Mysterious journey

Chapter 595 Legend 1

"They are either doing practical research or attending a dance party. Galen, why don't you go?" Alexander raised his head from the thick information and asked in a dry voice.

"The practical investigation has been completed a long time ago. I am not interested in the dance, but you, can you do it? Do you want my help?" Garen put down his coffee cup and asked in concern.

"It's okay, it will be done soon." Alexander said this for the fourth time today.

beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep

Garen's cell phone rang, interrupting what Alexander was about to say. He smiled at Garen and continued to work hard.


An unknown number, Galen answered the call.

"Gallon? I'm Serena."

"It's senior? What's the matter?" Garen lay down on the right side of the recliner to make himself more comfortable and let the sun shine on the left side of his body.

"I'm calling you from the public phone in the club. Are you free this afternoon?" Serena hesitated.

"It's okay, I've been quite free lately." Alexander over there looked up at him sadly.

"Did you know? In the club, since you showed off your power last time, they all called you Golden Lion Galleon. Golden Lion, isn't it cool? Many people say that when you move your hands, your hair flies like a lion's Mane, fierce and violent." Serena smiled coquettishly.

"It's really cool, but it's really not interesting in the club. Those people are so weak." Garen said without politeness, scratching an itchy spot on his face.

There was a faint creaking sound from clenched fists on the other end of the phone. Maybe Serena turned her phone on speakerphone

Garen curled his lips, teasing these little guys was part of life's entertainment.

"If you can't beat you alone, they can come together as a group." Serena said coquettishly, using a coquettish tone that she couldn't even believe. "Just come here for a moment, and I will give you a mysterious reward~~~"

Serena had already planned to trick Galen into the club first. This guy is so crazy, so crazy that there is no limit to it. As she spoke such coquettish words, Serena could hear her teeth snapping.

Even her father has never been so coquettish!

"Okay, okay, I'll come over after dinner at six o'clock in the afternoon. Senior sister, you are so cute, haha" Garen laughed and disconnected the phone.

It's a good idea to go there. The girl with amazing intuition last time is also a good seed. I haven't asked her name yet.

Garen touched his chin and looked at the state of the Killing Hand. This magic skill was not an ordinary perversion.

The power itself is not that great, but it can absorb vitality and accumulate it to a terrifying level. An explosion is equivalent to an explosion of life for dozens or hundreds of people at once.

"But I don't have much life left now." Garen thought for a moment, took out his cell phone and sent Bald and the others a text message. Gather information about non-human existence.

Now that Baldhead and others have entered the top mercenary circle, they also know some information about the vampire witches, and they also have some channels of their own.

He has not yet tried to fully unleash the strongest power of this magic skill.

It was only during normal practice that I discovered that with the increase of soul seeds, the power of the magic power became extremely terrifying, carrying ice-type subsidiary damage.

"Although I still don't know if it is the secret weapon of life, I can already tell that it is not the secret weapon of death. Interesting." Garen thoroughly checked the status of the secret weapon column before getting up and returning to his bedroom to change. clothing.

Pile your own changes of clothes together and throw them into a bucket to carry.

"Going to the laundry? Take me one!" Alexander immediately raised his head and said hurriedly.


Carrying their clothes buckets together, Gallonshi walked out of the door and walked down the dormitory corridor.

Most of the freshmen had gone out for activities, and the dormitory was quiet, with only the sound of footsteps coming from a few rooms.

The white dormitory building looks a little empty.

Dang. Dang.

The bell in the distant steeple rang.

Garen carried the bucket out of the dormitory building and turned right along the lawn. There was a small row of shops on the path in front, standing alone among the lawns. Some students came in and out carrying clothes from time to time.

There are all laundromats here. Although there are washing machines on each floor of the dormitory building, unfortunately the equipment is relatively old. Maybe after waiting for more than half an hour, you will only end up with a pile of wet semi-finished products. In addition, some clothes cannot be washed in the washing machine.

It's hard to buy things like softeners and brighteners yourself, so I just take them out and have them washed in the store.

The students living in the dormitories are either public-funded or from well-off families, and they don't care about the money.

There was a simple bulletin board on the wall on the side of the laundry. Garen walked over and stood next to a few students and took a look.

There is information about renting a house off campus. Some of the notices have had their numbers torn off, so it's obvious that someone has rented them. Renting a house off-campus is cheaper than on-campus, but the more troublesome thing is the safety and distance.

