Mysterious journey

Chapter 561 Mother River 1

April 25

The Lord of the Immortal Palace was defeated and killed by the Demon God General Jia Long in Dongzhou. Together with the Wiseman Special Attack Team, the masters of Asgard warriors and elders, nearly half of the elite were completely wiped out.

Fifteen days later.

Nantianmen changed its name back to Nantian Shengquanmen. Jialong summoned all the disciples to rebuild the mountain gate and renovate the inherited secret martial arts. Baiyunmen recognized their ancestors and returned to Bailumen. Jialong became the supreme elder of Bailumen. Signed a five-sect alliance with the Star Ring Sect, the Red Sand Sword, and the Demon Sect to jointly maintain the holding of the fighting event.

After the news came out, the world's fighting community was shocked, and countless martial arts masters went to the Immortal Palace to verify and confirm the news.

The top leaders of the Wiseman Empire announced that Garen was denounced as an anti-social terrorist, and combined with the remaining forces of the Immortal Palace, sent a fleet of tens of thousands of people to conquer the Nantian Holy Fist Sect of Dongzhou.


The sky was clear.

On the endless blue sea, where the water and the sky meet, countless white dots of ships are slowly emerging. Among the densely packed dots, on the largest ship, there is a middle-aged man wearing black aristocratic clothing. Wearing a boat-shaped hat and holding a telescope, he is looking over here.


The sea water washed ashore and was blocked by Gallon's legs, stirring up white water splashes at the starting point.

He stood slowly in the sea water, the water reaching his knees, motionless.

Looking at the Weisman battleship fleet approaching rapidly in the distance, Garen slowly raised his right hand.

Silently, a thick white mist filled the air around him and spread in all directions. Within just tens of seconds, the white mist became thicker and larger, quickly occupying an area of ​​hundreds of meters.

A delicate ice crystal halberd quietly emerged in the thick fog, suspended in mid-air. The tip of the halberd was facing the white fleet in the distance.

boom! !

The battleship in the distance suddenly lit up with a large fiery red light spot. The light spot flashed away, and the sea surface where Garon was located suddenly splashed with countless white water waves and water columns.

Bang bang bang bang! !

Continuous roaring bombardments fell like raindrops on the sea around Garonne, but the strange thing was that in the white fog area where he was, all the shells made no movement after entering, as if there was a deep and huge hole, swallowing everything. Incoming shells.

A small red dot lit up again in the distant fleet, and the second round of bombardment began again.


Garen didn't know when an ice crystal halberd appeared in his hand, and he pointed gently at the fleet in the distance.


Countless ice crystal halberds were turned over, and waves of ice blue fluorescence spread from the surface of the halberd.

Boom! !

In an instant, all the halberds disappeared, and countless fiery red light balls suddenly exploded from the sea in the distance.

Garen looked at the fire on the sea from a distance, turned and walked towards the shore.

Among the rocks on the shore, the Bailu Sect, the Nantian Holy Fist Sect, the Star Ring Sect elders, and the Red Sand Sword representatives all knelt on one knee, with expressions of enthusiasm, shock, and excitement on their faces.

This level of fighting martial arts is no longer achievable by humans. This is the highest realm that all fighters pursue, crushing all resistance with individual strength.

Those countless ice crystal halberds were like the mythical magic spell, completely defeating Weisman's fleet in an instant.

Garen looked at the people kneeling on one knee, and he did not feel any joy at all in defeating the Weisman fleet. He did not even see the menacing fleet, and it was destroyed on the sea dozens of miles away.

For him, it was just a matter of activating the secret weapon, condensing dozens of halberds, throwing them out, and then watching the fireballs explode on the sea in the distance.

This makes no sense.

Walking ashore again, he automatically ignored everyone's excited cries, and his eyes fell on Andrela standing on the right.

Andrela looked at this former friend with complicated emotions. The undisguised terrifying power had far surpassed the level of a fighter and reached an almost mythical level. He asked himself that it was not a big problem to solve this fleet in a close state, but it was different with many masters from the Immortal Palace on board, not to mention the hidden masters from the Wiseman Empire, plus cannons and firearms, with special Firearms equipped with gunpowder will explode with terrifying power when placed in the hands of a special fighter. Even he is unlikely to be able to resolve it.

The two looked at each other and nodded in agreement.

After a few simple exchanges, Garen followed Andrela and disappeared on the coast.

After witnessing this battle, the Five Sect Alliance gained a new understanding of Garen's terrifying strength. People who had some resistance at first also completely let go of their rejection. All the undercurrents of the situation have also died down. In the face of absolute strength, without the power to shake Garen, everything is in vain. Everything calculated will eventually be easily destroyed by power.


A few days later.

On the blue sea, the endless sea water with no land in sight is constantly stirring, white seagulls are circling and screaming in the sky, and the golden sunlight is splashing its golden light on the sea surface.

