Mysterious journey

Chapter 583 Accident 1

Time flies by.

There are no surprises or big changes in the routine life.

Raphael's grandmother finally rejected Garen's request, which made Raphael very sorry, and sent him a lot of messy old things as compensation.

High school life is no different from junior high school, except that the academic work is a little heavier, but for Garen, these are parts that can be ignored completely.

After he absorbed the Black Wood Cross, because his mental age was completely different from other students, he was alone most of the time without Raphael's company.

Go to the piano room to practice alone and find a place where no one is around to review your old fighting skills.

He re-trained his fighting skills in a slow way. On the surface, it looked like an ordinary external skill to maintain health. But in fact, as long as he was willing, in an instant, this kind of movement of muscles and bones could explode into terrifying force. Lethality.

Garen didn't have many friends, except for Raphael. Unlike Raphael, she had many friends, or subordinates. In fact, the two of them have one thing in common, which is something that has always made them slightly happy about their relationship, and that is loneliness.

Even though the two are lovers, even the other party has never really revealed all their secrets to the other party.

It's the same whether it's Galen or Raphael.

But just like that, both of them felt that the distance between them was much closer than other people.

The past few years have been uneventful, with nothing major happening in the town. Except for a Mika bear being 'invited' to leave by the National Zoo, everything has been peaceful.


In the afternoon, the warm air, the reddish sunny ground, and the scattered yellow leaves.

Outside the piano room behind the school

A slender young boy is standing on the podium of the music classroom, gently playing a melodious melody.

It is soft and peaceful, as if a person is walking quietly in the quiet boundless fields. The moonlight at night falls down and shines on the body. Along with the cool evening wind, there is silence in the heart.

The boy has white and delicate crystal skin, a beautiful androgynous face, and short golden hair that is as bright as fringes.

A black shirt and slim-fitting black trousers perfectly set off his well-proportioned figure.

On the side of the piano room are rows of large trees of unknown species. Under the shade of the trees, a girl with blond shawl hair sits sideways on the window sill, quietly listening to the music of the boy inside. The white dress on her body was divided into gold and white by the sunlight.

"Is it Michael Cid's hope?" The girl asked casually after the silence of the piano ended.

"You guessed it right again." Galen put down the violin and began to take care of it carefully. This violin was specially purchased by his mother for him. It was hired by an old friend of hers and cost 200,000 Galen. If it were replaced by On Earth, that is equivalent to a purchasing power of more than 200,000 US dollars.

Although the greatest value of this piano is its collection.

"No need to guess, I've heard it so many times." Raphael inserted his fingers into his hair and combed it down.

"Which school are you going to? Your SIT score is above 2300. Any school should be fine, right?"

Garen walked to the window sill and pressed his hands on the edge of the window lattice.

"It's not bad. I'm going to Garyville. My family also supports me."

"I can't do it anymore." Raphael curled the ends of his blond hair with his fingers. "I took the test five times, and the highest score was only 2000. I may not be able to keep up with you. My family suggested that I choose a state university. .”

"Study in this state?"


Garen also fell silent. After all, he had been with Raphael for so long, so he had feelings for her after all.

I still remember when Raphael arranged candles in a heart shape for him, causing the students in the school to boo loudly at night.

Over the years, I have come to pick him up almost every morning. Occasionally, I will continue to send him different flowers every day for a period of time, making up ninety-nine flowers. This is a very romantic thing for anyone.

Raphael is undoubtedly passionate. She may want someone to really come into her heart and become a haven for her to relax her soul.

"Galiville is the best school in the United States. That's fine. Your family shouldn't have come to this remote town in the first place." Raphael was a little disinterested.

"I should come back." Garen laughed, "My family won't move away, what are you worried about?"

"The outside world is very exciting." Raphael was obviously a little emotional.

"Don't you think it would sound very handsome if you went out and told people that your boyfriend is a top student in Galliville?" Gallon put his arm around her shoulders.

"Who knows if you would like ordinary girls from the countryside if you go there?" Raphael asked. In fact, after learning about the background of Galen's family, she understood that the final gap between the two parties was too big.

On the surface, his father is a university professor, and his mother is a psychologist, both of whom are well-known in the world. Gallon himself is talented, beautiful, proficient in violin skills, and has far-reaching cultural qualities. Beyond the students in the town, they are not on the same level at all.

This was also the main reason why she fell in love with Garen at first sight.

