Mysterious journey

Chapter 570 Childhood 4

Fortunately, Galleon's ability to mix time is still pretty good.

Winter soon arrived, and a heavy snow covered the entire town of Glendo, turning everything into a blanket of snow. Thick white snow covered the streets and squares, and there was a crunching sound when you stepped on it from time to time.

After Christmas, Gallon got a set of high-end painting tools and a beautiful-looking violin. His mother planned to let him learn this beautiful, elegant and beautiful musical instrument.

But unexpectedly, Therese soon became pregnant again. The boring life repeats itself day by day,

When autumn came again the following year, a third little one was born.

Vivien, Vivien Thomas, this is the name of Gallon's sister.

Fortunately, the good news is that his kindergarten life is finally coming to an end, and at the age of four, he is about to enter primary school for further studies.

Brother Jason is also getting stronger. He is four years older than Garen and is now eight years old. He is obsessed with listening to music and playing football all day long. He went to elementary school preschool at the age of five and is now in the third grade. He is in a period of rapid growth and is already a head taller than Garen.

"I heard that you are going to elementary school soon?" One day, Jason rushed to Galen's room and asked loudly.


There is only one elementary school in town, so the two brothers are about to go to one, which makes Jason excited.

"Is something wrong?" Gallon was playing the violin. The mahogany violin was sandwiched between his neck and shoulders. His precise power control allowed him to easily produce a pure and even sound.

Tris gave up teaching her son after a month. After teaching her the standard postures, she decided to let her son follow the online tutorials and learn step by step. Anyway, as long as there are no problems with the posture, the violin can do everything else. Self taught

"It's okay." Jason shuddered when his brother glanced at him, and left the room angrily. He didn't know why he was so excited. But I'm always happy.

Compared with kindergarten, elementary school is a little bit more normal. No matter what, elementary school students are much better than kindergarten. At least their IQ and communication will be much improved.

He watched as Jason ran out of the room to continue his violin practice lessons.

Single tone exercises, scale transformations, and compound tone variation etudes.

Just by glancing at the bow technique on the video, Garen was able to perform it accurately, including the sound, etc., because his sensitivity to subtle changes and vibrations allowed him to quickly master the basic skills.

So it only took a month to reach the point of etudes.

I don't know why, but the songs he played had a faint cold feeling. It was not pleasant, but rather creepy.

The more delicate the control, the more obvious this feeling becomes. It feels like a perverted murderer who stands in a pool of blood and plays the piano after killing someone.

This strangeness was not noticed by Garen's parents because of his deliberate concealment. He suspected that it was because of his cold heart.

With the transformation of Yin Hanxin reaching its peak, he now gives people a tranquil and peaceful temperament just by standing quietly.

The second level after the Cold Heart is the official use of the cold breath in combat. The most powerful point of the Black Sass Claw is not that its palm power is almost indestructible, but that it can absorb the cold side from the body of biological enemies. , the overall philosophy of this secret martial arts is somewhat like the theory of yin and yang. In its system, any living thing is composed of yin and cold and yang and heat. If the claws of Hesas are completed, they will produce two special damage effects. One is cold damage, and the other is the ability to absorb the cold side of the opponent's organism.

When the opponent's yin and cold are absorbed away, the yang and heat in the opponent's body will be unchecked, and then the yin and poison from the external source will have violent and frantic characteristics, constantly destroying the body's spontaneous balance ability. This will cause very troublesome problems. Internal lethality.

If you are not a master of this treatment system, it will be difficult to deal with this complex attack method.

The absorbed Yin Han will further strengthen Garen's secret martial arts and strengthen his Qi and blood.

As the level of Hesas Miwu becomes higher and higher, this lethality and absorption power will become stronger and stronger.

Garen played the piano while confirming that he had indeed reached the top of the first floor. I just don’t know when I will be able to break through.

After playing the violin, wipe off the pine oil on the strings to avoid corroding the strings, and then carefully put the violin into the case.

Elementary school entrance time is coming soon.

Xiao Jie Ling is still in the same class as Gallon. This is not luck or arrangement, but there is only one preschool class in the primary school in town.

Except for the two of them, all school-age children will join this class.

Jie Ling's father is a police officer and her mother is a housewife. Compared with the three children of the Gallon family, they were obviously much more relaxed, so Teres simply asked Jie Ling's mother, Mrs. Fla, to pick up her two sons when she picked up her daughter.

The elementary school is on the right side of the town's central square, with a cafeteria on one side and a street of stationery shops, flower shops, and snack bars on the other side.

Life in elementary school is slightly easier than in kindergarten, but the situation is actually the same. Those classes are undoubtedly torture for Garen, and occasionally he has to cooperate and behave like a child of the same age.

