Mysterious journey

Chapter 582 Secret Skills and Harvests 2

Garen glanced at the woman on the side. They were probably a couple. The woman stared nervously at the black claws on the bald head's neck, not daring to make any move.

These two people are just well-trained elite mercenaries. They are indeed very strong in the use of firearms and their reactions are very quick, but compared with real fighters, they are vulnerable.

Not to mention the inhuman beings in this town.

These are just two ordinary people. As Baldhead himself said, they are just the outermost mercenaries.

But Galleon's purpose is naturally not that simple.

He carefully searched the pockets of the bald head's clothes and quickly pulled out a black wooden cross pendant from his chest.

The moment he got the cross, a trace of cool breath slowly flowed into Garen's arm, making his eyes light up slightly.

"Where did you get this?"

There was a pained expression on his bald face.

"This is a souvenir given to me by a friend of mine, a very good friend. He asked me to carry it with me everywhere and never leave it behind."

"It is indeed a very good souvenir." Garen showed satisfaction.

This cross actually contains potential. It is not a one-time thing, but a long-lasting one.

Moreover, the surface of the cross seems to be covered with a layer of invisible power, which may explode and overflow at any time.

Garen guessed that this might be a protective treasure specially designed to deal with some kind of extraordinary power. Once it encounters an enemy with extraordinary means, this thing can immediately explode with power to protect the bald head.

The bald friend was obviously worried that he would get into trouble, so he gave him the pendant.

"It seems that your friends are very good." Garen pulled off the pendant, and his original intention to kill the two people suddenly faded away. He began to think about any way to control these two people for his own use.

After all, his current information channels are too few, almost none. If he has two mercenaries with different identities as tentacles, he will understand and penetrate the reality of this world faster.

There are many ways to control the enemy, but among the unknown methods in this world, it is difficult to have a method that can guarantee that it will not be cracked.

There are vampires, possibly witches, and even other supernatural powers in this world. It seems ordinary and simple, but in fact the water inside is very deep.

After searching through the top secret weapons in his memory, Garen finally chose a more secret method.

Pure punishment is only the lowest level of control. The best key is to make the other party reluctant to betray.

Smiling meaningfully at the bald head, Garen let go of his neck.

"Thank you both very much for your candid confession. As you can see, the water in this town is not something you can get involved in. From the conversation just now, I really appreciate the sincere feelings between you."

He paused, "Since you are mercenaries, I have a mission here. I wonder if you are willing to take it."

"You won't kill us?" Although the bald man asked, his expression became obviously relaxed.

"I'm not someone who is easy to kill, why should I kill you?" Garen spread his hands, "If you help me complete my mission here, I can consider taking you two as disciples and teach them the powerful skills I just had. Fighting skills.”

The bald man's eyes lit up instantly, and not only him, but also the black-haired woman next to him swallowed unconsciously.

Only those who are mixed in the world of mercenaries on the edge of life and death know what kind of terrifying effect a powerful fighting skill can have in missions and fights. As for the terrifying skills of the boy in front of me just now, who completely ignores firearms, this kind of fighting technique is simply the most powerful killing technique. Having such an opportunity to learn this technique is undoubtedly difficult for the couple. Say no to the temptation.

"Are you telling the truth!? Are you really willing to accept us as your disciples and teach us powerful fighting skills?!" The bald head's voice was trembling. Although the person standing in front of him was just an ordinary teenage boy, he had absolutely no intention of looking down on his age.

The woman next to her also looked excited. She opened her mouth to speak, but she still didn't make a sound. She still cast her eyes on the bald head, letting him take the initiative.

"Of course it's true." Garen smiled. He has not only dozens of fighting skills, but hundreds of them. Not to mention that as a master of human body structure and a top fighter, he has a lot of knowledge about human body fighting skills. Knowing that he can create a simple killing technique at any time.

What is a simple skill to him is undoubtedly a top-notch treasure to others.

"So, what is your mission?" Baldhead asked carefully. With such a generous reward, naturally the tasks that need to be completed must be quite troublesome.

"Actually, it's very simple." Garen raised the cross in his hand, "I'm very interested in old antiques, especially this kind. I need you to find out the origin of this thing and whether there are other things of the same type. It would be even better if we could find it.”

Under the completely puzzled gazes of the two men, he threw the cross.

"Based on a simple appraisal, this thing should be at least eighty years old. You can consider this."

"If you look for this cross, maybe I can find a way!" The bald man's eyes were bright.

"Are you sure?" Garen was delighted.

"Sure, 100%!" Baldhead replied firmly. "I have seen information about this kind of thing in the group. There are not a lot of these crosses, and the price is not very expensive. They are all put up for auction by some wearers."