And she, aside from her identity as a witch, is actually just an ordinary country girl, just a little prettier and a little wilder. Compared with those charming city girls who know how to dress themselves up, the gap is too obvious.

Even if she revealed her identity as a witch, it would be useless, and it might even scare Garen even more, which would have the opposite effect.

The first love of my youth may really be over.

Raphael thought so, looking up into Garen's eyes.

"You'll remember me, right?"

"Don't make it look like a romance drama about life and death." Garen tugged at her cheek. "It's not like I'm acting in a TV series. I don't remember anything. It's not like I'm going to run away and disappear."

Galliville University is actually equivalent to the top universities in Galleon Earth, such as Harvard and Yale. It is one of the best schools in the United States in this world. The top three in the world rankings are constantly rotating among these schools.

In fact, this kind of school not only looks at SIT scores, but also examines other aspects. The qualifications of Garon's parents are also an important admission factor for him.

SIT is like the SAT and ACT that are used by American universities on Earth. It is divided into one, two and two assessments, and comprehensive scores are given. All American universities look at this score as their admissions criteria. You can apply to take the test multiple times, or you can take the test only once if you are satisfied with your score.

After Gallon figured out these relationships, he decisively applied for registration and took the exam a little early. As a result, he easily scored 2345 points. This was because he deliberately missed some points. The total score is only 2400

Raphael also signed up with him. Unfortunately, perhaps because his studies were not focused on this, but on learning about witches, his results were not very satisfactory. The highest score was only 2000 points.

"No one will talk to me after you leave." Raphael in turn grabbed Garen's face, but he dodged it and immediately pursued her relentlessly.

"You will make new friends when you go to a new school." Garen smiled and said, "You think so much at a young age, be careful about going bald in the future."

"You're the one who's bald!" Raphael got angry and went to pull Garon's hair, but he dodged him again. The two of them were going back and forth through the window sill.

Toot. Toot.

Raphael's cell phone rang, just a beeping sound, no other music.

She paused.

"I'll deal with you next time!" She said harshly, took out her mobile phone, turned around and walked to a farther place to answer the call.

Galen leaned alone in front of the window sill, watching her wave to him after answering the phone.

"I'm going back first, I have something to deal with!"

"Okay, go ahead! I'm going back too!" Garen nodded.

Watching Raphael leave with a roar on his motorcycle, Garen smiled. He did not tell Raphael that he would take a car to Feinan City to catch the train tonight. He could also understand the situation in this mysterious town. It's almost clear.

A town where witches and vampires rule together. The witches seem to be guarding something here, and the vampires seem to have a certain degree of tacit understanding with the witches, and are very wary of outsiders. Together, the two maintain a seemingly fragile, but actually solid, tacit understanding.

The small town of Glendor may not be famous in the ears of ordinary people, but in the world of witches and vampires, it should be a place of great reputation.

In the past few years, Garen has occasionally captured foreign vampires and tortured them for information, but he still knows these basic common sense.

The vampires or vampires in this world have a strict hierarchy, and this hierarchy is based on control.

High-level Vampires have absolute control over lower-level Vampires unless special means are used to consciously avoid it.

The hierarchy of high-level Vampire Galleons is not very clear, but the division of general Vampires is quite clear.

The first, Death Apostle is the highest level known to Garen.

The second is the upper vampire, the third is the middle, then the lower vampire, and finally the vampire.

Vampires are just ordinary cannon fodder that even vampires look down on. They are not recognized as vampires at all. No matter what means, they can't avoid the fate of being controlled by their superior vampires. To put it simply, as long as a vampire encounters a real vampire, he can only be controlled by the opponent unconditionally.

However, although vampires are just cannon fodder for the vampires, they have hypnotic control over ordinary humans.

They call this ability 'Charm Humans'.

Dead Apostles, upper vampires, middle vampires, lower vampires, vampires. This is the simple information Garen learned from ordinary vampires.

Lower vampires can freely transform into vampires, mid-level vampires can transform into lower vampires, and so on, Dead Apostles can transform into upper vampires. This is where absolute status comes from.

But unlike the vampires on earth, the vampires here, even the lowest vampires, are not afraid of the sun. They only fear silverware.

The division of witches is actually based on vampires.

Death Apostle-level witch, high-level witch, middle-level witch, low-level witch, spiritual enlightener. This division is based on strength assessment. Witch Garen has never seen them take action, and the specific combat effectiveness and fighting methods are not very clear. But judging from the situation in the town, it is probably not that powerful.

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