Mysterious journey

Chapter 750 Bureau 1

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Lightning streaked across the sky.

A hall in the Holy Fist Palace was illuminated brightly for a moment.

Garen stood in the dark hall. Unknowingly, he had been standing here all afternoon.

For some reason, he has always felt very irritable recently. This time, he spent an entire afternoon and still could not find the source of this irritability. Moreover, perhaps because of practicing the Holy Phoenix Scripture, he always felt that his emotional fluctuations were getting smaller and smaller, and his emotions seemed to be getting colder and colder. I used to be able to touch many things, but now I feel increasingly cold.


Lightning flashed across, illuminating the hall in blue and white for an instant.

Garen was alone in the hall, and his figure was dragged out for a moment by the light of lightning.

"This world." He looked out the window at the endless sea of ​​clouds. "It's repelling me."

'You feel it? ’ Hesas’s weak voice came out vaguely. ‘You came across from the mother river by accident. Your original purpose was not to come here. It was just a mistake to come to this world. ’

"This world has no consciousness, how could such a phenomenon occur?" Garen was puzzled.

‘Yes. Most of the worlds have no consciousness, and the shapes of each world are also different, just like there are thousands of plants with different types. ’ Hesas whispered, ‘But you have practiced the Holy Phoenix Scripture. This Scripture is ruthless and inexorable. Its purpose is to push the spirit to the highest state, which requires a large amount of external resources and energy. This is actually equivalent to plundering the world. Any behavior that absorbs external energy to strengthen itself will naturally trigger a chain reaction. Because this is the change that breaks the balance cycle. ’

Garen was silent for a while, then nodded slightly.

"I understand what you mean. Just like a certain type of beast in the mountain forest suddenly becomes more powerful and needs more and more food. A mountain forest cannot meet its needs, but will inevitably expand its scope and destroy other surrounding areas. Natural cycle balance.”

'To be more precise, it means over-absorbing energy and then under-exporting it, just like cancer cells in the human body, which are deformed and distorted. If too much energy originally belongs to other functions is plundered, it will cause the natural cycle to break or even collapse. Eventually there will be some kind of huge environmental change. And such changes have now been noticed by some creatures in this world, and they are taking action. ’ Hesas explained. ‘This is also the true meaning of the Holy Phoenix Scripture which is too extreme. ’

"It seems that this is the source of my irritability." Garen nodded. "My instinctive five senses are getting sharper and sharper, and I am more and more able to sense threats to myself in the future."

‘As your strength becomes more and more powerful, your influence on the surrounding nature will become greater and greater. This is inevitable, and such amplified influence will become clues that can be observed and grasped by others. Originally you didn't have to do this, but the Holy Phoenix Manual was too overbearing and its plundering methods were extreme, which also led to intensified changes in the environment. ’ Hesas replied calmly.

Garen stopped talking and just looked quietly at the vast sea of ​​white clouds below the window.

Click! !

A flash of lightning flashed.

The heavy rain fell in torrents, and the wind blew up pieces like traces of gauze curtains.

Dam was covered in blood, leaning against the cold green mountain wall behind him, staring at Hossiman not far across the way.

The two stood in the heavy rain without any intention of hiding from the rain.

The surrounding ground is full of traces of pits and pits, and the soil in many traces is still fresh red and yellow. It was obviously just smashed out, and it was being quickly filled with rain at this time.

The raindrops caused the surrounding leaves, branches and grass to sway downwards, and the wind whistled, sounding like a human cry or the ghostly cry of some animal.

"give up."

Hosiman's suit was completely wet, but he remained expressionless and calmly looked at Dam not far away. The rain kept sliding down his cheeks, wetting his hair and clinging to his forehead.

They had been fighting continuously in the valley for a long time. In order to prepare for Dam's final counterattack, Hossiman, perhaps in order to win without injury, never pressed too hard, but chased Dam step by step, stepping forward from time to time. Fight for a few times and keep him in a state of tension to tire him out.

This effect is indeed very good. Now Damu is completely exhausted and does not even want to move. In order to save energy, he just leans against the mountain wall. He has not eaten at all in the past few days and has already become more and more exhausted.

"You have no chance." Hossiman said lightly.

"I was attacked by you after completing my mission. The teacher will not leave me alone." Dam said harshly, "I attacked my fellow disciples regardless of the overall situation, and the whereabouts of your cousin are also in my hands."

"You are so naive" Hosiman suddenly laughed. "You actually think I really like that cousin?" He raised his head and glanced at the sky, "It's almost time."

He slowly took off his glasses, revealing his cold and sharp narrow eyes.

