Mysterious journey

Chapter 581 Secret Skills and Harvests 1

"Do you know why the snail crawls so slowly?"

Jason in front suddenly turned around and asked Aisharo.

Aisharo was slightly startled and shook his head. "have no idea"

"Because snails are the smallest cows! Hahahahaha" Jason laughed.

Aishaluo looked at him speechlessly, and the two little guys next to him also looked at him speechlessly.

He was the only one among the four who laughed.

"Hahaha... haha, don't you think it's funny?" Jason finally stopped laughing. Looking at the speechless expressions of the three people around him, he seemed to finally realize how cold his joke was.

"Um, okay, okay, let me change the joke."


The motorcycle slowly drove into the yard of his home. Gallon pushed the motorcycle and found that no one else was there.

There was no one at home, and it goes without saying that Tris and Emma must have been working on their own research projects.

After putting the car away, he opened the door and entered the small building, put on his shoes, and closed the door behind his back.

For some reason, he had been lingering in his mind about the strange reaction of Sister Alisha. The soul seed would not react for no reason.

That familiar feeling is like the strange feeling you get when you see the history of the planet in the totem world.

He quickly returned to his room, took out his laptop, opened it, and connected to the Internet.

After browsing the recent news related to Glendo Town, the first thing that appeared was Mika Bear, the largest bear in the world. Now it has become the hottest topic in this forest, not only in Glendo Town, but also in surrounding areas. There are a lot of tourists coming to many small towns in the distance.

Apart from this news, another wild wolf attacked humans, causing one death and one injury. There is no other content to be seen.

Closing the computer, Garen fell into thought.


Suddenly, an extremely subtle crisp sound came from downstairs. Others might just think of this crisp sound as the exploding wood of a wooden house.

But Garen suddenly came back to his senses, stood up quietly, walked to the door and pulled it gently. The wooden door was opened silently without making any sound.

He slowly poked his head out from the guardrail of the second floor stairs and looked down.

Below, a bald man in black leather clothes was walking calmly and silently in the room. He looked left and right, as if he was searching for something.

There is a white phoenix pattern tattooed on the chest of his black leather jacket. A strong man has a white phoenix pattern on his clothes, which does look a bit weird. But this man didn't care at all. His face was dull and his skin had no color. He looked like he was wearing a mask.

Garen watched him silently as he walked around on the first floor. He did not go to any other room. The bald man walked straight towards his sister Vivien's bedroom. He reached out and touched the door lightly, and suddenly he looked up.

The guardrail on the second floor was empty, without any sign of anyone.

The bald man frowned, lowered his head and reached out to push away Vivien's bedroom. But he didn't go in, he just stuck his head at the door and smelled it.

"There is no smell of Aisharo." He suddenly whispered, his voice was a low Asian Quran.

Garen once spent half a year learning several major languages ​​commonly used in the world, and now he could fully understand the meaning of his words.

Only then did he notice that the bald man was wearing a black device like a headset microphone on the side of his face, close to his cheek.

"We found residue here, it must be her." An extremely thin female voice came from the headset.

"It seems that I'm going out to play temporarily. This mission is quite easy." The bald head said with a low smile.

"Don't be careless. There are so many D-class people in front of you who have failed. It won't be for nothing." The woman whispered.

"Don't worry, we are not those D-class trash." Baldhead smiled lazily.

He quickly closed the door, and then followed the footsteps that came in step by step, without missing a beat. At the same time, he took out a long pole in his hand, and a round wiping plate full of plush popped out from the end, and wiped the footprints he walked back. Erase them all one by one.

Soon, the bald head erased all traces, and at the same time gently closed the door, turned around and left.

From the beginning to the end, he had no intention of going up to the second floor. He obviously knew that there was someone on the second floor.

After the door closed gently, Garen's figure appeared behind the door. Through the peephole, he looked at the bald man's leaving figure, and finally a slight smile appeared on his face.

"The breath of potential"

He gently touched the place where the bald head had touched with his hand, and the familiar smell made his originally bad mood improve.

"That bald head must be from some organization. He came specifically to find Sister Alisha. He still has residual potential in his body. It seems that there should be a lot of things with potential in this world. This is good news." Garen smiled slightly. got up.

He suddenly remembered where the strange feeling in Sister Alisha came from.

It was a similar feeling to the original Baker Stone Eyes and Goth. It is a special induction of the soul, belonging to some indescribable reason.

If I have to describe it in detail, then this feeling is the general trend!

