Mysterious journey

Chapter 748 Evolution 1

A few days later.

The Vampires sent people everywhere to search for the whereabouts of Dam and Hosiman, but the Dead Apostles were still missing.

Due to the lack of ancient intelligence, the Holy Fist Palace did not know the specific whereabouts of the Dead Apostles, so it could only wait quietly and secretly send people to respond. However, the effect was greatly reduced due to the obstruction of the vampires.

The two sides have had frictions in some cities many times, but they have restrained themselves from causing large-scale conflicts, only small-scale games.

The weather in the United States is gradually entering spring, and at this time, Ning Ruoxi, who has returned from Grando, finally brings back Raphael and his relatives and enters the small town residence at the foot of the Holy Fist Palace.

"Is this the Holy Fist Palace?" Raphael looked up at the majestic white snow-capped mountains. The top of the mountain could not be seen, only large white clouds forming a sea of ​​clouds blocked the view and floated on the mountainside.

The person leading the way quickly answered.

"Yes, this is the headquarters of the Holy Fist Palace, now the Water Bird Fist Temple and the Shadow Fist Temple."

The three guides were all wearing black robes, and Ning Ruoxi was the same, walking in the middle. Hearing this, he turned around and smiled at Raphael.

"The teacher already knows that you are coming, and has set up a banquet up there. In addition, this mountain road will take more than two hours to climb. Of course, we will use a suspension car on the side to replace part of the journey, which will be easier."

"Is there no road up the mountain here?" Raphael was a little confused. She went up the mountain alone, and everyone else who came with them was left in the town below.

"It was originally planned to be built, but in order to maintain the original appearance of the mountain, and hiking up the mountain like this is also an exercise for many martial arts practitioners. This kind of exercise is good for the mind and body, so no one insists on building the road." Ning Ruo Xi replied with a smile.

The group of people continued to move up the mountain road, and occasionally encountered martial arts practitioners coming down the mountain.

Most of them are young people, all led by special personnel, all dressed in black robes, like religious pilgrims, with a sacred look on their faces.

Occasionally, you can see a martial artist alone, with a weathered face, a determined expression, and tattered clothes. Some are even as skinny as a stick, with sallow complexion and skinny muscles, and are not fully clothed. These people were still walking up the mountain step by step. Facing the thin air that was getting higher and colder, they didn't even flinch.

Fortunately, the mountain path has been significantly widened, with a width of seven or eight meters. Neat white steps have been built, and there are hemispherical white stone pavilions at regular intervals for people to rest.

Raphael looked over all the way, feeling secretly frightened.

These martial arts masters are all ordinary human beings, and they do not have the fluctuations of vampires or wizards. However, they are obviously just ordinary people, but they still show such perseverance.

It is said that the Holy Fist Palace has only been established for a few years, but such sincere believers have appeared. One can imagine the status of this organization in the hearts of human martial arts practitioners.

"These are ascetics. Not long ago, after the exchange of world boxing skills gathered at the Holy Fist Palace, the reputation of my teacher as a world boxing master spread out. As the only remaining great master martial artist in the world, many martial arts ascetics will come here to seek advice." Ning Ruoxi explained, "According to the regulations of the Holy Fist Palace, if you can walk on the ascetic path from the foot of the Holy Fist Mountain without any supplies, directly to the Holy Fist Palace, you are eligible to join the palace after a free test."

"Isn't this very simple? It only takes more than two hours on the mountain road. Even ordinary people and stronger people can hike up the mountain." Raphael said puzzled.

"If only it were that simple. Go this way." Ning Ruoxi took Raphael and turned to the left, leaving the ascetic path and walking on another straight road with more people. You can still see many people coming down from the mountain on the road, and the flow of people is much greater than before. Many of these people appear to be full of blood and energy, with various decorations and equipment on their bodies, and some even have a faint smell of blood on them.

After seeing the costumes of Ning Ruoxi and others, most of the people who were going down the mountain took the initiative to move out of the way, saluted slightly and waited for a few people to pass by before continuing on the road, showing their respectful attitude.

"This is the real entrance to the mountain, and the ascetic path continues upward from the road we just took." Ning Ruoxi returned the greetings one by one and waited until there were fewer people before speaking.

"What's the difference?" Raphael asked slightly curiously.

"Of course there is a difference, and it is very big." Ning Ruoxi said with a smile, "There are guards at regular intervals on the ascetic path. They are all old disciples who are doing voluntary ascetic practice in the Holy Fist Palace. They will treat the ascetic ascetics. They give a test at intervals. Some of these tests are even extremely dangerous and life-threatening. For example, one of the tests is to walk 200 meters on a cliff that is only as wide as a palm. If you are not careful, you will be killed. Will fall into the abyss. This is a test of courage and carefulness, as well as other tests of willpower, etc." Ning Ruoxi also had a look of awe on her face.

The other guide next to her couldn't help but interject.

"Those who can pass the test and reach the Holy Fist Palace must be outstanding elites. They are usually directly promoted as official members and can freely choose to enter the three major departments, the Fighting Club, Nighthawk, and the Holy Fist Palace Headquarters. You can choose freely King-level boxing is the real primitive boxing."

