Mysterious journey

Chapter 574 Weird 4

Finding something that can provide potential points for attribute talents is the only way to shorten the time. It's just that Garen has no idea at all now. Over the years, he has come into contact with various ancient objects everywhere, but none of them have any potential.

He also tried to secretly hunt wild animals, such as snakes and wolves, but it also had no effect. This made him start thinking again. His judgment on the source of potential points might be biased.

If the source of potential points is just the mysterious power in the antique of doom, then the subsequent killings in the totem world should not increase the potential.

But in the totem world, whether it is a totem master or a mutated creature, there are a lot of potential points to gain, which is strange.

Gallon concluded that one should try in the direction of soul power.

Because the power that enhances the upper limit of attributes is soul power, just like the soul seeds of evil skills deep in his soul, it will increase his upper limit of attributes by a little every year. From birth to now, his limits have far exceeded the previous attribute limits, and have reached the level of thirty points. The upper limit has an average level of thirty points. This is a very terrifying level, but the transformation of the soul seed The power is not unlimited. After it reaches thirty points from the original twenty points, it becomes completely silent. The influence and transformation power are still there, but the growth of the soul and upper limit has stopped.

This means that the power of the Northern Halberdier Han Yan Zhen Shui Xie Gong can only transform this body to a maximum of thirty points.

The thing that enhances the upper limit of attributes is soul power, so the potential points that increase the next level attribute points should also be something related to the soul.

Thinking of the special doom effect of the doom antiques, and the special nature of totem power possessed by totem masters, Garen had a vague feeling that soul matters should be his main direction of exploration.

However, this world is still an unknown environment, and no supernatural phenomena such as extraordinary power have been seen, let alone the upper soul realm in the supernatural.

Waking up from his sleep refreshed, Garen sat up and lifted the quilt. I picked up the cold water by the head of the bed and drank it. Drinking a glass of boiled water in the morning helps the body detoxify.

After getting out of bed, I walked to the window and opened the light yellow curtains with a splash.

"Hey!!" On the clean white street below, a beautiful girl riding a bicycle was waving to him. It's Raphael!

She changed into a white sleeveless T-shirt and still wore yesterday's water-brushed white jeans. She was riding a bicycle and waving to Gallon with a smile. The fair and delicate skin reflects the dazzling white light in the sun, coupled with the equally brilliant blond hair, it seems that Raphael's whole body is exuding a hazy halo.

"Gallon, hurry up!" She was afraid that the people around her wouldn't hear her, so she shouted unusually loudly.

Garen walked out of the bedroom feeling weird, and saw Jason coming out opposite with messy blond hair. He was obviously a little irritated by Raphael's amazing move.

"Is this why you asked me yesterday?" He glanced at his brother, feeling extremely unbalanced, "That girl was waiting down there half an hour ago."

Garen was speechless.

While eating breakfast, his father gave Gallon a thumbs up with encouraging eyes and a proud smile on his face. He was exactly the same as his little sister Vivien. Sure enough, the little sister learned this ugly gesture from him.

Mother Teres also got up and prepared to go outside to invite Raphael into the house to have breakfast together, but Gallon quickly pushed her away. He drank the milk, quickly shaved off his own vegetable salad, and took more out of the bread machine. With two pieces of toast, I hurried out of the house and saw Raphael riding a bicycle waiting on the side of the road with a bright smile. She happened to be chatting with an aunt from the neighbor's house.

"Little guy, what is your relationship with little Garen? Come here so early and wait."

"I, I am his one" Raphael lowered his head shyly, with a hint of red on his face.

"That? You can't be..." Auntie was very imaginative and decisively surprised.


"You have to pay attention to your health at such a young age." Auntie seemed to be in disbelief, "Did you really do that? Did you do it?"

Raphael lowered his head shyly.

Garen stepped forward speechlessly, and the misunderstanding deepened as he continued to talk. Raphael's motives were obviously impure.

The neighbor's aunt greeted Gallon with a smile and left quickly, saying that she would not disturb the two of them.

"I'll take you to the car." Raphael smiled brightly at Garen.

Jia Long looked around. Normally, he should be able to see Yi Lian and Jie Ling at this time, but now there was actually no sign of them. He couldn't help but re-evaluate the role of that oath.

"Okay." Garen breathed out and sat on the back seat of the bicycle.

"Hold my waist and swing it down carefully."

"It doesn't matter, you can go, I can sit still." Garen replied casually.