Garon and Andrela were riding in a blue boat, dragging a long tail of white water waves, and were rushing towards the direction of the rising and falling seagulls.

The two of them were sitting on the boat one behind the other, and my hair was blown up by the sea breeze.

Unknowingly, the howling sea breeze somehow gave people a sound that sounded like a woman crying.

"There is a small island ahead. The locals call it Siren Island. The island is filled with weird and harsh wind sounds all year round. It is inaccessible to ordinary people." Andrela introduced it to Galen while driving the small boat.

"The island has dense honeycomb holes on the mountain walls. When the sea breeze blows in, it makes a weird whining sound just like the principle of a whistle. And perhaps because of the special frequency, this sound has a confusing and harsh effect. Pay attention and you will be disoriented.”

Garen's face was slightly condensed, and the induction of the secret weapon of life made him slightly solemn.

Stand up and look at the sea far ahead.

On the sea, a U-shaped green island slowly appeared in front of you.

There are swarms of seagulls on the island, rising and falling, and the yellow-green beach is desolate without any trace of human beings.

"That's Siren Island." Andrela stood up and the two of them looked at the island against the advancing sea breeze.

"More than ten years ago, I heard about this island by chance. The description of the environment, the description of the terrain, etc., everything is very consistent with the secrets I looked up in a religious book. The Holy Land is consistent.”

"Secret Holy Land?"

"That's right." Andrela recalled briefly, "According to records, this Siren Island was once one of the passing points of the Ancient Yin Domu River."

"Mother River? You mean, the river where everything ends up in the myth?" Garen also recalled the content of this myth.

According to legend, the source of all life in the ancient Yinduo civilization, many great warlocks such as the Mother of the Earth will return to the embrace of the mother river when their lives are approaching twilight.

"That's the mother river." Andrela nodded. "After several years of searching, guess what I found?" There was yearning in his eyes, but more of helplessness.

"You haven't really discovered the mother river, have you?" Garen was slightly startled, "On this island? A place surrounded by the sea?!" He felt a little unbelievable. This is the depths of the sea. Leaving Dongzhou has been on the high seas with no one paying attention to it for several days. Now someone told him that there is a river on this island, which is the mother river in mythology and the source of life.

"You'll understand when you see the mother river." Andrela smiled bitterly.

The two of them stopped talking, just waiting quietly for the boat to sail towards the island, getting closer and closer.

The yellow and green beaches become clearer and clearer.

About half an hour later, the small boat slowly stopped in the gap between the rocks on the island. Gallon froze a large piece of ice to block the gap to prevent the small boat from being washed away by the sea water.

The two of them disembarked directly from the boat and landed on Siren Island.

The shallow sea area near the beach shows a clear light blue. You can clearly see the light blue water light rippling like countless cracks on the light yellow sand layer at the bottom of the water.

Shells, sea fish, uneven black reefs, translucent sea shrimps, crabs, the beaches near the islands are full of life.

Garen stepped onto the soft beach and picked up a white conch covered with seaweed from the ground. Unexpectedly, several white fleshy tentacles suddenly emerged from the mouth of the conch and began to struggle slowly.

"The creatures here are a little weird, so be careful." Andrella tied the rope of the boat and walked over and whispered.

Standing on the beach on the island, in front of you are the dense green woods on the island.

From the beach to the island, there are more and more dense divisions, from light green, to dark green, to dark green. Shows the island's progressive vegetation distribution.

Standing on the beach, the strange whining sound of the wind became clearer, and there was a faint sense of demonic boredom.

Garen frowned slightly, knowing that this was the effect of some infrasound waves. For ordinary people, even ordinary fighters, this may be the limit, and going further in will cause danger.

But for him and Andrela, after reaching their level, the most fragile eardrums will also be strengthened and improved to a certain extent, and the internal organs will be infinitely stronger than ordinary people. This sound is no different from the low-volume music on the radio.

After tightening their cloaks, both of them wore black cloaks and walked towards the depths of the island.

Andrela led the way. He was very familiar with this place. He turned into a forest path with Garen and followed the path that was barely possible to advance into the dense jungle.

The woods were a bit sultry, and there were dense plants and trees everywhere. Some of the leaves that grew crookedly crossed from left to right, blocking the road, and were easily broken by the two of them.

There were small flying insects whirling around in the air in the gap, and many of them were insects similar to blood-sucking mosquitoes, making a buzzing sound.

A sour smell mixed with the fresh smell of plants and trees, the steaming heat felt strange.

Turning east and west along the woods, the terrain ahead becomes lower and lower, as if you are walking into the bottom of a large basin.

In addition to the calls of birds and unknown beasts in the forest, there was the sound of the two people moving through the branches and grass.

I don’t know how long I walked, but soon a khaki mountain wall appeared in front of me. Under the mountain wall covered with vines, there was a small dark cave.

Andrela stood at the entrance of the cave.

"This is it," he whispered.

"Want to go in?"

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