Mysterious journey

Chapter 571 Weird 1

Garen is generally the type of good student in the class who doesn't need adults to worry about him. He studies well and has an independent personality. The teachers at most just glance at him from time to time, and when they see that he is okay and safe, they leave him alone.

Sitting on the grass and watching the two little lolita eat snacks, Garen leaned his back against the tree trunk boredly, not caring whether his white shirt and denim overalls would be stained.

Suddenly, a cold strip slowly touched his right arm.

"Huh?" Garen looked down and saw it was a small snake.

A small black snake with a yellow plaid pattern on its body, about the length of a palm.

"Ah!" Suddenly the primary school boy on the other side screamed. "There is a snake! Teacher has a snake!!"

The little boy cried bitterly and crawled away from his tablecloth. The other primary school students who were nearby also fled the scene.

The two teachers who had experience in dealing with the situation were immediately startled and quickly and cautiously approached.

Garen also took a look at the situation over there from a distance. In the shade of the trees there, a dark green triangular-headed venomous snake was wrapped around a tree branch. Its body was more than one meter long. If it was hung on the tree branch, it would be hard to tell if it was accidentally hung. come out.

This venomous snake was hissing and spitting messages to everyone.

"It's a Gass green snake! Oh my god, how could there be such a venomous snake here?!" A teacher recognized this snake.

The Gas Green Snake is extremely venomous. If an adult is bitten without anti-venom, he or she will die of cardiac paralysis within ten minutes. Not to mention a primary school student who is only seven or eight years old. Once bitten, the consequences will be disastrous.

Several teachers themselves could not help but change their faces.

After a while, another Gass green snake appeared on the branch on the other side, frightening the primary school students there to scream.

There were two, and soon a third appeared. It was another venomous snake, which was also extremely venomous.

Xiao Jie Ling next to Jia Long was so frightened that her face turned pale, but Yi Lian was not very scared, but stared at the poisonous snake intently.

Garen frowned and suddenly looked above the big tree where he was.

On some dark tree branches, another Gass green snake actually appeared at this time, and this one was much thicker than the others, as thick as an arm.

The viper's triangular eyes glowed with cold light as it looked towards Garen. No one has discovered this thickest venomous snake except Galleon, but it is probably only a matter of time.

At this time, several venomous snakes had surrounded all the primary school students, and there were actually dozens of venomous snakes that slowly appeared.

Some teachers have already begun to call the security team. They themselves are pale and don't know what to do. Now not only the students, but also they are in danger.

Garen frowned, his eyes suddenly changed, and he glanced at the largest venomous snake.

A cold and cold breath flowed out silently and came into contact with the largest poisonous snake.


The poisonous snake trembled all over, as if it were encountering heaven and earth, it turned around and ran back like flying.

In an instant, all the poisonous snakes around them turned around and disappeared into the woods, as if they had never appeared in the first place.

"Vigor?" Garen himself didn't expect it. He didn't expect that the cold heart that had already reached its limit would break through and reach the second level of Hesas: the vicious hand.

What surprised him the most was that his body, which was only in second grade, was actually able to inspire courage.

Qi is the product of the combination of essence, energy and spirit. He has always been in a situation where the spirit is too sufficient and the essence is insufficient, that is, the body is weak and unable to stimulate the spirit.

But this time, he suddenly broke through and reached the second level, which directly inspired his courage. This was an unexpected surprise.

However, this gathering of venomous snakes made him feel a little unnatural. These venomous snakes would not come to a gathering place of humans for no reason.

He carefully looked around and saw that the venomous snakes seemed to be slowly leaving as the largest one fled.

They did not harm the children; they seemed to frighten them at best.

Gallon felt strange and began to carefully check the children and teachers present. Suddenly, he discovered that there was a little girl with short platinum hair who was staring fearfully in the direction where the poisonous snake was leaving. She was standing not far from Gallon. He was standing there in a daze, and the white skirt he was wearing was stained with the green juice of the grass.

This girl is different from other children. The look in her eyes when she looks at those poisonous snakes is not only fear, but also an inexplicable complex feeling.

The normal children all breathed a sigh of relief as the poisonous snake retreated. Except for a few children who were frightened and cried, the rest returned to normal. But she didn't, and he seemed more frightened as the viper left.

Garen kept the little girl in his heart.

The picnic ended hastily. The teachers were afraid that something had happened and hurriedly took all the children back to school.

Garen also felt something strange from this picnic. The world seemed not as simple as he imagined.


North District of Town

In a white cathedral with a steeple

In the spacious and bright church, rows of benches occasionally sit with men and women praying devoutly.