Raphael didn't say much. He stepped on the car and the car suddenly rushed forward.

Along the way, she pedaled hard and hard, and the car went faster and faster. If ordinary people were traveling at this speed, they would turn pale with fear.

Why doesn't Garen hug my waist?

Raphael thought for a moment with impure motives and looked back at Garen. This guy actually closed his eyes and fell asleep. No matter how bumpy the car was while sitting in the back seat, he sat firmly and slept soundly.

"This guy" Raphael was helpless.

Crossing a few streets a few times, we soon returned to school.

The car screeched to a stop at the school gate, and Garen opened his eyes just in time to wake up.

The two got off the car separately.

"By the way, Garen, do you remember the agreement yesterday?" Raphael suddenly said.

"You mean reward?" Garen raised his eyebrows.

"Here's this for you." Raphael suddenly stuffed a small round object into Garen's palm.

Garen raised his hand and looked at it. It was an ancient black and silver badge, with a vague image of a stag on it. Most of the patterns on the edges had been worn away, as if it was constantly being picked up and played with.

"What's this?"

"My grandma gave it to me. It's an old thing passed down from the past. Don't lose it." Raphael said with a smile, and then pushed the cart away from the place surrounded by a group of girls who had gathered around. .

Garen stood at the school gate, looking at the buck badge in his hand with a strange look on his face.

A hint of refreshing and familiar breath was entering his arm from the badge. It was a little bit of something he was once extremely familiar with.

"Potential point?!" Garen's heart skipped a beat.

"Without this potential aura, not even a single potential point can be formed. This is just a tiny bit of aura stained on it." Garen glanced at his attribute bar. The potential point column jumped slightly, going from 0% to slightly blurred. It flickered, but that was all.

The little breath just now made the potential flicker a little.

"Is this an antique of doom?" Garen picked up the buck badge.

During class all morning, he kept playing with the buck badge. He noticed that the eyes of two girls flickered after seeing the badge in his hand.

Junior high school students are obviously better at hiding things than elementary school students, but compared to adults like Garen, they naturally can't hide it.

"Or does this thing have any special meaning?" He stroked the badge and thought.

He noticed that Jie Ling and Yi Lian were sitting far away at the other end of the classroom. They only occasionally glanced at him, and then quickly moved away.

"Classmate Garen, can you ask me how to solve this problem?" After class, the boy behind him patted Garen on the back and handed over a small book with math problems written on it.

Jialong took it and explained the problem to the boy while watching the actions of Jie Ling and Yi Lian.

He felt more and more that there was something unusual about that ancient oath. In his eyes, it was just a small conflict between girls, but he did not expect that the result would be so unexpected.

At this time, Garen saw the beautifully dressed Raphael standing at the door of the classroom, smiling and chatting with a sister. The voice was very low, and the two seemed to be whispering.

Now almost everyone knew about the male-female relationship between Raphael and Garen. Even the male teacher who was packing his things and going out gave Garen a narrow look.

Raphael chatted with her sisters in a low voice. Only they could hear her voice, and they didn't know what they were talking about. They both laughed together.

When the students were almost gone, they all went to have lunch.

Eiffel pushed his sisters away, walked into the classroom alone, and walked to the Gallon table.

"Let's go have lunch together. I prepared delicious food specially for you."

Garen looked at Jie Ling and the other two, who were talking to themselves and did not make eye contact with him at all.

"Okay." Already feeling something was wrong, he decided to investigate the secrets here. Coupled with the ancient and strange custom of this small town where the woman is the master of the house and the man is the master of the house, the hidden things here made him feel more and more. Get interested.

The two stood up and left the classroom. Garen was almost led forward by Raphael.

"The thing you just gave me is very nice, I like it very much."

"I knew you would like it. I remember you liked these antiques very much before." Raphael replied with a smile, "Don't think I said it casually before. I have really paid attention to you for a long time, and my grandma has already agreed. It’s between the two of us.”

"Huh? Your grandma?" Garen felt that his nerves were a bit lost, "Isn't this development a bit too fast?"

"Fast? How fast is it? Go after it if you like it! Just do whatever you want! What's the use of comparing speed or speed with others?" Raphael replied disdainfully, "This is what my grandma has been doing since she was a child. Tell me the truth, when you encounter good things, you have to act fast, if you are slow, there will be nothing."

"Your grandma is really generous. Haha." Garen didn't know how to comment. Wasn't her grandma afraid that her granddaughter would suffer?

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