Fortunately, he can now use the computer openly. It is not his mother's laptop, but the desktop computer officially installed by Gallon.

This is a good help for him to master the entire knowledge system.

Daily life is a constant repetition of going to school, eating, finishing school, going home, practicing piano, playing computer, and sleeping. Then keep repeating.

Preschool, first grade, second grade, time flies by without any accidents.

There was no child abduction, no sudden robbery, no unusual kidnapping.

Everything is ordinary, day after day.

Garen observed carefully, and there was no sign of anything unusual about anyone around him. It was just that some families in the town still kept ancient sacrificial activities to worship their ancestors. Other than that, there was nothing special. .

In addition, the accommodation area in the north of the town seems to be somewhat isolated from the rest of the area. The residents in the north are represented by the priest in the town, while the rest of the residents are represented by the mayor. There is a small river in the area on the priest's side. , because it is close to the deeper and dangerous forest, occasionally wild animals will be thrown out of the forest and hurt people. Even every year, people are poisoned by poisonous snakes, or attacked and killed by cheetahs and wild wolves. Therefore, primary school students are generally strictly prohibited from playing by the river in the north.

‘It’s very dangerous out there. Big bad wolves will come out of the forest and catch children for snacks. ’

These are the teacher's original words.

According to Gallon's own observation, there are indeed fewer residents in the north, and it seems that there is still some chaos there. From time to time, gangsters in the town can be seen running around on the streets. Most of these gangsters are locals familiar to the people in the town. People usually participate in carnival activities held in the town from time to time.

They usually dress up as gangsters, but they seem to be an organized gang with great discipline. Except for the occasional riots in the North District, they are good law-abiding citizens in the rest of the area.

It seemed like someone was controlling them as a whole.

Life in elementary school was boring, but soon something new appeared.

A school picnic.

Two second-grade classes joined together, including more than a dozen teachers from the school, to have a picnic in the woods on the left side of the nearby town.

There were more than forty primary school students in total, all dressed in colorful clothes, and they were all very excited. Some of them were accompanied by their parents.

The woods where the picnic was held were within the patrol range of the security team. Security team members passed by here every day, so it had long been a veritable safe area.

Garen had just entered the second grade, and besides Xiao Jie Ling, he didn't have many friends in the class. Just walk at the end of the line.

The team followed one after another and soon arrived at the designated forest area. Then they laid out tablecloths and took out the prepared lunches from their small schoolbags. As primary school students, it would be too difficult for them to actually get food in the wild.

Some of the teachers stayed on the periphery, while others took the children to make preparations.

The so-called picnic is actually to prepare lunch and take it to the woods to eat.

Jia Lung found a place with good shade and spread out his white tablecloth. Next to him was Xiao Jie Ling, who was wearing a white skirt. This guy had a left hair tie and his eyes flickered. He liked to follow Jia Ling all the time. Long's side.

Barbecue sandwiches, vegetable salads mixed with corn kernels, canned fish, canned fruits, bear biscuits, and jam-filled toffees, all delicious, were taken out of the Gallon schoolbag and placed on the tablecloth.

"Can we form a group together?" Kindergarten classmate Yi Lian ran over and squatted in front of the Galleon tablecloth. She looked at her two meager sandwiches and juice, and then at Galleon's frighteningly rich preparations. She was pink. The saliva on her tender little face is about to flow out.

"Yilian, let's go in groups of three." Garen nodded indifferently. In fact, the two of them are pretty much the same. Compared to those naughty kids who like to make mischief, Yi Lian just likes to sleep a little more, while Xiao Jie Ling has always been quiet.

Of course, another reason is because the two little lolita are both pink and cute. Although I don’t know what they will be like when they grow up, the children are quite cute now. But in comparison, Xiao Jieling's skin is better, while Yi Lian's skin is slightly darker and a little thin, which may be due to malnutrition.

The tablecloth was filled with delicious food, which made several children in the tablecloth group around them look at each other eagerly.

Children in the town rarely have so many delicious foods. There is not much communication with the outside world here, so many things are difficult to buy. These snacks and candies are bought by Tris and Emma when they occasionally go back to college. . Naturally, it is far beyond the imagination of most children in the town. Many of them have only seen it in TV commercials.

There are five brands of toffee alone, which is not ordinary gorgeous.

To be honest, Galleon doesn't like eating these things. But children should behave like children, so he was not prepared to make an exception.

Sitting on the grass, it looked very cool under the shade of the trees. The sun slowly brightened up, shining golden light on the grass outside the shade, which made it a little hot.

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