Mysterious journey

Chapter 711 Civilization 1

In the magma hall, on the edge of a stone wall somewhere.


The stone blocking the wall was punched through by an arm, exploding a large amount of dust and gravel.

Garen's figure walked out of the gap, naked on the upper body and wearing black trousers and leather shoes on the lower body. He was clean and tidy, and he looked as if he had just changed clothes and went out for a walk, relaxed and relaxed.

He looked at the blood clots and broken meat scattered in the hall, his nose twitched, and he smelled the sour smell in the air.

In the center of the entire hall, there is a circular garden. From a distance, it is full of terrifying giant plants.

Whoosh whoosh! !

Three more tentacle ejections came from behind him.

Garen grabbed back with one hand, grabbed a tentacle in an instant, and pulled it forward fiercely.

Woo! !

A sharp scream came from a very far away place. The sound wave exceeded the speed of normal sound transmission and reached Garen's ears in an instant. The surrounding gravel walls trembled and shattered in the sound wave, turning into a large amount of dust and debris.

When most people hear this sound wave, their eardrums will be shattered in an instant, and their brains will be directly shaken into a concussion and coma.

But Garen just frowned slightly and pulled his tentacle forward again.


With a crisp sound, the tentacle in his hand was torn off by him. He threw it away and landed on the ground with a bang.

The other two tentacles began to shrink back when Garen grabbed the tentacles, as if they had their own independent consciousness, curling back, and they were actually afraid.

Garen looked back and noticed this.

"Interesting." There was a strange arc at the corner of his mouth.

‘Don’t add unnecessary complications. ’ Hesas’s words rang out, stopping him from going back to track down the roots of the tentacles. ‘If I guess correctly, these tentacles should be parasitic tentacles produced in this entire place. They are connected to this cave underground palace and are equivalent to the organs of the entire underground palace. Unless you completely destroy the underground palace, you will not be able to kill them all. ’

"Isn't there something I can harvest here?" Garen frowned.

‘Go to that garden and have a look. There is a teleportation wave there, maybe it is the entrance to other places. ’ Hesas said softly.

Garen jumped up, avoiding the magma gaps on the ground as light as a bird, and flew towards the green garden in the center.

After a few breaths, he slowly landed on the top of the white garden wall and looked inside.

The strange scene in the entire garden suddenly appeared before his eyes.

Inside the garden center, there are no giant flowers and plants at all, but a twisted vortex of black light. The vortex is constantly rotating, emitting a black light aperture, and the edges are constantly transforming into huge giant plants, which unexpectedly form spontaneously. A huge garden.

"No wonder I said there is no water and no light here. Where do all these green plants come from? It turns out they are all illusions like bait." Garen suddenly realized.

‘This is a Void Flower Seed. There is a small world hidden inside it together with other spaces. You can go in and have a look. This thing is not dangerous, it is just a simple teleportation entrance. ’ Hesas is well-informed, and there seems to be nothing he doesn’t know.

Garen nodded. He and Hesas had two lives, so there was no need to worry about the other party harming him.

As soon as he stepped forward, he jumped up and headed straight towards the black light. When he was still halfway in the air, he felt the huge suction force of Eviscerate pulling him violently. His speed suddenly accelerated, and he rushed into the black light vortex in an instant. disappeared in.


"Buddha Mother. Holy Phoenix!"

AG stroked the carvings on the surface of a huge tree, with indescribable horror in his eyes.

"This is actually the land of the Buddha Mother and the Holy Phoenix!" His lips trembled, seeming to be in extreme surprise.

Nesera and Manas were not far behind, their auras restrained, and only the strong smell of blood filled the air. Their figures were no different from the surrounding trees, completely hidden.

"Buddha Mother Holy Phoenix? What is that?" Neissera used some methods to treat the injuries to curb the worsening of internal bleeding. At this time, he looked at AG tiredly, and he seemed to have discovered some of the origins of this place.

The giant's footsteps were still trembling in the distance, and what the three of them were thinking about most now was how to get out of here.

The exclamation on AG's face quickly returned to calm, but the shock in his eyes still remained, without diminishing at all.

"Among the myths, there is an ancient sect in the East. The most fundamental source of the sect is a terrifying existence known as the Mother Buddha. It is said that this existence was spread together with the birth of the vampire race. They are myths of the same era. The product. The Holy Phoenix refers to a secret method of that sect. The Holy Phoenix Heavenly Clothes means the divine bird covered with Buddha's light, or the feathers brought by the divine bird. This may be one thing, or it may be a kind of Inheritance. Unfortunately, that sect has now become a completely ordinary sect. It no longer has the glory of that time. I didn’t expect that their past history is still preserved here!”

"Myths. Things in myths actually exist in reality?" Neissera's eyes widened in disbelief. That's like suddenly telling someone that the oil lamp in front of you is the legendary Aladdin's lamp. It's simply unbelievable.

