Mysterious journey

Chapter 586 University 2

Galen paused for a moment, and the passengers around him laughed loudly. One of the men with a big belly was the most exaggerated, patting his belly while drinking a can of beer.

"Your mother is so energetic." He patted Garen on the shoulder.

Staring at him speechlessly, Gallon carried his luggage bag and walked towards his compartment. The train was very empty, there was no crowding, and it was a little chilly with the air conditioner on. The air-conditioning blew past my ankles, and from time to time I could smell a faint smell of foot odor.

Garen quickly found his seat according to the ticket. Unfortunately, on the seat where the two of them were sitting, a bald middle-aged man took off his shoes and lay on his back, sleeping soundly.

Putting the salute on the luggage rack opposite, Garen glanced at the man. He had a sinewy face and bulging arms. He looked quite strong.

He patted the other party's pants, but there was no reaction.

"Sit here with me." Opposite the seat is a father and daughter. It seems that the father is sending his daughter to go to college. The daughter is about eighteen or nineteen years old and timid. The father is wearing a blue work clothes. I don't know what it is. His job type, his hair is a bit gray, and he looks kind-hearted.

He smiled at Garen and squeezed towards his daughter inside.

"Sit here with me and wait until he wakes up."

"No need." Garen smiled friendlyly.

He stretched out his hand with more strength and patted the middle-aged man's calf.

"What!?" The man squinted his eyes and finally woke up, looking at Garen twice.

"You have taken my seat, can you get up for a moment?" Garen asked kindly.

"Can't you sit across from me?" the bald man asked a little irritably.

"There are already people on the other side." Garen shook his head. "Can you please wake up?"

"Let me sleep a little longer, and I'll let you down later." The bald man said dissatisfied. "Little guy, you are still young, you have to learn to be considerate of us adults."

Garen was speechless. This time he noticed that two of his companions were sitting behind the bald man's seat. They were wearing black tight-fitting vests with bulging muscles and green and black snake tattoos on their arms.

Two men, one with a shaved head and the other with a shaved head, were looking at themselves up and down.

"Come on, come on, just sit here with me for a while." Seeing that something was wrong in the atmosphere, the father with his daughter quickly grabbed Garen and sat down in his seat.

"Let's be considerate and considerate to each other when we are away from home." He smiled kindly at the sleeping bald man, and the two strong men turned back and continued chatting.

"Thank you, brother, but I still like to sit in my own seat." Garen suddenly laughed and broke away from the other person's hand.

He reached out and grabbed the bald man's collar.

"Dare to take action!"

Two strong men stood up immediately. One of them raised his eyebrows and grabbed Garen's shoulder with his big hand.

Bang bang! !

After two consecutive kicks, the two strong men didn't even figure out what was going on. They felt a sharp pain in their stomachs as soon as they got out of their seats, and they fell down wailing.

"Why don't you listen to me? You have to know it hurts before you regret it." Garen picked up Bald's collar and punched him in the stomach. The speed was so fast that the other party didn't even have time to react, and he was thrown into two Beside the strong man.

The three of them huddled on the ground and groaned in pain, like shrimps they had just picked up, and their waists could not straighten.

For such a small role, he was too lazy to spend more energy. Seeing the father and daughter swallowing their saliva and being frightened, he smiled brightly at them.

The beautiful smile immediately diluted the fierceness just now.

Soon two car policemen came over and asked briefly. Gallon went up and stuffed a few bills into the leader without leaving any trace, and the three strong men who were kneeling on the ground and wailing were quickly dragged away.

The entire carriage was quite quiet at first, but when they saw Gallon, a weak and beautiful young man, he defeated three strong men in a few strokes, most people's attention was immediately attracted and they quietly looked at Gallon. The quiet car is even quieter.

The two father and daughter sitting opposite were even more curious.

"Child, those three people may have accomplices. You must be careful when you get out of the car." The gray-haired man warned worriedly.

"It's okay, I've dealt with this kind of thing a lot." Garen grinned, showing his white teeth. In the previous two lives, not ten thousand but eight thousand living creatures died under his hands, especially in the totem world. When he was using his potential points, his hands were even more bloody.

As for those three minor characters, naturally I don't care about them at all.

For some reason, when the two father and daughter saw his white teeth, they shuddered unconsciously and stopped mentioning those three people.

There was no conversation between the two sides for a while, and Garen sat down by the window. This was his favorite seat. Originally it wasn't his, it was the bald one's, but now that guy couldn't sit, so it was naturally given to him.

As for whether those three strong men would come back to cause trouble for him, that was naturally impossible.

Garen casually moved the three people's injuries. They would still be in pain for at least two hours, and the pain would not disappear until their whole bodies became weak. This lesson was enough for them to quit.

The train clattered forward.