Like Baker Stone Eyes and Goethe, the Alexa sisters should also be the ones who influence the general trend. They are the first dominoes in the beginning. To be more precise, they should be said to be the source of change and development in the world, just like the first small dominoes in the butterfly effect. Like a butterfly, every time it flaps its wings, it will form a weak influence. Eventually, these influences will gather together and be amplified layer by layer, turning into an unparalleled huge storm.

Gallon took out his phone, checked the time, and quickly sent a text message to Raphael.

There was a reply soon.

"We're already home. Don't worry, I'll take care of myself."

"That's good."

Garen was not willing to cause trouble and losses to Raphael because of himself, so although he did exactly what the vampire hypnotized him to do, his return time was advanced a lot.

Gently opening the door, Garen looked around and found no one protecting his Raphael, nor any trace of the bald head.

He sniffed his nose, walked out of the yard easily, and walked toward the fork off the road on the left.

No one paid attention to the actions of a teenage child. At noon, most people went home to eat. There were very few cars on the road and almost no passers-by. Only the sounds of voices could be heard from time to time in the houses.

The sun was scorching hot, making the ground sweltering.

Garen was walking on the green grass. The forest where Grandor was located was different from other forests in other places. The grass here was particularly high. The grass grew up to the calf, and only the upper part of the knee could be exposed for walking.

Most people would pay attention to poisonous snakes and insects in the grass when walking, but Garen didn't care at all. He strode apart from the grass and followed the bald head's breath.

Slowly, the surrounding trees began to become denser, from sparse to continuous, forming a large shade that blocked the sun.

Soon, two figures in black leather clothes could be faintly seen in the grass between the trees in front. One of them was clearly the bald man who had just left, and the other was a dark-haired woman with a hot figure.

"You're still wearing black leather clothes on such a hot day. Is there something wrong with your brain?" Garen walked over with a smile.


The bald man yelled loudly and looked over.

Under the watchful eyes of the two men, Garen slowly walked out of the grass and stepped on a few arched tree roots protruding from the ground.

"You two just came to my house as guests, how come you don't recognize the host so quickly?"

He put his hands in his trouser pockets and smiled easily.

The bald man had a ghostly expression on his face and glanced at the woman next to him in confusion. The woman also shook her head at him, saying that she didn't know what was going on.

"Who are you?"

His hand quietly touched the silenced pistol on his waist.

"What organization are you two from? Why are you sneaking into my house and running around?" Garen ignored the other party's little movements and suddenly changed the language. The fluent Asian Koran made the other party's pupils shrink slightly.

"Do it!"

The bald head suddenly rolled to the left, and a black pistol appeared in his hand, and three shots were fired instantly. Then without looking at the result, he stood up and hid behind a big tree.

The woman also rolled to the right and made the same movement.

The six bullets instantly covered all the directions of Garen's dodge. They were extremely accurate. Even if he didn't move, two bullets were shot at his eyebrows and heart.

But the moment before the two men opened fire, Gallon arched his body and jumped forward, rushing into the grass like a poisonous snake and pounced towards the bald head. All six bullets hit the grass behind him, and none of them hit.

He grabbed his right arm forward.


The arms actually bent like noodles, bypassing the wide tree trunk, and snapped the bald head that was about to dodge onto the tree.

The sharp claws and nails were sharp and pitch-black, and they were like metal claws, slamming the bald head's neck upside down on the tree trunk.

While the woman on the other side looked like she had seen a ghost, Garen stood in front of the bald man with a soft smile on his face.

"Can you answer my question now?"

"Of course." The bald man swallowed and raised his hand to signal the woman to put down the pistol. His face was pale, his heart was beating wildly, and he was caught strangely as soon as they met each other. Looking at the other party's dark and sharp nails, he knew that he might have kicked the steel plate this time.

"What do you want to ask, your Excellency? We won't dare to hide it at all!" He said cheerfully without any resistance.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?"

"We are peripheral members of the Asian White Phoenix, temporary mercenaries. We are here to take over the task of capturing the escaped experimental subjects,"

"Asian White Phoenix? What kind of organization is this?"

"It is one of the military branches affiliated with the original color. You can also check the information on the original color group from the Internet." Baldhead replied quickly.

"Then what does experimental subject mean?"

"I don't know. We are just the outermost mercenaries. The past history of the mission target is none of our business. As you know, sometimes knowing too much will make you lose your life." Baldhead answered in a bachelor's manner.

"The experimental subjects are sisters Alisha?"

"Yes. In addition, our main goal is to capture alive. We will only attack if we cannot capture alive."

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