The further away the apartment is, the cheaper it is, but if it is far from the school, all kinds of troubles will naturally arise.

After casually looking at the price on the announcement, Galen turned around and looked at the time on his phone, which was 1:32.

"It's still early. There are no classes this afternoon. You can go around for a walk."

Just as he thought, Garen started wandering around the dormitory building.

There is an area around the dormitory building, which is full of student dormitories. Then go to the right through a group of shops and you will find the student apartment building. The price is much more expensive than the dormitory building, and it is also where many graduate students live.

Beyond that is the teachers' residential area, where there is a waiting point for school buses, which runs every hour and runs on time.

Garen strolled along the driveway and walked around the school. Along the way, he could see students and teachers standing in front of the bus stop sign in twos and threes, waiting for the bus.

At noon, the sun is getting hotter and hotter, and some people are holding things like ice cream popsicles or various homemade drinks in their hands.

Most of the students were in a hurry, but some were leisurely like Garen, dragging their slippers and half-dressed pajamas around the campus.

When we walked to the edge of the minaret bell tower, there was a group of people setting up photo stands and cameras. They seemed to be taking wedding photos or filming a TV series. The director on the side shouted loudly to ask the passing students to pay attention to the camera. The two of them, who looked like a newlywed couple, would separate for a while and have a drink.

After standing on the edge and watching for a while, Garen continued walking along the inner corridor of the campus.

When passing by a large white church-like building, there was a notice board at the door: Professor Niconia's Lecture - Our Life is about to begin. 3pm – Repertory Theater Play: Black Swan Velvet.

Students have already entered the church one after another, talking and laughing. A couple of students were arguing nearby, but they hugged each other and became very excited. Some students passing by whistled. Even with the openness of the university, it would take a lot of courage to blatantly show passion in front of the professor's lecture that was about to begin.

Garen watched with great interest for a while before leaving.

Behind a small mangrove, there are several tea bars and cafes with dark brown exteriors. Through the floor-to-ceiling glass, you can see the students sitting inside talking and chatting lively. Some people are gesticulating excitedly. I don’t know. What are you doing.

A group of young men riding bicycles passed Gallon wearing helmets and actually had earplugs in their ears.

“Forward forward forward!!!”

The young man in the lead let go of the car and shouted.

Riding a fast bike openly on campus is against school rules, but apparently these young people don't care.

Garen and a few passing students gave way to the convoy until the group quickly left the field of vision before continuing to move forward and wander around.

The campus of Garyville is a very old school. It is said that the school has been established for thousands of years. The campus has experienced several fires and been rebuilt several times, which is longer than the founding history of the United States.

Garon admired the clean and natural scenery on campus. He followed the school road unknowingly and left the campus of his dormitory. He passed through a large white and red arched stone gate. In front of him was a horizontal white road, and on the left was the library. area, there is an upward slope on the right, and the sign on the roadside says "Treasure Animal Sanatorium".

Garen thought for a while, turned left first, and followed the sparse flow of people towards the library area.

After a while, a dark red building more than thirty meters high appeared in front of him, like a turtle lying on the ground. The entrance to the library was on the side of the 'turtle', and a simple cobblestone path connected the entrance and road.

There are also curved cobblestone paths on both sides of the library, some leading to the back of the library, and some going around and extending into the distance.

Garen stopped when he was still a hundred meters away from the library and looked at the sign on the roadside.

‘No. 13-17 Library to the right’

‘Library No. 18-22, go left’

‘Go straight to Library No. 4’

A sign with three directional arrows stands at the intersection.

Below is a white stone carved model like a book page, with an introduction to the Garyville Library District written on it.

The 22-seat Garyville Library has the largest collection of books in the United States. It is connected to the Nottington Municipal Library network, so you can draw the content you need from the library at any time.

The following is the establishment time of the library, the number of years of existence, and some famous people’s deeds. What happened to so-and-so in the past in the library.

After scanning it out of boredom, Garen did not go in. He just walked through the lawns and paths between the libraries. The densely packed libraries were like dark red stones inlaid on the green ground, and they were divided into branches in this vast area.

In most of the areas, librarians pushing books can be seen constantly moving around. They are the managers of each library. They are responsible for returning books that have been returned to each library, and at the same time, they must also bring the books that students need from each library. Take it out and send it to the conveyor belt.

In addition to Gallon, there are also some international students running around on the lawn in between, some holding cameras to take pictures, and posing in various happy poses.

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