"Is it very powerful?" Raphael asked curiously. As a sun witch, she has never cared much about the strength of ordinary people. Now seeing the proud look on that man's face when he spoke, he couldn't help but ask a question.


That person is a girl and also has a competitive temper.

"Only the two marshals and the four generals are qualified to practice the king-level boxing technique. Its power is beyond your imagination!"

Raphael smiled, a little disapproving. Although he heard that the Holy Fist Palace was very powerful, it was all due to the power of the Fist Saint. Could it be possible to cultivate equally powerful subordinates in just a few years? She didn't believe it.

But soon her expression froze because she saw several familiar figures walking down the mountain.

They were the vampire witnesses she had met at a witch gathering. They were members of the Ming Party. One of them, an old vampire woman, was actually walking down the mountain with a calm expression. The other party obviously did not recognize her. At the beginning, she was just a lower level, the gap was too big, and there was no communication at all.

Seeing the old woman slowly walking down the mountain, Raphael's heart suddenly became filled with fear.

Soon, she saw vampires exuding the aura of the middle and lower class walking down the mountain, chatting happily with some ordinary humans who looked completely inconspicuous to her, and they actually looked like equals.

This made her mouth slightly open and unable to close.

Ning Ruoxi and others saw this with a hint of pride and pride in their hearts.

The group quickened their pace and quickly went up the mountain. Soon they arrived at the location of the suspension vehicle. After showing their certificates, they all got on the suspension vehicle and quickly moved up the mountain along the strong steel cable.

When the steel cable penetrated the sea of ​​clouds, the surrounding area was completely white and could not be seen to the edge.

A strange color flashed in Raphael's eyes.

"so beautiful"

"Of course." Ning Ruoxi smiled.

Time passed little by little, and soon the car approached the Holy Fist Palace. The tall and mammoth white building gradually got bigger and bigger, getting closer and closer. A huge cylindrical channel on the side was constantly spewing out water like water. Billowing white gas.

"What is that? It's emitted." Raphael asked, pointing to the white air.

"A special kind of gas is the air flow extracted from the inner cavity of the mountain. Because the temperature is too low, the temperature difference of the water vapor inside is too large, resulting in such a spurt of white gas. It is actually an ordinary ventilation equipment." Ning Ruo Xi took the trouble to explain.

The car approached slowly along the steel cable, and there were several cars in front of it sliding down the mountain along the steel cable.

Among them was a man wearing a heavy cloak, who got on the suspended car with a few subordinates, and looked a little ugly.

Raphael looked at one of them and felt his heart skip a beat. One of them naturally exuded a violent aura. Looking back with a cold look, his eyes seemed to light up with white light for a moment, which was extremely dazzling.

Raphael was horrified and immediately lowered his head. He had a new understanding of the strength of the Holy Fist Palace.

After getting off the car, a dedicated person led you into the palace, passing through area after area and entering the cavity inside the mountain.

But half an hour later, Raphael was finally led into an area with small warm water fountains everywhere.

A familiar figure was standing there waiting for her in a bright stone hall.

Ning Ruoxi led her to the entrance of the stone hall, then stopped and left silently. After entering the stone hall, the stone door behind Raphael slowly closed, and suddenly she and Garen were the only two people left in the stone hall.

The white stone hall is flanked by huge floor-to-ceiling glass. You can see the endless sea of ​​white clouds outside, as if you are above the clouds.

"Long time no see, Raphael." The figure turned around and looked at her calmly. Even though this man had a mask on his face, the sound of his voice still made Raphael instantly recognize him as the former Garen.

"Yeah, it's been a long time. How long ago was the last time we met?" Raphael walked to a seat next to Garen and sat down.

It seems that the other party is still the same as before, looking like an ordinary person like before, but she understands that the other party is far from the simple person he was before, or in other words, he has never been simple from the beginning.

"About a year and two months." Garen replied calmly. "Now that you're here, take a good rest here. If you want anything, someone will come down the mountain to buy it for you. Or you can live in a small town at the foot of the mountain."

"Where do Uncle Emma and Sister Vivien live?" Raphael's eyes moved slightly.

"They're all in the small town at the foot of the mountain." Garen didn't hide anything.

"Then I will go with them." Raphael lowered his head and bit his lip. "To be honest, I no longer have any position to say this. Didn't our relationship end silently long ago?"

"Who knows?" Garen laughed and gently lifted her chin. "Please spend time with my family. It's not convenient for me to spend time with them often, so only you can help me."

"Don't do this." A trace of anger flashed in Raphael's eyes and she swatted his hand away. "I don't like this kind of action. It makes me feel very disrespected."

"Okay." Garen was stunned, and then he remembered that Raphael was still the leader of the witches after all. "Okay, you go and take a rest first. I still have things to deal with."

"Okay." Raphael turned around and quickly walked towards the door of the stone hall, her cheeks slightly red.

Suddenly she felt her waist tighten, and Garen held her waist from behind. Then a touch of warmth left the neck.

"Don't worry, I will take care of everything." Garen's voice came from behind.

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