Gallon put one hand on the window sill, took out his CD player with the other hand, put in a song and played it on a loop.

A gentle female voice sounded softly in my ears, and the singing was so close, as if I was singing quietly beside me.

Garen tapped his fingers lightly on the table without making any sound, just tapping lightly with his fingers.

The girl opposite looked at him curiously, her eyes a little embarrassed and evasive, but it was obvious that she was curious. The girl didn't look very good, with short black hair. She was wearing a dark blue shirt and black trousers. She didn't look well dressed. She also wore a pair of glasses.

Garen smiled at her, but the other person's face turned red immediately, and she lowered her head and did not dare to look at him again.

The time on the train passed quickly. When he had nothing to do, Garen took out a novel from his luggage bag and read it slowly.

He originally planned to buy a sleeper berth ticket, but unfortunately the sleeper berth tickets were sold out long ago. It was during the period when students from all over the country were going to college, so sleeper berth tickets were extremely difficult to buy. He was not a pampered young man, so Garen didn't bother to extend the time and just bought a regular seat.

It takes about eight hours to get from Feinan to Baika City, and it will be early morning.

Galen calculated the time, and he could go directly to the airport to catch the flight when he arrived at the station, so he didn't sleep.

Sitting in the carriage, he watched the flow of people carefully as people got on and off from time to time.

What surprised him was that after looking at hundreds of people one after another, none of them had supernatural powers such as vampires. They were all ordinary people.

This made him truly understand how rare this vampire is in the human world.

As for witches, he couldn't identify the identity of witches at all. When they didn't use their power, they were exactly like ordinary people, going about their daily lives, working and studying.

There was no existence worth paying attention to, so Garen concentrated on reading his novel. It was rare to have such leisure time. Whether it was the secret martial world or the totem world, he faced challenges all the time, kept moving forward, and never relaxed for a moment. . But here, you can't practice Miwu excessively. Instead, you can only do whatever you want to do during the rest of the time. There is suddenly more free time.

When he was bored, he was also thinking about the conflict between the Alisha sisters and the original color group. Ever since the bald mercenary came, he didn't know what method he used. Anyway, he concealed the information about the two sisters. , there were no new mercenary killers for several years.

But as Aisharo's sister Arisha grew up, Garen began to feel a weird aura from her that was much stronger than his sister's, an aura that seemed like the history of the planet.

He had a hunch that maybe Alisha was the real key figure.

But these are none of his business for the time being. What he wants to do now is to go to college and then collect more things like black wooden crosses outside.

The bald couple have broken away from their original colors and organized a mercenary group by themselves. All the members in it are elite talents who have practiced the secret technique of shadowing with Garen's consent.

They were originally elites, but after receiving the projection, they became even more powerful, enough to compare with those high-level special talents.

Recently, he has gradually emerged in the circle of special talents, and has even received a resounding nickname, Nighthawk.

All the elite snipers, coupled with the increase in secret skills, suddenly became the most elite top killers. It achieved extremely impressive results on the African battlefield last year, becoming the third-ranked headhunting mercenary group overall. It can be regarded as a preliminary squeeze into the circle of top-level mercenaries.

Garen gradually improved the effect of projection, and the side effects were greatly reduced. However, the improved version was only held in his own hands and was not released directly.

Although this thing is just an ordinary thing for him personally.

But for others, it is the top killing technology.

As a creator, you must be as clear as possible about the value of the resources you have in the eyes of others, and get the maximum value with the minimum cost. This has always been the basic principle followed by Gallon.

After all, people are not always in a state of abundance. If you develop this good habit, you will always encounter opportunities to work in the future.

After sorting out all his thoughts along the way, Garen was also observing the flow of people. After all, he still didn't see a vampire or vampire hidden among humans. Obviously the proportion here is unusually small.

Time passed quickly. Eight hours flew by. The two fathers and daughters opposite were still watching movies with their MP4 players. The Baika City platform finally arrived.

Garen took off his earplugs, put away the CD player with only a little power left, and smiled kindly at the two people opposite him. Then he took off his large suitcase from the luggage rack on the opposite side and arrived at Baika City smoothly.

Early in the morning.

When I stepped off the train, I was greeted by a blast of cool air outside.

The station was empty, except for the passengers who had just gotten off the bus and carried their luggage toward the underground passage. The whine of another train could be faintly heard in the distance.

Garon took a breath and saw a clear white mist spraying out of his mouth.

He walked calmly towards the underground passage with his large suitcase in hand.

There is snow-white cement on the ground, illuminated billboards on the walls, and a gentle female voice announcing the number of train stops.

Everything is extremely simple, as if after leaving Grandor, the outside world is completely ordinary without any abnormalities.

There are no vampires, no witches, no extraordinary powers, just an ordinary ordinary world.

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