Mysterious journey

Chapter 600 Seed 4

"There is an old saying in the East, which is that teachings should not be taught lightly. You asked me to teach you secret skills without showing your sincerity and determination. I just gave them to you so easily. People often don't cherish things that are obtained too easily. You are right. Right?" He finally spoke.

After glancing at a few people, he continued.

"I have no shortage of money, so there is no need to mention such words. As for how to express your sincerity, it depends on your own determination. Everyone's most important and cherished things are different. I don't ask you to show yourselves. The greatest sincerity must at least make you feel distressed."

The words made several people think deeply.

Only the green-haired man Dam, who had been frightened just now, had a sinister look in his eyes. Although he didn't make a sound, he obviously had a grudge against Garen because of the fool he had just made.

"Are you sincere?" The black president frowned, "Sorry, my enthusiasm for fighting is not enough to exchange for something I cherish." He paused, "I'm sorry. Fighting is just a temporary hobby. In my opinion, it’s just a way to exercise, but at this point, I think it’s a bit much. I won’t participate anymore.”

Garen was not surprised, nor were the others.

The black president was originally brought in by the five elite team leaders to support the scene. He is not as wealthy as these five people, and he has to work hard for his future future. Fighting is just a hobby and exercise method for him. If he really wants to rise to the level This point has gone too far and has deviated from his original intention.

So although it's a pity that he can't learn the legendary top fighting skills, this is not his ultimate pursuit.

Shaking his head, he gave an apologetic look to the other people, turned around and left the hall, and soon heard the sound of the door closing and leaving.

Garen didn't take it seriously either. He had long seen that the black president was far less enthusiastic than the other five.

And even if the other five people don't want to learn from him, he won't force it. The two people he really values ​​​​are Sedon and the oriental girl Xixi. The aptitudes of these two people are very suitable for the Bi-Phase Water Bird Boxing, and their willpower is also good. Once learned, they can reach a very high level of power in a short time.

Of course, if the other five vice-presidents can succeed, it will be even better, as they can influence the huge power network behind them in a disguised way.

"Let's do this." Gallon thought for a while, "Xixi, you come first. My request to you is very simple."

"What?" Xixi looked a little nervous even though she seemed cold.

"Go out for a run and run in circles on the lawn of the villa. Don't stop until I tell you to stop."

Xixi opened her eyes wide, bit her lip and nodded fiercely.

Without any hesitation, she turned around and ran towards the door. After the sound of the door opening, she immediately started running away!

Several people present looked at each other, and no one expected Xixi to be so serious.

Quentin walked to the window and looked outside. Sure enough, Xixi was already running in a circle, not stopping on the green lawn, with serious eyes.

Garen smiled. Looking at the six people present, there were five vice presidents and one Seidon.

The six of them looked at Garen. Ever since they saw his terrifying state when he exploded, no one doubted what kind of strength this feminine and weak boy had. He might be extremely beautiful and gentle when he was calm, but once he exploded, his blond hair would fly, and he would almost The terrifying lethality that can destroy everything, the violent and violent extreme aggression, as if they are not facing a person, but a real golden lion. It can explode and hurt people at any time, and the sense of danger and threat that strongly stimulates the skin makes everyone involuntarily feel a little cautious when facing Galleon.

"Actually, I don't force others to do anything. Forget it, let's go and run with Xixi. You can't stop until I tell you to stop. How about this? Is this test simple enough?"

Garen said with a smile.

"No problem, I'm good at running!" Jamie grinned. "The coach I hired at home also trained me for running when I first started training."

He took the lead and walked out of the room one after another, and started running with Xixi's steps.

Quentin and Serena nodded and ran out. Then there is the girl with short brown and red hair, Lalan, the glasses-wearing Hossiman, and Sedon.

Finally, Serena gritted her teeth and ran out to run with her.

Only the green-haired Dam gritted his teeth and looked at Garen who was sitting on the sofa with an indifferent expression. He suddenly changed his mind, turned around and ran out to run with him.

The terror just now indeed made him yearn for that kind of power. If the person with that kind of power was me, a fire seemed to be lit in his heart.

so cool! !

He learned fighting not only for self-defense, but also because he was cool!

Yes, it's cool. Just because of this reason, he has been a genius since he was a child. He can learn everything very quickly except fighting. When he came into contact with this, he was pleasantly surprised to find that it was much more difficult than ordinary ones. With enough cool moves, he could After exercising the perfect contours, he immediately fell into it completely.

"Wait until I finish learning your inventory, and then I'll kill you!" Dam, with a sinister thought in his heart, started running after him.

