Mysterious journey

Chapter 62 Change 1

"There are still many disgusting places in ancient Yinduo. That huge country that only fleetingly disappeared in history left behind many strange phenomena that are unimaginable and unexplainable." The Ninth Golden Ring answered calmly.

The two of them stopped talking for a while and continued to move forward.

The temperature was getting colder and colder, and a thin layer of frost gradually appeared on the white metal handrails. The hot breath exhaled by the two people clearly formed two white lines, slowly dissipating in the air.

"Be careful." The Ninth Golden Ring suddenly said.

Garen glanced at him in confusion, and then looked down the stairs. There was a policeman in black lying on the steps in front of him. His throat was shot through by a short black arrow, and he was half-leaning against the wall motionless. Blood slowly flowed out from under the body, dripping into the endless darkness.

"The temperature was too low. His body temperature dropped too quickly." Ninth Golden Ring squatted down and checked the body. "But the time of death should not exceed twenty minutes. It seems that the detectives are not far ahead."

"What are you going to do if you meet Detective Tali?" Garen asked from behind.

"If he knew the truth, I wouldn't kill him either." Ninth Golden Ring replied calmly.

The two of them walked forward past the police corpse, their crisp footsteps echoing in the silent space.

boom! !

Suddenly there was a gunshot in the darkness below. There was also the faint sound of someone screaming.

"Run!!" someone shouted.

The Ninth Golden Ring's expression changed, and he sped up and ran down. Garen hesitated for a moment, then started to jog as well.

After a while, a group of detectives from the tower suddenly appeared on the stairs below. They stood on the steps and looked down in shock.

Garen followed their gaze and looked forward. The steps in front were like thin flaps, flipping over to reveal the dark empty space below, and they were very regular. One of every five steps is a normal step, and all the rest are constantly turning over in a rhythmic manner.

Visitors must jump forward, otherwise once they step on the overturned steps, they will immediately fall down, and their bodies will be stuck in the middle of the steps, and will be crushed to pieces by the overturned stone steps.

One of Detective Tali's leather shoes had already been pinched in two. He, Bai Ying and the agency expert stood behind, and a young male policeman protected Miss Silan.

Obviously, the police chief refused to come down because he had to mobilize the commanding police force, but Si Lan took the initiative to come down with the detective.

At this time, the five detectives also heard footsteps coming from behind. Looking up, I saw Garen and a man in a black cloak walking down slowly, especially that man, who was wearing a black mask and wearing gold earrings with the number 9 engraved on them.

"It's from the Golden Ring!" Bai Ying reacted quickly and drew his gun and pointed it at the Ninth Golden Ring.

"Don't be nervous." Ninth Golden Ring's expression remained unchanged as he looked at the people in front of him. "I think our purpose should be the same. All to find out what the secret is in this underground entrance, right?"

"What do you mean?" the detective asked sullenly.

"Of course we are cooperating. You help me explore this cave, and I can personally provide you with a lot of valuable information. Don't worry, it will be over soon." The Ninth Golden Ring's eyes were unusually calm, without any disturbance.

Detective Tali pondered for a moment, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Okay, I promise you." He actually agreed.

The rest of the people had expressions of disbelief, and even Garen behind him was a little stunned.

"The Ninth Golden Ring is rumored to be a person who never breaks his promise. I believe your words." Tali Mercury ignored the expressions of others and said directly to the Ninth Golden Ring.

"You know me quite well."

"This is natural."

"Then let's move on." Ninth Golden Ring smiled and suddenly patted the wall on the left.


The turning movement of the steps in front suddenly stopped and became completely motionless.

"Okay, keep going."

He led Garen directly to the front. As they passed through the five-person team, Bai Ying and Silan both looked extremely nervous. When they saw Garen following behind, they both looked obviously angry.

Garen smiled bitterly at the two of them, shrugged helplessly, and happened to walk with everyone.

The ninth golden ring in front of him didn't matter at all. He walked forward alone, neither fast nor slow. After a while, all he could see was the orange torch in his hand.

"How about we go back now?" Garen suggested in a low voice.

"You can't run away. The Ninth Golden Ring is very fast and silent. We can't run away." The detective in the tower looked calm. "Let's go, follow."

He was the first to follow, and the others behind him tried each other and had to follow.

Garen and Bai Ying walked together and whispered to a few people about the situation above. The atmosphere in the team suddenly became much heavier.

"The current situation is very troublesome. Fortunately, this time we encountered the Ninth Golden Circle, a relatively special existence in the entire Golden Circle organization. If the key was changed to someone else, it would be completely troublesome." Miss Silan analyzed in a low voice. "I just don't know what you think, sir."

