Mysterious journey

Chapter 596 Legend 2

While wandering around in the empty area, his cell phone suddenly rang. Garen took it out and looked at it. It was Mike, the talkative guy he met on the road.

"Hey handsome, where are you? At school?"

"Yeah, I was just hanging out in school out of boredom." Garen stopped and looked at a senior student not far away who was practicing for a mock interview while replying a text message out of boredom.

"You are indeed a top student. Do you want to come out for a drink? I have several high-quality girls here~~~"

"Drinking? Forget it, it's so boring." Galen came to school and had quite a lot of contact with Mike. This guy was an acquaintance. He would text or call him every once in a while, chatting a lot about what he was doing at school. Troubled, he simply used Galleons as his bucket of complaints.

"Are all the girls boring? Have you joined any clubs? I heard the music club in your school is pretty good too."

"That's even more boring." Garen tilted his head and leaned against the wall of the library. Seeing that the senior who was practicing the interview looked a little depressed, he picked up something like a notebook and looked at it carefully.

"Handsome boy, why are you so boring? There is no fun in life like this. You know Keli, that Oriental girl last time, if it hadn't been for my help last time, she was almost tricked into having sex by another pervert. This time she came out specially "Thank you" is missing. Someone probably took the phone away and disconnected it.

"Please don't pay attention to what I just said." A text message continued to come immediately. "Keli is pure, she is still pure, I promise!" The other person seemed a little confused.

Garen smiled silently, and he could imagine the sound of Mike being beaten to death by his wife Jela.

"Would you like to go shopping together soon and buy some things in the city?" Garen thought for a moment and realized that it was time for him to buy some clothes.

The weather in Noddington has a big temperature difference. Sometimes it is still windy and sunny in the 30s in the morning, but after a rain at noon it becomes a few degrees low. Although he is physically strong and does not need to think about keeping warm, he agrees with the season. You still need to wear good-looking clothes, at least they shouldn’t be too out of the ordinary.

Garen is actually still an Eastern thinker at heart, despite having experienced life in the Western world twice.

"Okay, we are renting a house and we are just about to buy some household paper, a microwave, and a small freezer. How about next week? Tickets for Michael Seeley's concert will be on sale next week, and I have to rush to buy them."


After replying to the message, Gallon waited for a moment, and then put away the phone after receiving no further reply.

Passing past the senior who was still practicing, and passing through the library area, a small curved clear river appeared in front of her. It is about seven or eight meters wide and flows from left to right.

Fragments of golden sunlight were faintly reflected on the river. Several old men and women were sitting by the river fishing quietly and listening to the radio.

There are green lawn slopes on both sides of the river. In some places, there are white stone benches. You can see students sitting on the benches in the distance and memorizing books.

Garen walked to the river, squatted down, and put one hand into the river to stir it gently.

There were a few water plants growing beside my hand. They swayed slightly with the stirring ripples, and a faint moist and hot air rushed towards me.

An old fisherman with slightly squinted eyes on the right glanced at Galen, turned back and continued to take a nap, half asleep and half awake, as if he was just waiting for the small fish to take the bait.

Garen squatted by the river and gently stirred the water with his left hand, attracting a few small silver fish to swim over and peck his fingers gently.

The moment the little whitebait touched his finger, the little fish froze up and straightened up. The originally agile figure became completely stiff in an instant, and sank to the bottom of the river in a weird way.

Garen narrowed his eyes slightly and saw a black crab crawling out from the cracks in the rocks on the river bank, waving pliers the size of nail clippers and pinching his fingers.

The strange thing is that as soon as the crab's claws touched the fingers, the crab's body froze, and the same body tilted and sank to the bottom of the water.

Looking at this scene, Garen fell into thought slightly.

As his killing hand entered the third level, the horror of this secret weapon began to gradually become apparent.

For ordinary creatures, as long as they touch the weaker ones, their vitality will be sucked away. As for the slightly larger and stronger creatures, they need to use the power route of the secret weapon.

The Killing Hand is a very strange secret martial arts technique. He does not have any special power and energy, just like the fusion power of the Six Types of Totem World and the Secret Martial Arts of Life. The Killing Hand itself can only adjust the body's muscles, bioelectricity, neurohormones, etc., to generate countless bright or dark forces like a spider web. These forces form a complex and inexplicable pattern or figure, and finally a strange Produce a gravitational pull towards life.

Magic hands.

Garen described his hands.

Recently, as the time of entering the third level gradually increased, his hands began to have an inexplicable magic power, a strange beautiful charm. Even if he looked at his hands carefully for a while, he would feel a little unconscious. Mesmerized, unable to look away.