Gallon was the only one left in the villa hall. He stood up and walked out of the door. He stood in front of the villa door and looked at the eight people running at a constant speed on the lawn.

I really miss it

A trace of memory flashed in his eyes. Wasn't he the same when he was weak, full of yearning and persistence for strength?

What a pity. In his eyes, the eight people in front of him were lambs to be slaughtered. None of them knew that the fighting skills they longed for were actually secret magic skills with terrifying sequelae.

Perhaps there has never been anything like secret martial arts in this world, so they have no idea that secret techniques can have such strong side effects.

The secret skill of Biphasic Water Bird Fist is different from Projection. The deeper the practice of this secret skill, the more important it is that Garen himself needs to give introductions every once in a while to suppress the inner strength of the more powerful Water Bird Fist. Otherwise, there will be internal bleeding and itching all over the body. Danger of death from exhaustion.

In other words, you cannot stop practicing this secret skill once you get started. If you stop, sequelae may occur. You must continue to practice according to the secret skill method, regardless of whether there is progress or not.

Even if someone with strong talent appears and the practice deepens, the effect of the secret technique is that the deeper the practice, the greater the dependence on Garon Yinzi, and the stronger the degree of mastery and control by him.

Leaning against the door frame, Garen quietly watched eight figures running in circles on the lawn.

Without any surprise, after twenty laps, Garen announced that Xixi had passed, and then after thirty laps, after forty laps, and after fifty laps, everyone passed.

The lawn is very large, and it is estimated that a circle of 600 meters is around.

Twenty laps equaled 12,000 meters. When Xixi ran down, she was already soaked with sweat. After hearing Garen’s announcement that she had passed, she fell to the ground. Fortunately, she has some foundation in martial arts. If she really couldn't run down, she would be almost at her limit.

The rest of them have a very solid foundation, with thirty laps of 18,000 meters, forty laps of 24,000 meters, and fifty laps of 30,000 meters.

The last person to call for stop was Jamie. He was indeed the best runner.

By the time all the runs were completed, more than five hours had passed.

After all, I’m not a professional long-distance runner, so it’s great to have this record. I didn’t even need to replenish water in the middle.

Garen looked at the eight people in front of him who were as tired as dogs. Two servants in the villa next to them were passing water to everyone, which was light salt water with salt.

"It's done, let's get started."

"Now?" Jamie asked breathlessly. He bent over and put his hands on his knees, sweat dripping down his chin.

"Of course." Before he finished speaking, Garon's figure flashed in an instant and appeared beside Jamie. The five fingers of his right hand were like the fingers of a piano, tapping dozens of acupuncture points on his back in an instant.

The extremely fast finger pointing converged into three crisp sounds.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

No one could clearly see the movements of Galen's fingers, but they could only see a shadow flashing on Jamie's back.

"Close your eyes and feel it!" Garen's figure rushed towards the other people like lightning, and a series of crisp sounds continued to be heard. "Pay attention to the breath routes in your body!!"

His voice was like thunder, reaching the ears of eight people directly.

The two servants on the side were completely stunned. When they looked over, they could only see Garen's figure walking in a circle among the eight people, because Garen's movements could not be seen from his back.

Garen deliberately avoided the sight of the cameras and servants, and used a secret method to instantly inject a trace of his own spirit, guiding several people to generate a trace of strength within them, and flow along the route of the Biphasic Water Bird Fist.

His current aura can already interfere with material entities, unlike the fighters in the world of secret martial arts who can only deal with the spirit of living things, so he can completely stimulate the bodies of eight people and guide the movement of force.

"Feel the flow of power carefully, don't forget it!"

After a round of wandering, Garen returned to his original position and watched the eight people sit down on the ground one by one, their whole bodies stiff, and he closed his eyes to carefully feel the changes in his body.

At noon, the sun was extremely hot after two o'clock. The eight people were sweating profusely, but no one opened their eyes and made a sound. They all had cautious expressions, fearing that the power of movement in their bodies would suddenly disappear.

After more than ten minutes, several people opened their eyes one after another. Their eyes were full of energy, as if all the energy they had just consumed had recovered.

"Amazing! It's amazing!!" Jamie murmured, clenching his fists, and then loosening them slightly, "I feel like all my physical strength has been restored. In such a short amount of time!"

"Is this the real secret of Dual Phase Robbery? Those postures and moves that don't conform to the mechanical movements at all!?" Quentin couldn't suppress the wonder in his eyes. She never thought that fighting would have such a world, the feeling of closing her eyes and constantly swimming under the guidance of that cold breath,

“So cool”

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