Mysterious journey

Chapter 575 Secret 1

In the spacious cafeteria, silver metal tables and chairs fixed to the ground are neatly arranged one by one, and the surrounding white walls are painted with patterns of ducks, apples, and pears.

Students in twos and threes were sitting in front of tables and chairs eating food from their own plates, and some were queuing up to take out their plates at the cafeteria window.

Gallon and Raphael sat opposite each other at the right end of a long table. They each ate the sandwiches on their own plates, dipping the sesame sauce in the middle from time to time and taking a sip of tomato, potato and beef soup.

There was a faint buzz in the surrounding canteen, and the voices of many people talking bounced back into the empty canteen, mixed with echoes. I feel like I can clearly hear what is being said, but if I listen carefully and intently, it's just a blur.

Garen raised his head and glanced at Raphael opposite.

"You didn't answer my question last time."

"what is the problem?"

"What do you like about me?" Garen put a piece of apple in his mouth.

"I like everything." Raphael said calmly, "If I have to say one thing, it would be that you are good-looking. Wouldn't it be a great honor to take you out?"


"Then what reason do you want?" Raphael shrugged.

Neither of them spoke for a while.

Garen felt that this little guy was a little weird. He was obviously a girl, but he had the same personality as a boy.

"Can you tell me what agreement you made with Yi Lian and the others?"

"I can't tell you this." Raphael smiled, "But you just need to know that the power of the oath is unstoppable. This doesn't just involve me and them."

"Really?" Garen narrowed his eyes. He felt that he might have to go back to Wenwen's parents to learn some secrets about this town. As two people who have lived here for so many years, they should know some secrets more or less.

This secret is likely to involve issues regarding potential points.

"After dinner, let's go play ball. I have a sister who has made an appointment to wait for me at the stadium. Then you can go and cheer me on." Raphael's clothes were taken as a matter of course.

Garen also wanted to get in touch with her more and discover the secrets inside, so he nodded and refused.

After dinner, we went to the court to play basketball for a while. After class in the afternoon, Gallon went home together under the protection of Raphael. He was sent to the door of his house by Raphael's insistence, just like a boy would send his girlfriend. Bring Galleons to your doorstep.

After teasing Vivien at home, who called her brother Jiao Didi, Gallon finally waited until his parents came home one after another.

In the study room at dusk, Garen left his brother and sister alone and looked at his mother who was sitting across from him with a confused look on his face.

"What's the matter? You look so solemn, like a little adult." Mother Teres smiled, reached out and grabbed Galen's face and squeezed it. "Okay, are you being bullied at school?" she asked softly in a soft voice.

Shaking his head, Garen avoided his mother's hands grabbing his face.

"Mom, I would like to ask if there are any ancient traditional oaths in this town. Once an oath is made, it must be abided by."

"Oath?" Therese thought for a moment in doubt, "It has been many years since we moved here. Indeed, there is a kind of ritual here. Only the locals will abide by it. As immigrants, we just listen to I've said it, but I haven't seen it. What are they called ancestral oaths?"

"Is it a ritual?"

"Well, almost. The locals regard it as a very formal and serious thing. Our ancestors are here to pay attention to their words even when they are joking. If the ancestors are involved in swearing, someone may be killed." Mother said. Reese warned sternly. "By the way, I heard that a girl is chasing you? She is said to be very beautiful? Isn't that right?"

Seeing his mother's face quickly turn into a constriction, Garen also knew that he probably wouldn't be able to get any more information from here. Having said so much is tantamount to saying nothing.

Looking at my mother's expression, it seemed that she really didn't know anything more, so she could only give up.

After chatting with his mother for a while, Garen left the room. He brought over his laptop, which was a birthday gift from his father last year.

He typed a line of words on the keyboard and entered it into the Internet search engine.

There is a lot of information about the oath. After narrowing the scope, enter the United States, Glendo Town again after blanking.


When the Enter key was pressed, there were only five messages left on the screen.

They are all oaths such as religious ceremonies, four of which are local public ceremony oaths, and one is a video of students swearing to inherit the American spirit of freedom under the flag.

After carefully checking the religious ceremonies, I found that they were all public events and required a lot of preparations to be carried out, and they were either for spring plowing or fishing, or one of the festival customs. They were worthless.

Turning off the computer, Gallon sat on the edge of the bed, thoughtful. In this town, it seems that many women, especially local women, share some kind of special secret. This secret is ancient, solemn, and everyone sticks to the rules.

"It seems that the best breakthrough is the relationship with Raphael. When the relationship is close to a certain level, naturally many secrets will no longer be secrets."

The rest of life was no different from usual. The only change was that the girl accompanying Garen changed from Jie Ling and the two to Raphael alone. Raphael came to pick up Galleon on time every day, and occasionally gave some small gifts, always with good old objects and antiques. Garen wanted to talk to Jie Ling and others several times, but they were deliberately avoided by the other party, so he had no choice but to give up.

