Mysterious journey

Chapter 63 Change 2

"There is no way." The expert's face turned pale with coldness, and he shook his head, "It's because I moved slowly, and the force required to trigger this mechanism is a bit greater." He lowered his head and looked at the stone bricks at his feet.

"Kelly is missing!!" Miss Silan suddenly said urgently.

"It doesn't matter. No matter which one of them gets the book, Mr. Kelly is unlikely to be in danger. They all need Kelly to identify the authenticity." The detective shook his head.

"Which one?" Bai Ying put down his gun.

"Behind us, behind the ninth golden ring, there are people following us." The detective in the tower whispered, "Let's go up. The temperature here is too low, we can't hold on for long."

"Then what you said to the Ninth Golden Ring just now was intentional?"

"Of course. It's a pity that the ninth shot is a bit late." A smile appeared on the detective's face.


On the spiral steps, among the circles of stone steps, two black figures ran quickly one after another and chased each other.

A dark figure in front held a person in his arms, and the person being held was Garen, who was dressed in black.

The person leading him to run quickly was the Ninth Golden Ring who had left earlier. His cloak was flying behind him, floating upwards like a black cloud. The cloak almost completely covered Galleon.


A bullet hole suddenly appeared in the stone brick in front of the ninth golden ring. The black figure behind held two double guns in his hands. He climbed over the handrail and landed directly in front of the ninth golden ring.

"My guess is correct. Ninth, you really want to take the Silent Book for yourself." The man sneered and stood in front of them, his sinister male face slightly lowered his head and stared at the two of them.

"It's you." The Ninth Golden Ring slowly put Garen down. "The organization is so worried about me that it sent you to monitor me. It's a pity. I didn't want to kill anyone."

"We have worked together for many years, and I didn't want to kill you, but it's a pity that you took the initiative to betray me." The gold ring hanging on the man's left ear has the number 8, which is actually one higher than the ninth gold ring.

The two of them sneered at the same time, stopped talking, and threw themselves together.

There was no obvious sound as the two men struggled together, like two pieces of black cloth rotating and flowing against each other. There was only the hissing sound of the friction of the cloth. Keep moving and jumping quickly on the stairs.

Garen stood on the stairs at the back, watching the two of them fight for their lives without blinking.

The reason why he was willing to be held hostage by the ninth golden ring just now was because he wanted to feel the source of the potential aura up close. Sure enough, he determined that the source of potential was the black-shell book.

And like the black jade plate, it is of a slowly leaking type, rather than being sucked all in one breath.

"Should we wait until they decide the winner and then snatch the book, or should we leave here immediately and wait for any of them to come to us with the book for appraisal?" Garen was a little undecided.

If he waits for the other party to come to him with a book for identification, if the golden ring has other ways to identify authenticity, then this may not be possible. And if you want to snatch the book directly.

He didn't want to get too involved in the affairs of the Golden Circle. Pretending to be Mr. Kelly was just to find the ill-fated antiques. He would put himself in crisis by snatching it like this, especially since the Golden Circle already knew his identity as Galleon. This may affect family members.

"Go on!" Suddenly a hurried voice came. Before Garen could respond, Ju saw the silent book smashing towards him.

He hurriedly caught the book. Suddenly a faint warmth flowed from the book into his body, and the potential points in his field of vision began to grow slowly and steadily.

"I'll put the book with you first. No matter who of us wins, we have to come to you for appraisal!" The voice of the Ninth Golden Ring came over.

After saying that, the two of them simply ignored the galleons and continued fighting lower and lower. After a while, they fell to the lower three floors.

"It seems I have to stay here for the time being."

Garen is holding the book. The cover of the Silent Book is dark with a white eye drawn in the middle. He gently opened the pages of the book, and the outer cover was actually made of stone.

After turning the first page, Garen's pupils suddenly shrank.

There is a picture clearly drawn on the black page. There was a person on the screen, a naked man.

What's strange is that the back of this man's head is connected to the body of a maggot, like a long milky white hose, with one person and one insect sharing one head. The body of the maggot behind him was white, and it dragged down to the thigh, and it was still slowly squirming.

"Creep?" Garen closed his eyes and shook his head. When he opened his eyes again, the dynamic feeling on the screen suddenly disappeared.

This strange man's green eyes were staring at him, as if he was still alive. It gives people a faint feeling of dizziness.

Garen finally regained his composure and was about to continue turning back when suddenly a black shadow flashed in front of him.

"Give it to me!" A strong force grabbed the Silent Book and wanted to snatch it away. Suddenly, another dark figure rushed over, grabbing the Silent Book with one hand and exerting force at the same time.

Garen was stunned, and unconsciously exerted force on his hands, and the book suddenly tore.

"I can't get it, and you can't get it either!!" The Ninth Golden Ring roared in a weak voice.

The Silent Book was completely shattered in an instant under the power of three people. With a crash, countless pages flew up. The Ninth Golden Ring held a short sword in his hand and chopped all the pages into pieces with a few clicks of his left hand. Yang, a flame suddenly ignited in the air. All the fragments of the pages were immediately set on fire.

"No. 9, you're crazy!!" The Eighth Golden Ring wanted to stop him, but he was still a step too slow. He just punched the No. 9 until he stuck to the wall and slowly slid down.

Garen didn't want to get involved in the internal struggle of the Golden Circle, but he was just a little sorry that the Silent Book was torn up and burned. But since you can find it the first time, you can probably find it the second time.

Although he felt regretful, he still took two steps back and watched the two of them get into a ball again and quickly leave the stairs.

"It's really a mess." Garen was speechless. "But at least I gained something. I was able to discover the picture of my time travel. If the content in that book is true, then I should be considered a lucky survivor. Specific case Time and enough luck.”

