Mysterious journey

Chapter 747 Advance 2

half an hour later

The entire cargo ship suddenly changed direction and headed towards a certain naval port in the United States at full speed.

Gunshots and screams were heard from time to time on the boat. It was the vampires controlled by Tu Lan's control skills who were killing their companions.

Tu Lan was staying in the control room with a tired look on his face. The hypnotized vampire captain was speeding towards the redirected route honestly.

But even with her level and strength as a Death Apostle, it would be tiring to control so many vampires in a short period of time.

After all, the Dead Apostles are just a slightly stronger vampire than the higher-ranking vampires. Their biggest advantage is mainly their immortality. In fact, the gap between them and the upper-ranked vampires in other aspects is not as big as imagined. At most, one Death Apostle is equivalent to the combined combat power of four or five superiors, except of course the pale one.

Therefore, the strongest point of the Dead Apostles is their immortality, and their own qualities are not too strong. Controlling so many vampires in a short time is also a big burden for the Dead Apostles. Fortunately, Tu Lan practices Huanlou Fist and uses The Huan Lou Quan technique can affect and control the humans on the ship, but this technique creates short-term hallucinations, or can create amnesia effects, but it is powerless to modify the memory effect. It is a very sophisticated modification of the brain, so she You can only use blood control techniques as the main method, and Huanlou Fist as a supplement. The effect was pretty good, as it barely controlled the direction of the entire huge freighter.

An hour has passed now.


night time

"Is the mask fake?" Hossiman was hiding on the back of a black reef on the coast, holding his mobile phone in his hand and listening to the voices coming from there.

"Tu Lan has succeeded, come back." Jia Long said calmly on the phone.

Reluctantly, Hossiman took out the two masks he was wearing and inspected them carefully. After taking a closer look, he vaguely discovered that this mask did not seem to have a great sense of history. You can find traces of old age. An ordinary person might not be able to spot it, but with his advanced five senses, he could indeed detect some subtle things that were wrong.

Bang! !

The mask was hit hard on the reef and exploded into countless fragments, leaving a large gap in the reef.

Hosiman's face turned cold, he was actually tricked by the vampires! This is the first time since his debut that he has suffered such a big loss.

Pressing the injury on his shoulder, his expression became colder and colder.

"I understand," he whispered into the phone. Garen seemed to have guessed that he was losing his temper, so he just hummed and hung up the phone.

Tu Lan is a Death Apostle, so he can't do anything about it, but there should be a mask on Dam's side.

A hint of coldness flashed across Hosiman's face. He took out his cell phone again and started trying to make a call. A list of powerful friends and connections flowed through his mind, but after looking at the missed calls on his cell phone, he quickly settled on the best candidate.

After a while the number was dialed.

"Hello, I'm Hossiman, is this Miss Munehiriko? I need a little favor from you here."


On a luxury cruise ship

As soon as Zongeriko sat down in her room in shock, her cell phone rang.

After looking at the caller, it turned out to be Hossiman who had left earlier.

Her expression condensed, a hint of joy flashed in her eyes, and she quickly picked up her phone and answered the call.

"Hello. I'm Riko, Mr. Hoseman? What do you want me to help you with?"

"Okay. Okay, I understand." After hanging up the phone, Zongeriko breathed a deep sigh of relief.

There were so many things in her mind that she wanted to ask, but after she answered the phone just now, her mind went blank and she didn't ask anything.

Who do Horseman and those two people who look like they are filming a movie belong to?

She had heard rumors about the extraordinary world circle before, but she always thought they were just rumors, just fiction and exaggeration, but she didn't expect that she would have the opportunity to really see such a scene today.

She quickly made a few calls to make arrangements as requested by Hossiman. She hesitated for a while and finally dialed her father's number. But after getting through, she hesitated and just told her father about her arrangements, but she didn't. Mention any news about the cruise ship.

She stood up and walked out of the cabin, only to see a pale young woman guarding her door.

She recognized her as the bodyguard who had been following Hosiman.

"It's still very dangerous on the ship now, so it's better for you not to come out."

"Okay." Zongerizi nodded and returned to the room.

It seems that the attackers have been expelled from the ship, or the attackers have left. It was safe for the time being, and she let out a long sigh of relief.

Returning to the room, she suddenly thought of some records about the Sleepless Face that she had seen in family books. Her family had acquired a large collection of books after the decline of an ancient European family. She had also been particularly fond of reading books since she was a child. , I have gone into it and read a lot, and I also have a certain understanding of the Sleepless Face mask that Hosiman is looking for. There is a detailed record about this mask in those classics.

After the twelve masks are collected, the clues to the final mask must be found at a certain location. According to the ancient family's item-by-item speculations, there are two possibilities for the location of that location, all of which are recorded in the book. The thing was originally just a record of ancient historical and archaeological knowledge, with only collection value, but now that she thought about it, Zongerizi felt a faint feeling of pounding in her chest.

