Mysterious journey

Chapter 599 Seed 3

This trip to the fighting club made Garen slightly satisfied.

That Seidon can be considered a good seedling, but he is too violent and needs to be tempered. But that oriental girl was pretty good. Under the pressure and momentum at that moment, she actually had the courage to stand up and help Quentin up. This kind of courage is exactly what fighting requires.

In fact, the most important thing to look at in fighting and killing is a person's character. If you have good character and talent, you will not hesitate to take action. One part of the power can produce ten parts of the effect. If you have a weak character and hesitate, ten parts of your strength will only have one part of the effect.

Hesitation, fear, hesitation, these are taboos in fighting. Once you hesitate, your shots will slow down, your movements will become sloppy, and your strength will naturally be weakened.

Garen didn't have time to hone other people's character, so naturally he just prioritized those with talent.

Except for the talents of these two people, the other six people in the fighting club are all good prospects. Although they are somewhat stereotyped and need time to change, they can still be regarded as barely potential stocks. With a little training, they can also be used as remote control hands and feet in the future. extend.

Overall, the harvest this time was pretty good.

Back in the dormitory, as expected, after a few days of silence from the fighting club, Serena's text message finally came.

That Oriental girl, the ponytail girl named Xixi, wants to find him. Just not knowing his address, Serena asked if he should tell her.

"Tell her." Galen lay on the bed holding his cell phone, "Tell her that anyone in the club who wants to see me again can come by themselves."

"Is this good? I'm afraid there will be more people by then." Serena asked in a low voice, and she also seemed a little excited.

"Has the news spread? In that case, you guys find a more private place with fewer people. The rest doesn't matter." Garen thought for a moment and replied casually.

"Okay, we will arrange everything." Serena answered affirmatively.

Garen hung up the phone and the corners of his mouth curved slightly.

"Although I'm a little sorry for you, who told you that you are so easy to take advantage of?"

He was already preparing to implement his plan on the six leaders of the society, as well as Sedon and the oriental girl Xixi.

After pondering some time ago, he reorganized a set of special secret techniques like the secret techniques of projection by Nighthawk and others - the Bi-Phase Water Bird Fist.

This is a special secret technique he created with some inspiration from the moves of the White Bird Holy Fist.

After activation, combined with special techniques and moves, the hands can produce extremely powerful internal shock damage in a short period of time.

Just like when he easily defeated six top players in the fighting club with just a flick of his hands. The power of this secret technique lies in the hands. After activation, the hands will become powerful killing weapons that even one cannot control. If the strength is not controlled enough, people will be easily maimed if touched. However, the posture is light and beautiful, and the moment it hits the opponent is like a water bird lightly tapping on the water.

This secret skill is so powerful that it even surpasses Nighthawk's secret skill of projection. After being activated, the speed, power, and nerve response are simultaneously increased by two times. The most powerful thing is the extremely lethal power of the Mizutori Fist contained in both arms. It only takes one finger to touch the opponent, and it is likely to kill someone invisible. If used well, it can even easily cause a person to die from internal injuries such as cerebral congestion with just a little contact with the body. Quietly ignorant.

Of course, the sequelae are naturally more terrifying. This is a shortcut that can make people extremely powerful in a short time, and naturally the price to pay is also extremely terrifying.

As long as you successfully practice Biphasic Water Bird Boxing, you cannot stop on your own. Once you stop and want to give up, the sequelae will break out after a period of time, causing the practitioner to experience huge itching pain all over his body. This kind of stimulation is several times stronger than ordinary skin diseases. It is a powerful punishment that directly acts on the nerve endings inside the body.

If the practitioner continues to stop practicing, the internal energy developed by the Bi-Phase Water Bird Fist will backfire, and the practitioner's internal organs will continue to have blood vessels rupture and explode day by day, the functions of the five internal organs will decline rapidly, and the whole person will rapidly age and pass away. vitality, and eventually the essence and blood exhaustion and death.

Like the secret skill of projection, this secret skill also requires a lead of Galleons. At certain intervals, Galleons need to give a lead to the practitioners, which is used to suppress the internal energy of the Biphasic Water Bird Fist that is about to go berserk in their bodies. He has gained a shortcut to powerful power, but he does not have enough physique to withstand this power, so he naturally needs external force to suppress it.

This secret skill is a terrifying technique derived from Garen's Killing Hand magic skill. If in the world of secret martial arts, the power of this secret skill may only be similar to third-rate secret martial arts such as the giant elephant secret martial arts, but for people in this world, The power of this secret skill is indeed far beyond ordinary people's imagination.

Because it is a derivative of the Killing Hand, only the introduction from Garen as the strongest person in the unified system, mixed with his soul seed breath, can suppress the inner strength. Therefore, this secret skill is basically a power system designed for him to control his subordinates.

