Mysterious journey

Chapter 562 Mother River 2

"No. It's not a complete entrance into the cave. If it hadn't been for an accidental discovery, no one would have thought of that passage." Andrela smiled mysteriously and took the lead into the entrance of the cave. Garen quickly followed.

Soon, after he advanced for a certain distance in the cave, he suddenly stopped. He stood beside a spring in the cave and stopped moving.

"This is it. I'll take the first step, and you can follow."

As soon as he finished speaking, he jumped directly into the spring with a pop.

The small spring, which was only more than one meter wide, was suddenly stirred up into large splashes of water, which wetted the surrounding cave floor.

Garen was confused, but he jumped into the spring.

The moment he entered the spring water, a soft and warm feeling enveloped his whole body tightly, as if his whole body was soaked in a hot spring.

But the strange thing is that the temperature of the spring water is not very high, it is almost the same as the temperature of sea water.

A burst of bubbles rushed upwards. Under the somewhat turbid light blue water, Garen saw Andrella at the bottom holding a bright green fluorescent stick and waving to him.

He hurriedly swam over and followed her like a fish. After practicing under the sea for so many years, Garen had already become proficient in water skills. He followed Andrela leisurely.

The two of them swam at the bottom of the spring for more than ten minutes, one after the other, and kept going downward. I don't know how deep the entire spring is. It's dark all around, as if you can't see the bottom.

Finally, the spring channel in front suddenly turned and no longer went down, but went horizontally and parallel to the front.

After a while, another upward passage appeared.

The entire underwater topography of the spring presents a complete U-shape, exactly the same as the shape of the entire island.

As they swam up the passage, the two couldn't help but speed up.


In a small black stone cave, two heads suddenly emerged from a turbid oval spring on the ground in the corner.

In the clear sound of water, two black figures came out of dehydration, jumped up and landed steadily on the edge of the spring.

With a snap of his fingers, Garen's body was suddenly filled with countless white freezing air, which circled around the two people's wet cloaks and clothes, and then slowly dissipated.

The water in all the cloaks suddenly condensed into ice slag, and with a slight shake, they all fell to the ground with a crash.

The water on their bodies was completely dry in an instant.

"This has gone beyond the scope of secret martial arts." Andrela sighed.

Garen smiled and did not answer, but quietly looked at the entire cave.

"This is where the Mother River passes, and it is the only point where you can see the Mother River." Andrela sighed, "You will never imagine what the Mother River looks like."

"In this cave?" Garen was aroused with curiosity. Even he couldn't guess what the mother river recorded in the myth looked like in reality.

"follow me."

Andrela walked in front, leading the way away from the spring and to the stone wall at one end of the cave.

As Garen got closer, he noticed that the stone wall was actually a blocked circular hole. However, the stones blocking the hole were disguised so realistically that there were no gaps. Without careful identification, it would be impossible to discover that this was actually a hole. .

He also noticed that on the ground on the left side of the stone wall, there was a pile of white bones. They did not look like human beings, but looked like many lizard-like bones piled together, but there was no smell of decay.

"I have lived here for five years. There used to be such lizard-like aquatic creatures living in the spring, but I ate them all." Andrela shrugged, clasped the stone blocking the door with her fingers, and pushed out hard. pull.

With a rumbling rolling sound, the stone moved away, and the entrance of the cave, which was as tall as a person, was suddenly revealed.

Andrela did not go in, but stood at the door, looking inside quietly, with a trace of obsession in her eyes.

His pupils clearly reflected a light green fluorescence, which was the halo inside the cave.

Garen couldn't help but hold his breath and looked at the astonishing scene inside the cave with the same shock.

The entrance is connected to a huge cave.

Inside the large cave is a huge river that flows endlessly. From left to right, there is no sound at all, no sound of water, no flow of air, and no living creatures swimming in it.

It was a huge green light river dozens of meters wide!

It is not a river of clear water, but some unknown green fluorescent liquid that has gathered together and gushes out from a gray vortex on the left, rushing into another gray mist vortex on the right.

The misty green fluorescence illuminated the two people at the entrance of the cave into a miserable green.

The cave entrance where they were located was in the middle of the high stone wall of the large cave, hanging high up, as inconspicuous as a small wasp's eye.

"This is the mother river" Andrela murmured.

"How are you sure?" Garen finally came to his senses. He could actually see such a wonder in the world of secret martial arts. Even though he had seen countless big scenes, he still found it a bit incredible.

"I'm not sure. You'll know when you get closer." Andrela smiled bitterly.

Garen walked into the cave slightly confused.