"Don't worry about it. Sir, you will never do anything wrong. Just follow up, everyone." Bai Ying frowned.

The agency expert was being supported by a small policeman. He was shivering from the cold and could not speak at all. The two of them stood close to the torch to keep warm, but it didn't help.

But at this time, being coerced by the golden ring, he did not dare to say anything, so he had to grit his teeth and continue walking down.

The group of people walked further down for who knows how long. The ninth golden ring in front of me flapped on the wall from time to time, as if it was very familiar with this place, and I didn't encounter any traps along the way. Soon, I finally saw the bottom.

At the end of the stairs, there is a small circular space. There are three gray leather sofas placed on the black space. The sofas form a triangle and are covered with a thin layer of white frost. Not far from the clearing is a dark fireplace, and the black coal inside is also covered with a layer of hoarfrost.

There is also a bookshelf, which is empty and empty.

When he reached the last step, the ninth golden ring suddenly stopped and stood on the step without going down.

He frowned, and his right hand that had been in the cloak slowly reached out, holding a black object between his fingers, and flicked it.

The black thing immediately flew out and fell into the black open space ahead.

Tsk tsk tsk! ! !

A series of dense arrows suddenly shot out from both sides, shooting the black objects into pieces, and a large number of black short arrows pierced into the ground densely.

The ninth golden ring once again revealed a black object, followed by another hail of arrows.

After doing this three times in a row, the holes in the walls on both sides were finally covered up automatically, and there was no more movement.

The people behind him were dumbfounded. There were probably thousands of short arrows fired from behind, and the tips of each arrow were glowing with a hint of purple.

"The short arrows are shot."

The Ninth Golden Ring said calmly, squatting down, lifting his cloak, and found a white mouse in his left hand, and gently placed the white mouse on the black ground.

The mouse squeaked and quickly crawled towards the sofa.

After running a few steps, the mouse suddenly sank and slowly sank to the ground. The white rat squeaked like crazy, but it didn't help. Suddenly, a black thread lifted it up and flew back to the arms of the Ninth Golden Ring.

There is a very thin black thread tied to the tail of the mouse. You can't see it unless you look carefully.

The Ninth Golden Ring gently comforted the white mouse and stood up.

"Ahead is the Malice Swamp, one of the mechanisms in Guyinduo that punishes thieves. Only thieves and cowards with evil intentions will be trapped in the swamp."

"What is your purpose?" Detective Tali asked in a low voice.

"Of course it's that one." Ninth Golden Ring strode down the steps without looking back.

"Wait!!" The mechanical expert was about to stop him, but he was shocked to see the ninth golden ring standing firmly on the black ground. He had already walked a few steps to the three sofas.

Garen stood in the team with a gloomy look on his face.

The moment the Ninth Golden Ring walked to the sofa, he suddenly felt a faint warmth slowly seeping from the skin of his body into his body. That was potential, a very small amount of potential.


The Ninth Golden Ring stood in the middle of the sofa. He didn't know what he did, but the black earth made a slow clicking sound.

On the ground in front of the fireplace, a gray-white stone pillar slowly rose.

The stone pillar platform is cylindrical, with four owl sculptures carved around it. There is actually a black-shell brick book placed on the table.

A wave of fluctuation finally appeared in the eyes of the Ninth Golden Ring. He strode towards the gray-white stone platform and reached out to grab the black book.


There was a gunshot, and a smoking hole suddenly appeared on the ground beneath his feet.

The ninth golden ring stopped in place and turned to look at the crowd.

"What are you doing?"

Bai Ying stood in front of Detective Mercury in the tower with his gun raised, his expression serious. But it wasn't him who spoke.

The detective stared at the ninth golden ring calmly.

"If I'm not wrong, that book is your ultimate goal, right?"

"Indeed." The other party nodded happily, "I am very grateful to you for finding this underground entrance for us. But the way of thanking you is that I will let you go this time. Originally we were in a hostile position, I should just kill you and solve the problem for the organization. Trouble. You should understand."

"You can't kill us." The detective smiled. "The mechanism here is no joke. If I guess correctly, that book is the legendary Silent Book. Such a treasure gives you a golden ring, just like a lion growing wings, and the consequences will be disastrous."

"This book is not for organizations." The Ninth Golden Ring smiled, and his body suddenly rushed forward, swinging abruptly from side to side, grabbing the book and jumping on the spot. Like a black bat, it flew up and hung by the stairs above, and climbed up the stone stairs above everyone.

"Don't move!" Detective Tali suddenly stopped Bai Ying who was about to make a move.

At this time, densely packed black spikes suddenly protruded from the black earth, like a forest of thorns, and countless holes were suddenly pierced into the sofa. Bai Ying was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat.

The detective then looked at the mechanism expert on one side.

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