Garen patted him vigorously on the shoulder.

"As a reward for the mission, I will teach you something in advance so that you can feel whether the mission is worth it or not."

The eyes of the two bald men became more and more eager.

Two hours later.

Garen slowly left the deserted forest and returned to the road, still walking slowly toward home with his hands in his pockets.

The cross was placed in his trouser pocket, held tightly by his right hand.

A trace of cold breath continued to penetrate into his palms, flow down his forearms, to his shoulders, and then to his brain.

Look at the changes in the attribute bar, and then feel the total amount of breath in the cross. Gallon estimated that this cross could provide her with at least three attribute points, which was 300% of her potential. This was the lowest estimate.

After not having any potential value for so long, Gallon suddenly had such an extra income, which made Garen feel very good.

He immediately had a good impression of the Alisha sisters. As soon as the two sisters arrived, he caught the person who sent the potential points. Maybe that white phoenix original color person would come again a few times, and his potential points would increase more and more. .

Thinking back to the time when the bald couple were learning secret skills.

The corners of Garen's mouth curled up slightly. These were the two tentacles he released. From today on, he was finally no longer as ignorant of the dark world outside as before.

What the bald couple learned was not a complete secret martial art. Without the promotion of secret martial arts, it would naturally not be a powerful secret method.

It is a secret technique re-created by Garen. As the name suggests, it is something between a secret technique and a technique. The threshold is very low and anyone can learn, but it will cause a certain degree of damage to the human body. It is a fighting technique that enhances strength at the expense of self-mutilation.

Although it can only improve strength in a short period of time, for the bald couple, this is undoubtedly an extremely precious path.

The secret technique created by Garen was named Projection by him. It is a shooting auxiliary secret technique specially developed for two people. It can double the vision, hearing, and nerve response within half an hour after stimulating specific acupoints and meridians. For the two couples, this is equivalent to a desperate counterattack in a short period of time!

And this is the first level of projection, followed by the second, third, and even sixth levels!

The cost of each level of secret method is the same, or even less, and the improvement obtained will become stronger and bigger.

The final sixth layer can even improve vision, hearing, and nerve response by a full six times!

This made the two couples extremely fascinated. With the help of Garen, they quickly mastered the simplest secret method of the first level. After feeling that powerful and perfect state, the two of them were completely dedicated to working for Garen. .

Although this secret method has serious side effects, each time it is used, it will cause inevitable internal damage to one's overall constitution. The cost of this damage is very secret. After each use of the secret method, at least three months of rest are required. Otherwise, using it twice in a short period of time will cause a certain degree of permanent damage. Such as blindness, such as permanent loss of hearing

The biggest difference between secret skills and secret methods is here. Secret skills require a huge cost of self-harm to be used, and they cannot be used continuously in a short period of time.

The secret method has almost no major side effects and can be used continuously quickly, just like Palosha's ninety-nine sperm holes secret method, which created his terrifying reputation of being invincible.

The reason why the secret technique of projection is so powerful is that when Garen guided the two of them to learn, he actually used a little of his own courage. Using his courage as a guide, he stimulated a certain degree of alienation in the two people's bodies, and finally they could Develop powerful secret techniques of projection.

What the two of them don't know is that if they want to continue to practice and strengthen this secret skill, they must find Garen at each level of promotion and guide them to activate the alienation again.

In other words, their future path to becoming stronger is actually in Garen's hands.

And the secret technique also has the greatest effect.

That means you can only advance, but you can’t abandon it!

Once you learn a secret skill, it is like you have entered a dead end and you can only practice continuously. If you cannot reach the highest level and your cultivation stagnates for a period of time, the practitioner will continue to suffer severe pain and his body will weaken rapidly. Until death.

Regarding this weakness, Garen is also planning to modify and improve it.

After all, the secret technique is just a technique he created in a hurry and needs time to correct.

I went home and sorted out the relevant memories. It was almost dinner time, and my parents came back. Sister Alisha, who had been out for fun, came to the house for dinner at the warm invitation of Jason and Vivian.

Galen sent Raphael a text message.

The reply was that everything was fine, and obviously the other party's conspiracy did not succeed.

Now that the two tentacles were released, they just had to wait for them to be recovered, and he had harvested the first batch of potential points in the world. Garen was in a good mood, and his eyes became more pleasing to the eyes when he looked at the Alisha sisters.

If all goes well, maybe we can find the rest of the crosses and use them to improve our physical fitness. Everything will be on the right track. With the rapid improvement of strength, there will also be a chance to slowly find out the secrets inside the vampire.

Anyway, it's still early, he is only a junior high school student and has just entered high school, so he is still young.

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