Mysterious journey

Chapter 749 Evolution 2

Raphael's whole body froze, his cheeks turned red, and there was a flash of discomfort in his eyes, but it immediately turned into determination.

"I see."

She responded as loudly as a gnat, and immediately broke away from Kai Galen's arms and pushed out the door.

Close the stone door with your backhand.

Raphael was led towards his room by someone special.

Behind the girl who led the way, she lowered her face and felt a little heavy in her heart.

"For the mission of the Witch King's mother, Mother of Lions, please bless me to complete the mission smoothly." All kinds of complicated thoughts were constantly surging in her mind.

Following her own control, her consciousness fell into a semi-confused state, and she could only follow the girl instinctively.

In this state, a voice suddenly sounded in her mind.

"Henji, you did a good job without making Garen suspicious."

"Mother of the Witch King!?" Raphael was suddenly surprised and shouted loudly in his heart.

"Don't worry. Although that person is very powerful, he is not an invincible Dead Apostle after all. As long as he is not a Dead Apostle, there will definitely be flaws. You need to wait for the opportunity and be patient...patience" the voice said slowly disappear.

Raphael knew that this was the departure of the Lion Mother, and she suddenly sobered up feeling a little disappointed. She is one of the forty-five daughters of the Lion Mother, the Witch King, and she is the most critical member to be selected as a member of this plan.

When Hong Ji thought of her mission, she became more determined.

Thinking that she might have to attack a few innocent ordinary people, she felt a hint of unbearability in her heart, but she was immediately suppressed.

"The Holy Fist Palace is the source of all turmoil, and Fist Saint Gallon is the root of the Holy Fist Palace. In order to restore the world order to orthodoxy, everything I do is for order."

When she thought of this, the divine brilliance reappeared in her eyes.

"Now, let's observe the internal situation of the Holy Fist Palace first, and find out specifically the branches of the armed forces. Then we can go to the foot of the mountain." She quickly had a plan in her mind.


In the stone hall

Garen stood calmly beside a water-spraying stone pillar in the center. A black-clothed vampire subordinate was standing next to him and reporting the situation in a low voice.

"We have searched all relevant areas and all possible places. So far, we still haven't found any news about Marshal Dam." The vampire man covered his face and could not see his face, and reported in a low voice.

"The Intelligence Department is sure that he disappeared three days ago? Where is the Sith?" Garen frowned slightly.

"Master Sith did not come back in advance because he had to arrange follow-up cleanup work. He only arranged for secret personnel to escort Marshal Dam. However, he was attacked midway and all the personnel disappeared. Looking at the traces left on the site, it looked like a vampire attack. But we tried every means but still couldn't find out the whereabouts of the marshal. I'm extremely sorry!" The vampire man lowered his head.

"Dam." Garen thought lightly, "He should have a mask on his hand. The possibility of the vampire taking action is indeed very high."

"Indeed, and the key point is that our power network can only cover the United States, and other areas are still dominated by the influence of the blood clan. This also prevents us from searching on a large scale."

"You go down first." Garen nodded.

The vampire man respectfully exited the stone hall, leaving only Garen alone.

"The vampire's actions are very arrogant," Hesas's voice sounded.

"Not a vampire." Garen said calmly.

'oh? how do you know? Who else would dare to sneak attack a master of Damu's level if he wasn't a vampire? ’ Hesas also didn’t understand how Gallon came to this conclusion.

"Of course I have my own methods. But what is certain is that it is not a vampire." Garen walked to the floor-to-ceiling glass and looked at the vast sea of ​​white clouds. His eyes seemed to penetrate into infinity and look towards an unknown direction.


A hidden valley somewhere in America




It was as heavy as the panting of a beast, like the violent breathing of some ferocious beast that was extremely tired.

Dam sat back in a green ravine in the valley, covering himself as much as possible with large broken branches and leaves, and then slowly stretched his limbs.

His eyes were bloodshot, and he looked extremely haggard, as if he hadn't rested for a long time.

In the surrounding green woods, the slightest movement from time to time could make him turn his head and look over, and his nerves became extremely nervous.

He really didn't get a chance to rest.

After getting the mask, he was attacked on the way back, and all the people he was escorting were killed. Only he tried his best to fight with them, and then escaped quickly. The other party also began to chase him quickly. As he chased and escaped, he could feel that the other party seemed to have the speed to catch up with him. But once he ran to a crowded place, the other party suddenly caught up with him and engaged in a fierce fight. He could only move forward. Escape to more and more remote places.

This is forcing him into no man's land!

Dam's feet were stuck in the grass and mud in the ditch, his body was covered with grass clippings and bugs, and there were too many scratches on his clothes. His whole body was extremely haggard, and he could not see his original demeanor as a marshal at all.