This is weird.

Garen glanced at his attribute column.

‘Gallon Thomas.

Strength 2.8. Agile 2.7. Physical fitness 2.9. Intelligence 2.4. Potential 558%. Soul limit 30.

Soul Seed: Northern Halberdier's Cold Flame True Water Evil Technique. ’

‘Violin Mastery: Second, Mastery Level. (Three levels in total)’

‘Hand of Killing: Level Three: Bloody. (Four levels in total, can be derived and evolved to higher levels)’

Read the explanation about the Hessus Demon King again.

'Hesas, one of the forty-two demon kings of Guyinduo, has an indescribable talent for killing. His eyes can annihilate souls with just a touch. It is said that his hands can make everything return to death, whether it is living or non-living things.'

"His eyes can annihilate souls if touched. His hands are said to be able to bring everything to death. Does this mean that the foundation of this secret martial arts should be the eyes and hands?" Garen thought thoughtfully.

Now his hands had undergone a strange change, which made him unconsciously speculate in this direction.

Look carefully at your hands.

The fingers are slender and well-proportioned. There are no abrupt corners at the joints, and the transitions are very soft. The entire hands seemed to be made of fine white jade and nephrite, with a warm luster and no flaws.


Suddenly, the skin of the palms of both hands began to slowly sag inward, and two dimples of the same size appeared, as if the flesh of the palms of the hands was sinking inward.

The depression became deeper and deeper, and in just a few seconds, the depression in the palm of my hand almost reached the back of my hand.


Two holes suddenly rotted out of the dent in the palm of the hand, and a bloody hole suddenly appeared in the middle of the palm, from which the water below could be seen.

Garen felt no pain at all in the palms of his hands.

He was slightly shocked, but before he could react, he saw his hands changing again.

Countless white spots slowly appeared on the back of the hand, the kind of white spots that resembled age spots. Its skin begins to wrinkle rapidly, loses water, and ages.

The nails began to turn slightly black, and the skin in the gaps between the fingers even began to rot, with tiny holes appearing, and dense white bones could be vaguely seen inside.

A viscous sound like stirring mud could be heard faintly.

Pieces of rotten flesh fell from Garen's hands and fell into the water below, making a splashing sound.

beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep

A crisp text message sounded.

In a daze, Garen came back to his senses, his eyes blurred, his hands were still as perfect as before, and the decay just now seemed to be just an illusion.

After moving his hands, he suppressed the doubts and surprise in his heart, took out his mobile phone and looked at it. It was a service recommendation text message sent by the mobile phone operating company.

Putting away his phone, Garen checked his hands again and found no damage.

"These hands look a little dangerous." He became wary, and even his own mind was almost aroused by the hands, let alone ordinary people. The most important thing is that this weird magic power seems to be unable to be restrained at all. This is a characteristic naturally exuded by the hands themselves.

He vaguely felt that the principle of the Killing Hand seemed to be to continuously dilute and reduce the vitality of the hands, or directly take away it, forming a void, or vacuum, of vitality in the world.

In this way, the vitality around the palm will naturally flow towards the empty space with extremely low density. It's as if the air in a place is being continuously sucked away. After this place is close to a vacuum, when needed, you only need to open a small hole and you can hear the sound of air flowing. That's because the outside air is naturally squeezed into the restricted area to fill this space.

In the same environment, the same substance will naturally diffuse into areas with high density and equalize areas with low density, eventually reaching a chaotic and uniform state of mixing.

Garen suddenly realized that this was the simplest principle of diffusion.

But he didn't know how the Killing Hand formed the thin zone of vitality. But from this point of view, as long as he continues to practice magic skills, these hands will become closer and closer to the true vitality vacuum.

"Maybe I need to find something to cover up." Garen put his hands in his trouser pockets to prevent outsiders from seeing.

He stood up and walked slowly to the left along the river bank.

After walking for a while, he went onto the lawn and wandered in a row of roadside shops. When he came out, he had a pair of black gloves on his hands, wrapping his hands tightly. Even the wrist to most of the forearm was completely covered by black silk gloves.

The gloves were found in a cosplay store. They have mysterious-looking dark gold lines on them. I don’t know what kind of character equipment they are imitations of, but they do look cool.

Garen put on gloves and hid his hands under his long white sleeves, which made him look inconspicuous.

I checked the time and found that I had been wandering around for more than two hours before I knew it, and it was almost four o'clock now.

He simply turned around and walked towards the fighting club's club activity venue.

I remember there is an Eastern restaurant right over there. The menu outside is full of various dishes from the Orient, so I would like to go and try it.


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