Mysterious journey

Chapter 573 Weird 3

But in comparison, Jie Ling was much closer to him. After all, they had known each other for so long and were at least friends. It would be better to go and see them.

Thinking like this, Garen couldn't help but walk in the direction they left. Halfway there, he met two girls who seemed to be specifically trying to stop him.

"Sister Raphael won't let you pass." One of the tall and strong girls said angrily. She was much stronger than Garon.

Garen looked towards the woods from a distance, but he could only see a dark and gloomy area.

He had to prepare for the program again in the evening. He shook his head, turned around and left. Anyway, he was an elementary school student and a junior high school student. He didn't have any deep hatred. It was estimated that even if there was a fight, there wouldn't be any accidents.


The beautiful violin sound slowly sounded on the stage.

Garon was wearing a small white suit, holding the violin and playing with his eyes slightly closed. He had to work hard to control the timbre to keep his voice in a normal state. Otherwise, as soon as he let go and played casually, he would have the same creepy temperament as before.

The venue was filled with darkness, and 80 to 90 percent of the school's students and teachers were present.

Jie Ling and Raphael were also there. Jie Ling seemed a little depressed and her neck was red, but Raphael was intact. The result was already obvious.

Garen gently put down the piano body and bowed towards the audience, and thunderous applause suddenly sounded.

He turned around and walked towards the audience. The host's voice came next, but it was no longer his business.

When he got off the stage, without changing his clothes, he saw Raphael waiting at the side of the stage, waiting for him to come down. There were also a few students watching the excitement.

"Thank you for your hard work, Galleons. Come and have a drink of water." Raphael came up to him with a charming smile and handed him a wet towel and a bottle of mineral water.

Garen glanced at Jie Ling, who was not far away. She was also walking towards this side, but when she saw Raphael, she stopped and gritted her teeth and waited aside.

"What happened between you?" he asked with a frown.

"It's nothing." The smile on Raphael's face sank, and after a pause, she smiled again, the same calm smile that still contained arrogance and appreciation. "Can you walk with me? Just the two of us."

Jia Long ignored her and walked directly in front of Jie Ling and the two. Yi Lian even had a scratch on his face.

Looking at the two guys speechlessly, he whispered a few words and asked them if they wanted to go back with him. At this time, the students at the venue had already begun to disperse.

Several classmates who came to call the three of them saw that something was wrong with the atmosphere, and Raphael's group came over to harass them. They all immediately fell silent, not knowing what to do.

What surprised Jia Long was that after Jie Ling and Yi Lian lost, they actually refused to go back with him. What was going on with the expressions on their faces that said, "If you lose, you can afford to lose"?

Seeing Jie Ling and the two leaving alone, Garen felt a little confused. Are all children today so independent?

"No one will bother us now, right?" Raphael came over and said with a proud smile. She naturally gave the owner Gallon's arm a hand.

Garen felt a little headache, so he simply didn't bother to care about these little guys. It probably won't take long for everything to return to normal.

He glanced at Raphael next to him. She had blond shawl hair, a charming face, delicate skin, and long, slender, round legs, but he could smell a faint virgin fragrance in his nose.

It could be felt that Raphael herself was a little nervous with this action.

Someone at the venue had already noticed the movement, and whistles occasionally sounded.

"Although I don't mind the meat being offered to my mouth, you have to at least let me know what you like about me?" Garen asked speechlessly. He asked himself that apart from talking to Jie Ling, he didn't usually have much communication with other people.

"I just like you, do you need a reason?" Raphael asked, "I want you to be my man."

Garen opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

"If I can't win your heart, I also want to win your people." Raphael said domineeringly.


Why does this sentence sound so familiar?

Isn’t this what ordinary men say to women?

Garen felt a little confused. The atmosphere in this town was definitely wrong.

Raphael pulled Garon and showed off to her friends in a arrogant manner. Not only her female companion, but also some girls and classmates in the school started to boo.

After the party, Raphael dispersed the rest of the people and took the initiative to send Garen home.

On the way back, neither of them spoke, they just moved forward silently.

Raphael didn't stop until he vaguely saw the double-story building of Gallon's house in front of him.

"I will come to pick you up tomorrow. Just wait at home, okay?" She approached Garen.

