to repair the body, the source of power for Miwu's operation obviously comes from the potential point.

The chaos of the secret martial arts achieves evil. If it were any other totem master, he would probably have self-destructed on the spot. But Galleon consumes potential points instead of life potential. Only then can we survive extremely tenaciously in the deep sea.

After carefully feeling his body, Garen could still notice that there were still a small number of injuries on his body that had not been completely repaired. It was obvious that his potential points had been completely consumed. The secret weapon of life had no fundamental source of power, so he could only Able to wake up from slumber.

There is also the last soul limit, I don’t know what it is.

Garen frowned and focused on the Soul Limit item. Suddenly an explanation message came to my mind.

‘The limit of the soul is the highest limit that its own attributes can reach. Life genes will have an upper limit based on the limitations of their natural constitution. This is an innate decision. All living things have their own innate limits. This is the upper limit caused by the flesh and blood used by parents to give birth to their children. The limits of the soul can be adjusted to the limits of attribute genes after birth, to reach a higher level of perfection. Break through the shackles of nature. ’

Garen felt as if this piece of information had been burned into his mind, and it was only because of this act of gazing that it was automatically revealed. This made him more and more certain that this innate ability was a powerful ability based on his subconscious instinct. You can use your own knowledge system, language and writing system to the greatest extent, integrate and organize to tap your subconscious potential, make maximum use of external forces, and refine your own state.

Therefore, abilities will continue to change as your knowledge and experience improve, and what you don't know will not be revealed in advance. Just like this soul limit.

So, the soul limit of 20 points means that my various attributes can be increased to a maximum of 20?

As soon as this doubt arose in his mind, it was immediately cleared, and the message fed back from his subconscious was extremely positive.

The brain becomes more and more flexible with complete wakefulness.

Garen's body moved slightly, and the ice around him suddenly melted silently.

While waiting for the ice that had accumulated for decades outside to melt slowly, Garen checked his current condition.

The Secret Martial Arts of Life has broken through the sixth form, which means that it has reached the stage of perfection in the Secret Martial Arts of Life.

The Northern Halberdier Han Yan Zhen Shui Xie Gong at the peak of Dacheng is running on its own in the body over and over again. It is a cold and viscous blue air flow, following the blood vessels of the body, continuously circulating and flowing, along with the blood of Gallon's body. They are also constantly transformed into that weird ice blue color, with a strong chill.

Even the blood had a strong icy effect, and Garen couldn't help but feel a strange and special sense of existence.

It is obvious that the body has no temperature, and the normal body temperature is at least more than 30 degrees below zero, but the body is still full of vitality, the blood is flowing regularly, and there is no discomfort at all.

This secret martial art of life that has gone astray circulates in the body, causing the cold current outside the body to surge slightly from time to time. It gives people an extremely wonderful feeling.

But Garen carefully counted the secret martial arts, and excluding those mysterious and special feelings, there were a total of several abilities that could actually be used to form a system. These abilities also include common abilities after entering type six.

‘Northern Halberdier Han Yan Zhen Shui Xie Gong:

1. Extreme cold control, metal weapon control, liquid control, extreme cold inflammation control, and a range of 300 meters to form absolute control.

2 Halberd's Nest, infinite halberd long shot. Wherever the halberd touches, the body can jump and move freely.

3. The accumulated ice heals itself and slowly repairs its own wounds. Form ice cubes for self-protection defense.

The common abilities of Type 4 and Six - changes in the celestial phenomena, cloud gathering and gas amplification, and maximum concentration of energy of the same attribute suitable for itself within a certain range around it to form a home field. ’

These four abilities are the powerful abilities that the Sixth Type of Secret Martial Arts can truly achieve.

Garen didn't pay much attention to these abilities. Instead, what he valued more was the changes in his own attribute bar. Entering the sixth type, it seems to be extremely powerful, but in fact many of them rely on condensing the power of the outside world to become a means of attack.

The changes to myself are not very big. This is probably the fundamental reason why physical attributes have not improved much.

In addition, Garon noticed that there was another ability that was not an ability.

The return of the secret martial arts of life.

This ability can completely re-condensate the secret martial arts into soul seeds, return them to a state of silence, and hide them in the deepest part of soul consciousness.

Faintly and subconsciously, Garen felt that this ability might have an extremely powerful key role. He carefully kept it in mind.

The solid ice pillar finally melted completely.