As soon as he took a step, a soft and warm aura instantly enveloped him, gently repelling him.

"This is... courage!!??" He looked at Andrela in astonishment.

"That's right." Andrela nodded, "Vigor is the condensed product of the essence of living things. In the ancient Yinduo civilization, there is another word to replace it, and that is the power of life. According to legend, the mother river comes from the unknown void. , and flows to unknown time and space, which contains infinite power of life. So even if this river is not the mother river, it is also a branch of the mother river. Apart from this explanation, I can't find any other similar records."

Garen's heart moved, and he suddenly adjusted his vision.

Closing his eyes and opening them again, the river of green light in front of him suddenly disappeared. There is nothing inside the cave. This huge cave is empty, and there seems to be only an inexplicable soft air flowing in it.

He completely restrained his energy and observed the mother river from an ordinary person's perspective.

Sure enough, the entire mother river was completely invisible. The ditch where the mother river originally was was just a dry deep ditch with nothing in it, and it was blocked on both sides.

"As expected, the legendary mother river can only be seen by the chosen ones. This statement can be explained." Garen nodded and released his energy again, and suddenly the green fluorescence appeared in front of his eyes again.

"You also discovered it." Andrela nodded, "I have basically confirmed that this is the mother river after many confirmations."

Garen did not answer immediately, but remained silent for a moment.

"what's your plan?"

Andrella smiled bitterly.

"I don't have any plans. I can't even get close. What else can I do?"

"You have lived here for five years, and you have finally gained something, right?"

"Of course." Andrela nodded, "I looked up all the information about the Mother River, including myths, legends, and folktales. I didn't miss them all. Combined, I have a guess."

He leaned against the cave entrance, looked at the mother river and explained in a low voice.

"The Mother River is also called the River of Life. It is said that there are huge secrets hidden in it. There is definitely a big reason why countless ancient warlocks walked into it before they died and returned to the Mother River."

He took out a silver ring engraved with a two-headed bird from his arms.

"I found out that all warlocks will wear an accessory made of stone silver before entering the Mother River. I don't know the reason."

"Is this a ring made of stone silver?" Garen also took out the two-headed bird ring from the Immortal Master from his arms.

"Yes. I don't know who got this material and made it into a two-headed bird ring. These are probably the last two stone silver accessories in the world." Andrela said with some emotion.

"I guess the mother river is probably the last chance for the warlocks to put everything on the line when they see no hope."

"what chance?"

“The opportunity to reach the next level.”

Andrela whispered.

"The myths and legends of the Warlocks finally ended with the Mythic Expedition. For unknown reasons, they fought a war with powerful invaders from another world. In the end, both sides suffered heavy losses and the gods fell. And I noticed that every time the Warlock heroes were hit hard, It will make people put themselves into the mother river, and their injuries will be healed. Then they can continue to join the battle."

He paused.

"Later, the enemies discovered this secret. They didn't know what means they used to make the mother river no longer have the ability to heal, but instead had the ability to decompose all things. Maybe this is what the mother river should be like. So. Although the warlocks' war was ultimately victorious, it was also a tragic victory, and both sides were lost in history soon after."

"You have speculated very carefully, but this is based on the premise that all myths are true." Garen nodded.

"I tried my best to eliminate as many interferences as possible, sorted out the remaining information, and combined it with my guesses, the result should not have too much distortion." Andrela shook her head.

"Mother River." Garen looked at the surging green river, feeling an indescribable sense of unreality in his heart. This feeling of witnessing things in mythical heroes is completely unimaginable to ordinary people.

Imagine it was like the feeling you had when you first saw the Pyramids of Egypt from Earth. The heavy sense of history completely surrounded the mind, and for a while there was no other thought.

"There must be a huge secret hidden there. Warlocks have a life span of nearly thousands of years and have god-like power. So what is their next level? It can only be eternity!" Andrela said seriously, Then he showed a wry smile again, "It's a pity that I can't even get closer."

He turned to look at Garen.

"What I can't do, maybe you can. Your power has reached a level that I can't even imagine." His eyes were full of hope and expectation.

Garen looked at the mother river, his eyes flickering.

Suddenly, he took a big step forward.


The long boots stepped firmly on the ground in the cave. A huge force hit Garen hard, trying to repel him.

This power is so huge and vast that the power of Jia Longsheng's Secret Martial Arts is actually somewhat unable to hold on.

His whole body was quickly filled with blue freezing mist, and he was about to fight with all his strength.

Suddenly, his peripheral vision glanced at his own attribute column, and his body suddenly froze.

He saw a change that he had never seen before in the power attribute column. ..

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