Things have developed to this point, and the changes are beyond anyone's expectations. Garen's original intention is no longer there, the antiques of misfortune have not been collected, but he has a grudge with the tenth golden ring.

He looked at the Ninth Golden Ring and the Eighth Golden Ring again. The Eighth Golden Ring was standing on the steps, his expression extremely ugly. On the stairs below, the ninth golden ring holds a black stone in its hand, which turns out to be the white eye on the cover of the Silent Book.

"Give me the thing!" Eighth said gloomily, stretching out his hand.

"This is a legendary rune with mysterious power! Do you think I will give it to you?" Ninth sneered. "I have been planning for so long and finally got it."

Both of them had faint blood stains on their bodies. Fortunately, there was nothing unusual about the eighth one, but the ninth golden ring had blood bleeding from the corner of his mouth, obviously suffering from internal injuries.

Garen looked at the center of the fight between the two, and suddenly his heart moved. He felt that the potential in the air did not disappear as the books were smashed and burned.

"Is that stone working?" His eyes slowly fell on the white eye stone that the two men were fighting for.

"That book just records some cult myths and legends. The real value is this stone. Do you think I don't know that?" Ninth Golden Ring sneered. "Although I don't know what this thing does, once it's in my hands... don't even think about taking it out again!"

Garen knew. If you don't leave at this time, you may be completely involved in the internal struggle of Jinhuan. The more you know, the more trouble you will have. While the two of them were talking, he moved back slowly and quietly, and slowly retreated to the top of the stairs.

Although the Antique of Doom is very precious, if he is really involved in the internal fight of the Golden Circle, he will be in trouble. After all, it's not like he was hiding his identity when he was fighting the Tenth Golden Ring.

Unexpectedly, he had just taken a few steps when the ninth golden ring below immediately moved. He suddenly moved and turned into a black shadow and rushed towards the stairs above. The eighth golden ring behind him hurriedly followed, and the two of them passed by Garen.

Ninth's face turned pale, and it was obvious that he could no longer hold on any longer.

Garen's eyes narrowed. To be honest, he still had a good impression of the Ninth Golden Ring. From the beginning to the end, this person never really harmed him. Instead, he had been protecting him since he entered the cave.

At this moment, when the Eighth passed by Garen, his size was slightly larger, and he was blocked by Garen's size, and his speed suddenly slowed down a beat.

"Go away!!" Ba Ba was angry and slapped Garen with a slap. His five fingers were blue, and he had obviously practiced some highly poisonous technique. When he slapped it with his palm, a pungent fishy smell immediately hit him.

Although Galleons are not as fast as them, they can completely resist them at such a close distance. He never wanted to take action because he didn't want to cause trouble and get involved in Jinhuan's internal fight. But now the other party is obviously going to slap him to death. My heart immediately became a little angry.

"You're looking for death!" He growled, raised his right arm and grabbed it forward.


The arm instantly swelled and bulged, fully doubling in size. The veins and muscles were tangled and knotted, and they swelled to half a meter in diameter, which was not like a human hand at all.

He grabbed it with one palm and met No. 8's blue palm head-on. Like a bear's paw versus a child's palm.

Bang! !

The two were instantly separated. The Eighth Golden Ring actually used his other hand to grab the Ninth one and swung it backwards to cushion it.

The ninth golden ring was thrown directly to Garen.

"Here's the thing for you! Let's go!!" The Ninth Golden Ring collided with Garen, put his hand into Garen's arms and made a gesture of stuffing something, then pushed him hard and yelled, but he fell down the stairs.

"You!" Garen was shocked. The Ninth Golden Ring didn't give him anything at all. He shouted like this, obviously trying to mislead the Eighth Golden Ring. When he looked up, he saw that the eighth golden ring had a gloomy expression, and it looked like a black cloud.

"He didn't give me anything!!" Garen yelled.

"I'll know after I kill you!" Eighth sneered.

"Damn it!!" Garen was also furious. Originally, he had never wanted to get entangled with Jin Huan, but now he was inexplicably involved in this matter. "You idiot! There is an exit down there! That guy just wants me to hold you back and run away! Do you think his injuries are that serious!?"

The two collided violently, and there were two muffled bangs. Garen stayed put, but the Eighth Golden Ring grunted, took a few steps back and stood on the steps.

"Sure enough, it's the same as the information said, it's very powerful!" The Eighth Golden Ring's expression changed slightly, and his left hand was trembling slightly behind his back, but his expression remained calm on the surface.

"That damn guy actually framed me! I don't have any necessary feud with you Golden Ring! Let's deal with that guy first, and then we will know where the things are!" Garen said in a low voice, enduring the sting in his palm. He used a partial Baiyun Secret Technique. His skin was too rough and his flesh was thick, so he was not poisoned. He just felt sore, numb, swollen and painful in his palms, which was a bit uncomfortable.

"Do you think I will believe you?" Eighth said coldly.

"What are you afraid of if I go with you?" Garen was not as angry as usual now, "I won't ask for anything, and I can help you identify the authenticity when the time comes. Anyway, you also know my identity, and there is no way I can run away. Fall! Even if I run away, my family and teachers will still be there, so why are you worried!"

Eighth stared at Garen for a while and finally let go. "Okay! I believe you once!"

"You have to hurry up, that guy definitely knew there was an exit below and that's why he fell like this!" Garen said harshly. This was the first time since his debut that he had suffered such a big secret loss. He turned around and ran downstairs.

"I know it without you having to tell me!" The eighth one turned around and jumped down, following closely. The two of them disappeared into the darkness in a short while.

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