Garen slowly walked out of the towering icicles, and his feet slowly landed on the Ice Square.

The surroundings were dark, with only the blue fluorescence coming from the bits of ice, dyeing the entire area a faint blue.

The igloo in the square is still there, but there is no one inside. A few decades ago, Aphesis and Kongqin could not bear the terrifying cold air and sea pressure and returned to the ground.

All the masters of the Seven Nights Tower who were left behind also withdrew, and he was the only one left here.

Garen slowly walked around the square. Although he did not have the power of a totem to isolate the seawater from extracting oxygen, his powerful ability to control water flow could completely extract enough oxygen to meet the needs of his body.

Garen stretched out his hand and gently touched the rough marks on the surface of the igloo. The real touch made him feel deeply moved.

After being unable to move for decades, almost all of the five senses, except for vision and hearing, were closed. Now they suddenly reopened. The long-lost feeling made Garen's whole body tremble involuntarily.

I don't know how long it took before Garen took back his hand.

"The power of the totem has indeed disappeared." He could feel the power of the totem that was completely extinct in the sea water.

In the past, the power of totems existed in all things, but now the sea water has an unprecedented sense of purity and purity, and there is no trace of extraordinary power in it.

"It's already infinitely close to my previous world." This thought flashed through Garen's mind.

He slowly floated up, swimming upwards as lightly and silently as a fish.

At this moment, two huge green light bulbs suddenly lit up in a huge circular cave in the distance to his right, between a piece of ice in the dark depths.

It was a huge deep-sea king octopus with a body length of over a hundred meters. It had two weird green eyeballs, and eight giant brown tentacles quickly grabbed the sides of the cave wall and pulled hard. His whole body suddenly shrank, and he swam out of the cave like an arrow.

The Octopus King swam up to Garen a few times, but there was no malicious hostility at all. Instead, he seemed to involuntarily want to get close to him and please him.

Its huge head lowered, motioning for Garen to sit on it.

Garen smiled slightly and gently sat on the octopus's head. Its head is more than thirty meters wide, and the Galleon sitting on it is like a small stone dropped on it, inconspicuous.

The eight tentacles flicked suddenly, and one fish and one fish swam rapidly upward.

As the sea surface gets closer and closer, the water temperature becomes higher and higher, and the surrounding sea water becomes brighter and brighter.

Garen looked up at the sea, and saw the distinct layers of blue, from black blue, to dark blue, to light blue, until the white light on the sea. Layer by layer, step by step upwards. The Octopus King under him didn't know when he stopped.

It is an extremely cold creature in the deep sea. The water temperature here has reached the limit that it can endure. If it goes higher, it is as hot as boiling water. It can only stay here.

Garen patted the Octopus King on the head, jumped up slightly, and swam to the sea surface with great lightness.

Wow! !

Suddenly he emerged from the sea.

The cry of seagulls, the roar of sea waves, and the faint sound of whale spouting from far away.

Everything made Garen suddenly feel deeply and inexplicably moved.

That new feeling of jumping into a new world in an instant, as if it was the first time he came to this world. Everything was so clear and exquisite.

The sky was blue, and the sun shone on my face. As soon as it felt warm, it was blown away by the sea breeze.

The sea water around me was swaying, with strings of small white bubbles floating on it.

Looking around, there is endless blue water everywhere, as if the whole world is an ocean.

Garen kicked off his feet, jumped out of the water gently, and then slowly fell back down. The seawater under his feet froze in an instant, forming a small piece of hard white ice floe that supported Garen's feet.

He just stood on the ice block more than one meter wide, looking at the sky and everything around him.

There is no longer any totem power left in the air.

Far, far away, no creature with the power of a totem was detected. There are not even creatures with slightly extraordinary life breaths. They are just bigger and stronger fish.

Suddenly, an extremely inexplicable feeling of loneliness came to Garen's heart.

He lowered his head and looked at his faint reflection on the sea.

His face was still the same, with blond hair shawl, reddish eyes, and pale skin without any wrinkles.

More than fifty years seemed like just a short break to him.

The secret weapon of life with extremely cold attributes naturally has such an effect of preserving beauty and extending life. Garen is very clear that the internal organs in his body have not changed much. Fifty years seems to be just a short time for this body.

But to the outside world, it has already changed a lot.

"It's time to go back." He suddenly sighed, and the ice floe under his feet began to swim automatically, heading in the direction of the original absolute shelter of Kuwaitan.

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