Mysterious journey

Chapter 585 University 1

"The Demon King Guyinduo is really powerful." He took a deep breath and jumped off the window sill.

This sudden danger made Garen understand one of the uses of soul seeds.

To defend the soul, all the power gathered in the previous world is integrated into the soul seed. This is equivalent to having a version of yourself in the heyday of the previous world on the soul level to help you resist.

Somehow, Garen felt that the soul seed seemed to have more uses, and the defense ability might just be a basic function.

After checking his whole body, there was nothing wrong. Garen then safely picked up the piano case and left the classroom towards the carport where he parked his car.

Starting the motorcycle, he kept thinking about the human-shaped black figure along the way.

He vaguely felt that the humanoid shadow was probably not the complete body of Hesas, but more likely a clone of him. The two original Claws of Hessus, one for him and one for Andrela, were both identical and placed in sealed metal boxes. As for the Claw of Hessus, although it is a secret weapon that Garen himself cannot understand, it seems that the secret book of this secret weapon has appeared in other ruins. Maybe this Hesas originally planned to cast a net, holding on to a glimmer of hope that as long as someone could break through the third level, they would have a chance to be reborn.

"It's a pity." Garen shook his head, "With my level of realm, coupled with the transformation of soul seeds, I have been practicing since childhood and have not been able to break through to the third level for so long, let alone other people. It is estimated that most people can't even break through. You can’t even break through the first level. It’s a miracle that you can reach the second level after decades of practice.”

Putting aside these things, I feel that the Killing Hand no longer has any strange sense of crisis. It is obvious that the Hesas child body should have been destroyed by the soul seed. Garen felt relieved.

I still have to pack my things when I go back soon. In the evening, my father Emma drives me to the city to catch the train, and I have to catch the plane when I get to the provincial capital.


"Brother~~ remember to come back to see me often." My sister Vivien has had the talent of pretending to be cute since she was a child. Even though she is more than ten years old, she still has a bulging face and reaches out for Garen to hug her.

Garen hugged her up.

"Of course we won't forget our cute little Wenwen."

At the door of the living room, mother Therese was wearing a white shirt and women's trousers, leaning against the door with her hands folded.

"Okay, okay, it's not like I won't come back after I go out. We can still see each other during the holidays."

Father Emma handed over Galleon's handbag. The large brown handbag contained simple clothes and shoes as a gift.

"It's getting late. Let's go out early. You can come back anytime when you have time." Emma said inarticulately with a cigarette in her mouth.

"Brother, remember to bring me a signed poster!" Jason stood at the door of his room with an uncontrollable smile on his face. He was obviously very happy to have one less brother oppressing him.

"I got it." Garen waved to him, "It's just a little troublesome in my freshman year. Once I implement it in my sophomore year, I might have time to come back and take a look."

Carrying the things and going out, there were two sisters, Alisha, standing in the yard outside. The two sisters were very familiar with the Garon family because of their relationship with Jason and Vivien. In the past few years, they had bought a second-hand house nearby. They lived together and became very good neighbors.

As soon as she saw Galen coming out, Alisha came over excitedly and chatted non-stop with little Vivian, peeking at Galen from time to time.

Obviously, a top student from a top university still has a lot of weight in the minds of children, no less than a celebrity idol on TV.

Aisharo chatted politely with his mother Tris, and said a few words to Garen from time to time, which gave him some experience of going out alone.

Garen has become familiar with Aisharo in the past few years, mainly because of Jason. From time to time, he has to take the initiative to ask Aisharo out for him. Unfortunately, Jason has no chance. Instead, the two families are getting closer and closer because of this relationship. The closer.

Aisharo vaguely became a member of the Garen family like the eldest sister.

Both parents pitied the two sisters because their parents died young and it was not easy to live alone outside. They accepted them enthusiastically and even found a job for Aisharo as a bookkeeper in the town's bookstore.

The group of people sent Garen to his mother's white SUV and put the things on it. Garen sat in the passenger seat and waved to the people outside.

"Jason, remember the mission I gave you!" Garen winked at Jason.

"No problem, leave it to me!" Jason patted his chest.

Garen finally told Raphael the time of his departure. Although he didn't see her coming to see him off, the girl must be watching here quietly in a corner.

Garen asked Jason to hand over the children's piano that he practiced as a child to Raphael as a gift.

Mother drove the car, waving to the people behind her, and slowly increased her speed. Soon, nothing could be seen behind her, only bright road lights.

The car whined quickly and left the town, following the winding black road and moving quickly between the forest and sea.

The street lights soon gradually dimmed and went out. Only the car lights outside the window shone on the road, with faint reflections. Both sides and front became dark.

