Mysterious journey

Chapter 710 Monster 2

At this moment, AG's whole body exploded with blood-colored cracks. His whole body trembled violently as if struck by thunder. In an instant, the white air was quickly recovered and drilled back into his mouth, and then a huge force carried him towards the distance. Fly away.

On the other side, the other two arms grabbed the ribbon and the dagger and threw them at Nesera and Manas respectively.

The two of them were equally miserable, covered in blood, and they didn't know how to dodge the attack. Especially Manas, the flesh and blood all over his body seemed to have shriveled up, and it looked like he had used some forbidden technique. The armor on his body had been smashed to pieces at this time, and he didn't know where it flew.

The huge three-headed and six-armed monster was like a huge hill, rumbling with huge feet and chasing AG.


Whoosh whoosh! ! !

With three consecutive sounds of breaking through the air, three black tentacles as thick as buckets flew out from the passage, smashing into the Galleons in the passage with huge and terrifying power.

Garen's eyes were slightly closed, seemingly open and then closed. He took a slow step, and his body seemed to be a phantom for an instant, and he strangely avoided the huge collision of the three tentacles. The fingers of both hands are like wheels, and they are lightly pressed on the tentacles.

Bang bang bang! ! !

The three tentacles automatically exploded without any resistance, breaking into countless pieces of flesh and splashing all over the passage. The remaining tentacles broke and retracted quickly.

Garen quickened his pace and chased forward. The passage turned left and right. The broken part of the tentacle was always within Garen's sight, and there was no way to escape his pursuit.

Garen's speed has increased to a terrifying level. Every few seconds, he will step hard on the wall and ground, and rush forward with a bang. When he encounters a place with too many turns, he can turn around and make weird turns.

Soon a green light in front quickly approached, getting brighter and bigger.


There was a roar of wind around him, and Garen followed the tentacles and rushed into a huge egg-shaped cave.

With the help of inertia, he rushed directly out of the entrance, hung in mid-air, drew a parabola and fell hard.

The walls of the entire cave are covered with dense green fluorescent moss, and these countless moss become the only source of light in the cave. In addition, there are countless entrance openings of different sizes on the cave wall.

Just as Garen fell, there was a muffled sound from these holes, and black tentacles of different thicknesses rushed out at the same time, all of them raining towards Garen.

There are hundreds of densely packed tentacles!

"The Secret of Water Bird Fist!" Garen crossed his arms in front of his chest to protect him.

"Double sword!!"

With two crisp sounds, two invisible air wave blades suddenly flew out from Garen's side, like two crossed X-shaped white air knives, spreading in all directions.

He moved slightly, his body suddenly stopped and suspended in mid-air, and his arms moved up and down to draw a complete circle.

At the same time, the X-shaped white air knife also rolled. Two air knives more than ten meters long rolled and rotated, forming a huge white ring. Cutting through all the hundreds of tentacles coming from around him.

The sound of snapping was endless, and countless tentacles twitched painfully. The severed pieces of flesh fell down piece by piece, like a heavy rain of unusually black blood and pieces of flesh, hitting the pile of white bones below.

This scene only lasted for less than a few seconds before Garen slowly fell down, his toes resting on a cluster of bones, and he stood lightly on the tip of an arched skeleton. The tip of the bone spur, which was sharper than the tip of a needle, was unable to penetrate Garen's sole at all.

"Your secret martial arts is getting more and more powerful." Hesas sighed with emotion. ‘Continuously fighting against Nadia and long-term life and death training have made you closer and closer to the secret martial arts style of our era. ’

"Isn't this good?" Garen asked, scanning the numerous broken tentacles that were twitching and retracting in the surrounding sky.

‘The boxing techniques of our time were streamlined, efficient, without any unnecessary bells and whistles, and every move was created for fighting. Each boxing technique has unique characteristics, and the secret of each boxing technique is a terrifying extreme. ’ Hesas sighed, ‘Your current style is very close to ours. This is the real way to eliminate the bad and retain the good. ’

"Yes, Miwu was created for the purpose of fighting." Garen tipped his toes, fell lightly from the bone spikes, and jumped towards a small white stone door on the side.

That was the route he smelled that AG and his group left.

In his current state, with his powerful and frightening physical quality, even if he doesn't activate the secret method of the seven-star life-pointing secret point, he doesn't need to worry about the countless tentacles here.

The average attribute is at least seven points, the constitution is as high as 10 points, and the intelligence, which is the nerve reaction speed, is 11 points.

Such terrifying physical fitness allows him to even perform quick micro-manipulation after issuing the secret weapon moves to control the killing effect of the secret weapon. Just like that.

The strength of those tentacles lies in their speed power and immense slime toxicity, but none of that matters to Garen. The characteristic of Water Bird Fist is that it can stimulate blood upon contact, achieving the purpose of direct explosion damage.