He was hunted for three consecutive days and three nights without being able to even get a good night's sleep. The high level of stress had long since made his nerves as frightened as a frightened bird. His body became even weaker. He had already activated the first star, and used the Water Bird Fist that he could not control. In the end, the secret evil phoenix soared. The body was severely overdrawn, and now that it has been without rest and recovery for such a long time, the body is even more severely overdrawn.

"Am I going to die here?!" There was a trace of unwillingness in Dam's eyes.

At this moment, clear footsteps were faintly heard in the woods. The sound was very slow at first, and then paused, as if it felt that he was here, and suddenly moved faster and quickly approached here.

"We can't run away anymore!" A trace of cruelty flashed in Dam's eyes, "If you run away any longer, you may not even have a chance to resist!"

He relaxed his whole body as much as possible, allowing his body that had not rested for a long time to accumulate as much strength as possible, and quietly waited for the opponent's pursuer to quickly approach.

500 meters. 400 meters. 300 meters. 100 meters.


The branches and leaves were lifted up, and a familiar figure appeared in front of Dam.

"Hossiman!!" Dam shouted suddenly. "Sure enough. It's you!!!" He gritted his teeth, and his body that had just relaxed suddenly became tense. There was a hint of deep hatred in his eyes.

Hossiman had a calm expression on his face. He was wearing a recently changed black suit and shiny black leather shoes. He looked like an ordinary successful person planning to attend a banquet. But in this valley and woods, this outfit looks extremely weird.

He looked at the embarrassed Dam indifferently.

"It's really pitiful. You're like this, Dam, you really embarrass the teacher."

"I knew it was you...!!!" Dam was trembling with hatred. Every time he wanted to rest along the way, he would be overtaken by the other party. Every time he wanted to stop, the other party would immediately approach and refuse to let him go. He rests. He had never known who could grasp his whereabouts so accurately, but now it seemed that only Hosiman could use the connection between the two souls to locate each other.

Tadam is too weak now to do this, but Hosiman has a way.

The two of them practiced Water Bird Fist with one yin and one yang, Yin pole Water Bird Fist and Yang pole Water Bird Fist. The combination is the real bi-phase Water Bird Quan. Different from other disciples, the practice of the two is the most extreme among Water Bird Quan and also the most powerful one. The largest practice route.

Jia Long once reminded both of them individually that although their power boxing techniques were powerful, they naturally had their own gains and losses. When they were powerful, they also had to pay a price that ordinary people could not imagine. That is, there must be only one difference between the Yinji Boxing and the Yangji Boxing. Only one person can survive, and only the person who survives can continue to integrate the boxing skills and advance to the peak of Dacheng.

As for the peak power, even Garen himself doesn't know. Because this route is only a theoretically feasible path deduced by himself, even he, an improver of Water Bird Boxing, doesn't know what power it actually achieves.

"It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, don't you think so, Dam?" Hossiman adjusted his glasses and slowly walked towards Dam. "The Great Perfection Water Bird Fist, this is the ultimate pursuit and goal of you and me."

"You won't succeed." Dam said harshly.

"Who knows?" Hoseman spread his hands and smiled. "Actually, I have always been very grateful to the teacher, who gave us this opportunity to go further. He is right, the greater the achievement, the greater the dedication. So look at Quentin Sedon They are only at the middle level now and cannot even reach the upper level. They can only struggle against a high-level vampire. Why?"

He paused, and his smile became deeper.

"That's because the price they paid for martial arts is not high enough!"

Dam could only grit his teeth.

Hossiman looked at him lightly.

"Our Holy Fist Palace, Shuiniao Quando, is said to be the holy way of boxing. In fact, others don't know it, but we ourselves don't know it. The so-called holy way is the devil's way. Aren't all the things we practice magic? Otherwise, there will be Entering the country so quickly?”

"What magic skills emphasize is the survival of the fittest, the weak and the strong. Dam." His eyes suddenly became sharp. "I am stronger than you, so you are destined to be my stepping stone. This is fate."

"Kill me and you won't feel better! And you don't want the mask anymore?!" Dam knew that he would not be spared, and the last glimmer of hope ignited in his eyes.

"Kill you to achieve the holy path. As for the mask, it will naturally be snatched away or destroyed by the vampires." Hosiman smiled slightly, there was a muffled sound under his feet, and he rushed towards Dam like a rocket. His arms It suddenly swelled, getting thicker and darker, as if the entire arm was wrapped with countless veins.

The fierce airflow was also fully driven by this punch, as if all the air was attracted by the fist.

The forest was even slightly blackened by the rapid surge of air.

"Go with peace of mind! I will take good care of your family!"

Boom! ! !

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