After taking off his glasses, he combed his hair back, and it suddenly turned into a neat slicked back hair. His whole person exuded an indescribable aura.

"No one can live without weaknesses, Damn." A hint of evil smile appeared on Hossiman's fair and handsome face.

"Let's finish it."

He stretched out his hands, with their fingers facing each other, and the palms in the middle formed a heart shape.

boom! !

In the heavy rain, his figure burst open the rain curtain. In the field of vision that only warriors could see, a large mass of black energy suddenly exploded around him, turning into a terrifying dragon-headed black shadow, roaring and rushing towards Dam. .

"Clouded Leopard!!"

Hossiman let out a low roar, and his whole body pounced forward in the rain. It stretched out like a real cheetah and pounced forward. The raindrops in the air were torn and splashed. Because of the speed, it actually stretched out a long path in the heavy rain. of cavity.

The strength of the upper level exploded out in full force, gathering in the palms of Hosiman's hands.

Bang! ! !

His hands dug deeply into the mountain wall, causing the entire mountain wall to shatter and collapse in.

Dam just managed to avoid the blow, but he was still hit by the aftermath. The raindrops that flew away with such force hit him like bullets, actually leaving several wounds.

"Blood Night!!"

He roared and threw out his remaining two silk strings, but they were completely exposed in the rain and had no concealing effect at all, so they were easily dodged by Hossiman.

"Even God wants to kill me?!" Damu staggered towards the rain curtain on the left, feeling increasingly sad in his heart. The electrical appliances such as mobile phones on his body had been destroyed immediately. He wanted to ask for help, but was deliberately driven here by Hoseman.

"Am I really going to die here?" Dam heard the sound of Hossiman chasing through the air from behind. "Teacher", the last thing that came to his mind was the scene when Garen first taught them Water Bird Boxing. The memories of that scene were the starting point for him to enter the martial arts hall.

"polar bear!"

A low roar sounded from behind.

Bang! ! !

Dam felt a pain in his chest. In fact, he had already felt the sound of breaking through the air behind him, but his body could no longer keep up with his consciousness. He tried to avoid it, but he was still hit on the vest.


He lowered his head and spat out a mouthful of blood, then fell to his knees in the dark night rain.

Bang! !

There was another burst of severe pain, and the area on the back directly opposite the heart was hit hard by a palm again. The huge and powerful force penetrated the muscles and bones, accurately hit the heart, and then exploded.

This is the secret power of the water bird that Hosiman is proud of. It can be penetrated into the opponent's body and detonated at any time. Unlike Dam's own detonating blood, Hosiman's detonation is to gather strength, and then concentrate the explosion to kill in one blow.

"Goodbye Dam."

Hosiman's voice came from behind.

Dam's vision blurred, and then gradually darkened, and everything began to darken, from blurry to slowly dark, to nothing at all. He felt the strength in his body draining away rapidly, and there was an empty feeling in his heart.

"I'm dying?"

He was completely plunged into darkness, and the sound of rain outside began to become weaker and smaller, until he could hear nothing, and the smell of water vapor could no longer be smelled in his nose.

laugh! !

A feeling like a balloon deflating came out of his body, and Dam felt that something that seemed very important to him was being quickly pulled away and leaked.

Gradually, his consciousness fell into complete darkness.

Rumbles of thunder sounded from the sky.

Hossiman stood quietly next to Dam's body, looking at his former best friend. The blood-red aura was flowing out of his body and merged into his black aura.

The blood-red aura was like a bloody stream, flowing out continuously from the wound on Dam's back, then crossing the ground and merging into the black shadow at his feet.

An increasingly swollen and powerful feeling filled the body and deep inside.

Hossiman stretched out his right hand, and the terrifying skin and muscles on his palm, which were originally slightly black, were now faintly wrapped with traces of red blood lines. This blood line runs along the skin on the surface of the body, like a big red net, covering the entire body surface.

"Power. This kind of power hehehehe"

An endless sense of fullness and power filled Hosiman's heart.

He could feel that the trace of soul attraction deep in his spirit was constantly being nourished by this power. Then some strange changes gradually occurred.

That hint of aura is getting stronger and stronger, more and more swollen.

Boom! !

There was a bang, I don't know if it was thunder or an explosion in my heart.

Hosiman's body trembled suddenly, and he vaguely seemed to see a figure covered in black gauze suddenly walking out of the rain curtain.

"Who are you?" The other party's figure was looming in the rain curtain, as if it was almost transparent. It gives people an illusory and weird feeling.

"It doesn't matter who I am." The person came in a low voice. His voice was neither male nor female and could not be distinguished by gender. "The important thing is that you are at a very critical stage now."

"Oh?" Hossiman became more alert.

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