Once a practitioner accepts his introduction and practices successfully, Garon's aura integrated into the soul can easily affect the practitioner's vitality and even control the other person's body and will.



In a villa on the outskirts of a small town outside the school.

Garen sat on the red leather sofa with his fingers crossed, his legs crossed and he seemed to be concentrating with his eyes closed.

Six people including the black president, Quentin, Jamie, and the noble boy wearing glasses stood opposite him in embarrassment.

The oriental girls Xixi and Seidon stood on the other side. Xixi looked calm, with a hint of excitement and desire in her eyes. Seidon, on the other hand, was a little hesitant and lowered his head, embarrassed to look at Garen's face.

Serena sat on the sofa on one side and looked at everyone with some uneasiness. She looked at Garen for a while, then at the president and the other six people.

"Please teach us! What you said when you left at the end were just to guide us in getting started?!" Quentin, as a girl, and a beautiful girl at that, naturally took the initiative to speak.

"We know that it is rude to ask others to teach you the secrets of your own tricks without permission." The boy wearing glasses said, "We can pay a price in exchange. I hire you as the club's personal trainer, with a monthly salary of fifty How about Wan? If you don’t have enough money, you can open it yourself.”

"Money?" Garen opened his eyes and slightly curved his mouth, "Do you think I am someone who is short of money?"

Naturally, he is not short of money. What he lacks is something that money can hardly buy. Otherwise, he would have used some of the spirit in the secret martial arts to suppress and hypnotize the secret martial arts to amass a large amount of money. For people like him, rules are meant to be broken.

"Then what conditions do you need to agree to teach us fighting skills?" Another vice president said, also a girl, with short brown hair, wearing a men's white shirt and black slim-fitting trousers. There is also a hint of nobility on her body. Obviously His family background is also unusual. Perhaps the only drawback is that he is not pretty.

"Let me tell you what the conditions are. According to your request, here are elites who are determined to learn skills from you. Why are you dilly-dallying?" A boy with colorfully dyed hair crossed his arms and said coldly. , isn’t Galen sitting here with this posture just to wait for a price and sell it?

boom! !

In an instant, Garen's eyes turned around, and the air in the entire villa hall seemed to vibrate with a rumble, and a huge suffocating pressure crashed down on the boy.

Bang bang bang! !

The originally careless vice president took three consecutive steps back, his face turned red, his pupils shrank instantly, and he stared at Garen as if he had seen a ghost.

His chest heaved violently, like a rushing bellows, and at that moment, fine cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

"You!!" The vice president's voice was trembling.

The people around him didn't feel anything strange at all. They just saw Garen glance at him, and then he was frightened and took three steps back before he could stand still.

Quentin glanced at him with disdain. Normally, she didn't think highly of this one of the vice-presidents. She just thought he had some courage and strength, so she didn't dislike him too much. But he didn't expect that he was frightened after just a simple glance. This look.

In total, the five vice-presidents in the club, Quentin, Jamie, and the bespectacled Hossimann, all belong to large business groups, while the brown-red short-haired girl Lalan and the green-haired boy Dam's family are from Related to the political world, he can be regarded as a true second-generation American official.

Fortunately, Lalan has a relatively reserved personality. He opened a bar outside the school, which is very low-key. But this green-haired dam is different. He has an arrogant and domineering personality and a corrupt private life. It is common for him to change his wife every day. It is even more common for him to take drugs, gamble and force girls into prostitution. The year before, he even personally beat to death a student from the same school, a helpless young girl. In the end, he was deemed to have acted in self-defense, saying that the young girl was trying to rob him.

But the public opinion was really suppressed by his father, and the verdict was finally settled with hundreds of thousands in compensation.

This incident also made Quentin look down on this guy even more, but due to his strong family background, this guy is the only son in the family, and he is the son of an old man, so he will not fall out with him because of these outsiders.

In fact, during this period, Garen also bought the most detailed background information of these six people directly from the black market through Baldhead.

As the top elites of elite universities, these people can be said to be the rising stars of their families. With the aura of a prestigious school and the aura of their family, it is easy to obtain information.

Unlike the United States on Earth that he knew, the power of public opinion here was still controlled by the government. He had also seen the glorious deeds of the green-haired man Dam, and forcing the girl to death was just one of his many misdeeds. , there are more that have not been disclosed later.

The United States in this world is also controlled by large conglomerates, and the power of public opinion is far less powerful than on Earth. Of course, maybe the situation is similar on Earth, but maybe he hasn't been exposed to that level before.

But power is a good thing after all. Looking at the green-haired man, a smile flashed in Garen's eyes.

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