Mysterious journey

Chapter 751 Bureau 2

"Your soul has undergone a mutation, and this mutation has some strange changes. Let me help you."

Before he finished speaking, the other party suddenly disappeared. At the moment when it disappeared, Hossiman suddenly felt a pain in his head.

ah! ! !

He threw his head back and roared.

The severe pain surged out in an instant, catching him off guard, as if a giant hammer hit his head hard. For a moment, all five senses were filled with intense pain.

A tearing sound.

In a daze, Hosiman seemed to hear the sound of something being torn apart. Then a strange sense of freedom came over him.

"You are free." A voice echoed in the rain.

Hossiman lowered his head in confusion, only to see that his body had returned to normal, and everything just now seemed to be just an illusion.

And the strange feeling that had been controlled by Garen in the deepest part of his heart had completely disappeared at this time.

"Am I free?" he asked himself in a low voice.

He felt as if he had snatched something away from the teacher. This feeling is inexplicably weird and wonderful. He felt an unprecedented sense of power at this moment, and endless power was continuously circulating inside his body, as if one punch could crack the earth and crush anything in front of him.

He knelt down, quickly found the intact mask from Dam's body, and put it tightly into his arms.

"We can't go back," he murmured in a low voice, took one last look at Dam's body, and disappeared directly into the heavy rain.


Holy Fist Palace

Garen suddenly felt a tearing pain coming from his mind.


He suddenly covered his head and stood in the middle of the dark hall, almost uncontrollably breaking out in cold sweat.

"This is.!?"

The pain was strange, yet eerily sudden.

Suddenly he raised his head and looked somewhere outside the palace in a certain direction.

"It's the soul guide. Someone broke away from my control! Tear and robbed a part of my soul guide!! Who is it?!" He was shocked.

He closed his eyes and quickly and carefully sensed the soul-attracting aura flowing out of him.

The dense auras were like stars, scattered in his dark spiritual space. At this moment, one of the two largest soul attracting stars was dimming rapidly, and the other was getting brighter and even changing rapidly. Be transparent! Conveying an inevitable sense of detachment.

"It's Dam and Hosiman!" Galen felt cold. "Dam is dead. Hosiman absorbed the spirit of the Water Bird Fist from the other side. But how could he escape the control of my soul guide, and how could he tear apart my soul breath!!??"

‘As I expected, you are in trouble, Garen. ’ Hesas whispered.

Garen remained silent. However, the waves of headaches stimulated the veins on his face to become more and more obvious, giving people a ferocious look.

According to the principle, even if Hosiman absorbs and kills Dam, it is impossible to escape from his control, but now it seems that he has really completely plundered part of his soul attractor breath and made it his own. , and even successfully escaped from his own mental control.

There must be some outside force helping him!

"Who is it! Who is helping him!? Who can help him!??" Garen asked in a low voice.

Losing this trace of soul breath is not a small trouble for him. The soul itself has the characteristics of perfection. Once a part is torn apart, fatal flaws in the soul will appear. If he doesn't make amends quickly, once an opponent of the same level launches a targeted soul attack on him, Garen's current state is likely to be completely defeated in a short period of time.

‘You must repair the wounds in your soul as soon as possible! Otherwise, wait for Nadia to appear, she can kill you with just one look! ! ’ Hesas said solemnly. ‘There is no room for any shortcomings and obvious flaws among masters, one step away, one step away! This will be fatal! ’

"How could this world have methods targeting souls?!" Garen felt his headache gradually lessen. His face looked a little ugly.

‘The world is so big, it’s normal for some different mysteries to appear. The most important thing now is that you must find Hossiman as soon as possible and take back the breath of your torn soul! For ordinary people, this may be just a very subtle wisp of soul breath, and it will not be a big problem even if it is lost. But for masters, especially top masters, as long as there is a little flaw in the imperfection, this flaw will be a big problem. will be infinitely amplified. ’ Hesas reminded in a low voice.

"I was careless." Garen's face turned pale. This was the first time he had suffered such a big loss. In this world, he has been going smoothly and has no opponents at all. Even the Dead Apostles are not in his eyes. At most, they are just a few cockroaches that cannot be killed. All his energy was focused on Nadia, thinking that only Nadia was his real opponent, but now someone gave him a heavy blow!

'The soul is extremely important to any life. Even a trace of the soul aura you separate will have an impact on the legion that will make your subordinates become stronger with you, not to mention there are many mysterious effects and influences that we have not discovered. . This is a part that cannot be ignored. ’

Garen was silent. He thought about the many strands of soul that he had continuously separated over the past few years. If all of them were forcibly torn apart, his soul would probably be forced into a state of permanent weakness.