"I have also heard that in the Indian mythology of Buddhism, the Buddha's mother is the Holy Phoenix. The Holy Phoenix is ​​revered as the Peacock King, and is also known as the Buddha's mother. It is said that she swallowed the Buddha lotus, and finally wailed for ten days and nights, and gave birth to a child. One son is the Buddha." Manas said in a weak voice. "I once visited the main Buddhist temple, but since I didn't find anything extraordinary, I thought it was just a myth. I didn't expect it."

Click! !

A blue electric light flashed, immediately attracting the attention of the three people.

He raised his head and looked towards the electric sky.

In the moonlit sky at night, streaks of blue lightning flashed slowly, and the hissing sound of electricity continued to interweave into a large network of blue electricity.

In the center of the entire network, an eye of electricity that was as tall as a person slowly opened and turned into a black vortex door.

A vague figure slowly walked out of the door.

It's Galleons!

His eyes were blank, as if he still hadn't figured out what was going on.

Buzz! ! !

A huge shadow slammed towards him. It was the ring weapon in the hands of the three-headed and six-armed giant.

The sound and movement of the electric current attracted the attention of not only the three AGs, but also the giants nearby. Without saying a word, it swung the most powerful ring and smashed it directly.

"Huh?" Garen raised his head, and the dazzling halo of electricity in his eyes gradually dissipated, and he immediately saw the huge ring hit by the attack.

‘It’s a dimensional creature! Hahaha! God will not kill us, kill it! Kill it and get the core and we can get out of here! ’ Hesa ​​suddenly became excited and shouted in Garen’s mind.

Garen took a deep breath, and a huge vortex of air flow formed, swallowing up countless air around him.

Just by the aura of terror pressing down on his head, he knew that he couldn't stand still.

"First star!!"

The five fingers of his right hand instantly traced several acupuncture points on his chest.

"Second Star!!" More than a dozen acupuncture points were activated.

"Third Star!!"

call! !

Garen's hair stood up all over his body, and his muscles all over his body were horribly bulging, forming outlines that looked like armor.

His entire body had grown taller, and his hands became as big as an average person's head.

There was no move at all, just a flat upward movement, and the fist with his right arm was also smashed towards the ring.

Turning on the third star, Garen's original strength of seven points suddenly increased to about twenty points. This punch seemed ordinary, but the fist passed through the air, causing circles of transparent shock waves, which was extremely powerful. The power is accompanied by the concussive ripples generated by the secret martial arts skills.

"How dare he go head-on!!" Nesera had tried how powerful that force was. The power of the ring was at least two to three times that of other weapons, and it also had a vortex-like pulling force, which made people feel uncomfortable. It's hard to dodge and get out of the way.

At this moment, seeing Garen facing the giant's ring without any change of expression, she felt that her heart was beating a little slowly, and her whole body was beating hard.

Compared with the Galleons' height of less than three meters and the giant who is dozens of meters tall across from him, the gap between an elephant and an ant is simply that! But even with such a gap, they still dare to challenge it openly!

AG turned sideways and stared at the sky in astonishment, with some unknown luster flashing in his eyes. Manas gritted his teeth and stared at Garen, as if he were looking at a dead man.

At this moment, a bright light suddenly flashed across the sky, and a white light like a knife mark suddenly crossed the giant's ring.

Garen actually crossed the ring in an instant and appeared behind the giant's arm, standing in the air.

He stretched his body, paused for a moment, and then fell straight down.

ah! ! !

The giant actually let out a dull roar.

boom! !

The arm of the ring exploded directly, sputtering out a stream of yellow gas, but it didn't explode.

The giant seemed to be angry, and its remaining five arms slammed towards Galleon from different directions at the same time. Different weapon effects were activated at the same time, and a layer of blood filled the air.

Five rays of blood suddenly gathered together, turning into a giant hand of blood cloud, pressing towards Garen's location.

Bang bang bang bang! ! ! Buzzing.

Violent explosions continued, overlapping, and later turned into an inaudible buzzing sound. Huge vibrations on the ground continued to spread in all directions.

The six arms of the three-headed and six-armed giant exerted terrifying speed, bringing out countless afterimages of their arms. They waved them countless times in an instant, and it seemed as if they had turned into thousands of arms, just like the Thousand-Armed Guanyin.

Under the gathering red light, the huge bloody hand was like a towering pillar, slamming down to where Garen was.

Boom! ! ! !

The terrifying shock caused a large number of surrounding trees to collapse and break. Nesela and the three of them had to quickly retreat further away, but they were also shaken by the huge shock and their blood boiled.

"The fourth star!!'

A clear sound penetrated the air in an instant, overcame the vibration, and spread clearly to every inch of the surrounding area.

The voice was calm and cold, with an unspeakable cruelty.

That's Galleons!

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