Damu has taken this explosive characteristic to its extreme, causing the opponent to explode violently as long as he touches it, which is more than twice as powerful as the original Water Bird Fist. Hossiman, on the other hand, turned this explosion into a concealed one, directly following the enemy's blood and shaking his heart. To achieve the purpose of weakening the opponent. The more fiercely you fight with him, the heavier the burden on your heart will be, and you will eventually die of myocardial infarction or heart rupture.

This is the respective development trend of the two of them.

Only Garen still uses the most primitive two-phase water bird fist in his hands. The secrets of Water Bird Fist are three moves: double swords, white jade, and soaring. Among them, soaring is the ultimate secret, which incorporates the essence of Garonxifeng. The more masters master the true meaning of Waterbird Fist, the more they can use this move to leverage enough terrifying air power to form an extremely violent turbulent attack. This kind of The turbulence will naturally form the form of a giant bird, which is the proof derived from Xifeng Fist.


moonlit forest

The three-headed and six-armed monster that looked like a huge hill spread one arm forward, and the ribbons on his hands suddenly began to float away, getting bigger and wider, and finally turned into a giant red snake. The giant snake's glowing red eyes looked towards it. With the next glare, two laser-like rays of light suddenly swept across, and the trees, rocks, and soil were cut in half.

Nesera below was unable to dodge, and the layer of black energy covering her body was suddenly rubbed a little by the red light. As the black energy rolled, it was directly contaminated by the red light and spread into a faint red color, spreading toward Nesera inside. .

Nesera screamed and threw out a black token in her hand. She immediately escaped from the black air and retreated quickly.

The black token exploded in mid-air, leaving no bones left.

Before she could feel heartbroken, another hand holding a water bottle was pointed at her from above, with the mouth of the water bottle facing away.

call.! !

Suddenly, a huge force of attraction erupted from the mouth of the water bottle, pulling in countless trees, stones, and soil, flying towards the mouth of the water bottle quickly, shrinking smaller and smaller in mid-air, and then being sucked directly into the bottle.

The red water bottle less than ten meters high was like a bottomless pit, absorbing a lot of things and debris, but it showed no signs of filling up.

The terrifying pulling force pulled Nesera to fly towards the sky. She desperately grabbed some strong tree roots around her, but whatever she grabbed, she was pulled up by the suction force and flew towards the water bottle.

Finally, seeing herself flying higher and higher, a trace of cruelty flashed in her eyes. The left arm suddenly broke at the root and fell off automatically. Her whole body blurred for a moment, and a strange rotating text appeared on her forehead. It disappeared in a flash, and her body suddenly disappeared from where it was. In an instant, she appeared in the air more than 20 meters away. In the middle, it fell hard.

The blood from the wound on his arm was flying in the air. Nesera gritted her teeth to hold back the severe pain, rolled and threw herself downwards. Not far away, Manas's arms were gone, and the lower half of one leg was also broken. It was obvious that the lizard had its tail broken off. The method was used three times, and it was extremely miserable.

Facing a monster with terrifying strength, speed and resistance, when the gap was too large, they really had no other way to deal with this huge monster except running for their lives.

The body of this monster with three heads and six arms has an astonishing resistance to witchcraft. The six weapons have different functions. The dagger can directly kill the opponent from a long distance, and the battle ax can swing out a large net with one blow. The air slash was extremely terrifying. The ribbon can turn into a giant snake and attack automatically. The water bottle can absorb a terrifying amount of objects. The ring represents absolute power. The power is concentrated at one point. If other weapons have the possibility of resistance, then the power of the ring is several times that of other weapons. . It's okay if you don't hit, but it's terrible if you hit.

The last long stick has a powerful area-of-effect stun effect. Even if it is swept by the wind brought by the stick, it will cause dull dizziness.

In the distant forest, AG's aura was restrained and he was hiding beside a fallen tree trunk. The other two imitated his example, quickly restrained their aura, and their bodies shone a few times, becoming exactly the same as their surroundings.

"Hush, this monster has no sense of smell, only sight and hearing. If we could avoid it like this at the beginning, it wouldn't be so miserable." AG's voice traveled hundreds of meters and penetrated into the ears of Nesera and Manas. middle.

"Is there any way? How to get out of here." Neissera used the same witchcraft to pass the voice over. She glanced at the miserable conditions on herself and Manas, and smiled bitterly. "This place is truly a dead place with no way in or out. No wonder the people who have been coming in have not been able to get out. Even us high-ranking people have ended up like this."

In fact, compared to lower-level vampires, the upper-level and middle-level vampires are not more powerful in terms of pure power and speed. They focus more on complex and cunning methods, which are difficult to guard against, because at the level of Death Apostles, pure strength has no effect, no matter how strong they are. Are they as powerful as technology bombs, missiles, and nuclear bombs?

So in fact, the power of the upper level is not very strong. Just like killing a person, pistol bullets and cannon shells have the same effect. Although the power is very different, the result is the same, so it will no longer develop in this direction.

Entering here, you suddenly encounter the existence of such a terrifying monster, and its resistance is so terrible that you can't help but fall into a dilemma.

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