Father Wagard, dressed in white robes, stood in front of the pulpit and seemed to be explaining a strong young white man.

"Your people have been a little too active lately."

"It's just a small punishment, just catching a traitor."

The man pursed his lips and smiled nonchalantly.

He has a strong build, his shirt is open to the chest, revealing his strong and well-proportioned muscles. He wears a metal belt chain around his waist, and has a crystal diamond earring on one ear. His handsome and fair face gives people a sense of evil charm.

"The mayor has sent me a message asking you to restrain yourself. They are very dissatisfied with your recent actions." The priest whispered while making a prayer gesture.

"Don't worry, the matter is over, isn't it? It was just a small accident." The man lowered his head and asked the priest to sprinkle cleansing water on him.

"I hope so." The priest nodded.

After sprinkling the cleansing water, the man crossed himself devoutly on his chest, prayed a few words in a low voice, turned around and left the podium, walked to the benches below and sat down.

Soon someone sat next to him, lowered his head and whispered a few words beside him.

The man suddenly frowned.

"Those troublesome women" He calmed down and seemed to be thinking about something.

After a while, he patted the shoulder of the man next to him.

"Are there any outsiders in town recently?"

"There is not much traffic, most of them are tourists."

"They just drove away the poisonous snakes?"

"Yes, it seems to be threatening and showing some attitude to others." The subordinate replied in a low voice.

"Send someone to warn them. According to the agreement, the first person to break the rules must be punished." The man said seriously.


"I don't want Grandor's reputation for peace to be ruined by them. The annual tourism income is also a big gain for us." The man shook his head and muttered.

"It's just the leader. Those women have been a little radical recently. What if?" the subordinate man asked hesitantly.

"Then arrest a few of their men and deal with them according to the old method." A cold look flashed in the man's eyes.


The class was noisy. Pupils were walking back and forth and chattering. The teacher was reading a book by himself.

The bright light in the afternoon came in through the windows, and the temperature was a little warm.

Several classmates from the class were standing around Garen's table. Several people were looking attentively at the constantly changing Rubik's Cube in his hand. The imitation of the nine-square side was like magic in Garen's hands. In less than a minute, it was all turned into a one-color side. Then Garen randomly messed it up again and resumed the process again.

The children cried out in surprise from time to time.

Most of the students in the class are children from the town, and none of them are well-dressed. Most of them are gray, red, and black. There are no fancy decorations and good-looking hairstyles. They all look very simple.

In their eyes, a beautiful little boy like a doll like Garen, with supple and white skin and golden hair, is as dazzling as a star on TV. It was said that he could also play the violin and use a computer to surf the Internet. After such rumors spread through Xiao Jie Ling's mouth, Gallon immediately became a famous figure in the class.

Even some of the brightest and strongest little boys didn't dare to mess with him, even though he looked quite weak. But I don’t know why, but it just feels so powerful.

"What's that person's name? Do any of you know?" Garen was playing with the Rubik's Cube and turned his attention to the white-blond girl sitting in the corner of the class.

That little girl was the one who behaved strangely in the last poisonous snake incident. She doesn't look very beautiful, she is skinny and skinny, and her skin is not a healthy white, but the kind of pale that rarely gets sunlight.

After a few days of buffering time, Garen suddenly remembered that incident again today, and asked casually while there were many people around.

"It seems to be called Sivisa." A child replied.

"It's Sivisa Latin. I heard that her mother passed away a few days ago. She seemed to have been drowned in water."

As soon as this voice came out, the surrounding primary school students suddenly fell silent. After all, they were just little guys under ten years old. When it came to adult matters, even death, they were a little afraid.

"After our picnic?" Yi Lian beside Garen suddenly said.

"Oh?" A trace of doubt flashed in Garen's eyes.

"Stop talking, I'm already pitiful enough." Xiao Jieling said dissatisfiedly from the side.

"Garen, don't mess with Sivisa, she is very weird." A cute little girl came close to Garen and whispered. The admiration in her eyes was not concealed at all. Maybe she didn't know what concealment was when she hurried away. .

"It's weird? Why do you say that?" Garen asked.

"She doesn't like playing with everyone and talks back to the teacher. It's said that she was kidnapped and is no longer a good woman." The girl whispered.

"Stop talking nonsense." Xiao Jieling stood up and glared at the other party.

The little girl was startled by Jie Ling's momentum. She bit her lip and glanced at Garen. She felt that she could not lose face in front of the boy she liked. Although she was afraid, she snorted and turned around to leave.

The children who were looking at the Rubik's Cube were also frightened and ran away immediately.

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