"If you are obedient, I can give you a reward~~~"

"Does it count as puppy love for us so early?" Garen asked speechlessly. "Although I don't reject you, I will still stay with Jie Ling and the others tomorrow. I don't need to bother you to pick me up."

"They won't come." Raphael laughed, "Everything has been settled about the victory or defeat between us. This is a duel between women. No one can break the ancient oath."

When she talked about the ancient oath, there was a thick and strange feeling in her eyes.

This made Garen feel a little bad, as if this duel was not just what he expected, just a fight between children.

"You are already mine." Raphael emphasized again. "Even if you don't choose me, they can't break their oath and approach you."

"That's why I hate children pretending to be adults." Garen had a headache.

"You are also one of the children, aren't you?" Raphael couldn't help laughing. She came over and touched Garen's neck with her soft hands, then left as quickly as the wind, and soon disappeared into the night.

"See you tomorrow."

A crisp voice came from afar.

Garen looked at Raphael leaving speechlessly, shook his head, and walked towards his small building.

"Mom, I'm back!"

Opening the door, Garen changed his shoes and walked in, closing the door behind him.

"There is corn soup in the microwave. I added black mushrooms and heated it up for myself." Mother Teres's voice came from the study room. She was obviously rushing to write a manuscript again. She was currently writing a research paper. She spends the whole day in the study, leaning over the computer. Her father, Emma, ​​has been doing most of the housework lately, and she only occasionally makes some soup for her children to nourish themselves.


Garen threw away his schoolbag and piano case and put them back in his room. He saw the door to his brother Jason's room opposite was open, and Jason was lying on the bed reading some book.

"Jason, do you know Raphael? She's a senior."

"Raphael?" Jason turned around. He was already in high school and was almost as tall as his father Emma. He grew very fast. His room was covered with posters of boxers and champions, one after another. The poster is all muscle and sweat.

His dream is to become a great boxer, a legendary boxing champion. Perhaps part of this dream is due to Garen. Jason, who was severely beaten by his younger brother since he was a child, has always had an almost perverted desire for strength. He continues to exercise muscles and train his boxing strength every day.

"I know, Raphael Dekman, a popular figure in the school, beautiful, confident, and proud. She and her people occupy about one-third of the school's locker room, tennis department, and music department. The rules there are It's up to her, she's a very strong girl." Jason turned back and looked at his brother, "Why did you ask about her?"


"Brother~~~" The little sister Vivien ran over and threw herself into Garen's arms. This little guy inherited her mother's excellent genes. She is now in the third grade and looks like a fan. The tender and tender little loli is wearing a white nightgown, her long golden hair is hanging down, her big eyes are twinkling, and her pink mouth is extremely cute.

"Brother, you look so handsome in this outfit!"

The little girl gave Garen a big smile with a thumbs up.

"Was the show a success?"

"With Vivien's help in rehearsing, it will definitely be a success." Garen stretched out his hand to pinch his sister's little face. The chubby white face was his favorite place to pinch. He could pull it here and there, and it felt great.

"I drew a portrait of my brother in art class today. Do you want to see it?" Little Vivian looked at Garen expectantly.

"Of course I want to see it."

So the night passed quickly due to all kinds of entanglements from his sister. Garen went to bed very early, and he didn't even know when his father, who was out for research, would come back.

After completing the routine secret martial arts training, he fell into sleep completely, feeling that it was the first time he slept so soundly.

The second level of insidious hand is the level that truly cultivates the power of insidiousness and applies it to the enemy. There are also some abilities that condense all the toxins and impurities in the body into one place to form insidious poison. The additional effect of this sheep is that Galleon's sleep quality becomes very good.

What makes Garen dissatisfied is that the progress of this level of secret martial arts is really too slow. It has been a long time since he broke through to the second level, but he is still stuck on this level until now. Although I can indeed feel the progress, the speed is too slow. If you continue to practice at this rate, it will take at least several years to barely enter the third level. The time required for each level of Hesas's martial arts gradually increases. With Galleon's talent, this time has been greatly shortened, but even if it is shortened now, it will still have to wait until he is at least twenty years old. Only then can we reach the third level. As for the fourth level, we don’t know how long it will take.

There is only one way to solve this problem - potential points.

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