Garen looked forward, and saw that the road was receding continuously, with only a white line in the middle clearly visible. Looking behind, the town was completely invisible.

From time to time, a passing car passed by on the side, and the car's lights flashed and it was hard to see what model it was. Occasionally there are gas stations and brightly lit motels on the roadside.

Apart from the sound of the engine, there was no other noise in my ears.

Mother Therese kept an eye on her son's condition while driving the car.

"What? You can't bear to leave? That's right. You have grown up here since you were a child and have never really gone out once. Now that you have really come out, don't you feel a little nervous and excited?"

"It's not bad. Although I've already checked it online in advance, but when it actually came out, I felt a little excited." Garen nodded and replied,

"In the future, I will remember this route. When I come back, I will transfer the train from Baika City to Feinan. Then I can charter a car or call me to pick you up."

"Yeah. I know."

"Remember to build good relationships with people in school. All the students there are pretty good. You will also have a good network of connections when you get out, which will also be helpful for your future development."


"Also, if you get into trouble at school and you really can't get through it, you can call this number." Mother Teres hesitated, and finally reported a series of phone numbers. "Call Uncle Anke and be polite. He should be a professor in your school now."

Garen glanced at the expression on Tris's face. It was obvious that she had a special relationship with this uncle Anke, and he might have been her suitor back then.

After that, the two of them stopped talking. Tris concentrated on driving. She only occasionally remembered something and told Garen immediately.

Garen answered casually, but looked sideways at the speeding road and forest outside the window.

It wasn't until there was nothing left to say after more than ten minutes that Tris pressed the radio button.

‘I know you will miss me~~~Does heaven also have a window to look down~~~~’

A melodious and hoarse male voice sounded in the car.

The gentle and gentle melody made Tris couldn't help but hum along softly.

I don't know how long it took, but Garen waited for boredom, so he simply closed his eyes and rested, and fell asleep without even realizing it.

I don't know how long it took, but the car slowed down and Garen woke up from his sleep.

There was already a lively sound of people and cars outside.

Dense bright lights continued to flash behind the car, shops and street stalls were one after another, and cars passed by in an endless stream.

"We're almost there." Mother Therese's voice came from the side.

"what time is it now?"

"Ten thirty at night, dear."

"Did I sleep for more than two hours?"

"Roughly the same."

Garen looked out the window at the unfamiliar streets and cities. Yellow and white lights and car lights kept passing by, and there was dense traffic in front of him.

A white convertible sports car passed by on the right, and the dark-skinned man wearing earrings in the car whistled loudly towards Therese.

"Hey! Beauty!"

Garen gave the other person a middle finger, which immediately caused the man to burst into laughter.


Teresi turned the steering wheel suddenly, and the off-road vehicle suddenly hit the man's sports car. The two cars just missed each other and collided with each other.

The man was startled, and hurriedly accelerated to pass him. He cursed loudly and never dared to provoke this person again.

"When you go out, don't let people think you are easy to bully, and don't hide yourself deliberately and wait until others bully you to show off your strength. You should put on a posture and let others know that even if you can't beat him, you can definitely tear him apart. The next piece of meat, so most people will not take the initiative to mess with you. Understand?" Tris smiled and took the opportunity to teach Garen a lesson.

"Of course I understand. You don't have to be able to outdo others, but you need to let those who target you know that there is a price to pay for messing with you. As long as the price is big enough, you can have the ability to protect yourself." Garen nodded.

"Of course, this is usually a last resort when you encounter special circumstances. If the situation really develops seriously, then find a lawyer. I have found a private lawyer consultant for you. All your troubles in school will be solved. You can consult her in advance.”

"Is she a beauty?"

"Of course." Tris smiled in a good mood. "My senior brother's graduate student is your senior sister."

Garen shrugged.

"She will take the initiative to contact you when she arrives. Her name is Kelly, don't forget."

"I know, mom, you've made really thoughtful arrangements."

The car slowly stopped in the square at the entrance of the train station. In a row of parking spaces on the side, the two got out of the car. Tris whispered a few words to the administrator who came over, and then pulled Gallon towards the station hall. .

There were some crowded crowds, security checks, ticket checking, and delivery to the platform.

Therese didn't speak the whole time, but just checked the salute, wallet, ID card, notice, and possible cold medicine, diarrhea medicine, etc. on Gallon over and over again.

"Okay, okay, mom, let's go back." When Galen entered the train door, he turned back and shouted to Tris. "Let's go back."

Therese waved at him with a warm smile on her face.

"It's best to bring a grandson back before graduation!"

She suddenly said loudly and fiercely.

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