She realized that this might be an opportunity to get in touch with the extraordinary world!


Dam climbed out of the underground palace exhausted. The moonlight outside shone down and fell on him, reflecting a pale body.


Fine lines of blood suddenly shot out on the skin of his arms and thighs.

After quickly tapping a few acupuncture points to stop the bleeding, Dam propped up his body and ran towards the response point reluctantly.

This is the result of a serious overdraft caused by using the ultimate secret that you cannot master after opening the first star.

The transmitter hidden on his body had been destroyed in the fierce battle just now. Now there was no way to notify the Sith and others outside, so he had to drive out himself.

Staggering out of the temple's stupa forest, he ducked out of the temple through dark corners and came to the dark alley on the side.

"Where are the things?" Sith appeared at the entrance of the alley with a few people.

"Here I am. Let's go now!" Dam said weakly.

Sis looked at Dam's weak look, with a hint of coldness and hesitation in his eyes.

He was hesitating whether to kill him right here. The opponent was so weak and he had a lot of people around him. If he did it, it might be possible to succeed. After getting the mask, it was also a good reason to say that Dam died in a vampire attack.

The only thing I'm worried about is whether Dam is really that weak, whether it's true or just pretending.

The Sith could not resist the allure of the mask.

This is an opportunity to extend your life and improve your martial arts! Damn and Hosiman didn't see that in just a few years, they had reached the upper level under the training of the Boxing Saint. At such a speed, if it were them, they should be able to reach the upper level as well! !

Since it only takes a few years for the Master of Boxing to teach a high-ranking person, he probably won’t care too much about the death of a high-ranking person.

Involuntarily, Sith's eyes changed when he looked at Dam.

"I informed the intelligence center before I came, and they will send someone to pick them up right away! Before the vampires arrive, let's leave immediately!" Dam's eyes flashed slightly, and he said quickly.

The stern look in Sith's eyes subsided slightly.

"Everyone, protect the marshal, we will evacuate immediately!" He waved his hand, and the people from the surrounding families quickly came up to support Dam, and the group quickly evacuated from the alley.


Holy Fist Palace

Garen opened his eyes and looked at the alarm clock. There were still a few minutes left.

He reached out and held the blood bottle, hanging it above Tu Lan.

Crush the blood bottle with a snap, and the blood inside immediately drips slowly, like the thickest oily liquid, or something like syrup, slowly dripping on Tu Lan's head and forehead.

The strange thing is that less than a second after the blood dripped down, the blood immediately penetrated into Tu Lan's skin without leaving any trace, as if it was completely absorbed by the skin.


Tu Lan in the blood pool suddenly opened his eyes, and the dilated pupils in his eyes quickly shrank.


She took a deep breath, then exhaled, her chest swelling up like an air bag and then suddenly sinking deep.

"How is it?" Garen asked in a low voice.

"Fortunately, it's been handed over." Tu Lan nodded, without caring about his naked body, he stood up from the blood pool, pulled off a gauze dress from the rack nearby and put it on.

"I got two masks here, but they are hidden somewhere inside the freighter. They need to be checked. You need to ask someone more careful to go there." She said quickly.

"No problem." Garen said clearly, "Two masks. What a good news."

"There is also bad news." Tu Lan frowned, "I got the news from an old friend. All the dead disciples of the Vampire Clan have disappeared. They are all gone."

"Going to find the remaining masks?" Garen asked her.

"You know?" Tu Lan was slightly shocked.

Galen's face was calm,

"It's not difficult to guess." His second soul seed was now imminent and could be condensed at any time, but he always felt that something was missing. Although the second soul seed was not completely condensed and hatched, his energy and spirit reached an unprecedented peak. His heart was empty and light, like a pure and flawless water mirror without a single ripple.

At the critical moment when the soul is condensed, there must not be too many distracting thoughts. Only the purest thoughts can condense all the power of the soul and make it highly concentrated. This is also a little trick Hesas taught him, which can speed up the concentration.

"Aren't you afraid that they will destroy the mask immediately after they get it?" Tu Lan asked doubtfully.

"If they get the mask, they won't destroy it easily." Garen said calmly, "No one will be willing to give up this opportunity. This can be the first opportunity to break the myth of the immortality of the Dead Apostles."

Once the final mask is obtained and the ancestor's bloodline is achieved, it will be able to pose a substantial threat and suppression to other Dead Apostles. The Dead Apostles will no longer be a symbol of immortality. At that time, the one who has obtained the ancestor's bloodline will be the real strongest in the world. The only master of the big one!

Even if Garen's power reaches this level now, he would not dare to directly engage in an all-out war with the Vampire Death Apostles, because he cannot kill the Death Apostles, and being unable to kill them means that both sides will suffer, and the fish will die and the net will be broken.

This is not what Garen wants to see, nor is it what the vampires want to see. .

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