When he thought of this, he suddenly turned around and walked towards the door.

He must take back all the scattered soul guides as soon as possible. Even if this will cause great damage to the strength of his subordinates, he can't care so much at this time!

Damm died in battle and Hossiman defected! The consequences of this incident are serious!

‘You want to recycle all the leads? No need. Hesas said, "This kind of legion-level introduction cannot be torn at any time. It requires a very special opportunity. Only Dam and Hosiman under your command can have such a change of timing. Others impossible. And tearing it apart once is also very costly to the opponent! This is an action at the soul level and cannot be accomplished easily. Moreover, the influence of soul aura on the body cannot overlap. The effect of losing one trace is the same as losing a hundred. This kind of loss is insignificant to the total amount of the soul, but it is the most troublesome if it creates gaps and flaws in the perfection of the state and realm. ’

'However, although it is not affected, or the possibility of being affected is very low, I still recommend that you take everyone in the palace out for a check-up. If you find any abnormality, you must keep an eye on it carefully! ’ Hesas suggested.

"The most important thing now is to capture Hossiman." Gallon pushed open the door, quickly walked out of the stone hall, and quickly walked towards the student performance hall under the respectful lowered gaze of the guarding disciple outside the door.

Dam's death, Hosiman's defection, and the Holy Fist Palace suddenly lost two high-level ones. This had a great impact on the entire Holy Fist Palace. He had to make arrangements immediately and solve the problem of soul tearing.

Only by killing Hossiman can he completely recover his lost soul and make up for the shortcomings of his soul.


Raphael stood quietly at the door of the secret room in the palace. There was no one around, and the only patrolman had just passed by. At this time, there was a gap for patrolling. There are a total of fifteen such secret rooms in the Holy Fist Palace, and she has already explored more than ten of them. Her purpose is to find the Sleepless Face masks collected by the Holy Fist Palace. There are no less than six masks collected in the entire Holy Fist Palace. They must be Hidden somewhere hidden. As long as she finds it, she can quickly create a mask with the witchcraft prepared by the Witch King's mother and steal the truth away.

Gently pushing open the stone door of the secret room, Raphael quietly walked in and quickly glanced around. Apart from the necessary lighting, candlesticks, tables and chairs, there were no other furnishings.

She quickly took out a small white accessory as a decoration on her skirt and shook it gently. Suddenly, a faint white light emitted from the accessory, which swept away in the secret room.

"It's like this again." Raphael's eyes dimmed slightly, and he was a little disappointed and prepared to evacuate.

Suddenly, the white accessories suddenly lit up with white light again, shining straight on the wall facing the secret room door.

"Is this!!?" Raphael narrowed his eyes, knowing that the exploratory witchcraft tool given by the Witch King's mother would not react without reason.

She walked over quickly, and the white light from the accessory in her hand actually illuminated the wall there, making it as translucent as glass. You can see what's going on inside the wall through the outside.

I saw a medium-sized cylindrical cavity inside the wall. There seemed to be a book inside, a thick book with a black shell.

Somehow, this book gave Raphael an inexplicable sense of mystery and weirdness. It was as if what she saw was not just a book, but a living creature.

"This thing... must be an important treasure of Galleon!" Raphael gritted his teeth, turned his hands over and took out a thin red cardboard from the side pocket of his skirt, with many strange symbols densely written on it that seemed to be written in blood.

There are three pieces of this kind of cardboard. It is a special magic weapon with the ability to teleport in a short time. It is a one-time precious magic weapon that was made at a great cost. Now this thing has no manufacturing raw materials, and only five pieces are left. All of them are in the hands of the Lion Mother, and now in order to deal with Garen, the Witch King's mother, the Lion Mother, is willing to take out three of them at once so that Raphael can transfer the treasure from the Holy Fist Palace.

"It's possible to hide in such a secret place." She stretched out her hand to press on the wall and began to carefully check the switches here. Just take something out and put it on the cardboard, then lightly activate it, and it will be delivered instantly.

After groping for a while, she quickly found a place on the wall that was slightly smoother and cleaner than other places. She reached out and gently dug there, and suddenly a small ring was pulled out of the wall.

Pull hard.

There was a slight buzzing sound, and a large rectangular stone suddenly protruded from the wall, with a cylindrical metal pillar embedded in the center of the stone. There are lifting rings on the pillars.

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