As time passed, he gradually got used to Raphael's presence.

Occasionally, he gave Raphael some small gifts in return, and the relationship between the two continued to heat up, becoming like best friends and boyfriend and girlfriend.

For a child, life goes by very quickly.

Slowly, Yi Lian and Jie Ling gradually faded out of Garen's sight, and his relationship with Raphael became better and better. He has never been someone who takes the initiative to approach others and pursues his own goals, which leaves him with little time to make friends with the people around him. However, Raphael, who takes the initiative to approach him, is slowly becoming an exception.

Life in junior high school is not much different from primary school, except that students grow up faster and their thoughts are a little more mature.

Garen practiced secret martial arts every day, but his cultivation was always stuck at the second level, and his progress was extremely slow. He asked Raphael many times about the situation of the Buck Badge, but the information he received was unknown, saying that it was only her grandmother. Only then did I know more about the situation. This made Garen, whose skill had almost stagnated, become more and more curious.


On the blue sea, the golden and red waves of the setting sun continued to ripple.

The seaside is hundreds of kilometers away from Glendo.

On the pale yellow beach, a teenage boy with blond hair was slowly walking towards the sea. He was only wearing a pair of black swimming trunks, and his clothes were thrown far away on the black reef not far away.

The boy has a handsome face, with a hint of feminine neutrality, giving him a feeling of weakness. He is obviously a boy, but he has a soft and soft beauty that makes people pity.

He walked slowly towards the water, step by step, his feet were submerged, then his calves, then his knees, thighs, abdomen, and chest.

In an instant, traces of dark, ink-like mist spread from his body and spread to the surroundings along the sea water.

The mist was like ink, quickly darkening the water around the boy.

The boy seemed unaware and continued walking deeper.

The strange thing is that the water that submerged up to his chest did not change at all after he left the shallow sea area and went deeper.

Wow! !

Suddenly, there was a wave of waves on the sea not far away, and two pennant-like fins rushed towards the boy from a distance. Under the blue sea surface, two huge blue-black giant sharks swam towards the boy quickly. Their fins were like motorboats breaking through the waves, creating two arcs of white waves.

That's when the fin entered the black water around the boy.

The boy's weakness suddenly changed. His hands were as straight as two sharp knives, and he thrust them into the water.


The two giant sharks banged and exploded, turning into two masses of scarlet flesh. The blood quickly merged into the black water around the boy. The color of the blood was quickly covered by black, and then everything returned to the peaceful scene from the beginning. .

Garen frowned and raised his hands.

"The progress is too slow," he sighed.

The power of the Claw of Hessus has reached the level of a fighter. In addition, his physical constitution has reached the point where he can barely release his energy, so his strength has recovered somewhat.

However, the rules of this world are different. It seems that he is no longer able to completely condense his spirit. Even at his current state, he can only integrate his spirit into the material and then affect external things. He can no longer release it directly as before. Suppress your opponent.

But in this way, the spirit blends into the water and into the air, and it becomes something that ordinary people can see, rather than something exclusive that only fighters can see. It's just that the consumption is much higher. Garen can only maintain the release of his spirit for ten minutes at most. The area covered by his spirit is about ten meters with him as the center. Within these ten meters, all creatures that enter will suffer from the terrifying spirit. Illusions are suppressed, and at the same time, the substantive vicious palm power of Hesas will slowly and quietly penetrate into the enemy's body with his energy, gradually weakening the opponent's physique and speed.

The current spirit is not so much a fusion product of essence, energy and spirit, but rather a simple poisonous gas released from Garen's body. This poisonous gas has a strong hallucinogenic effect, can also weaken the opponent's physical speed, and is soluble in water.

"Garen! You went into the sea again!" On the beach in the distance, a slim blond girl was waving vigorously towards this side. "Come ashore quickly, I have something to tell you."

Garen looked back and saw that it was Raphael. He now likes to exercise and rides his motorcycle to the beach to swim every day after school. In essence, he is practicing Hesas's vicious palm power.

This secret martial art seems to be a standard evil skill. It actually has the effect of absorbing and melting the flesh and blood of other creatures. The foreign flesh and blood will have a good strengthening effect on the palm power. If he hunted wildly in the forest, he would most likely be found to be abnormal, so he simply stayed away and went to practice in the ocean without being noticed at all.

As an evil skill, apart from its insidiousness, Hesas's characteristic is that it is very concealable. It is estimated that even fighters of the same level will not be able to detect the movement of Galleon's secret martial power. This is also where Garen is extremely satisfied.

Garen quickly retracted the poisonous mist that merged into the surrounding seawater, and turned back and swam towards the shore.

His movements are natural, and the lines of his body are extremely soft. Every time he strokes the water, his body will swim forward quickly like a fish.

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